2020-06-16 17:52:55 +02:00

262 lines
15 KiB

* Methods module.
* This file is part of MadelineProto.
* MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto.
* If not, see <>.
* @author Daniil Gentili <>
* @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <>
* @license AGPLv3
* @link MadelineProto documentation
namespace danog\MadelineProto\DocsBuilder;
use danog\MadelineProto\StrTools;
use danog\MadelineProto\Tools;
trait Methods
public function mkMethods()
static $bots;
if (!$bots) {
$bots = \json_decode(\file_get_contents(''), true)['result'];
static $errors;
if (!$errors) {
$errors = \json_decode(\file_get_contents(''), true);
$new = ['result' => []];
foreach ($errors['result'] as $code => $suberrors) {
foreach ($suberrors as $method => $suberrors) {
if (!isset($new[$method])) {
$new[$method] = [];
foreach ($suberrors as $error) {
$new['result'][$method][] = [$error, $code];
foreach (\glob('methods/'.$this->any) as $unlink) {
if (\file_exists('methods')) {
$this->docs_methods = [];
$this->human_docs_methods = [];
$this->logger->logger('Generating methods documentation...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE);
foreach ($this->TL->getMethods($this->td)->by_id as $id => $data) {
$method = $data['method'];
$phpMethod = StrTools::methodEscape($method);
$type = \str_replace(['<', '>'], ['_of_', ''], $data['type']);
$php_type = \preg_replace('/.*_of_/', '', $type);
if (!isset($this->types[$php_type])) {
$this->types[$php_type] = ['methods' => [], 'constructors' => []];
if (!\in_array($data, $this->types[$php_type]['methods'])) {
$this->types[$php_type]['methods'][] = $data;
$params = '';
foreach ($data['params'] as $param) {
if (\in_array($param['name'], ['flags', 'random_id', 'random_bytes'])) {
if ($param['name'] === 'data' && $type === 'messages_SentEncryptedMessage' && !isset($this->settings['td'])) {
$param['name'] = 'message';
$param['type'] = 'DecryptedMessage';
if ($param['name'] === 'chat_id' && $method !== 'messages.discardEncryption' && !isset($this->settings['td'])) {
$param['type'] = 'InputPeer';
$type_or_subtype = isset($param['subtype']) ? 'subtype' : 'type';
$type_or_bare_type = \ctype_upper(Tools::end(\explode('.', $param[$type_or_subtype]))[0]) || \in_array($param[$type_or_subtype], ['!X', 'X', 'bytes', 'true', 'false', 'double', 'string', 'Bool', 'int', 'long', 'int128', 'int256', 'int512', 'int53']) ? 'types' : 'constructors';
$param[$type_or_subtype] = \str_replace(['true', 'false'], ['Bool', 'Bool'], $param[$type_or_subtype]);
$param[$type_or_subtype] = '['.StrTools::markdownEscape($param[$type_or_subtype]).'](../'.$type_or_bare_type.'/'.$param[$type_or_subtype].'.md)';
$params .= "'".$param['name']."' => ".(isset($param['subtype']) ? '\\['.$param[$type_or_subtype].'\\]' : $param[$type_or_subtype]).', ';
if (!isset($this->td_descriptions['methods'][$method])) {
if (\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang['en']['method_'.$method] !== '') {
$this->td_descriptions['methods'][$method]['description'] = \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang['en']['method_'.$method];
$md_method = '['.$phpMethod.']('.$method.'.md)';
$this->docs_methods[$method] = '$MadelineProto->'.$md_method.'(\\['.$params.'\\]) === [$'.StrTools::markdownEscape($type).'](../types/'.$php_type.'.md)<a name="'.$method.'"></a>
if (isset($this->td_descriptions['methods'][$method])) {
$desc = \Parsedown::instance()->line(\trim(\explode("\n", $this->td_descriptions['methods'][$method]['description'])[0], '.'));
$dom = new \DOMDocument();
$dom->loadHTML(\mb_convert_encoding($desc, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8'));
$desc = $dom->textContent;
