Class TdApi.PaymentsProviderStripe

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class TdApi.PaymentsProviderStripe
    extends TdApi.Object
    Stripe payment provider.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      boolean needCardholderName
      True, if the cardholder name must be provided.
      boolean needCountry
      True, if the user country must be provided.
      boolean needPostalCode
      True, if the user ZIP/postal code must be provided.
      java.lang.String publishableKey
      Stripe API publishable key.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Default constructor.
      PaymentsProviderStripe​(java.lang.String publishableKey, boolean needCountry, boolean needPostalCode, boolean needCardholderName)
      Constructor for initialization of all fields.
    • Field Detail

      • publishableKey

        public java.lang.String publishableKey
        Stripe API publishable key.
      • needCountry

        public boolean needCountry
        True, if the user country must be provided.
      • needPostalCode

        public boolean needPostalCode
        True, if the user ZIP/postal code must be provided.
      • needCardholderName

        public boolean needCardholderName
        True, if the cardholder name must be provided.

        public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
        Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • PaymentsProviderStripe

        public PaymentsProviderStripe()
        Default constructor.
      • PaymentsProviderStripe

        public PaymentsProviderStripe​(java.lang.String publishableKey,
                                      boolean needCountry,
                                      boolean needPostalCode,
                                      boolean needCardholderName)
        Constructor for initialization of all fields.
        publishableKey - Stripe API publishable key.
        needCountry - True, if the user country must be provided.
        needPostalCode - True, if the user ZIP/postal code must be provided.
        needCardholderName - True, if the cardholder name must be provided.