2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
/ *
* Copyright ( C ) 2011 Markus Junginger , greenrobot ( http : //greenrobot.de)
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2 . 0 ( the " License " ) ;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS ,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied .
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License .
* /
package nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.daogen ;
import de.greenrobot.daogenerator.DaoGenerator ;
import de.greenrobot.daogenerator.Entity ;
2017-04-16 19:37:43 +02:00
import de.greenrobot.daogenerator.Index ;
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
import de.greenrobot.daogenerator.Property ;
import de.greenrobot.daogenerator.Schema ;
/ * *
* Generates entities and DAOs for the example project DaoExample .
* Automatically run during build .
* /
public class GBDaoGenerator {
2016-11-15 23:21:13 +01:00
private static final String VALID_FROM_UTC = " validFromUTC " ;
private static final String VALID_TO_UTC = " validToUTC " ;
2016-05-01 00:19:15 +02:00
private static final String MAIN_PACKAGE = " nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge " ;
private static final String MODEL_PACKAGE = MAIN_PACKAGE + " .model " ;
2016-06-06 23:18:46 +02:00
private static final String VALID_BY_DATE = MODEL_PACKAGE + " .ValidByDate " ;
2017-10-19 21:52:38 +02:00
private static final String ACTIVITY_SUMMARY = MODEL_PACKAGE + " .ActivitySummary " ;
2016-08-27 21:17:34 +02:00
private static final String OVERRIDE = " @Override " ;
2016-11-15 23:21:13 +01:00
private static final String SAMPLE_RAW_INTENSITY = " rawIntensity " ;
private static final String SAMPLE_STEPS = " steps " ;
private static final String SAMPLE_RAW_KIND = " rawKind " ;
private static final String SAMPLE_HEART_RATE = " heartRate " ;
2023-10-15 13:37:41 +00:00
private static final String SAMPLE_TEMPERATURE = " temperature " ;
private static final String SAMPLE_TEMPERATURE_TYPE = " temperatureType " ;
2024-08-11 11:39:08 +02:00
private static final String SAMPLE_WEIGHT_KG = " weightKg " ;
2016-11-15 23:21:13 +01:00
private static final String TIMESTAMP_FROM = " timestampFrom " ;
private static final String TIMESTAMP_TO = " timestampTo " ;
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
2017-04-16 19:37:43 +02:00
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
public static void main ( String [ ] args ) throws Exception {
2024-10-11 22:29:55 +01:00
final Schema schema = new Schema ( 81 , MAIN_PACKAGE + " .entities " ) ;
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
Entity userAttributes = addUserAttributes ( schema ) ;
Entity user = addUserInfo ( schema , userAttributes ) ;
Entity deviceAttributes = addDeviceAttributes ( schema ) ;
Entity device = addDevice ( schema , deviceAttributes ) ;
2016-11-27 09:49:28 +01:00
// yeah deep shit, has to be here (after device) for db upgrade and column order
// because addDevice adds a property to deviceAttributes also....
deviceAttributes . addStringProperty ( " volatileIdentifier " ) ;
2016-08-27 00:23:41 +02:00
Entity tag = addTag ( schema ) ;
Entity userDefinedActivityOverlay = addActivityDescription ( schema , tag , user ) ;
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
2019-10-03 11:52:46 +02:00
addMakibesHR3ActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2016-04-17 19:52:51 +02:00
addMiBandActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2022-09-10 14:22:46 +01:00
addHuamiExtendedActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2023-05-20 23:34:10 +01:00
addHuamiStressSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addHuamiSpo2Sample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2023-05-27 18:59:12 +01:00
addHuamiHeartRateManualSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addHuamiHeartRateMaxSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addHuamiHeartRateRestingSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2023-05-27 19:02:01 +01:00
addHuamiPaiSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2023-05-27 19:03:43 +01:00
addHuamiSleepRespiratoryRateSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2023-10-19 23:33:46 +01:00
addXiaomiActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2023-12-01 21:35:29 +00:00
addXiaomiSleepTimeSamples ( schema , user , device ) ;
2023-12-22 21:13:20 +00:00
addXiaomiSleepStageSamples ( schema , user , device ) ;
2024-01-18 21:06:40 +00:00
addXiaomiManualSamples ( schema , user , device ) ;
2023-12-12 20:26:55 +00:00
addXiaomiDailySummarySamples ( schema , user , device ) ;
2024-01-28 18:46:13 +00:00
addCmfActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addCmfStressSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addCmfSpo2Sample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addCmfSleepSessionSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addCmfSleepStageSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addCmfHeartRateSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addCmfWorkoutGpsSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2016-07-30 23:22:27 +02:00
addPebbleHealthActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2016-08-08 09:01:36 +02:00
addPebbleHealthActivityKindOverlay ( schema , user , device ) ;
2016-07-25 22:19:39 +02:00
addPebbleMisfitActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2016-07-31 00:06:26 +02:00
addPebbleMorpheuzActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2017-01-02 00:58:37 +00:00
addHPlusHealthActivityKindOverlay ( schema , user , device ) ;
2016-12-21 12:51:25 +00:00
addHPlusHealthActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2017-09-03 21:08:31 +03:00
addNo1F1ActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2018-02-25 12:05:36 +01:00
addXWatchActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2018-06-27 09:01:26 +02:00
addZeTimeActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2018-07-29 19:49:45 +03:00
addID115ActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2018-09-27 01:05:40 +03:00
addJYouActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2019-10-27 18:04:38 +01:00
addWatchXPlusHealthActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2019-10-29 22:34:31 +01:00
addWatchXPlusHealthActivityKindOverlay ( schema , user , device ) ;
2020-07-01 18:54:31 +02:00
addTLW64ActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2020-10-05 03:13:22 -06:00
addLefunActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2024-08-04 22:59:29 +01:00
addLefunBiometricSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2020-10-05 03:13:22 -06:00
addLefunSleepSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2020-09-01 23:15:20 +03:00
addSonySWR12Sample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2020-12-04 15:14:00 +00:00
addBangleJSActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2020-12-20 00:22:35 +01:00
addCasioGBX100Sample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2021-09-21 16:37:19 +02:00
addFitProActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2021-12-11 21:19:05 +01:00
addPineTimeActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2023-07-26 17:20:43 +00:00
addWithingsSteelHRActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2020-04-20 00:11:45 +02:00
addHybridHRActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2023-06-15 15:38:25 +02:00
addVivomoveHrActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2023-06-18 16:40:34 +02:00
addGarminFitFile ( schema , user , device ) ;
2024-05-01 22:20:34 +01:00
addGarminActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addGarminStressSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2024-08-04 22:59:29 +01:00
addGarminBodyEnergySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2024-05-01 22:20:34 +01:00
addGarminSpo2Sample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addGarminSleepStageSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addGarminEventSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2024-08-02 21:42:18 +01:00
addGarminHrvSummarySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addGarminHrvValueSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2024-10-11 22:29:55 +01:00
addGarminRespiratoryRateSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2024-08-20 15:34:48 +01:00
addPendingFile ( schema , user , device ) ;
2023-09-23 10:31:41 +00:00
addWena3EnergySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addWena3BehaviorSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addWena3CaloriesSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addWena3ActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addWena3HeartRateSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addWena3Vo2Sample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addWena3StressSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2023-10-15 13:37:41 +00:00
addFemometerVinca2TemperatureSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2024-08-11 11:39:08 +02:00
addMiScaleWeightSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2024-07-08 22:33:35 +02:00
addColmiActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addColmiHeartRateSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addColmiSpo2Sample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addColmiStressSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addColmiSleepSessionSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
addColmiSleepStageSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2023-06-15 15:38:25 +02:00
2024-01-07 23:18:08 +01:00
addHuaweiActivitySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
Entity huaweiWorkoutSummary = addHuaweiWorkoutSummarySample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2024-08-18 17:32:35 +02:00
addHuaweiWorkoutDataSample ( schema , huaweiWorkoutSummary ) ;
addHuaweiWorkoutPaceSample ( schema , huaweiWorkoutSummary ) ;
2024-01-07 23:18:08 +01:00
2017-04-16 19:37:43 +02:00
addCalendarSyncState ( schema , device ) ;
2018-11-24 12:16:47 +01:00
addAlarms ( schema , user , device ) ;
2021-12-04 15:55:09 +00:00
addReminders ( schema , user , device ) ;
2022-05-09 19:47:08 +01:00
addWorldClocks ( schema , user , device ) ;
2023-05-17 23:43:29 +01:00
addContacts ( schema , user , device ) ;
2023-09-23 10:31:41 +00:00
addAppSpecificNotificationSettings ( schema , device ) ;
2024-05-10 20:43:45 +00:00
addCyclingSample ( schema , user , device ) ;
2017-04-16 19:37:43 +02:00
2018-12-03 09:45:43 +01:00
Entity notificationFilter = addNotificationFilters ( schema ) ;
addNotificationFilterEntry ( schema , notificationFilter ) ;
2020-08-07 23:12:29 +02:00
addActivitySummary ( schema , user , device ) ;
2021-01-31 11:10:03 +01:00
addBatteryLevel ( schema , device ) ;
2016-04-10 00:18:16 +08:00
new DaoGenerator ( ) . generateAll ( schema , " app/src/main/java " ) ;
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
2016-08-27 00:23:41 +02:00
private static Entity addTag ( Schema schema ) {
Entity tag = addEntity ( schema , " Tag " ) ;
tag . addIdProperty ( ) ;
tag . addStringProperty ( " name " ) . notNull ( ) ;
tag . addStringProperty ( " description " ) . javaDocGetterAndSetter ( " An optional description of this tag. " ) ;
2016-09-06 00:00:48 +02:00
tag . addLongProperty ( " userId " ) . notNull ( ) ;
2016-08-27 00:23:41 +02:00
return tag ;
private static Entity addActivityDescription ( Schema schema , Entity tag , Entity user ) {
Entity activityDesc = addEntity ( schema , " ActivityDescription " ) ;
activityDesc . setJavaDoc ( " A user may further specify his activity with a detailed description and the help of tags. \ nOne or more tags can be added to a given activity range. " ) ;
activityDesc . addIdProperty ( ) ;
2016-08-27 21:17:34 +02:00
activityDesc . addIntProperty ( TIMESTAMP_FROM ) . notNull ( ) ;
activityDesc . addIntProperty ( TIMESTAMP_TO ) . notNull ( ) ;
2016-08-27 00:23:41 +02:00
activityDesc . addStringProperty ( " details " ) . javaDocGetterAndSetter ( " An optional detailed description, specific to this very activity occurrence. " ) ;
