package org.warp.commonutils.concurrency.executor; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.function.Supplier; import org.warp.commonutils.functional.IORunnable; import org.warp.commonutils.functional.IOSupplier; import org.warp.commonutils.random.HashUtil; /** * An Executor which executes tasks on the caller thread. * The tasks will be executed synchronously on a per-key basis. * By saying per-key, we mean that thread safety is guaranteed for threads calling it with equals keys. * When two threads calling the executor with equals keys, the executions will never overlap each other. * On the other hand, the executor is implemented so calls from different threads, with keys that are not equals, will be executed concurrently with minimal contention between the calls. * Calling threads might be suspended. * Calling execute from different threads with equals keys has the same memory semantics as locking and releasing a java.util.concurrent.locks.{@link Lock}. */ public final class PerKeyReadWriteExecutor extends ReadWriteExecutor implements Closeable { private static final int BASE_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = 32; private final int concurrencyLevel; private final ConcurrencySegment[] segments; private boolean closed = false; public PerKeyReadWriteExecutor() { this(BASE_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL); } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) public PerKeyReadWriteExecutor(int concurrencyLevel) { super(); this.concurrencyLevel = concurrencyLevel; segments = (ConcurrencySegment[]) new ConcurrencySegment[concurrencyLevel]; for (int i = 0; i < concurrencyLevel; i++) { segments[i] = new ConcurrencySegment<>(ReadWriteExecutor::new); } } public void execute(KEY_TYPE key, ReadWriteExecutor.LockMode lockMode, Runnable task) { super.execute(LockMode.READ, () -> { if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException(PerKeyReadWriteExecutor.class.getSimpleName() + " is closed"); int segmentIndex = HashUtil.boundedHash(key, concurrencyLevel); ConcurrencySegment s = segments[segmentIndex]; ReadWriteExecutor executor = s.getValue(key); try { executor.execute(lockMode, task); } finally { s.releaseKey(key); } }); } public void executeIO(KEY_TYPE key, ReadWriteExecutor.LockMode lockMode, IORunnable task) throws IOException { super.executeIO(LockMode.READ, () -> { if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException(PerKeyReadWriteExecutor.class.getSimpleName() + " is closed"); int segmentIndex = HashUtil.boundedHash(key, concurrencyLevel); ConcurrencySegment s = segments[segmentIndex]; ReadWriteExecutor executor = s.getValue(key); try { executor.executeIO(lockMode, task); } finally { s.releaseKey(key); } }); } public R execute(KEY_TYPE key, ReadWriteExecutor.LockMode lockMode, Supplier task) { return super.execute(LockMode.READ, () -> { if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException(PerKeyReadWriteExecutor.class.getSimpleName() + " is closed"); int segmentIndex = HashUtil.boundedHash(key, concurrencyLevel); ConcurrencySegment s = segments[segmentIndex]; ReadWriteExecutor executor = s.getValue(key); try { return executor.execute(lockMode, task); } finally { s.releaseKey(key); } }); } public R executeIO(KEY_TYPE key, ReadWriteExecutor.LockMode lockMode, IOSupplier task) throws IOException { return super.executeIO(LockMode.READ, () -> { if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException(PerKeyReadWriteExecutor.class.getSimpleName() + " is closed"); int segmentIndex = HashUtil.boundedHash(key, concurrencyLevel); ConcurrencySegment s = segments[segmentIndex]; ReadWriteExecutor executor = s.getValue(key); try { return executor.executeIO(lockMode, task); } finally { s.releaseKey(key); } }); } @Override public void close() { super.execute(LockMode.WRITE, () -> { closed = true; }); } }