2020-02-17 14:13:46 +01:00

295 lines
12 KiB

* Logger module.
* This file is part of MadelineProto.
* MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto.
* If not, see <>.
* @author Daniil Gentili <>
* @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <>
* @license AGPLv3
* @link MadelineProto documentation
namespace danog\MadelineProto;
use Amp\ByteStream\ResourceOutputStream;
use Amp\Failure;
use function Amp\ByteStream\getStderr;
use function Amp\ByteStream\getStdout;
* Logger class.
class Logger
use Tools;
const FOREGROUND = ['default' => 39, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'light_gray' => 37, 'dark_gray' => 90, 'light_red' => 91, 'light_green' => 92, 'light_yellow' => 93, 'light_blue' => 94, 'light_magenta' => 95, 'light_cyan' => 96, 'white' => 97];
const BACKGROUND = ['default' => 49, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'magenta' => 45, 'yellow' => 43, 'green' => 42, 'blue' => 44, 'cyan' => 46, 'light_gray' => 47, 'dark_gray' => 100, 'light_red' => 101, 'light_green' => 102, 'light_yellow' => 103, 'light_blue' => 104, 'light_magenta' => 105, 'light_cyan' => 106, 'white' => 107];
const SET = ['bold' => 1, 'dim' => 2, 'underlined' => 3, 'blink' => 4, 'reverse' => 5, 'hidden' => 6];
const RESET = ['all' => 0, 'bold' => 21, 'dim' => 22, 'underlined' => 24, 'blink' => 25, 'reverse' => 26, 'hidden' => 28];
* Logging mode.
* @var integer
public $mode = 0;
* Optional logger parameter.
* @var mixed
public $optional = null;
* Logger prefix.
* @var string
public $prefix = '';
* Logging level.
* @var integer
public $level = self::NOTICE;
* Logging colors.
* @var array
public $colors = [];
* Newline.
* @var string
public $newline = "\n";
* Default logger instance.
* @var self
public static $default;
* Whether the AGPL notice was printed.
* @var boolean
public static $printed = false;
const ULTRA_VERBOSE = 5;
const VERBOSE = 4;
const NOTICE = 3;
const WARNING = 2;
const ERROR = 1;
const FATAL_ERROR = 0;
const NO_LOGGER = 0;
const FILE_LOGGER = 2;
const ECHO_LOGGER = 3;
* Construct global static logger from MadelineProto settings.
* @param array $settings Settings array
* @return void
public static function constructorFromSettings(array $settings)
if (!self::$default) {
// The getLogger function will automatically init the static logger, but we'll do it again anyway
self::$default = self::getLoggerFromSettings(MTProto::getSettings($settings));
* Get logger from MadelineProto settings.
* @param array $settings Settings array
* @param string $prefix Optional prefix for log messages
* @return self
public static function getLoggerFromSettings(array $settings, string $prefix = ''): self
if (isset($settings['logger']['rollbar_token']) && $settings['logger']['rollbar_token'] !== '' && \class_exists(\Rollbar\Rollbar::class)) {
@\Rollbar\Rollbar::init(['environment' => 'production', 'root' => __DIR__, 'access_token' => isset($settings['logger']['rollbar_token']) && !\in_array($settings['logger']['rollbar_token'], ['f9fff6689aea4905b58eec73f66c791d', '300afd7ccef346ea84d0c185ae831718', '11a8c2fe4c474328b40a28193f8d63f5', 'beef2d426496462ba34dcaad33d44a14']) || $settings['pwr']['pwr'] ? $settings['logger']['rollbar_token'] : 'c07d9b2f73c2461297b0beaef6c1662f'], false, false);
} else {
Exception::$rollbar = false;
RPCErrorException::$rollbar = false;
if (!isset($settings['logger']['logger_param']) && isset($settings['logger']['param'])) {
$settings['logger']['logger_param'] = $settings['logger']['param'];
if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli' && isset($settings['logger']['logger_param']) && $settings['logger']['logger_param'] === 'MadelineProto.log') {
$settings['logger']['logger_param'] = Magic::$script_cwd . '/MadelineProto.log';
$logger = new self($settings['logger']['logger'], $settings['logger']['logger_param'] ?? '', $prefix, $settings['logger']['logger_level'] ?? Logger::VERBOSE, $settings['logger']['max_size'] ?? 100 * 1024 * 1024);
if (!self::$default) {
self::$default = $logger;
if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') {
try {
\ini_set('log_errors', 1);
\ini_set('error_log', $settings['logger']['logger'] === self::FILE_LOGGER ? $settings['logger']['logger_param'] : Magic::$script_cwd . '/MadelineProto.log');
\error_log('Enabled PHP logging');
} catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) {
$logger->logger('Could not enable PHP logging');
return $logger;
* Construct global logger.