Property userId = activityDesc . addLongProperty ( " userId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
activityDesc . addToOne ( user , userId ) ;
Entity activityDescTagLink = addEntity ( schema , " ActivityDescTagLink " ) ;
activityDescTagLink . addIdProperty ( ) ;
Property sourceId = activityDescTagLink . addLongProperty ( " activityDescriptionId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
Property targetId = activityDescTagLink . addLongProperty ( " tagId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
activityDesc . addToMany ( tag , activityDescTagLink , sourceId , targetId ) ;
return activityDesc ;
2016-05-23 23:31:22 +02:00
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
private static Entity addUserInfo ( Schema schema , Entity userAttributes ) {
2016-05-01 00:19:15 +02:00
Entity user = addEntity ( schema , " User " ) ;
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
user . addIdProperty ( ) ;
user . addStringProperty ( " name " ) . notNull ( ) ;
user . addDateProperty ( " birthday " ) . notNull ( ) ;
2016-05-13 23:47:47 +02:00
user . addIntProperty ( " gender " ) . notNull ( ) ;
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
Property userId = userAttributes . addLongProperty ( " userId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
2016-05-23 23:31:22 +02:00
// sorted by the from-date, newest first
Property userAttributesSortProperty = getPropertyByName ( userAttributes , VALID_FROM_UTC ) ;
user . addToMany ( userAttributes , userId ) . orderDesc ( userAttributesSortProperty ) ;
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
return user ;
2016-05-23 23:31:22 +02:00
private static Property getPropertyByName ( Entity entity , String propertyName ) {
for ( Property prop : entity . getProperties ( ) ) {
if ( propertyName . equals ( prop . getPropertyName ( ) ) ) {
return prop ;
throw new IllegalStateException ( " Could not find property " + propertyName + " in entity " + entity . getClassName ( ) ) ;
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
private static Entity addUserAttributes ( Schema schema ) {
// additional properties of a user, which may change during the lifetime of a user
// this allows changing attributes while preserving user identity
2016-05-01 00:19:15 +02:00
Entity userAttributes = addEntity ( schema , " UserAttributes " ) ;
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
userAttributes . addIdProperty ( ) ;
userAttributes . addIntProperty ( " heightCM " ) . notNull ( ) ;
userAttributes . addIntProperty ( " weightKG " ) . notNull ( ) ;
2016-08-24 22:54:32 +02:00
userAttributes . addIntProperty ( " sleepGoalHPD " ) . javaDocGetterAndSetter ( " Desired number of hours of sleep per day. " ) ;
userAttributes . addIntProperty ( " stepsGoalSPD " ) . javaDocGetterAndSetter ( " Desired number of steps per day. " ) ;
2016-06-06 23:18:46 +02:00
addDateValidityTo ( userAttributes ) ;
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
return userAttributes ;
2016-06-06 23:18:46 +02:00
private static void addDateValidityTo ( Entity entity ) {
2016-09-06 00:00:48 +02:00
entity . addDateProperty ( VALID_FROM_UTC ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
entity . addDateProperty ( VALID_TO_UTC ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
2016-06-06 23:18:46 +02:00
entity . implementsInterface ( VALID_BY_DATE ) ;
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
private static Entity addDevice ( Schema schema , Entity deviceAttributes ) {
2016-05-01 00:19:15 +02:00
Entity device = addEntity ( schema , " Device " ) ;
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
device . addIdProperty ( ) ;
device . addStringProperty ( " name " ) . notNull ( ) ;
device . addStringProperty ( " manufacturer " ) . notNull ( ) ;
2016-05-13 23:47:47 +02:00
device . addStringProperty ( " identifier " ) . notNull ( ) . unique ( ) . javaDocGetterAndSetter ( " The fixed identifier, i.e. MAC address of the device. " ) ;
2023-10-22 01:33:08 +02:00
device . addIntProperty ( " type " ) . notNull ( ) . javaDocGetterAndSetter ( " The DeviceType key, i.e. the GBDevice's type. " ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( " @Deprecated " ) ;
device . addStringProperty ( " typeName " ) . notNull ( ) . javaDocGetterAndSetter ( " The DeviceType enum name, for example SONY_WH_1000XM3 " ) ;
2022-06-23 23:12:08 +02:00
device . addStringProperty ( " model " ) . javaDocGetterAndSetter ( " An optional model, further specifying the kind of device. " ) ;
2020-06-12 18:04:53 +02:00
device . addStringProperty ( " alias " ) ;
2022-06-23 23:12:08 +02:00
device . addStringProperty ( " parentFolder " ) . javaDocGetterAndSetter ( " Folder name containing this device. " ) ;
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
Property deviceId = deviceAttributes . addLongProperty ( " deviceId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
2016-05-23 23:31:22 +02:00
// sorted by the from-date, newest first
Property deviceAttributesSortProperty = getPropertyByName ( deviceAttributes , VALID_FROM_UTC ) ;
device . addToMany ( deviceAttributes , deviceId ) . orderDesc ( deviceAttributesSortProperty ) ;
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
return device ;
private static Entity addDeviceAttributes ( Schema schema ) {
2016-05-01 00:19:15 +02:00
Entity deviceAttributes = addEntity ( schema , " DeviceAttributes " ) ;
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
deviceAttributes . addIdProperty ( ) ;
deviceAttributes . addStringProperty ( " firmwareVersion1 " ) . notNull ( ) ;
deviceAttributes . addStringProperty ( " firmwareVersion2 " ) ;
2016-06-06 23:18:46 +02:00
addDateValidityTo ( deviceAttributes ) ;
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
return deviceAttributes ;
2019-10-03 11:52:46 +02:00
private static Entity addMakibesHR3ActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " MakibesHR3ActivitySample " ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
return activitySample ;
2016-04-17 19:52:51 +02:00
private static Entity addMiBandActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
