import std.algorithm; import std.array; import std.file; import std.getopt; import std.json; import std.stdio; import std.string; import semver; /** * Finds the best match of $(D range) in $(D choices) versions list. * * Params: * range = Match criteria. * choices = Versions list it is matched against. * * Returns: * Best match in $(D choices) or empty string if no match is found. * * See_Also: * $(WEB Ranges definition) */ string matchVersion(string range, string[] choices) { foreach (ref choice; choices) { choice.skipOver('~'); } if (range.skipOver('~')) { foreach (choice; choices) { if (choice.startsWith(range)) return choice; } return ""; } return ""; } unittest { } int main(string[] args) { string registryFile = ""; string packageVersion = ""; bool listVersions; string outputPath = "."; getopt(args, "package|p", ®istryFile, "tag|t", &packageVersion, "list|l", &listVersions, "output|o", &outputPath); if (registryFile.empty) { stderr.writeln("Package registry file (<package_name>.json) need to be specified."); return -1; } if (!exists(registryFile) && !registryFile.endsWith(".json")) registryFile ~= ".json"; if (!exists(registryFile)) { stderr.writefln("Package registry file '%s' not found.", registryFile); return -1; } string json = readText(registryFile); JSONValue node; JSONValue root = parseJSON(json); if (packageVersion.empty) { packageVersion = "*"; } auto versionRange = SemVerRange(packageVersion); if (!versionRange.valid) { // try exact string match auto range = root["versions"].array.find!`a["version"].str == b`(packageVersion); if (!range.empty) { node = range[0]; } else { stderr.writefln("%s has no version tagged %s.", root["name"].str, packageVersion); return -1; } } else { string nodeVersionString(JSONValue node) { auto ver = node["version"].str; ver.skipOver('~'); return ver; } auto nodes = root["versions"].array.filter!(a => SemVer(nodeVersionString(a)).valid).array; auto maxVersion =!(a => SemVer(nodeVersionString(a))).array.maxSatisfying(versionRange); if (maxVersion.valid) { auto range = nodes.find!((a, b) => SemVer(nodeVersionString(a)) == b)(maxVersion); assert(!range.empty); node = range[0]; } else { stderr.writefln("%s has no version %s.", root["name"].str, versionRange); return -1; } } if (registryFile.endsWith(".json")) { registryFile = registryFile[0..$-5]; } if (listVersions) { writefln("Package '%s'", registryFile); foreach(n; root["versions"].array) { writefln(" %s => %s", n["version"].str, n["downloadUrl"].str); } } packageVersion = node["version"].str; auto packageUrl = node["downloadUrl"].str; auto packageName = root["name"].str; if (!outputPath.isDir) { stderr.writefln("Output path '%s' need to be a directory.", outputPath); return -1; } string output = "set(DUB_PACKAGE_NAME, \"%s\")\n".format(packageName) ~ "set(DUB_PACKAGE_VERSION \"%s\")\n".format(packageVersion) ~ "set(DUB_PACKAGE_URL \"%s\")\n".format(packageUrl); std.file.write(outputPath ~ "/" ~ packageName ~ ".cmake", output); return 0; }