2019-02-05 17:56:28 +01:00

949 lines
32 KiB

package org.warp.cowdb;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.booleans.BooleanArrayList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.ByteArrayList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.chars.CharArrayList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongArrayList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.shorts.ShortArrayList;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.FieldUtils;
import org.warp.jcwdb.ann.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import static org.warp.cowdb.IBlocksMetadata.EMPTY_BLOCK_ID;
public class Database implements IDatabase {
private final DatabaseFileIO fileIO;
private final DatabaseBlocksIO blocksIO;
private final DatabaseBlocksMetadata blocksMetadata;
private final DatabaseReferencesIO referencesIO;
private final DatabaseReferencesMetadata referencesMetadata;
private final DatabaseObjectsIO objectsIO;
private final DatabaseDataInitializer dataInitializer;
private EnhancedObject loadedRootObject;
public Database(Path dataFile, Path blocksMetaFile, Path referencesMetaFile) throws IOException {
if (Files.notExists(dataFile)) {
if (Files.notExists(blocksMetaFile)) {
if (Files.notExists(referencesMetaFile)) {
this.fileIO = new DatabaseFileIO(dataFile);
this.blocksMetadata = new DatabaseBlocksMetadata(blocksMetaFile);
this.blocksIO = new DatabaseBlocksIO(fileIO, blocksMetadata);
this.referencesMetadata = new DatabaseReferencesMetadata(referencesMetaFile);
this.referencesIO = new DatabaseReferencesIO(blocksIO, referencesMetadata);
this.objectsIO = new DatabaseObjectsIO(this, referencesIO);
this.dataInitializer = new DatabaseDataInitializer(objectsIO);
public IDataInitializer getDataInitializer() {
return dataInitializer;
public IObjectsIO getObjectsIO() {
return objectsIO;
public void close() throws IOException {
this.objectsIO.setEnhancedObject(0, loadedRootObject);
public <T extends EnhancedObject> T loadRoot(Class<T> type) throws IOException {
return loadRoot(type, () -> {
T obj = objectsIO.instantiateEnhancedObject(type);
return obj;
public <T extends EnhancedObject> T loadRoot(Class<T> type, SupplierWithIO<T> ifAbsent) throws IOException {
if (loadedRootObject != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Root already set!");
T root;
if (referencesMetadata.firstFreeReference > 0) {
root = objectsIO.loadEnhancedObject(0, type);
} else {
if (objectsIO.newNullObject() != 0) {
throw new IOException("Can't allocate root!");
} else {
root = ifAbsent.getWithIO();
objectsIO.setEnhancedObject(0, root);
loadedRootObject = root;
return root;
protected void registerClass(Class<?> type, int id) {
this.objectsIO.registerClass(type, id);
public static class DatabaseDataInitializer implements IDataInitializer {
private final DatabaseObjectsIO objectsIO;
public DatabaseDataInitializer(DatabaseObjectsIO objectsIO) {
this.objectsIO = objectsIO;
public void initializeDBObject(EnhancedObject obj) throws IOException {
private void initializeDBObjectFields(EnhancedObject obj) throws IOException {
// Declare the variables needed to get the biggest field Id
Field[] unorderedFields = objectsIO.getFields(obj);
// Find the biggest field Id
int biggestFieldId = objectsIO.getBiggestFieldId(unorderedFields);
// Allocate new UIDs
long[] fieldUIDs = objectsIO.allocateNewUIDs(biggestFieldId + 1);
// Declare the other variables
Field[] fields = new Field[biggestFieldId + 1];
DBDataType[] orderedFieldTypes = new DBDataType[biggestFieldId + 1];
// Load all fields metadata and load them
for (Field field : unorderedFields) {
DBField fieldAnnotation = field.getAnnotation(DBField.class);
int fieldId =;
DBDataType fieldType = fieldAnnotation.type();
objectsIO.loadField(obj, field, fieldType, fieldUIDs[fieldId]);
fields[fieldId] = field;
orderedFieldTypes[fieldId] = fieldType;
// Set fields metadata
obj.setFields(fields, orderedFieldTypes, fieldUIDs);