* @param int $mode One of the logger constants
* @param mixed $optional Optional parameter for logger
* @param string $prefix Prefix for log messages
* @param int $level Default logging level
* @param int $max_size Maximum size for logfile
* @return void
public static function constructor(int $mode, $optional = null, string $prefix = '', int $level = self::NOTICE, int $max_size = 100 * 1024 * 1024)
self::$default = new self($mode, $optional, $prefix, $level, $max_size);
* Construct global logger.
* @param int $mode One of the logger constants
* @param mixed $optional Optional parameter for logger
* @param string $prefix Prefix for log messages
* @param int $level Default logging level
* @param int $max_size Maximum size for logfile
* @return void
public function __construct(int $mode, $optional = null, string $prefix = '', int $level = self::NOTICE, int $max_size = 100 * 1024 * 1024)
if ($mode === null) {
throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['no_mode_specified']);
$this->mode = $mode;
$this->optional = $mode == 2 ? Absolute::absolute($optional) : $optional;
$this->prefix = $prefix === '' ? '' : ', ' . $prefix;
$this->level = $level;
if ($this->mode === 2 && !\file_exists(\pathinfo($this->optional, PATHINFO_DIRNAME))) {
$this->optional = Magic::$script_cwd . '/MadelineProto.log';
if ($this->mode === 2 && !\preg_match('/\\.log$/', $this->optional)) {
$this->optional .= '.log';
if ($mode === 2 && $max_size !== -1 && \file_exists($this->optional) && \filesize($this->optional) > $max_size) {
$this->colors[self::ULTRA_VERBOSE] = \implode(';', [self::FOREGROUND['light_gray'], self::SET['dim']]);
$this->colors[self::VERBOSE] = \implode(';', [self::FOREGROUND['green'], self::SET['bold']]);
$this->colors[self::NOTICE] = \implode(';', [self::FOREGROUND['yellow'], self::SET['bold']]);
$this->colors[self::WARNING] = \implode(';', [self::FOREGROUND['white'], self::SET['dim'], self::BACKGROUND['red']]);
$this->colors[self::ERROR] = \implode(';', [self::FOREGROUND['white'], self::SET['bold'], self::BACKGROUND['red']]);
$this->colors[self::FATAL_ERROR] = \implode(';', [self::FOREGROUND['red'], self::SET['bold'], self::BACKGROUND['light_gray']]);
$this->newline = PHP_EOL;
if ($this->mode === 3) {
$this->stdout = getStdout();
if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') {
$this->newline = '<br>' . $this->newline;
} elseif ($this->mode === 2) {
$this->stdout = new ResourceOutputStream(\fopen($this->optional, 'a+'));
} elseif ($this->mode === 1) {
$result = @\ini_get('error_log');
if ($result === 'syslog') {
$this->stdout = getStderr();
} elseif ($result) {
$this->stdout = new ResourceOutputStream(\fopen($result, 'a+'));
} else {
$this->stdout = getStderr();
* Log a message.
* @param mixed $param Message
* @param int $level Logging level
* @return void
public static function log($param, int $level = self::NOTICE)
if (!\is_null(self::$default)) {
self::$default->logger($param, $level, \basename(\debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1)[0]['file'], '.php'));
} else {
echo $param . PHP_EOL;
* Log a message.
* @param mixed $param Message to log
* @param int $level Logging level
* @param string $file File that originated the message
* @return void
public function logger($param, int $level = self::NOTICE, string $file = ''): void
if ($level > $this->level || $this->mode === 0) {
if (!self::$printed) {
self::$printed = true;
$this->colors[self::NOTICE] = \implode(';', [self::FOREGROUND['light_gray'], self::SET['bold'], self::BACKGROUND['blue']]);
$this->logger('Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili');
$this->logger('Licensed under AGPLv3');
$this->colors[self::NOTICE] = \implode(';', [self::FOREGROUND['yellow'], self::SET['bold']]);
if ($this->mode === 4) {
\call_user_func_array($this->optional, [$param, $level]);
$prefix = $this->prefix;
if (\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$has_thread && \is_object(\Thread::getCurrentThread())) {
$prefix .= ' (t)';
if ($param instanceof \Throwable) {
$param = (string) $param;
} elseif (!\is_string($param)) {
$param = \json_encode($param, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
if (empty($file)) {
$file = \basename(\debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1)[0]['file'], '.php');
$param = \str_pad($file . $prefix . ': ', 16 + \strlen($prefix)) . "\t" . $param;
switch ($this->mode) {
case 1:
if ($this->stdout->write($param . $this->newline) instanceof Failure) {
$param = Magic::$isatty ? "\33[" . $this->colors[$level] . 'm' . $param . "\33[0m" . $this->newline : $param . $this->newline;
if ($this->stdout->write($param) instanceof Failure) {
switch ($this->mode) {
case 3:
echo $param;
case 2:
\file_put_contents($this->optional, $param, FILE_APPEND);