/* Copyright 2019 Ernesto Castellotti * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * Appendix by copyright onwer: * All files generated by this program are to be considered as the property * of the copyright owner, any use (including commercial) is permitted on the * condition of publicly mentioning the use of this software. */ module tlscheme2json; enum DEFAULT_TL_URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tdlib/td/master/td/generate/scheme/td_api.tl"; class TLMethod { string name = ""; string type = ""; string description = ""; } class TLClass { string name = ""; TLMethod[] methods; string description = ""; string inheritance = ""; string return_type = ""; bool isFunction; bool isSynchronous; } class TLJson { TLClass[] tl_classes; } class TLScheme2Json { private string scheme; private TLClass[] classes; private bool functionHeaderFounded = false; private TLClass[] classList; this(string scheme) { this.scheme = scheme; } this() { import std.stdio : writeln; import std.net.curl : get; writeln("Obtaining TLScheme from " , DEFAULT_TL_URL); this.scheme = get(DEFAULT_TL_URL).dup; } void parse() { import std.array : split; import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith; import std.algorithm.searching : canFind; import std.array : empty; auto lines = this.scheme.split("\n"); auto lineptr = lines.ptr; auto endptr = &lines[lines.length -1]; while(true) { if(lineptr > endptr) { break; } auto line = *lineptr; if (line.empty) { lineptr++; continue; } if (line.startsWith("//@description")) { parseType(lineptr, this.functionHeaderFounded); continue; } if (line.startsWith("//@class")) { parseClass(*lineptr, this.functionHeaderFounded); lineptr++; continue; } if (line.canFind("---functions---")) { this.functionHeaderFounded = true; lineptr++; continue; } lineptr++; } } string toJson() { import asdf : serializeToJsonPretty; auto tljson = new TLJson(); tljson.tl_classes = this.classList; return tljson.serializeToJsonPretty(); } private void parseType(ref string* lineptr, bool isFunction) { auto tlClass = implParse(lineptr, isFunction); this.classList ~= tlClass; } private void parseClass(string line, bool isFunction) { import std.array : split; import std.array : replace; import std.string : strip; auto lineSplit = line.split("@"); auto tlClass = new TLClass(); tlClass.name = lineSplit[1].replace("class", "").strip(); tlClass.description = lineSplit[2].replace("description", "").strip(); tlClass.inheritance = "TLBaseClass"; tlClass.isFunction = isFunction; this.classList ~= tlClass; } private TLClass implParse(ref string* lineptr, bool isFunction) { import std.array : empty; import std.array : split; import std.array : join; import std.array : replace; import std.string : stripLeft; import std.string : stripRight; import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith; import std.algorithm.searching : canFind; import std.uni : toLower; import std.stdio : writeln; string name = ""; string description = ""; string inheritance = ""; string return_type = ""; bool isSynchronous = false; TLMethod[] methods; string propertiesLines = lineptr[0].stripLeft("//"); while(true) { auto line = *lineptr; lineptr++; if (line.startsWith("//@")) { propertiesLines ~= " " ~ line.stripLeft("//"); continue; } if (line.startsWith("//-")) { propertiesLines ~= " " ~ line.stripLeft("//-"); continue; } auto fields = line.split(); name = fields[0]; methods = new TLMethod[fields.length - 3]; foreach (i, method; fields[1..fields.length -2]) { auto methodProperties = method.split(":"); methods[i] = new TLMethod(); methods[i].name = methodProperties[0]; methods[i].type = methodProperties[1]; methods[i].description = ""; } auto rawreturn = fields[fields.length -1].stripRight(";"); if (rawreturn.toLower != name.toLower) { if(isFunction) { foreach (tlClass; this.classList) { if (tlClass.name.toLower == rawreturn.toLower) { return_type = tlClass.name; } } } else { inheritance = rawreturn; } } if(inheritance == null) { inheritance = "BaseTLClass"; } if(isFunction && return_type.empty) { writeln("[WARNING] return type has not been founded for function: ", name); } break; } auto properties = propertiesLines.split("@"); foreach(property; properties[1..properties.length]) { auto propertySplit = property.split(); if (propertySplit[0] == "description") { description = propertySplit[1..propertySplit.length].join(" "); } else { auto nameMethod = propertySplit[0].replace("param_", ""); auto valueProperty = propertySplit[1..propertySplit.length].join(" "); foreach(method; methods) { if(method.name == nameMethod) { method.description = valueProperty; } } } } isSynchronous = description.canFind("Can be called synchronously"); auto tlClass = new TLClass(); tlClass.name = name; tlClass.methods = methods; tlClass.description = description; tlClass.inheritance = inheritance; tlClass.return_type = return_type; tlClass.isFunction = isFunction; tlClass.isSynchronous = isSynchronous; return tlClass; } }