$this->human_docs_methods[$this->td_descriptions['methods'][$method]['description'].': '.$method] = '* <a href="'.$method.'.html" name="'.$method.'">'.$desc.': '.$method.'</a>
$params = '';
$lua_params = '';
$pwr_params = '';
$json_params = '';
$table = empty($data['params']) ? '' : '### Parameters:
| Name | Type | Required |
if (isset($this->td_descriptions['methods'][$method]) && !empty($data['params'])) {
$table = '### Parameters:
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
$hasentities = false;
$hasreplymarkup = false;
$hasmessage = false;
foreach ($data['params'] as $param) {
if (\in_array($param['name'], ['flags', 'random_id', 'random_bytes'])) {
if ($param['name'] === 'data' && $type === 'messages_SentEncryptedMessage' && !isset($this->settings['td'])) {
$param['name'] = 'message';
$param['type'] = 'DecryptedMessage';
if ($param['name'] === 'chat_id' && $method !== 'messages.discardEncryption' && !isset($this->settings['td'])) {
$param['type'] = 'InputPeer';
if ($param['name'] === 'hash' && $param['type'] === 'int') {
$param['pow'] = 'hi';
$param['type'] = 'Vector t';
$param['subtype'] = 'int';
$ptype = $param[$type_or_subtype = isset($param['subtype']) ? 'subtype' : 'type'];
switch ($ptype) {
case 'true':
case 'false':
$ptype = 'Bool';
$human_ptype = $ptype;
if (\in_array($ptype, ['InputDialogPeer', 'DialogPeer', 'NotifyPeer', 'InputNotifyPeer', 'User', 'InputUser', 'Chat', 'InputChannel', 'Peer', 'InputPeer']) && !isset($this->settings['td'])) {
$human_ptype = 'Username, chat ID, Update, Message or '.$ptype;
if (\in_array($ptype, ['InputMedia', 'InputPhoto', 'InputDocument']) && !isset($this->settings['td'])) {
$human_ptype = 'MessageMedia, Update, Message or '.$ptype;
if (\in_array($ptype, ['InputMessage']) && !isset($this->settings['td'])) {
$human_ptype = 'Message ID or '.$ptype;
if (\in_array($ptype, ['InputEncryptedChat']) && !isset($this->settings['td'])) {
$human_ptype = 'Secret chat ID, Update, EncryptedMessage or '.$ptype;
if (\in_array($ptype, ['InputFile']) && !isset($this->settings['td'])) {
$human_ptype = 'File path or '.$ptype;
if (\in_array($ptype, ['InputEncryptedFile']) && !isset($this->settings['td'])) {
$human_ptype = 'File path or '.$ptype;
$type_or_bare_type = \ctype_upper(Tools::end(\explode('.', $param[$type_or_subtype]))[0]) || \in_array($param[$type_or_subtype], ['!X', 'X', 'bytes', 'true', 'false', 'double', 'string', 'Bool', 'int', 'long', 'int128', 'int256', 'int512', 'int53']) ? 'types' : 'constructors';
if (!isset($this->td_descriptions['methods'][$method]['params'][$param['name']])) {
if (isset($this->td_descriptions['methods'][$method]['description'])) {
$this->td_descriptions['methods'][$method]['params'][$param['name']] = \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang['en']['method_'.$method.'_param_'.$param['name'].'_type_'.$param['type']] ?? '';
if (isset($this->td_descriptions['methods'][$method])) {
$table .= '|'.StrTools::markdownEscape($param['name']).'|'.(isset($param['subtype']) ? 'Array of ' : '').'['.StrTools::markdownEscape($human_ptype).'](../'.$type_or_bare_type.'/'.$ptype.'.md) | '.$this->td_descriptions['methods'][$method]['params'][$param['name']].' | '.(isset($param['pow']) || ($id = $this->TL->getConstructors($this->td)->findByPredicate(\lcfirst($param['type']).'Empty')) && $id['type'] === $param['type'] || ($id = $this->TL->getConstructors($this->td)->findByPredicate('input'.$param['type'].'Empty')) && $id['type'] === $param['type'] ? 'Optional' : 'Yes').'|';
} else {