2016-05-01 00:19:15 +02:00
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " MiBandActivitySample " ) ;
2016-09-04 00:02:58 +02:00
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
2016-07-25 22:19:39 +02:00
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
2016-08-27 21:17:34 +02:00
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_INTENSITY ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
2016-05-13 23:47:47 +02:00
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
return activitySample ;
2022-09-10 14:22:46 +01:00
private static Entity addHuamiExtendedActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " HuamiExtendedActivitySample " ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " MiBandActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_INTENSITY ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " unknown1 " ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " sleep " ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " deepSleep " ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " remSleep " ) ;
return activitySample ;
2023-05-20 23:34:10 +01:00
private static Entity addHuamiStressSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity stressSample = addEntity ( schema , " HuamiStressSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractStressSample " , stressSample , user , device ) ;
2024-01-28 18:46:13 +00:00
stressSample . addIntProperty ( " typeNum " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
2023-05-20 23:34:10 +01:00
stressSample . addIntProperty ( " stress " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return stressSample ;
private static Entity addHuamiSpo2Sample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity spo2sample = addEntity ( schema , " HuamiSpo2Sample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractSpo2Sample " , spo2sample , user , device ) ;
2024-01-28 18:46:13 +00:00
spo2sample . addIntProperty ( " typeNum " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
2023-05-20 23:34:10 +01:00
spo2sample . addIntProperty ( " spo2 " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return spo2sample ;
2023-05-27 18:59:12 +01:00
private static Entity addHuamiHeartRateManualSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity hrManualSample = addEntity ( schema , " HuamiHeartRateManualSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractHeartRateSample " , hrManualSample , user , device ) ;
hrManualSample . addIntProperty ( " utcOffset " ) . notNull ( ) ;
hrManualSample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_HEART_RATE ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return hrManualSample ;
private static Entity addHuamiHeartRateMaxSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity hrMaxSample = addEntity ( schema , " HuamiHeartRateMaxSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractHeartRateSample " , hrMaxSample , user , device ) ;
hrMaxSample . addIntProperty ( " utcOffset " ) . notNull ( ) ;
hrMaxSample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_HEART_RATE ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return hrMaxSample ;
private static Entity addHuamiHeartRateRestingSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity hrRestingSample = addEntity ( schema , " HuamiHeartRateRestingSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractHeartRateSample " , hrRestingSample , user , device ) ;
hrRestingSample . addIntProperty ( " utcOffset " ) . notNull ( ) ;
hrRestingSample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_HEART_RATE ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return hrRestingSample ;
2023-05-27 19:02:01 +01:00
private static Entity addHuamiPaiSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity paiSample = addEntity ( schema , " HuamiPaiSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractPaiSample " , paiSample , user , device ) ;
paiSample . addIntProperty ( " utcOffset " ) . notNull ( ) ;
paiSample . addFloatProperty ( " paiLow " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
paiSample . addFloatProperty ( " paiModerate " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
paiSample . addFloatProperty ( " paiHigh " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
paiSample . addIntProperty ( " timeLow " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
paiSample . addIntProperty ( " timeModerate " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
paiSample . addIntProperty ( " timeHigh " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
paiSample . addFloatProperty ( " paiToday " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
paiSample . addFloatProperty ( " paiTotal " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return paiSample ;
2023-05-27 19:03:43 +01:00
private static Entity addHuamiSleepRespiratoryRateSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity sleepRespiratoryRateSample = addEntity ( schema , " HuamiSleepRespiratoryRateSample " ) ;
2024-10-11 22:29:55 +01:00
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractRespiratoryRateSample " , sleepRespiratoryRateSample , user , device ) ;
2023-05-27 19:03:43 +01:00
sleepRespiratoryRateSample . addIntProperty ( " utcOffset " ) . notNull ( ) ;
2024-10-11 22:29:55 +01:00
sleepRespiratoryRateSample . addIntProperty ( " rate " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter (
" @Override \ n " +
" public float getRespiratoryRate() { \ n " +
" return (float) getRate(); \ n " +
" } \ n \ n "
) ;
2023-05-27 19:03:43 +01:00
return sleepRespiratoryRateSample ;
2023-10-19 23:33:46 +01:00
private static Entity addXiaomiActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " XiaomiActivitySample " ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_INTENSITY ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " stress " ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " spo2 " ) ;
return activitySample ;
2023-12-01 21:35:29 +00:00
