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package it.cavallium.rockserver.core.impl;
import static it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.Utils.toMemorySegment;
import static it.cavallium.rockserver.core.impl.ColumnInstance.BIG_ENDIAN_BYTES;
import static org.rocksdb.KeyMayExist.KeyMayExistEnum.kExistsWithValue;
import static org.rocksdb.KeyMayExist.KeyMayExistEnum.kExistsWithoutValue;
import it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RequestType;
import it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RequestType.RequestGet;
import it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RequestType.RequestPut;
import it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.ColumnSchema;
import it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.Delta;
import it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBSyncAPI;
import it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException.RocksDBErrorType;
import it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBRetryException;
import it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.UpdateContext;
import it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.Utils;
import it.cavallium.rockserver.core.config.ConfigParser;
import it.cavallium.rockserver.core.config.ConfigPrinter;
import it.cavallium.rockserver.core.config.DatabaseConfig;
import it.cavallium.rockserver.core.impl.rocksdb.REntry;
import it.cavallium.rockserver.core.impl.rocksdb.RocksDBLoader;
import it.cavallium.rockserver.core.impl.rocksdb.RocksDBObjects;
import it.cavallium.rockserver.core.impl.rocksdb.TransactionalDB;
import it.cavallium.rockserver.core.impl.rocksdb.TransactionalDB.TransactionalOptions;
import it.cavallium.rockserver.core.impl.rocksdb.Tx;
import java.lang.foreign.Arena;
import java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.cliffc.high_scale_lib.NonBlockingHashMapLong;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyDescriptor;
import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle;
import org.rocksdb.ReadOptions;
import org.rocksdb.RocksDB;
import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException;
import org.rocksdb.RocksIterator;
import org.rocksdb.Status.Code;
import org.rocksdb.WriteOptions;
public class EmbeddedDB implements RocksDBSyncAPI, Closeable {
private static final int INITIAL_DIRECT_READ_BYTE_BUF_SIZE_BYTES = 4096;
public static final long MAX_TRANSACTION_DURATION_MS = 10_000L;
private static final boolean USE_FAST_GET = true;
private final Logger logger;
private final @Nullable Path path;
private final TransactionalDB db;
private final NonBlockingHashMapLong<ColumnInstance> columns;
private final ConcurrentMap<String, Long> columnNamesIndex;
private final NonBlockingHashMapLong<Tx> txs;
private final NonBlockingHashMapLong<REntry<RocksIterator>> its;
private final SafeShutdown ops;
private final Object columnEditLock = new Object();
public EmbeddedDB(@Nullable Path path, String name, @Nullable Path embeddedConfigPath) {
this.path = path;
this.logger = Logger.getLogger("db." + name);
this.columns = new NonBlockingHashMapLong<>();
this.txs = new NonBlockingHashMapLong<>();
this.its = new NonBlockingHashMapLong<>();
this.columnNamesIndex = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
this.ops = new SafeShutdown();
DatabaseConfig config = ConfigParser.parse(embeddedConfigPath);
this.db = RocksDBLoader.load(path, config, logger);
if (Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("rockserver.core.print-config", "true"))) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Database configuration: {0}", ConfigPrinter.stringify(config));
* The column must be registered once!!!
* Do not try to register a column that may already be registered
private long registerColumn(@NotNull ColumnInstance column) {
try {
var columnName = new String(column.cfh().getName(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
long id = FastRandomUtils.allocateNewValue(this.columns, column, 1, Long.MAX_VALUE);
Long previous = this.columnNamesIndex.putIfAbsent(columnName, id);
if (previous != null) {
//noinspection resource
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Column already registered!");
return id;
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* The column must be unregistered once!!!