private void initializeDBObjectProperties(EnhancedObject obj) throws IOException {
// Declare the variables needed to get the biggest property Id
Method[] unorderedPropertyGetters = obj.getPropertyGetters();
Method[] unorderedPropertySetters = obj.getPropertySetters();
// Find the biggest property Id
int biggestGetter = objectsIO.getBiggestPropertyGetterId(unorderedPropertyGetters);
int biggestSetter = objectsIO.getBiggestPropertySetterId(unorderedPropertySetters);
int biggestPropertyId = biggestGetter > biggestSetter ? biggestGetter : biggestSetter;
// Allocate new UIDs
long[] propertyUIDs = objectsIO.allocateNewUIDs(biggestPropertyId + 1);
for (Method property : unorderedPropertySetters) {
DBPropertySetter fieldAnnotation = property.getAnnotation(DBPropertySetter.class);
int propertyId =;
if (propertyId > biggestPropertyId) {
biggestPropertyId = propertyId;
// Declare the other variables
DBDataType[] propertyTypes = new DBDataType[biggestPropertyId + 1];
Method[] propertyGetters = new Method[biggestPropertyId + 1];
Method[] propertySetters = new Method[biggestPropertyId + 1];
Map<String, DBPropertySetter> setterMethods = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<String, DBPropertyGetter> getterMethods = new LinkedHashMap<>();
// Load the properties metadata
for (Method property : unorderedPropertyGetters) {
DBPropertyGetter propertyAnnotation = property.getAnnotation(DBPropertyGetter.class);
int propertyId =;
DBDataType propertyType = propertyAnnotation.type();
propertyTypes[propertyId] = propertyType;
propertyGetters[propertyId] = property;
getterMethods.put(property.getName(), propertyAnnotation);
for (Method property : unorderedPropertySetters) {
DBPropertySetter propertyAnnotation = property.getAnnotation(DBPropertySetter.class);
int propertyId =;
DBDataType propertyType = propertyAnnotation.type();
propertyTypes[propertyId] = propertyType;
propertySetters[propertyId] = property;
setterMethods.put(property.getName(), propertyAnnotation);
// Set properties metadata
obj.setProperties(propertyGetters, propertySetters, propertyTypes, propertyUIDs, setterMethods, getterMethods);
public static class DatabaseObjectsIO implements IObjectsIO {
private final IDatabase database;
private final DatabaseReferencesIO referencesIO;
private final Object accessLock = new Object();
private Kryo kryo = new Kryo();
private DatabaseObjectsIO(IDatabase database, DatabaseReferencesIO referencesIO) {
this.database = database;
this.referencesIO = referencesIO;
int id = -90;
registerClass(boolean[].class, id++);
registerClass(byte[].class, id++);
registerClass(short[].class, id++);
registerClass(char[].class, id++);
registerClass(int[].class, id++);
registerClass(long[].class, id++);
registerClass(Boolean[].class, id++);
registerClass(Byte[].class, id++);
registerClass(Short[].class, id++);
registerClass(Character[].class, id++);
registerClass(Integer[].class, id++);
registerClass(Long[].class, id++);
registerClass(String.class, id++);
registerClass(String[].class, id++);
registerClass(Boolean.class, id++);
registerClass(Byte.class, id++);
registerClass(Short.class, id++);
registerClass(Character.class, id++);
registerClass(Integer.class, id++);
registerClass(Class.class, id++);
registerClass(Object.class, id++);
registerClass(Object[].class, id++);
registerClass(Long.class, id++);
registerClass(String.class, id++);
registerClass(String[].class, id++);
registerClass(boolean[][].class, id++);
registerClass(byte[][].class, id++);
registerClass(short[][].class, id++);
registerClass(char[][].class, id++);
registerClass(int[][].class, id++);
registerClass(long[][].class, id++);
registerClass(String[][].class, id++);
registerClass(List.class, id++);
registerClass(ArrayList.class, id++);
registerClass(LinkedList.class, id++);
registerClass(Set.class, id++);
registerClass(HashSet.class, id++);
registerClass(LinkedHashSet.class, id++);
