. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0 AGPLv3 * * @link https://docs.madelineproto.xyz MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL; // This code was written a few years ago: it is garbage, and has to be rewritten class DocsBuilder { use \danog\MadelineProto\DocsBuilder\Methods; use \danog\MadelineProto\DocsBuilder\Constructors; public $td = false; public function __construct($logger, $settings) { $this->logger = $logger; \set_error_handler(['\\danog\\MadelineProto\\Exception', 'ExceptionErrorHandler']); $this->TL = new TL(new class($logger) { public function __construct($logger) { $this->logger = $logger; } }); $this->TL->init($settings['tl_schema']); if (isset($settings['tl_schema']['td']) && !isset($settings['tl_schema']['telegram'])) { $this->td = true; } $this->settings = $settings; if (!\file_exists($this->settings['output_dir'])) { \mkdir($this->settings['output_dir']); } \chdir($this->settings['output_dir']); $this->index = $settings['readme'] ? 'README.md' : 'index.md'; } public $types = []; public $any = '*'; public function mkDocs() { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Generating documentation index...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); \file_put_contents($this->index, '--- title: '.$this->settings['title'].' description: '.$this->settings['description'].' image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png --- # '.$this->settings['description'].' [Back to main documentation](..) [Methods](methods/) [Constructors](constructors/) [Types](types/)'); $this->mkmethodS(); $this->mkConstructors(); foreach (\glob('types/*') as $unlink) { \unlink($unlink); } if (\file_exists('types')) { \rmdir('types'); } \mkdir('types'); \ksort($this->types); $index = ''; \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Generating types documentation...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $last_namespace = ''; foreach ($this->types as $otype => $keys) { $new_namespace = \preg_replace('/_.*/', '', $otype); //$br = $new_namespace != $last_namespace ? '***

' : ''; $type = \str_replace(['<', '>'], ['_of_', ''], $otype); $type = \preg_replace('/.*_of_/', '', $type); $index .= '['.\str_replace('_', '\\_', $type).']('.$type.'.md) '; $constructors = ''; foreach ($keys['constructors'] as $data) { $predicate = $data['predicate'].(isset($data['layer']) && $data['layer'] !== '' ? '_'.$data['layer'] : ''); $md_predicate = \str_replace('_', '\\_', $predicate); $constructors .= '['.$md_predicate.'](../constructors/'.$predicate.'.md) '; } $methods = ''; foreach ($keys['methods'] as $data) { $name = $data['method']; $md_name = \str_replace(['.', '_'], ['->', '\\_'], $name); $methods .= '[$MadelineProto->'.$md_name.'](../methods/'.$name.'.md) '; } $description = isset($this->td_descriptions['types'][$otype]) ? $this->td_descriptions['types'][$otype] : 'constructors and methods of type '.$type; $symFile = \str_replace('.', '_', $type); $redir = $symFile !== $type ? "\nredirect_from: /API_docs/types/{$symFile}.html" : ''; $header = '--- title: '.$type.' description: constructors and methods of type '.$type.' image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png'.$redir.' --- # Type: '.\str_replace('_', '\\_', $type).' [Back to types index](index.md) '; $header .= isset($this->td_descriptions['types'][$otype]) ? $this->td_descriptions['types'][$otype].PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL : ''; if (!isset($this->settings['td'])) { if (\in_array($type, ['User', 'InputUser', 'Chat', 'InputChannel', 'Peer', 'InputDialogPeer', 'DialogPeer', 'InputPeer', 'NotifyPeer', 'InputNotifyPeer'])) { $header .= 'You can directly provide the [Update](Update.md) or [Message](Message.md) object here, MadelineProto will automatically extract the destination chat id. The following syntaxes can also be used: ``` $'.$type." = '@username'; // Username\n\n\$".$type." = 'me'; // The currently logged-in user\n\n\$".$type.' = 44700; // bot API id (users) $'.$type.' = -492772765; // bot API id (chats) $'.$type.' = -10038575794; // bot API id (channels) $'.$type." = 'https://t.me/danogentili'; // t.me URLs\n\$".$type." = 'https://t.me/joinchat/asfln1-21fa_'; // t.me invite links\n\n\$".$type." = 'user#44700'; // tg-cli style id (users)\n\$".$type." = 'chat#492772765'; // tg-cli style id (chats)\n\$".$type." = 'channel#38575794'; // tg-cli style id (channels)\n```\n\nA [Chat](Chat.md), a [User](User.md), an [InputPeer](InputPeer.md), an [InputDialogPeer](InputDialogPeer.md), an [InputNotifyPeer](InputNotifyPeer.md), an [InputUser](InputUser.md), an [InputChannel](InputChannel.md), a [Peer](Peer.md), an [DialogPeer](DialogPeer.md), [NotifyPeer](NotifyPeer.md), or a [Chat](Chat.md) object can also be used.