private static Entity addXiaomiSleepTimeSamples ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity sample = addEntity ( schema , " XiaomiSleepTimeSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractTimeSample " , sample , user , device ) ;
sample . addLongProperty ( " wakeupTime " ) ;
sample . addBooleanProperty ( " isAwake " ) ;
2023-12-22 21:13:20 +00:00
sample . addIntProperty ( " totalDuration " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " deepSleepDuration " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " lightSleepDuration " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " remSleepDuration " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " awakeDuration " ) ;
return sample ;
private static Entity addXiaomiSleepStageSamples ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity sample = addEntity ( schema , " XiaomiSleepStageSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractTimeSample " , sample , user , device ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " stage " ) ;
2023-12-01 21:35:29 +00:00
return sample ;
2024-01-18 21:06:40 +00:00
private static Entity addXiaomiManualSamples ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity sample = addEntity ( schema , " XiaomiManualSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractTimeSample " , sample , user , device ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " type " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " value " ) ;
return sample ;
2023-12-12 20:26:55 +00:00
private static Entity addXiaomiDailySummarySamples ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity sample = addEntity ( schema , " XiaomiDailySummarySample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractTimeSample " , sample , user , device ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " timezone " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " steps " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " hrResting " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " hrMax " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " hrMaxTs " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " hrMin " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " hrMinTs " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " hrAvg " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " stressAvg " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " stressMax " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " stressMin " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " standing " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " calories " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " spo2Max " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " spo2MaxTs " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " spo2Min " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " spo2MinTs " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " spo2Avg " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " trainingLoadDay " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " trainingLoadWeek " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " trainingLoadLevel " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " vitalityIncreaseLight " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " vitalityIncreaseModerate " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " vitalityIncreaseHigh " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " vitalityCurrent " ) ;
return sample ;
2024-01-28 18:46:13 +00:00
private static Entity addCmfActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " CmfActivitySample " ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_INTENSITY ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " distance " ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " calories " ) ;
return activitySample ;
private static Entity addCmfStressSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity stressSample = addEntity ( schema , " CmfStressSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractStressSample " , stressSample , user , device ) ;
stressSample . addIntProperty ( " stress " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return stressSample ;
private static Entity addCmfSpo2Sample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity spo2sample = addEntity ( schema , " CmfSpo2Sample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractSpo2Sample " , spo2sample , user , device ) ;
spo2sample . addIntProperty ( " spo2 " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return spo2sample ;
private static Entity addCmfSleepSessionSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity sleepSessionSample = addEntity ( schema , " CmfSleepSessionSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractTimeSample " , sleepSessionSample , user , device ) ;
sleepSessionSample . addLongProperty ( " wakeupTime " ) ;
sleepSessionSample . addByteArrayProperty ( " metadata " ) ;
return sleepSessionSample ;
private static Entity addCmfSleepStageSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity sleepStageSample = addEntity ( schema , " CmfSleepStageSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractTimeSample " , sleepStageSample , user , device ) ;
sleepStageSample . addIntProperty ( " duration " ) . notNull ( ) ;
sleepStageSample . addIntProperty ( " stage " ) . notNull ( ) ;
return sleepStageSample ;
private static Entity addCmfHeartRateSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity heartRateSample = addEntity ( schema , " CmfHeartRateSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractHeartRateSample " , heartRateSample , user , device ) ;
heartRateSample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_HEART_RATE ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return heartRateSample ;
private static Entity addCmfWorkoutGpsSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity sample = addEntity ( schema , " CmfWorkoutGpsSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractTimeSample " , sample , user , device ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " latitude " ) ;
sample . addIntProperty ( " longitude " ) ;
return sample ;