registerClass(Map.class, id++);
registerClass(HashMap.class, id++);
registerClass(LinkedHashMap.class, id++);
registerClass(TreeMap.class, id++);
registerClass(BooleanArrayList.class, id++);
registerClass(ByteArrayList.class, id++);
registerClass(ShortArrayList.class, id++);
registerClass(CharArrayList.class, id++);
registerClass(IntArrayList.class, id++);
registerClass(LongArrayList.class, id++);
registerClass(TreeSet.class, id++);
registerClass(SortedSet.class, id++);
registerClass(SortedMap.class, id++);
public <T extends EnhancedObject> T loadEnhancedObject(long reference, Class<T> objectType) throws IOException {
synchronized (accessLock) {
ByteBuffer buffer = referencesIO.readFromReference(reference);
if (buffer.limit() == 0) {
return null;
int fieldsCount = buffer.getInt();
int methodsCount = buffer.getInt();
long[] fieldRefs = new long[fieldsCount];
long[] methodRefs = new long[methodsCount];
for (int i = 0; i < fieldsCount; i++) {
fieldRefs[i] = buffer.getLong();
for (int i = 0; i < methodsCount; i++) {
methodRefs[i] = buffer.getLong();
return preloadEnhancedObject(objectType, fieldRefs, methodRefs);
private Object loadData(DBDataType propertyType, long dataReference, Supplier<Class<?>> returnType) throws IOException {
switch (propertyType) {
return loadEnhancedObject(dataReference, (Class<? extends EnhancedObject>) returnType.get());
case OBJECT:
return loadObject(dataReference);
return loadReferencesList(dataReference);
return loadBoolean(dataReference);
case BYTE:
return loadByte(dataReference);
case SHORT:
return loadShort(dataReference);
case CHAR:
return loadChar(dataReference);
return loadInt(dataReference);
case LONG:
return loadLong(dataReference);
throw new NullPointerException("Unknown data type");
private <T> void setData(long reference, DBDataType propertyType, T loadedPropertyValue) throws IOException {
switch (propertyType) {
setBoolean(reference, loadedPropertyValue != null && (boolean) loadedPropertyValue);
case BYTE:
setByte(reference, loadedPropertyValue == null ? 0 : (byte) loadedPropertyValue);
case SHORT:
setShort(reference, loadedPropertyValue == null ? 0 : (short) loadedPropertyValue);
case CHAR:
setChar(reference, loadedPropertyValue == null ? 0 : (char) loadedPropertyValue);
setInt(reference, loadedPropertyValue == null ? 0 : (int) loadedPropertyValue);
case LONG:
setLong(reference, loadedPropertyValue == null ? 0 : (long) loadedPropertyValue);
case OBJECT:
setObject(reference, loadedPropertyValue);
setReferencesList(reference, (LongArrayList) loadedPropertyValue);
setEnhancedObject(reference, (EnhancedObject) loadedPropertyValue);
public <T extends EnhancedObject> void setEnhancedObject(long reference, T value) throws IOException {
synchronized (accessLock) {
if (value != null) {
EnhancedObjectFullInfo objectFullInfo = value.getAllInfo();
int totalSize = Integer.BYTES * 2 + objectFullInfo.getFieldReferences().length * Long.BYTES + objectFullInfo.getPropertyReferences().length * Long.BYTES;
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(totalSize);
for (int i = 0; i < objectFullInfo.getFieldReferences().length; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < objectFullInfo.getPropertyReferences().length; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < objectFullInfo.getFieldReferences().length; i++) {
try {
setData(objectFullInfo.getFieldReferences()[i], objectFullInfo.getFieldTypes()[i], objectFullInfo.getFields()[i].get(value));
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
for (int i = 0; i < objectFullInfo.getPropertyReferences().length; i++) {
setData(objectFullInfo.getPropertyReferences()[i], objectFullInfo.getPropertyTypes()[i], objectFullInfo.getLoadedPropertyValues()[i]);
referencesIO.writeToReference(reference, totalSize, buffer);
} else {
referencesIO.writeToReference(reference, 0, null);
public <T> T loadObject(long reference) throws IOException {
synchronized (accessLock) {