* Do not try to unregister a column that may already be unregistered, or that may not be registered
private ColumnInstance unregisterColumn(long id) {
var col = this.columns.remove(id);
Objects.requireNonNull(col, () -> "Column does not exist: " + id);
String name;
try {
name = new String(col.cfh().getName(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Unregister the column name from the index avoiding race conditions
int retries = 0;
while (this.columnNamesIndex.remove(name) == null && retries++ < 5_000) {
if (retries >= 5000) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't find column in column names index: " + name);
return col;
public void close() throws IOException {
// Wait for 10 seconds
try {
if (path == null) {
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Some operations lasted more than 10 seconds, forcing database shutdown...");
public long openTransaction(long timeoutMs) {
return allocateTransactionInternal(openTransactionInternal(timeoutMs, false));
private long allocateTransactionInternal(Tx tx) {
return FastRandomUtils.allocateNewValue(txs, tx, Long.MIN_VALUE, -2);
private Tx openTransactionInternal(long timeoutMs, boolean isFromGetForUpdate) {
// Open the transaction operation, do not close until the transaction has been closed
try {
TransactionalOptions txOpts = db.createTransactionalOptions(timeoutMs);
var writeOpts = new WriteOptions();
return new Tx(db.beginTransaction(writeOpts, txOpts), isFromGetForUpdate, new RocksDBObjects(writeOpts, txOpts));
} catch (Throwable ex) {
throw ex;
public boolean closeTransaction(long transactionId, boolean commit) {
var tx = txs.get(transactionId);
if (tx != null) {
try {
var committed = closeTransaction(tx, commit);
if (committed) {
txs.remove(transactionId, tx);
return committed;
} catch (Throwable ex) {
txs.remove(transactionId, tx);
throw ex;
} else {
// Transaction not found
if (commit) {
throw it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException.of(RocksDBErrorType.TX_NOT_FOUND, "Transaction not found: " + transactionId);
} else {
return true;
private boolean closeTransaction(@NotNull Tx tx, boolean commit) {
try {
// Transaction found
try {
if (commit) {
if (!commitTxOptimistically(tx)) {
// Do not call endOp here, since the transaction is still open
return false;
} else {
if (tx.val().isOwningHandle()) {
// Close the transaction operation
return true;
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
// Close the transaction operation
throw it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException.of(RocksDBErrorType.COMMIT_FAILED, "Transaction close failed");
} finally {
public void closeFailedUpdate(long updateId) throws it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException {
this.closeTransaction(updateId, false);
private boolean commitTxOptimistically(@NotNull Tx tx) throws RocksDBException {
try {
return true;
} catch (RocksDBException ex) {
var status = ex.getStatus() != null ? ex.getStatus().getCode() : Code.Ok;
if (status == Code.Busy || status == Code.TryAgain) {
return false;
throw ex;
public long createColumn(String name, @NotNull ColumnSchema schema) throws it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException {
try {
synchronized (columnEditLock) {
var colId = getColumnIdOrNull(name);
var col = colId != null ? getColumn(colId) : null;
if (col != null) {
if (schema.equals(col.schema())) {
return colId;
} else {
throw it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException.of(RocksDBErrorType.COLUMN_EXISTS,
"Column exists, with a different schema: " + name
} else {
try {
var cf = db.get().createColumnFamily(new ColumnFamilyDescriptor(name.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
return registerColumn(new ColumnInstance(cf, schema));
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException.of(RocksDBErrorType.COLUMN_CREATE_FAIL, e);
} finally {
public void deleteColumn(long columnId) throws it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException {
try {
synchronized (columnEditLock) {
var col = getColumn(columnId);
try {
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException.of(RocksDBErrorType.COLUMN_DELETE_FAIL, e);
} finally {
public long getColumnId(@NotNull String name) {
var columnId = getColumnIdOrNull(name);
if (columnId == null) {
throw it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException.of(RocksDBErrorType.COLUMN_NOT_FOUND,
"Column not found: " + name);
} else {
return columnId;
private Long getColumnIdOrNull(@NotNull String name) {
var columnId = (long) columnNamesIndex.getOrDefault(name, -1L);
ColumnInstance col;
if (columnId == -1L || (col = columns.get(columnId)) == null || !col.cfh().isOwningHandle()) {