2024-07-08 22:33:35 +02:00
private static Entity addColmiActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " ColmiActivitySample " ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractColmiActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " distance " ) . notNull ( ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " calories " ) . notNull ( ) ;
return activitySample ;
private static Entity addColmiHeartRateSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity heartRateSample = addEntity ( schema , " ColmiHeartRateSample " ) ;
heartRateSample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractHeartRateSample " , heartRateSample , user , device ) ;
heartRateSample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_HEART_RATE ) . notNull ( ) ;
return heartRateSample ;
private static Entity addColmiStressSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity stressSample = addEntity ( schema , " ColmiStressSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractStressSample " , stressSample , user , device ) ;
stressSample . addIntProperty ( " stress " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return stressSample ;
private static Entity addColmiSpo2Sample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity spo2sample = addEntity ( schema , " ColmiSpo2Sample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractSpo2Sample " , spo2sample , user , device ) ;
spo2sample . addIntProperty ( " spo2 " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return spo2sample ;
private static Entity addColmiSleepSessionSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity sleepSessionSample = addEntity ( schema , " ColmiSleepSessionSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractTimeSample " , sleepSessionSample , user , device ) ;
sleepSessionSample . addLongProperty ( " wakeupTime " ) ;
return sleepSessionSample ;
private static Entity addColmiSleepStageSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity sleepStageSample = addEntity ( schema , " ColmiSleepStageSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractTimeSample " , sleepStageSample , user , device ) ;
sleepStageSample . addIntProperty ( " duration " ) . notNull ( ) ;
sleepStageSample . addIntProperty ( " stage " ) . notNull ( ) ;
return sleepStageSample ;
2016-05-13 23:47:47 +02:00
private static void addHeartRateProperties ( Entity activitySample ) {
2016-11-15 23:21:13 +01:00
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_HEART_RATE ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
2016-04-17 19:52:51 +02:00
2016-07-30 23:22:27 +02:00
private static Entity addPebbleHealthActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " PebbleHealthActivitySample " ) ;
2016-08-10 23:06:07 +02:00
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractPebbleHealthActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
2016-08-27 21:17:34 +02:00
activitySample . addByteArrayProperty ( " rawPebbleHealthData " ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_INTENSITY ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
2016-11-15 23:21:13 +01:00
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
2016-04-17 19:52:51 +02:00
return activitySample ;
2016-08-08 09:01:36 +02:00
private static Entity addPebbleHealthActivityKindOverlay ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activityOverlay = addEntity ( schema , " PebbleHealthActivityOverlay " ) ;
2016-08-27 21:17:34 +02:00
activityOverlay . addIntProperty ( TIMESTAMP_FROM ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
activityOverlay . addIntProperty ( TIMESTAMP_TO ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
activityOverlay . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
2016-09-06 00:00:48 +02:00
Property deviceId = activityOverlay . addLongProperty ( " deviceId " ) . primaryKey ( ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
2016-08-08 09:01:36 +02:00
activityOverlay . addToOne ( device , deviceId ) ;
2016-09-06 00:00:48 +02:00
Property userId = activityOverlay . addLongProperty ( " userId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
2016-08-14 22:33:41 +02:00
activityOverlay . addToOne ( user , userId ) ;
2016-08-18 22:06:26 +02:00
activityOverlay . addByteArrayProperty ( " rawPebbleHealthData " ) ;
2016-08-10 23:26:25 +02:00
2016-08-08 09:01:36 +02:00
return activityOverlay ;
2016-07-25 22:19:39 +02:00
private static Entity addPebbleMisfitActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " PebbleMisfitSample " ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractPebbleMisfitActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
2016-08-27 21:17:34 +02:00
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " rawPebbleMisfitSample " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
2016-07-25 22:19:39 +02:00
return activitySample ;
2016-07-31 00:06:26 +02:00
private static Entity addPebbleMorpheuzActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " PebbleMorpheuzSample " ) ;
2016-08-07 11:45:09 +02:00
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractPebbleMorpheuzActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
2016-08-27 21:17:34 +02:00
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_INTENSITY ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
2016-07-31 00:06:26 +02:00
return activitySample ;
2016-12-21 12:51:25 +00:00
private static Entity addHPlusHealthActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " HPlusHealthActivitySample " ) ;
2017-01-10 13:44:32 +00:00
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
2016-12-21 12:51:25 +00:00
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addByteArrayProperty ( " rawHPlusHealthData " ) ;
2017-01-02 00:58:37 +00:00
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
2016-12-21 12:51:25 +00:00
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_INTENSITY ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
2017-01-02 00:58:37 +00:00
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " distance " ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " calories " ) ;