ByteBuffer buffer = referencesIO.readFromReference(reference);
if (buffer.limit() == 0) {
return null;
byte[] data = buffer.array();
return (T) kryo.readClassAndObject(new Input(data));
public LongArrayList loadReferencesList(long reference) throws IOException {
synchronized (accessLock) {
ByteBuffer buffer = referencesIO.readFromReference(reference);
if (buffer.limit() == 0) {
return null;
int itemsCount = buffer.getInt();
LongArrayList arrayList = new LongArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++) {
return arrayList;
public boolean loadBoolean(long reference) throws IOException {
synchronized (accessLock) {
ByteBuffer buffer = referencesIO.readFromReference(reference);
if (buffer.limit() == 0) {
return false;
return buffer.get() == 1;
public byte loadByte(long reference) throws IOException {
synchronized (accessLock) {
ByteBuffer buffer = referencesIO.readFromReference(reference);
if (buffer.limit() == 0) {
return 0;
return buffer.get();
public short loadShort(long reference) throws IOException {
synchronized (accessLock) {
ByteBuffer buffer = referencesIO.readFromReference(reference);
if (buffer.limit() == 0) {
return 0;
return buffer.getShort();
public char loadChar(long reference) throws IOException {
synchronized (accessLock) {
ByteBuffer buffer = referencesIO.readFromReference(reference);
if (buffer.limit() == 0) {
return 0;
return buffer.getChar();
public int loadInt(long reference) throws IOException {
synchronized (accessLock) {
ByteBuffer buffer = referencesIO.readFromReference(reference);
if (buffer.limit() == 0) {
return 0;
return buffer.getInt();
public long loadLong(long reference) throws IOException {
synchronized (accessLock) {
ByteBuffer buffer = referencesIO.readFromReference(reference);
if (buffer.limit() == 0) {
return 0;
return buffer.getLong();
public <T> void setObject(long reference, T value) throws IOException {
synchronized (accessLock) {
if (value != null) {
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Output output = new Output(outputStream);
kryo.writeClassAndObject(output, value);
byte[] data = outputStream.toByteArray();
ByteBuffer dataByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
referencesIO.writeToReference(reference, data.length, dataByteBuffer);
} else {
referencesIO.writeToReference(reference, 0, null);
public void setReferencesList(long reference, LongArrayList value) throws IOException {
synchronized (accessLock) {
if (value != null) {
int items = value.size();
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.BYTES * items + Integer.BYTES);
for (int i = 0; i < items; i++) {
referencesIO.writeToReference(reference, buffer.limit(), buffer);
} else {
referencesIO.writeToReference(reference, 0, null);
public void setBoolean(long reference, boolean value) throws IOException {
synchronized (accessLock) {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Byte.BYTES);
buffer.put(value ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0);
referencesIO.writeToReference(reference, Byte.BYTES, buffer);
public void setByte(long reference, byte value) throws IOException {
synchronized (accessLock) {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Byte.BYTES);
referencesIO.writeToReference(reference, Byte.BYTES, buffer);
public void setShort(long reference, short value) throws IOException {
synchronized (accessLock) {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Short.BYTES);
referencesIO.writeToReference(reference, Short.BYTES, buffer);
public void setChar(long reference, char value) throws IOException {
synchronized (accessLock) {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Character.BYTES);
referencesIO.writeToReference(reference, Character.BYTES, buffer);
public void setInt(long reference, int value) throws IOException {
synchronized (accessLock) {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Integer.BYTES);
referencesIO.writeToReference(reference, Integer.BYTES, buffer);