\n\n\n"; } if (\in_array($type, ['InputEncryptedChat'])) { $header .= 'You can directly provide the [Update](Update.md) or [EncryptedMessage](EncryptedMessage.md) object here, MadelineProto will automatically extract the destination chat id. The following syntax can also be used: ``` $'.$type.' = -147286699; // Numeric chat id returned by requestSecretChat, can be positive or negative ``` '; } if (\in_array($type, ['InputFile', 'InputEncryptedFile'])) { $header .= 'The following syntax can also be used: ``` $'.$type.' = \'filename.mp4\'; // The file path can also be used ``` '; } if (\in_array($type, ['InputPhoto'])) { $header .= 'You can also provide a [MessageMedia](MessageMedia.md), [Message](Message.md), [Update](Update.md), [Photo](Photo.md) here, MadelineProto will automatically convert it to the right type. '; } if (\in_array($type, ['InputDocument'])) { $header .= 'You can also provide a [MessageMedia](MessageMedia.md), [Message](Message.md), [Update](Update.md), [Document](Document.md) here, MadelineProto will automatically convert it to the right type. '; } if (\in_array($type, ['InputMedia'])) { $header .= 'You can also provide a [MessageMedia](MessageMedia.md), [Message](Message.md), [Update](Update.md), [Document](Document.md), [Photo](Photo.md), [InputDocument](InputDocument.md), [InputPhoto](InputPhoto.md) here, MadelineProto will automatically convert it to the right type. '; } if (\in_array($type, ['InputMessage'])) { $header .= 'The following syntax can also be used: ``` $'.$type.' = 142; // Numeric message ID ``` '; } if (\in_array($type, ['KeyboardButton'])) { $header .= 'Clicking these buttons: To click these buttons simply run the `click` method: ``` $result = $'.$type.'->click(); ``` `$result` can be one of the following: * A string - If the button is a keyboardButtonUrl * [Updates](Updates.md) - If the button is a keyboardButton, the message will be sent to the chat, in reply to the message with the keyboard * [messages.BotCallbackAnswer](messages.BotCallbackAnswer.md) - If the button is a keyboardButtonCallback or a keyboardButtonGame the button will be pressed and the result will be returned * `false` - If the button is an unsupported button, like keyboardButtonRequestPhone, keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation, keyboardButtonSwitchInlinekeyboardButtonBuy; you will have to parse data from these buttons manually You can also access the properties of the constructor as a normal array, for example $button[\'name\'] '; } } $constructors = '### Possible values (constructors): '.$constructors.' '; $methods = '### Methods that return an object of this type (methods): '.$methods.' '; if (!isset($this->settings['td'])) { if (\in_array($type, ['PhoneCall'])) { $methods = ''; $constructors = ''; $header .= 'This is an object of type `\\danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIP`. It will only be available if the [php-libtgvoip](https://github.com/danog/php-libtgvoip) extension is installed, see [the main docs](https://docs.madelineproto.xyz#calls) for an easy installation script. You MUST know [OOP](http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.php) to use this class. ## Constants: VoIPController states (these constants are incrementing integers, thus can be compared like numbers): * `STATE_CREATED` - controller created * `STATE_WAIT_INIT` - controller inited * `STATE_WAIT_INIT_ACK` - controller inited * `STATE_ESTABLISHED` - connection established * `STATE_FAILED` - connection failed * `STATE_RECONNECTING` - reconnecting VoIPController errors: * `TGVOIP_ERROR_UNKNOWN` - An unknown error occurred * `TGVOIP_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE` - The other side is using an unsupported client/protocol * `TGVOIP_ERROR_TIMEOUT` - A timeout occurred * `TGVOIP_ERROR_AUDIO_IO` - An I/O error occurred Network types (these constants are incrementing integers, thus can be compared like numbers): * `NET_TYPE_UNKNOWN` - Unknown network type * `NET_TYPE_GPRS` - GPRS connection * `NET_TYPE_EDGE` - EDGE connection * `NET_TYPE_3G` - 3G connection * `NET_TYPE_HSPA` - HSPA connection * `NET_TYPE_LTE` - LTE connection * `NET_TYPE_WIFI` - WIFI connection * `NET_TYPE_ETHERNET` - Ethernet connection (this guarantees high audio quality) * `NET_TYPE_OTHER_HIGH_SPEED` - Other high speed connection * `NET_TYPE_OTHER_LOW_SPEED` - Other low speed connection * `NET_TYPE_DIALUP` - Dialup connection * `NET_TYPE_OTHER_MOBILE` - Other mobile network connection Data saving modes (these constants are incrementing integers, thus can be compared like numbers): * `DATA_SAVING_NEVER` - Never save data (this guarantees high audio quality) * `DATA_SAVING_MOBILE` - Use mobile data saving profiles * `DATA_SAVING_ALWAYS` - Always use data saving profiles Proxy settings (these constants are incrementing integers, thus can be compared like numbers): * `PROXY_NONE` - No proxy * `PROXY_SOCKS5` - Use the socks5 protocol Audio states (these constants are incrementing integers, thus can be compared like numbers): * `AUDIO_STATE_NONE` - The audio module was not created yet * `AUDIO_STATE_CREATED` - The audio module was created * `AUDIO_STATE_CONFIGURED` - The audio module was configured * `AUDIO_STATE_RUNNING` - The audio module is running Call states (these constants are incrementing integers, thus can be compared like numbers): * `CALL_STATE_NONE` - The call was not created yet * `CALL_STATE_REQUESTED` - This is an outgoing call * `CALL_STATE_INCOMING` - This is an incoming call * `CALL_STATE_ACCEPTED` - The incoming call was accepted, but not yet ready * `CALL_STATE_CONFIRMED` - The outgoing call was accepted, but not yet ready * `CALL_STATE_READY` - The call is ready. Audio data is being sent and received * `CALL_STATE_ENDED` - The call is over. ## Methods: * `getState()` - Gets the controller state, as a VoIPController state constant * `getCallState()` - Gets the call state, as a call state constant * `getVisualization()` - Gets the visualization of the encryption key, as an array of emojis, can be called only when the call state is bigger than or equal to `CALL_STATE_READY`. If called sooner, returns false. * `getStats()` Gets connection stats * `getOtherID()` - Gets the id of the other call participant, as a bot API ID * `getProtocol()` - Gets the protocol used by the current call, as a [PhoneCallProtocol](https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/API_docs/types/PhoneCallProtocol.html) object * `getCallID()` - Gets the call ID, as an [InputPhoneCall](https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/API_docs/types/InputPhoneCall.html) object * `isCreator()` - Returns a boolean that indicates whether you are the creator of the call * `whenCreated()` - Returns the unix timestamp of when the call was started (when was the call state set to `CALL_STATE_READY`) * `getOutputState()` - Returns the state of the audio output module, as an audio state constant * `getInputState()` - Returns the state of the audio input module, as an audio state constant * `getDebugLog()` - Gets VoIPController debug log * `getDebugString()` - Gets VoIPController debug string * `getLastError()` - Gets the last error as a VoIPController error constant * `getVersion()` - Gets VoIPController version * `getSignalBarsCount()` - Gets number of signal bars (0-4) * `parseConfig()` - Parses the configuration * `accept()` - Accepts the phone call, returns `$this` * `discard($reason = ["_" => "phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect"], $rating = [])` - Ends the phone call. Accepts two optional parameters: `$reason` - can be a [PhoneCallDiscardReason](https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/API_docs/types/PhoneCallDiscardReason.html) object (defaults to a [phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect](https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/API_docs/constructors/phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect.html) object). `$rating` - Can be an array that must contain a rating, and a comment (`["rating" => 5, "comment" => "MadelineProto is very easy to use!"]). Defaults to an empty array.` * `getOutputParams()` - Returns the output audio configuration MadelineProto works using raw signed PCM audio, internally split in packets with `sampleNumber` samples. The audio configuration is an array structured in the following way: ``` [ "bitsPerSample" => int. // Bits in each PCM sample "sampleRate" => int, // PCM sample rate "channels" => int, // Number of PCM audio channels "sampleNumber" => int, // The audio data is internally split in packets, each having this number of samples "samplePeriod" => double, // PCM sample period in seconds, useful if you want to generate audio data manually "writePeriod" => double, // PCM write period in seconds (samplePeriod*sampleNumber), useful if you want to generate audio data manually "samplesSize" => int, // The audio data is internally split in packets, each having this number of bytes (sampleNumber*bitsPerSample/8) "level" => int // idk ]; ``` * `getInputParams()` - Returns the input audio configuration MadelineProto works using raw signed PCM audio, internally split in packets with `sampleNumber` samples. The audio configuration is an array structured in the following way: ``` [ "bitsPerSample" => int. // Bits