2016-12-21 12:51:25 +00:00
return activitySample ;
2017-01-02 00:58:37 +00:00
private static Entity addHPlusHealthActivityKindOverlay ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activityOverlay = addEntity ( schema , " HPlusHealthActivityOverlay " ) ;
activityOverlay . addIntProperty ( TIMESTAMP_FROM ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
activityOverlay . addIntProperty ( TIMESTAMP_TO ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
activityOverlay . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
Property deviceId = activityOverlay . addLongProperty ( " deviceId " ) . primaryKey ( ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
activityOverlay . addToOne ( device , deviceId ) ;
Property userId = activityOverlay . addLongProperty ( " userId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
activityOverlay . addToOne ( user , userId ) ;
activityOverlay . addByteArrayProperty ( " rawHPlusHealthData " ) ;
return activityOverlay ;
2017-09-03 21:08:31 +03:00
private static Entity addNo1F1ActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " No1F1ActivitySample " ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
2017-09-04 14:05:41 +03:00
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_INTENSITY ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
2017-09-10 12:09:08 +03:00
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
2017-09-03 21:08:31 +03:00
return activitySample ;
2018-02-25 12:05:36 +01:00
private static Entity addXWatchActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " XWatchActivitySample " ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
2018-06-29 10:43:11 +02:00
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_INTENSITY ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
return activitySample ;
2018-06-27 09:01:26 +02:00
private static Entity addZeTimeActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " ZeTimeActivitySample " ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_INTENSITY ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
2018-07-06 21:59:30 +02:00
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " caloriesBurnt " ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " distanceMeters " ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " activeTimeMinutes " ) ;
2018-06-27 09:01:26 +02:00
return activitySample ;
2018-07-29 19:49:45 +03:00
private static Entity addID115ActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " ID115ActivitySample " ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " caloriesBurnt " ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " distanceMeters " ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " activeTimeMinutes " ) ;
return activitySample ;
2018-09-27 01:05:40 +03:00
private static Entity addJYouActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " JYouActivitySample " ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " caloriesBurnt " ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " distanceMeters " ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " activeTimeMinutes " ) ;
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
return activitySample ;
2020-04-20 00:11:45 +02:00
private static Entity addHybridHRActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " HybridHRActivitySample " ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractHybridHRActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " calories " ) . notNull ( ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " variability " ) . notNull ( ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " max_variability " ) . notNull ( ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " heartrate_quality " ) . notNull ( ) ;
activitySample . addBooleanProperty ( " active " ) . notNull ( ) ;
activitySample . addByteProperty ( " wear_type " ) . notNull ( ) ;
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
return activitySample ;
2024-08-04 22:59:29 +01:00
private static Entity addCyclingSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
2024-05-10 20:43:45 +00:00
Entity cyclingSample = addEntity ( schema , " CyclingSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractTimeSample " , cyclingSample , user , device ) ;
cyclingSample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
cyclingSample . addIntProperty ( " RevolutionCount " ) ;
cyclingSample . addFloatProperty ( " Distance " ) ;
cyclingSample . addFloatProperty ( " Speed " ) ;
return cyclingSample ;
2023-06-15 15:38:25 +02:00
private static Entity addVivomoveHrActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
final Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " VivomoveHrActivitySample " ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_INTENSITY ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_HEART_RATE ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " caloriesBurnt " ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " floorsClimbed " ) ;
return activitySample ;
2023-06-18 16:40:34 +02:00
private static Entity addGarminFitFile ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
final Entity downloadedFitFile = addEntity ( schema , " GarminFitFile " ) ;
Garmin Vivomove HR support
- communication protocols
- device support implementation
- download FIT file storage
- basic connectivity: time sync, battery status, HW/FW version info
- real-time activity tracking
- fitness data sync
- find the device, find the phone
- factory reset
Features implemented but not working:
- notifications: fully implemented, seem to communicate correctly, but not shown on watch
Features implemented partially (not expected to work now):
- weather information (and in future possibly weather alerts)
- music info
- firmware update: only the initial file upload implemented, not used
Things to improve/change:
- Device name hardcoded in `VivomoveHrCoordinator.getSupportedType`, service UUIDs not available
- Download FIT file storage: Should be store (and offer the user to export?) the FIT data forever?