return null;
} else {
return columnId;
public <T> T put(Arena arena,
long transactionOrUpdateId,
long columnId,
@NotNull MemorySegment @NotNull [] keys,
@NotNull MemorySegment value,
RequestPut<? super MemorySegment, T> requestType) throws it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException {
try {
// Column id
var col = getColumn(columnId);
Tx tx;
if (transactionOrUpdateId != 0) {
tx = getTransaction(transactionOrUpdateId, true);
} else {
tx = null;
long updateId = tx != null && tx.isFromGetForUpdate() ? transactionOrUpdateId : 0L;
return put(arena, tx, col, updateId, keys, value, requestType);
} catch (it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException.of(RocksDBErrorType.PUT_UNKNOWN_ERROR, ex);
} finally {
* @param txConsumer this can be called multiple times, if the optimistic transaction failed
public <R> R wrapWithTransactionIfNeeded(@Nullable Tx tx, boolean needTransaction,
ExFunction<@Nullable Tx, R> txConsumer) throws Exception {
if (needTransaction) {
return ensureWrapWithTransaction(tx, txConsumer);
} else {
return txConsumer.apply(tx);
* @param txConsumer this can be called multiple times, if the optimistic transaction failed
public <R> R ensureWrapWithTransaction(@Nullable Tx tx,
ExFunction<@NotNull Tx, R> txConsumer) throws Exception {
R result;
if (tx == null) {
// Retry using a transaction: transactions are required to handle this kind of data
var newTx = this.openTransactionInternal(Long.MAX_VALUE, false);
try {
boolean committed;
do {
result = txConsumer.apply(newTx);
committed = this.closeTransaction(newTx, true);
if (!committed) {
} while (!committed);
} finally {
this.closeTransaction(newTx, false);
} else {
result = txConsumer.apply(tx);
return result;
private <U> U put(Arena arena,
@Nullable Tx optionalTxOrUpdate,
ColumnInstance col,
long updateId,
@NotNull MemorySegment @NotNull[] keys,
@NotNull MemorySegment value,
RequestPut<? super MemorySegment, U> callback) throws it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException {
// Check for null value
try {
boolean requirePreviousValue = RequestType.requiresGettingPreviousValue(callback);
boolean requirePreviousPresence = RequestType.requiresGettingPreviousPresence(callback);
boolean needsTx = col.hasBuckets()
|| requirePreviousValue
|| requirePreviousPresence;
if (optionalTxOrUpdate != null && optionalTxOrUpdate.isFromGetForUpdate() && (requirePreviousValue || requirePreviousPresence)) {
throw it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException.of(RocksDBErrorType.PUT_INVALID_REQUEST,
"You can't get the previous value or delta, when you are already updating that value");
if (updateId != 0L && optionalTxOrUpdate == null) {
throw it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException.of(RocksDBErrorType.PUT_INVALID_REQUEST,
"Update id must be accompanied with a valid transaction");
return wrapWithTransactionIfNeeded(optionalTxOrUpdate, needsTx, tx -> {
MemorySegment previousValue;
MemorySegment calculatedKey = col.calculateKey(arena, keys);
if (updateId != 0L) {
assert tx != null;
if (col.hasBuckets()) {
assert tx != null;
var bucketElementKeys = col.getBucketElementKeys(keys);
try (var readOptions = new ReadOptions()) {
var previousRawBucketByteArray = tx.val().getForUpdate(readOptions, col.cfh(), calculatedKey.toArray(BIG_ENDIAN_BYTES), true);
MemorySegment previousRawBucket = toMemorySegment(arena, previousRawBucketByteArray);
var bucket = previousRawBucket != null ? new Bucket(col, previousRawBucket) : new Bucket(col);
previousValue = transformResultValue(col, bucket.addElement(bucketElementKeys, value));
tx.val().put(col.cfh(), Utils.toByteArray(calculatedKey), Utils.toByteArray(bucket.toSegment(arena)));
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException.of(RocksDBErrorType.PUT_1, e);
} else {
if (RequestType.requiresGettingPreviousValue(callback)) {
assert tx != null;
try (var readOptions = new ReadOptions()) {
byte[] previousValueByteArray;
previousValueByteArray = tx.val().getForUpdate(readOptions, col.cfh(), calculatedKey.toArray(BIG_ENDIAN_BYTES), true);
previousValue = transformResultValue(col, toMemorySegment(arena, previousValueByteArray));
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException.of(RocksDBErrorType.PUT_2, e);
} else if (RequestType.requiresGettingPreviousPresence(callback)) {
// todo: in the future this should be replaced with just keyExists
assert tx != null;
try (var readOptions = new ReadOptions()) {
byte[] previousValueByteArray;
previousValueByteArray = tx.val().getForUpdate(readOptions, col.cfh(), calculatedKey.toArray(BIG_ENDIAN_BYTES), true);