public void setLong(long reference, long value) throws IOException {
synchronized (accessLock) {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.BYTES);
referencesIO.writeToReference(reference, Long.BYTES, buffer);
public long newNullObject() throws IOException {
synchronized (accessLock) {
return referencesIO.allocateReference();
public void loadProperty(EnhancedObject obj, int propertyId, Method property, DBDataType propertyType, long propertyUID) throws IOException {
synchronized (accessLock) {
obj.setProperty(propertyId, loadData(propertyType, propertyUID, property::getReturnType));
public void registerClass(Class<?> type, int id) {
if (id < -100) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
kryo.register(type, 100 + id);
private <T extends EnhancedObject> void preloadEnhancedObjectProperties(T obj, long[] propertyReferences) {
// Declare the variables needed to get the biggest property Id
Method[] unorderedPropertyGetters = obj.getPropertyGetters();
Method[] unorderedPropertySetters = obj.getPropertySetters();
// Find the biggest property Id
int biggestGetter = getBiggestPropertyGetterId(unorderedPropertyGetters);
int biggestSetter = getBiggestPropertySetterId(unorderedPropertySetters);
int biggestPropertyId = biggestGetter > biggestSetter ? biggestGetter : biggestSetter;
for (Method property : unorderedPropertySetters) {
DBPropertySetter fieldAnnotation = property.getAnnotation(DBPropertySetter.class);
int propertyId =;
if (propertyId > biggestPropertyId) {
biggestPropertyId = propertyId;
// Declare the other variables
DBDataType[] propertyTypes = new DBDataType[biggestPropertyId + 1];
Method[] propertyGetters = new Method[biggestPropertyId + 1];
Method[] propertySetters = new Method[biggestPropertyId + 1];
Map<String, DBPropertySetter> setterMethods = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<String, DBPropertyGetter> getterMethods = new LinkedHashMap<>();
// Load the properties metadata
for (Method property : unorderedPropertyGetters) {
DBPropertyGetter propertyAnnotation = property.getAnnotation(DBPropertyGetter.class);
int propertyId =;
DBDataType propertyType = propertyAnnotation.type();
propertyTypes[propertyId] = propertyType;
propertyGetters[propertyId] = property;
getterMethods.put(property.getName(), propertyAnnotation);
for (Method property : unorderedPropertySetters) {
DBPropertySetter propertyAnnotation = property.getAnnotation(DBPropertySetter.class);
int propertyId =;
DBDataType propertyType = propertyAnnotation.type();
propertyTypes[propertyId] = propertyType;
propertySetters[propertyId] = property;
setterMethods.put(property.getName(), propertyAnnotation);
// Set properties metadata
obj.setProperties(propertyGetters, propertySetters, propertyTypes, propertyReferences, setterMethods, getterMethods);
private int getBiggestPropertyGetterId(Method[] unorderedPropertyGetters) {
int biggestPropertyId = -1;
for (Method property : unorderedPropertyGetters) {
DBPropertyGetter fieldAnnotation = property.getAnnotation(DBPropertyGetter.class);
int propertyId =;
if (propertyId > biggestPropertyId) {
biggestPropertyId = propertyId;
return biggestPropertyId;
private int getBiggestPropertySetterId(Method[] unorderedPropertySetters) {
int biggestPropertyId = -1;
for (Method property : unorderedPropertySetters) {
DBPropertySetter fieldAnnotation = property.getAnnotation(DBPropertySetter.class);
int propertyId =;
if (propertyId > biggestPropertyId) {
biggestPropertyId = propertyId;
return biggestPropertyId;
private <T extends EnhancedObject> void preloadEnhancedObjectFields(T obj, long[] fieldReferences) throws IOException {
// Declare the variables needed to get the biggest field Id
Field[] unorderedFields = getFields(obj);
// Find the biggest field Id
int biggestFieldId = getBiggestFieldId(unorderedFields);
// Declare the other variables
Field[] fields = new Field[biggestFieldId + 1];