in each PCM sample "sampleRate" => int, // PCM sample rate "channels" => int, // Number of PCM audio channels "sampleNumber" => int, // The audio data is internally split in packets, each having this number of samples "samplePeriod" => double, // PCM sample period in seconds, useful if you want to generate audio data manually "writePeriod" => double, // PCM write period in seconds (samplePeriod*sampleNumber), useful if you want to generate audio data manually "samplesSize" => int, // The audio data is internally split in packets, each having this number of bytes (sampleNumber*bitsPerSample/8) ]; ``` * `play(string $file)` and `then(string $file)` - Play a certain audio file encoded in PCM, with the audio input configuration, returns `$this` * `playOnHold(array $files)` - Array of audio files encoded in PCM, with the audio input configuration to loop on hold (when the files given with play/then have finished playing). If not called, no data will be played, returns `$this` * `isPlaying()` - Returns true if MadelineProto is still playing the files given with play/then, false if the hold files (or nothing) is being played * `setMicMute(bool $mute)` - Stops/resumes playing files/hold files, returns `$this` * `setOutputFile(string $outputfile)` - Writes incoming audio data to file encoded in PCM, with the audio output configuration, returns `$this` * `unsetOutputFile()` - Stops writing audio data to previously set file, returns `$this` ## Properties: * `storage`: An array that can be used to store data related to this call. Easy as pie: ``` $call->storage["pony"] = "fluttershy"; \\danog\\MadelineProto\\Logger::log($call->storage["pony"]); // fluttershy ``` Note: when modifying this property, *never* overwrite the previous values. Always either modify the values of the array separately like showed above, or use array_merge. * `configuration`: An array containing the libtgvoip configuration. You can only modify the data saving mode, the network type, the logging file path and the stats dump file path: Example: ``` $call->configuration["log_file_path"] = "logs".$call->getOtherID().".log"; // Default is /dev/null $call->configuration["stats_dump_file_path"] = "stats".$call->getOtherID().".log"; // Default is /dev/null $call->configuration["network_type"] = \\danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIP::NET_TYPE_WIFI; // Default is NET_TYPE_ETHERNET $call->configuration["data_saving"] = \\danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIP::DATA_SAVING_MOBILE; // Default is DATA_SAVING_NEVER $call->parseConfig(); // Always call this after changing settings ``` Note: when modifying this property, *never* overwrite the previous values. Always either modify the values of the array separately like showed above, or use array_merge. After modifying it, you must always parse the new configuration with a call to `parseConfig`. '; } } if (\file_exists('types/'.$type.'.md')) { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log($type); } \file_put_contents('types/'.$type.'.md', $header.$constructors.$methods); $last_namespace = $new_namespace; } \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Generating types index...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); \file_put_contents('types/'.$this->index, '--- title: Types description: List of types image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png --- # Types [Back to API documentation index](..) '.$index); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Generating additional types...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); \file_put_contents('types/string.md', '--- title: string description: A UTF8 string of variable length image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png --- ## Type: string [Back to constructor index](index.md) A UTF8 string of variable length. The total length in bytes of the string must not be bigger than 16777215. '); \file_put_contents('types/bytes.md', '--- title: bytes description: A string of variable length image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png --- ## Type: bytes [Back to constructor index](index.md) ```php $bytes = "simple string of bytes"; ``` Internally, an object of type `\\danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Types\\Bytes`. When casted to string, turns into a string of bytes of variable length, with length smaller than or equal to 16777215. When JSON-serialized, turns into an array of the following format: ``` [ \'_\' => \'bytes\', \'bytes\' => base64_encode($contents) ]; ``` '); \file_put_contents('types/int.md', '--- title: integer description: A 32 bit signed integer ranging from -2147483648 to 2147483647 