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package it.cavallium.warppi.math.rules.dsl.frontend;
import it.cavallium.warppi.math.MathematicalSymbols;
import it.cavallium.warppi.math.rules.RuleType;
import it.cavallium.warppi.math.rules.dsl.DslError;
import it.cavallium.warppi.math.rules.dsl.Pattern;
import it.cavallium.warppi.math.rules.dsl.PatternRule;
import it.cavallium.warppi.math.rules.dsl.patterns.*;
import it.cavallium.warppi.util.MapFactory;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import static it.cavallium.warppi.math.rules.dsl.frontend.TokenType.*;
* Converts a list of {@link Token}s to a list of {@link PatternRule}s.
public class Parser {
private static final Map<TokenType, RuleType> RULE_TYPES = MapFactory.fromEntries(
MapFactory.entry(REDUCTION, RuleType.REDUCTION),
MapFactory.entry(EXPANSION, RuleType.EXPANSION),
MapFactory.entry(CALCULATION, RuleType.CALCULATION),
MapFactory.entry(EXISTENCE, RuleType.EXISTENCE)
private final List<Token> tokens;
private final Consumer<? super DslError> errorReporter;
private boolean used = false;
private int currentIndex = 0;
// For error reporting
// An IdentityHashMap is used to distinguish SubFunctionPatterns even if they're identical (equal)
private final IdentityHashMap<SubFunctionPattern, Token> subFunctionIdentifiers = new IdentityHashMap<>();
* Constructs a <code>Parser</code> that will produce a list of {@link PatternRule}s from the the given list of {@link Token}s.
* @param tokens the list of <code>Token</code>s to process.
* @param errorReporter a <code>Consumer</code> used to report each <code>DslError</code> that the
* <code>Parser</code> finds within the source string.
public Parser(final List<Token> tokens, final Consumer<? super DslError> errorReporter) {
this.tokens = tokens;
this.errorReporter = errorReporter;
* Runs the <code>Parser</code>.
* <p>
* This method can only be called once per instance.
* @return the list of all valid <code>PatternRule</code>s constructed from the given tokens.
* If any errors are reported, this list should not be considered to represent a valid set of DSL rules,
* but each rule can still be analyzed to look for undefined sub-functions in replacement patterns and
* report them (which may allow the user to fix more errors before having to rerun the <code>Lexer</code>
* and <code>Parser</code>).
* @throws IllegalStateException if called multiple times on the same instance.
public List<PatternRule> parse() {
if (used) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Parser.parse can only be called once per instance");
used = true;
return rules();
* Retrieves the <code>IDENTIFIER</code> token which corresponds to the given <code>SubFunctionPattern</code>.
* <p>
* The information returned by this method can be used to point out the location of sub-function related errors
* within the DSL source code.
* @param subFunction a <code>SubFunctionsPattern</code> from one of the rules returned by this <code>Parser</code>
* instance. While <code>SubFunctionPattern</code>s with the same name are considered equal,
* this method can distinguish between them, in order to return the exact identifier which led
* to the creation of the specified <code>SubFunctionPattern</code> object.
* @return the <code>Token</code> (of type <code>IDENTIFIER</code>) which corresponds to the given
* <code>SubFunctionPattern</code>.
public Token getSubFunctionIdentifier(final SubFunctionPattern subFunction) {
return subFunctionIdentifiers.get(subFunction);
// rules = { rule } , EOF ;
private List<PatternRule> rules() {
final List<PatternRule> rules = new ArrayList<>();
while (!atEnd()) {
try {
} catch (final SyntaxException e) {
synchronizeTo(RULE_TYPES.keySet()); // Skip to the next rule to minimize "false" errors
return rules;
// rule = rule header , rule body ;
// rule header = rule type , IDENTIFIER , COLON ;
// rule body = pattern , ARROW , replacements ;
private PatternRule rule() throws SyntaxException {
final RuleType type = ruleType();
final String name = matchOrFail(IDENTIFIER).lexeme;
final Pattern target = pattern();
final List<Pattern> replacements = replacements();
return new PatternRule(name, type, target, replacements);
private RuleType ruleType() throws SyntaxException {
final Token curToken = pop();
if (!RULE_TYPES.containsKey(curToken.type)) {
throw new SyntaxException(
new UnexpectedToken(curToken, RULE_TYPES.keySet())
return RULE_TYPES.get(curToken.type);
// pattern = equation ;
private Pattern pattern() throws SyntaxException {
return equation();
// replacements = pattern
// | LEFT_BRACKET , patterns , RIGHT_BRACKET ;
// patterns = [ pattern , { COMMA , pattern } , [ COMMA ] ] ;
private List<Pattern> replacements() throws SyntaxException {
if (match(LEFT_BRACKET) == null) {
return Collections.singletonList(pattern());
if (match(RIGHT_BRACKET) != null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
} else {
final List<Pattern> pats = new ArrayList<>();
do {