DBDataType[] orderedFieldTypes = new DBDataType[biggestFieldId + 1];
// Load all fields metadata and load them
for (Field field : unorderedFields) {
DBField fieldAnnotation = field.getAnnotation(DBField.class);
int fieldId =;
DBDataType fieldType = fieldAnnotation.type();
loadField(obj, field, fieldType, fieldReferences[fieldId]);
fields[fieldId] = field;
orderedFieldTypes[fieldId] = fieldType;
// Set fields metadata
obj.setFields(fields, orderedFieldTypes, fieldReferences);
private <T extends EnhancedObject> void loadField(T obj, Field field, DBDataType fieldType, long fieldReference) throws IOException {
Object data = loadData(fieldType, fieldReference, field::getType);
try {
if (fieldType == DBDataType.OBJECT && data != null) {
if (!field.getType().isInstance(data)) {
throw new IOException("There is an attempt to load an object of type " + data.getClass() + " into a field of type " + field.getType());
FieldUtils.writeField(field, obj, data, true);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private <T extends EnhancedObject> Field[] getFields(T obj) {
return FieldUtils.getFieldsWithAnnotation(obj.getClass(), DBField.class);
private int getBiggestFieldId(Field[] unorderedFields) {
int biggestFieldId = -1;
for (Field field : unorderedFields) {
DBField fieldAnnotation = field.getAnnotation(DBField.class);
int propertyId =;
if (propertyId > biggestFieldId) {
biggestFieldId = propertyId;
return biggestFieldId;
private <T extends EnhancedObject> T instantiateEnhancedObject(Class<T> type) throws IOException {
try {
T obj = type.getConstructor().newInstance();
obj.database = database;
return obj;
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new IOException("You must declare a public empty constructor in class " + type + ": public " + type.getSimpleName() + "()", e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | InstantiationException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
private <T extends EnhancedObject> T preloadEnhancedObject(Class<T> objectType, long[] fieldRefs, long[] methodRefs) throws IOException {
T obj = instantiateEnhancedObject(objectType);
preloadEnhancedObjectFields(obj, fieldRefs);
preloadEnhancedObjectProperties(obj, methodRefs);
return obj;
public long[] allocateNewUIDs(int quantity) throws IOException {
long[] ids = new long[quantity];
for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) {
ids[i] = newNullObject();
return ids;
public static class DatabaseReferencesIO implements IReferencesIO {
private final DatabaseBlocksIO blocksIO;
private final DatabaseReferencesMetadata referencesMetadata;
public DatabaseReferencesIO(DatabaseBlocksIO blocksIO, DatabaseReferencesMetadata referencesMetadata) {
this.blocksIO = blocksIO;
this.referencesMetadata = referencesMetadata;
public long allocateReference() throws IOException {
return referencesMetadata.newReference(EMPTY_BLOCK_ID);
public long allocateReference(int size, ByteBuffer data) throws IOException {
long blockId = (size == 0) ? EMPTY_BLOCK_ID : blocksIO.newBlock(size, data);
return referencesMetadata.newReference(blockId);
public void writeToReference(long reference, int size, ByteBuffer data) throws IOException {
long blockId = (size == 0) ? EMPTY_BLOCK_ID : blocksIO.newBlock(size, data);
referencesMetadata.editReference(reference, blockId);
public ByteBuffer readFromReference(long reference) throws IOException {
long blockId = referencesMetadata.getReference(reference);
return blocksIO.readBlock(blockId);
public static class DatabaseReferencesMetadata implements IReferencesMetadata {
private final SeekableByteChannel metaFileChannel;
private final int REF_META_BYTES_COUNT = Long.BYTES;
private long firstFreeReference;
private DatabaseReferencesMetadata(Path refMetaFile) throws IOException {
metaFileChannel = Files.newByteChannel(refMetaFile, StandardOpenOption.READ, StandardOpenOption.WRITE);
firstFreeReference = metaFileChannel.size() / REF_META_BYTES_COUNT;