previousValue = previousValueByteArray != null ? MemorySegment.NULL : null;
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException.of(RocksDBErrorType.PUT_2, e);
} else {
previousValue = null;
if (tx != null) {
tx.val().put(col.cfh(), Utils.toByteArray(calculatedKey), Utils.toByteArray(value));
} else {
try (var w = new WriteOptions()) {
var keyBB = calculatedKey.asByteBuffer();
ByteBuffer valueBB = (col.schema().hasValue() ? value : Utils.dummyEmptyValue()).asByteBuffer();
db.get().put(col.cfh(), w, keyBB, valueBB);
U result = RequestType.safeCast(switch (callback) {
case RequestType.RequestNothing<?> ignored -> null;
case RequestType.RequestPrevious<?> ignored -> previousValue;
case RequestType.RequestPreviousPresence<?> ignored -> previousValue != null;
case RequestType.RequestChanged<?> ignored -> !Utils.valueEquals(previousValue, value);
case RequestType.RequestDelta<?> ignored -> new Delta<>(previousValue, value);
if (updateId != 0L) {
if (!closeTransaction(updateId, true)) {
tx.val().undoGetForUpdate(col.cfh(), Utils.toByteArray(calculatedKey));
throw new RocksDBRetryException();
return result;
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (updateId != 0L && !(ex instanceof RocksDBRetryException)) {
closeTransaction(updateId, false);
if (ex instanceof it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException rocksDBException) {
throw rocksDBException;
} else {
throw it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException.of(RocksDBErrorType.PUT_UNKNOWN_ERROR, ex);
private MemorySegment transformResultValue(ColumnInstance col, MemorySegment realPreviousValue) {
return col.schema().hasValue() ? realPreviousValue : (realPreviousValue != null ? MemorySegment.NULL : null);
public <T> T get(Arena arena,
long transactionOrUpdateId,
long columnId,
MemorySegment @NotNull [] keys,
RequestGet<? super MemorySegment, T> requestType) throws it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException {
// Column id
var col = getColumn(columnId);
Tx tx = transactionOrUpdateId != 0 ? getTransaction(transactionOrUpdateId, true) : null;
long updateId;
if (requestType instanceof RequestType.RequestForUpdate<?>) {
if (tx == null) {
tx = openTransactionInternal(MAX_TRANSACTION_DURATION_MS, true);
updateId = allocateTransactionInternal(tx);
} else {
updateId = transactionOrUpdateId;
} else {
updateId = 0;
try {
return get(arena, tx, updateId, col, keys, requestType);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
if (updateId != 0 && tx.isFromGetForUpdate()) {
closeTransaction(updateId, false);
throw ex;
private <T> T get(Arena arena,
Tx tx,
long updateId,
ColumnInstance col,
MemorySegment @NotNull [] keys,
RequestGet<? super MemorySegment, T> callback) throws it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException {
try {
if (!col.schema().hasValue() && RequestType.requiresGettingCurrentValue(callback)) {
throw it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException.of(RocksDBErrorType.VALUE_MUST_BE_NULL,
"The specified callback requires a return value, but this column does not have values!");
MemorySegment foundValue;
boolean existsValue;
MemorySegment calculatedKey = col.calculateKey(arena, keys);
if (col.hasBuckets()) {
var bucketElementKeys = col.getBucketElementKeys(keys);
try (var readOptions = new ReadOptions()) {
MemorySegment previousRawBucket = dbGet(tx, col, arena, readOptions, calculatedKey);
if (previousRawBucket != null) {
var bucket = new Bucket(col, previousRawBucket);
foundValue = bucket.getElement(bucketElementKeys);
} else {
foundValue = null;
existsValue = foundValue != null;
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException.of(RocksDBErrorType.GET_1, e);
} else {
boolean shouldGetCurrent = RequestType.requiresGettingCurrentValue(callback)
|| (tx != null && callback instanceof RequestType.RequestExists<?>);
if (shouldGetCurrent) {
try (var readOptions = new ReadOptions()) {
foundValue = dbGet(tx, col, arena, readOptions, calculatedKey);
existsValue = foundValue != null;
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException.of(RocksDBErrorType.PUT_2, e);
} else if (callback instanceof RequestType.RequestExists<?>) {
// tx is always null here
//noinspection ConstantValue
assert tx == null;
foundValue = null;
existsValue = db.get().keyExists(col.cfh(), calculatedKey.asByteBuffer());
} else {
foundValue = null;
existsValue = false;
return RequestType.safeCast(switch (callback) {
case RequestType.RequestNothing<?> ignored -> null;
case RequestType.RequestCurrent<?> ignored -> foundValue;
case RequestType.RequestForUpdate<?> ignored -> {
assert updateId != 0;
yield new UpdateContext<>(foundValue, updateId);