image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png --- ## Type: int [Back to constructor index](index.md) A 32 bit signed integer ranging from `-2147483648` to `2147483647`. '); \file_put_contents('types/int53.md', '--- title: integer description: A 53 bit signed integer image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png --- ## Type: int53 [Back to constructor index](index.md) A 53 bit signed integer. '); \file_put_contents('types/long.md', '--- title: long description: A 32 bit signed integer ranging from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png --- ## Type: long [Back to constructor index](index.md) A 64 bit signed integer ranging from `-9223372036854775808` to `9223372036854775807`. '); \file_put_contents('types/int128.md', '--- title: int128 description: A 128 bit signed integer image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png --- ## Type: int128 [Back to constructor index](index.md) A 128 bit signed integer represented in little-endian base256 (`string`) format. '); \file_put_contents('types/int256.md', '--- title: int256 description: A 256 bit signed integer image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png --- ## Type: int256 [Back to constructor index](index.md) A 256 bit signed integer represented in little-endian base256 (`string`) format. '); \file_put_contents('types/int512.md', '--- title: int512 description: A 512 bit signed integer image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png --- ## Type: int512 [Back to constructor index](index.md) A 512 bit signed integer represented in little-endian base256 (`string`) format. '); \file_put_contents('types/double.md', '--- title: double description: A double precision floating point number image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png --- ## Type: double [Back to constructor index](index.md) A double precision floating point number, single precision can also be used (float). '); \file_put_contents('types/!X.md', '--- title: !X description: Represents a TL serialized payload image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png --- ## Type: !X [Back to constructor index](index.md) Represents a TL serialized payload. '); \file_put_contents('types/X.md', '--- title: X description: Represents a TL serialized payload image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png --- ## Type: X [Back to constructor index](index.md) Represents a TL serialized payload. '); \file_put_contents('constructors/boolFalse.md', '--- title: boolFalse description: Represents a boolean with value equal to false image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png --- # boolFalse [Back to constructor index](index.md) Represents a boolean with value equal to `false`. '); \file_put_contents('constructors/boolTrue.md', '--- title: boolTrue description: Represents a boolean with value equal to true image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png --- # boolTrue [Back to constructor index](index.md) Represents a boolean with value equal to `true`. '); \file_put_contents('constructors/null.md', '--- title: null description: Represents a null value image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png --- # null [Back to constructor index](index.md) Represents a `null` value. '); \file_put_contents('types/Bool.md', '--- title: Bool description: Represents a boolean. image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png --- # Bool [Back to types index](index.md) Represents a boolean. '); \file_put_contents('types/DataJSON.md', '--- title: DataJSON description: Any json-encodable data image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png --- ## Type: DataJSON [Back to constructor index](index.md) Any json-encodable data. '); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Done!', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); } public static $template = '. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0 AGPLv3 * @link https://docs.madelineproto.xyz MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\\MadelineProto; class Lang { public static $lang = %s; // THIS WILL BE OVERWRITTEN BY $lang["en"] public static $current_lang = %s; }'; public static function addToLang(string $key, string $value = '', bool $force = false) { if (!isset(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang['en'][$key]) || $force) { \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang['en'][$key] = $value; //\file_put_contents(__DIR__.'/Lang.php', \sprintf(self::$template, \var_export(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang, true), \var_export(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang['en'], true))); } } }