public long getReference(long reference) throws IOException {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(REF_META_BYTES_COUNT);
if (reference >= firstFreeReference) {
SeekableByteChannel currentFileChannel = metaFileChannel.position(reference * REF_META_BYTES_COUNT);;
long block = buffer.getLong();
if (buffer.limit() == 0 || block == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) {
return block;
public long newReference(long blockId) throws IOException {
long newReference = firstFreeReference++;
editReference(newReference, blockId);
return newReference;
public void editReference(long reference, long blockId) throws IOException {
ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.allocate(REF_META_BYTES_COUNT);
SeekableByteChannel currentFileChannel = metaFileChannel.position(reference * REF_META_BYTES_COUNT);
public void close() throws IOException {
public static class DatabaseBlocksIO implements IBlocksIO {
private final DatabaseFileIO fileIO;
private final IBlocksMetadata blocksMetadata;
private DatabaseBlocksIO(DatabaseFileIO fileIO, IBlocksMetadata blocksMetadata) {
this.fileIO = fileIO;
this.blocksMetadata = blocksMetadata;
public long newBlock(int size, ByteBuffer data) throws IOException {
long index = fileIO.writeAtEnd(size, data);
return blocksMetadata.newBlock(index, size);
public ByteBuffer readBlock(long blockId) throws IOException {
if (blockId == EMPTY_BLOCK_ID) {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[0]);
BlockInfo blockInfo = blocksMetadata.getBlockInfo(blockId);
return fileIO.readAt(blockInfo.getIndex(), blockInfo.getSize());
public void close() {
public static class DatabaseBlocksMetadata implements IBlocksMetadata {
private final SeekableByteChannel metaFileChannel;
private final int BLOCK_META_BYTES_COUNT = Long.BYTES + Integer.BYTES;
private long firstFreeBlock;
private DatabaseBlocksMetadata(Path metaFile) throws IOException {
metaFileChannel = Files.newByteChannel(metaFile, StandardOpenOption.READ, StandardOpenOption.WRITE);
firstFreeBlock = metaFileChannel.size() / BLOCK_META_BYTES_COUNT;
public BlockInfo getBlockInfo(long blockId) throws IOException {
if (blockId == EMPTY_BLOCK_ID) {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(BLOCK_META_BYTES_COUNT);
metaFileChannel.position(blockId * BLOCK_META_BYTES_COUNT).read(buffer);
long index = buffer.getLong();
int size = buffer.getInt();
return new BlockInfo(index, size);
public long newBlock(long index, int size) throws IOException {
long newBlockId = firstFreeBlock++;
ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.allocate(BLOCK_META_BYTES_COUNT);
metaFileChannel.position(newBlockId * BLOCK_META_BYTES_COUNT).write(data);
return newBlockId;
public void close() throws IOException {
public static class DatabaseFileIO implements IFileIO {
private final SeekableByteChannel dataFileChannel;
private final Object dataAccessLock = new Object();
private long firstFreeIndex;
private DatabaseFileIO(Path dataFile) throws IOException {
synchronized (dataAccessLock) {
dataFileChannel = Files.newByteChannel(dataFile, StandardOpenOption.READ, StandardOpenOption.WRITE);
firstFreeIndex = dataFileChannel.size();
public ByteBuffer readAt(long index, int length) throws IOException {
ByteBuffer dataBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(length);
return dataBuffer;
public void writeAt(long index, int length, ByteBuffer data) throws IOException {
synchronized (dataAccessLock) {
if (data.position() != 0) {
throw new IOException("You didn't flip the ByteBuffer!");
if (firstFreeIndex < index + length) {
firstFreeIndex = index + length;
public long writeAtEnd(int length, ByteBuffer data) throws IOException {
synchronized (dataAccessLock) {
long index = firstFreeIndex;
firstFreeIndex += length;
writeAt(index, length, data);
return index;
public void close() throws IOException {
synchronized (dataAccessLock) {