case RequestType.RequestExists<?> ignored -> existsValue;
} catch (it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException.of(RocksDBErrorType.PUT_UNKNOWN_ERROR, ex);
} finally {
public long openIterator(Arena arena,
long transactionId,
long columnId,
MemorySegment @NotNull [] startKeysInclusive,
@Nullable MemorySegment[] endKeysExclusive,
boolean reverse,
long timeoutMs) throws it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException {
// Open an operation that ends when the iterator is closed
try {
var col = getColumn(columnId);
RocksIterator it;
var ro = new ReadOptions();
if (transactionId > 0L) {
//noinspection resource
it = getTransaction(transactionId, false).val().getIterator(ro, col.cfh());
} else {
it = db.get().newIterator(col.cfh());
var itEntry = new REntry<>(it, new RocksDBObjects(ro));
return FastRandomUtils.allocateNewValue(its, itEntry, 1, Long.MAX_VALUE);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
throw ex;
public void closeIterator(long iteratorId) throws it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException {
try {
// Should close the iterator operation
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
} finally {
public void seekTo(Arena arena, long iterationId, @NotNull MemorySegment @NotNull [] keys)
throws it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException {
try {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
} finally {
public <T> T subsequent(Arena arena,
long iterationId,
long skipCount,
long takeCount,
@NotNull RequestType.RequestIterate<? super MemorySegment, T> requestType) throws it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException {
try {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
} finally {
private MemorySegment dbGet(Tx tx,
ColumnInstance col,
Arena arena,
ReadOptions readOptions,
MemorySegment calculatedKey) throws RocksDBException {
if (tx != null) {
byte[] previousRawBucketByteArray;
if (tx.isFromGetForUpdate()) {
previousRawBucketByteArray = tx.val().getForUpdate(readOptions, col.cfh(), calculatedKey.toArray(BIG_ENDIAN_BYTES), true);
} else {
previousRawBucketByteArray = tx.val().get(col.cfh(), readOptions, calculatedKey.toArray(BIG_ENDIAN_BYTES));
return toMemorySegment(arena, previousRawBucketByteArray);
} else {
var db = this.db.get();
return dbGetDirect(arena, col.cfh(), readOptions, calculatedKey);
} else {
var previousRawBucketByteArray = db.get(col.cfh(), readOptions, calculatedKey.toArray(BIG_ENDIAN_BYTES));
return toMemorySegment(arena, previousRawBucketByteArray);
private MemorySegment dbGetDirect(Arena arena, ColumnFamilyHandle cfh, ReadOptions readOptions, MemorySegment calculatedKey)
throws RocksDBException {
// Get the key nio buffer to pass to RocksDB
ByteBuffer keyNioBuffer = calculatedKey.asByteBuffer();
// Create a direct result buffer because RocksDB works only with direct buffers
var resultBuffer = arena.allocate(INITIAL_DIRECT_READ_BYTE_BUF_SIZE_BYTES).asByteBuffer();
var keyMayExist = this.db.get().keyMayExist(cfh, readOptions, keyNioBuffer.rewind(), resultBuffer.clear());
return switch (keyMayExist.exists) {
case kNotExist -> null;
case kExistsWithValue, kExistsWithoutValue -> {
// At the beginning, size reflects the expected size, then it becomes the real data size
int size = keyMayExist.exists == kExistsWithValue ? keyMayExist.valueLength : -1;
if (keyMayExist.exists == kExistsWithoutValue || size > resultBuffer.limit()) {
if (size > resultBuffer.capacity()) {
resultBuffer = arena.allocate(size).asByteBuffer();
size = this.db.get().get(cfh, readOptions, keyNioBuffer.rewind(), resultBuffer.clear());
if (size == RocksDB.NOT_FOUND) {
yield null;
} else if (size == resultBuffer.limit()) {
yield MemorySegment.ofBuffer(resultBuffer);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("size (" + size + ") != read size (" + resultBuffer.limit() + ")");
private ColumnInstance getColumn(long columnId) {
var col = columns.get(columnId);
if (col != null) {
return col;
} else {
throw it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException.of(RocksDBErrorType.COLUMN_NOT_FOUND,
"No column with id " + columnId);
private Tx getTransaction(long transactionId, boolean allowGetForUpdate) {
var tx = txs.get(transactionId);
if (tx != null) {
if (!allowGetForUpdate && tx.isFromGetForUpdate()) {
throw it.cavallium.rockserver.core.common.RocksDBException.of(RocksDBErrorType.RESTRICTED_TRANSACTION,
"Can't get this transaction, it's for internal use only");
return tx;
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException("No transaction with id " + transactionId);
public @Nullable Path getPath() {
return path;