$table .= '|'.StrTools::markdownEscape($param['name']).'|'.(isset($param['subtype']) ? 'Array of ' : '').'['.StrTools::markdownEscape($human_ptype).'](../'.$type_or_bare_type.'/'.$ptype.'.md) | '.(isset($param['pow']) || ($id = $this->TL->getConstructors($this->td)->findByPredicate(\lcfirst($param['type']).'Empty')) && $id['type'] === $param['type'] || ($id = $this->TL->getConstructors($this->td)->findByPredicate('input'.$param['type'].'Empty')) && $id['type'] === $param['type'] ? 'Optional' : 'Yes').'|';
$table .= PHP_EOL;
$pptype = \in_array($ptype, ['string', 'bytes']) ? "'".$ptype."'" : $ptype;
$ppptype = \in_array($ptype, ['string']) ? '"'.$ptype.'"' : $ptype;
$ppptype = \in_array($ptype, ['bytes']) ? '{"_": "bytes", "bytes":"base64 encoded '.$ptype.'"}' : $ppptype;
$params .= "'".$param['name']."' => ";
$params .= (isset($param['subtype']) ? '['.$pptype.', '.$pptype.']' : $pptype).', ';
$json_params .= '"'.$param['name'].'": '.(isset($param['subtype']) ? '['.$ppptype.']' : $ppptype).', ';
$pwr_params .= $param['name'].' - Json encoded '.(isset($param['subtype']) ? ' array of '.$ptype : $ptype)."\n\n";
$lua_params .= $param['name'].'=';
$lua_params .= (isset($param['subtype']) ? '{'.$pptype.'}' : $pptype).', ';
if ($param['name'] === 'reply_markup') {
$hasreplymarkup = true;
if ($param['name'] === 'message') {
$hasmessage = true;
if ($param['name'] === 'entities') {
$hasentities = true;
$table .= '|parse\\_mode| [string](../types/ | Whether to parse HTML or Markdown markup in the message| Optional |
$params .= "'parse_mode' => 'string', ";
$lua_params .= "parseMode='string', ";
$json_params .= '"parseMode": "string"';
$pwr_params = "parseMode - string\n";
$description = isset($this->td_descriptions['methods'][$method]) ? $this->td_descriptions['methods'][$method]['description'] : $method.' parameters, return type and example';
$symFile = \str_replace('.', '_', $method);
$redir = $symFile !== $method ? "\nredirect_from: /API_docs/methods/{$symFile}.html" : '';
$header = $this->template('Method', $method, $description, $redir, StrTools::markdownEscape($method));
if ($this->td) {
$header .= isset($this->td_descriptions['methods'][$method]) ? $this->td_descriptions['methods'][$method]['description'].PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL : '';
$table .= '
$return = '### Return type: ['.StrTools::markdownEscape($type).'](../types/'.$php_type.'.md)
$bot = !\in_array($method, $bots);
$example = '';
if (!isset($this->settings['td'])) {
$example .= '### Can bots use this method: **'.($bot ? 'YES' : 'NO')."**\n\n\n";
$example .= \str_replace('[]', '', $this->template('method-example', $type, $phpMethod, $params, $method, $lua_params));
if ($hasreplymarkup) {
$example .= $this->template('reply_markup');
if ($hasmessage) {
$example .= $this->template('chunks', StrTools::markdownEscape($type), $php_type);
if ($hasentities) {
$example .= $this->template('parse_mode');
if (isset($new['result'][$method])) {
$example .= '### Errors
| Code | Type | Description |
foreach ($new['result'][$method] as $error) {
[$error, $code] = $error;
$example .= "|{$code}|{$error}|".$errors['human_result'][$error][0].'|'."\n";
$example .= "\n\n";
\file_put_contents('methods/'.$method.'.md', $header.$table.$return.$example);
$this->logger->logger('Generating methods index...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE);
$last_namespace = '';
foreach ($this->docs_methods as $method => &$value) {
$new_namespace = \preg_replace('/_.*/', '', $method);
$br = $new_namespace != $last_namespace ? '***
' : '';
$value = $br.$value;
$last_namespace = $new_namespace;
\file_put_contents('methods/api_'.$this->index, $this->template('methods-api-index', $this->index, \implode('', $this->docs_methods)));
\file_put_contents('methods/'.$this->index, $this->template('methods-index', $this->index, \implode('', $this->human_docs_methods)));