2020-06-16 17:52:55 +02:00

60 lines
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namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools;
use Amp\Loop;
use danog\MadelineProto\Logger;
class GarbageCollector
* Ensure only one instance of GarbageCollector
* when multiple instances of MadelineProto running.
* @var bool
public static bool $lock = false;
* How often will check memory.
* @var int
public static int $checkIntervalMs = 1000;
* Next cleanup will be triggered when memory consumption will increase by this amount.
* @var int
public static int $memoryDiffMb = 1;
* Memory consumption after last cleanup.
* @var int
private static int $memoryConsumption = 0;
public static function start(): void
if (static::$lock) {
static::$lock = true;
Loop::repeat(static::$checkIntervalMs, static function () {
$currentMemory = static::getMemoryConsumption();
if ($currentMemory > static::$memoryConsumption + static::$memoryDiffMb) {
static::$memoryConsumption = static::getMemoryConsumption();
$cleanedMemory = $currentMemory - static::$memoryConsumption;
Logger::log("gc_collect_cycles done. Cleaned memory: $cleanedMemory Mb", Logger::NOTICE);
private static function getMemoryConsumption(): int
$memory = \round(\memory_get_usage()/1024/1024, 1);
Logger::log("Memory consumption: $memory Mb", Logger::VERBOSE);
return (int) $memory;