} while (match(COMMA) != null && peek().type != RIGHT_BRACKET);
return pats;
// equation = sum , [ EQUALS , sum ] ;
private Pattern equation() throws SyntaxException {
Pattern pat = sum();
if (match(EQUALS) != null) {
pat = new EquationPattern(pat, sum());
return pat;
// sum = product , { ( PLUS | MINUS | PLUS_MINUS ) product } ;
private Pattern sum() throws SyntaxException {
return matchLeftAssoc(this::product, MapFactory.fromEntries(
MapFactory.entry(PLUS, SumPattern::new),
MapFactory.entry(MINUS, SubtractionPattern::new),
MapFactory.entry(PLUS_MINUS, SumSubtractionPattern::new)
// product = unary , { ( TIMES | DIVIDE ) unary } ;
private Pattern product() throws SyntaxException {
return matchLeftAssoc(this::unary, MapFactory.fromEntries(
MapFactory.entry(TIMES, MultiplicationPattern::new),
MapFactory.entry(DIVIDE, DivisionPattern::new)
// unary = ( PLUS | MINUS ) unary
// | power ;
private Pattern unary() throws SyntaxException {
if (match(PLUS) != null) {
return unary();
} else if (match(MINUS) != null) {
return new NegativePattern(unary());
} else {
return power();
// power = ( function | primary ) , [ POWER , unary ] ;
private Pattern power() throws SyntaxException {
Pattern pat = functionOrPrimary();
if (match(POWER) != null) {
pat = new PowerPattern(pat, unary());
return pat;
private Pattern functionOrPrimary() throws SyntaxException {
final Pattern function = tryFunction();
return function != null ? function : primary();
// function = ( ARCCOS | ARCSIN | ARCTAN | COS | SIN | SQRT | TAN ) , LEFT_PAREN , sum , RIGHT_PAREN
// | ( LOG | ROOT ) LEFT_PAREN , sum , COMMA , sum , RIGHT_PAREN ;
private Pattern tryFunction() throws SyntaxException {
final Map<TokenType, Function<Pattern, Pattern>> oneArg = MapFactory.fromEntries(
MapFactory.entry(ARCCOS, ArcCosinePattern::new),
MapFactory.entry(ARCSIN, ArcSinePattern::new),
MapFactory.entry(ARCTAN, ArcTangentPattern::new),
MapFactory.entry(COS, CosinePattern::new),
MapFactory.entry(SIN, SinePattern::new),
MapFactory.entry(SQRT, arg -> new RootPattern(new NumberPattern(new BigDecimal(2)), arg)),
MapFactory.entry(TAN, TangentPattern::new)
final Map<TokenType, BiFunction<Pattern, Pattern, Pattern>> twoArg = MapFactory.fromEntries(
MapFactory.entry(LOG, LogarithmPattern::new),
MapFactory.entry(ROOT, RootPattern::new)
final TokenType curType = peek().type;
if (oneArg.containsKey(curType)) {
return oneArgFunction(oneArg.get(curType));
} else if (twoArg.containsKey(curType)) {
return twoArgFunction(twoArg.get(curType));
return null;
private Pattern oneArgFunction(final Function<Pattern, Pattern> constructor) throws SyntaxException {
final Pattern arg = pattern();
return constructor.apply(arg);
private Pattern twoArgFunction(final BiFunction<Pattern, Pattern, Pattern> constructor) throws SyntaxException {
final Pattern firstArg = pattern();
final Pattern secondArg = pattern();
return constructor.apply(firstArg, secondArg);
// primary = NUMBER | constant | IDENTIFIER | UNDEFINED
// constant = PI | E ;
private Pattern primary() throws SyntaxException {
final Token curToken = pop();
switch (curToken.type) {
case PI:
return new ConstantPattern(MathematicalSymbols.PI);
case E:
return new ConstantPattern(MathematicalSymbols.EULER_NUMBER);
return new UndefinedPattern();
case NUMBER:
return new NumberPattern(new BigDecimal(curToken.lexeme));
final SubFunctionPattern subFunction = new SubFunctionPattern(curToken.lexeme);
subFunctionIdentifiers.put(subFunction, curToken);
return subFunction;
final Pattern grouped = sum();
return grouped;
throw new SyntaxException(new UnexpectedToken(curToken));
private Pattern matchLeftAssoc(
final PatternParser operandParser,
final Map<TokenType, BiFunction<Pattern, Pattern, Pattern>> operators
) throws SyntaxException {
Pattern pat = operandParser.parse();
while (operators.containsKey(peek().type)) {
final Token operatorToken = pop();
final BiFunction<Pattern, Pattern, Pattern> constructor = operators.get(operatorToken.type);
pat = constructor.apply(pat, operandParser.parse());
return pat;
private Token matchOrFail(final TokenType expectedType) throws SyntaxException {
final Token matched = match(expectedType);
if (matched == null) {
throw new SyntaxException(
new UnexpectedToken(tokens.get(currentIndex), expectedType)
return matched;
private Token match(final TokenType expectedType) {
final Token curToken = tokens.get(currentIndex);
if (curToken.type != expectedType) {
return null;
return curToken;
private void synchronizeTo(final Set<TokenType> types) {
while (!atEnd() && !types.contains(tokens.get(currentIndex).type)) {
private Token pop() throws SyntaxException {
final Token curToken = tokens.get(currentIndex);
if (atEnd()) {
throw new SyntaxException(new UnexpectedToken(curToken)); // Avoid popping EOF
return curToken;
private Token peek() {
return tokens.get(currentIndex);
private boolean atEnd() {
return tokens.get(currentIndex).type == EOF;
private interface PatternParser {
Pattern parse() throws SyntaxException;