- Obviously, various code improvements, cleanup, etc.
2023-06-15 17:47:42 +02:00
downloadedFitFile . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
2023-06-18 16:40:34 +02:00
downloadedFitFile . setJavaDoc ( " This class represents a single FIT file downloaded from a FIT-compatible Garmin device. " ) ;
Garmin Vivomove HR support
- communication protocols
- device support implementation
- download FIT file storage
- basic connectivity: time sync, battery status, HW/FW version info
- real-time activity tracking
- fitness data sync
- find the device, find the phone
- factory reset
Features implemented but not working:
- notifications: fully implemented, seem to communicate correctly, but not shown on watch
Features implemented partially (not expected to work now):
- weather information (and in future possibly weather alerts)
- music info
- firmware update: only the initial file upload implemented, not used
Things to improve/change:
- Device name hardcoded in `VivomoveHrCoordinator.getSupportedType`, service UUIDs not available
- Download FIT file storage: Should be store (and offer the user to export?) the FIT data forever?
- Obviously, various code improvements, cleanup, etc.
2023-06-15 17:47:42 +02:00
downloadedFitFile . addIdProperty ( ) . autoincrement ( ) ;
downloadedFitFile . addLongProperty ( " downloadTimestamp " ) . notNull ( ) ;
final Property deviceId = downloadedFitFile . addLongProperty ( " deviceId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
downloadedFitFile . addToOne ( device , deviceId ) ;
final Property userId = downloadedFitFile . addLongProperty ( " userId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
downloadedFitFile . addToOne ( user , userId ) ;
final Property fileNumber = downloadedFitFile . addIntProperty ( " fileNumber " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
downloadedFitFile . addIntProperty ( " fileDataType " ) . notNull ( ) ;
downloadedFitFile . addIntProperty ( " fileSubType " ) . notNull ( ) ;
downloadedFitFile . addLongProperty ( " fileTimestamp " ) . notNull ( ) ;
downloadedFitFile . addIntProperty ( " specificFlags " ) . notNull ( ) ;
downloadedFitFile . addIntProperty ( " fileSize " ) . notNull ( ) ;
downloadedFitFile . addByteArrayProperty ( " fileData " ) ;
final Index indexUnique = new Index ( ) ;
indexUnique . addProperty ( deviceId ) ;
indexUnique . addProperty ( userId ) ;
indexUnique . addProperty ( fileNumber ) ;
indexUnique . makeUnique ( ) ;
downloadedFitFile . addIndex ( indexUnique ) ;
return downloadedFitFile ;
2024-05-01 22:20:34 +01:00
private static Entity addGarminActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " GarminActivitySample " ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_INTENSITY ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
2024-09-21 19:14:35 +01:00
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " distanceCm " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " activeCalories " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
2024-05-01 22:20:34 +01:00
return activitySample ;
private static Entity addGarminStressSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity stressSample = addEntity ( schema , " GarminStressSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractStressSample " , stressSample , user , device ) ;
stressSample . addIntProperty ( " stress " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return stressSample ;
2024-08-04 22:59:29 +01:00
private static Entity addGarminBodyEnergySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity stressSample = addEntity ( schema , " GarminBodyEnergySample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractBodyEnergySample " , stressSample , user , device ) ;
stressSample . addIntProperty ( " energy " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return stressSample ;
2024-05-01 22:20:34 +01:00
private static Entity addGarminSpo2Sample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity spo2sample = addEntity ( schema , " GarminSpo2Sample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractSpo2Sample " , spo2sample , user , device ) ;
spo2sample . addIntProperty ( " spo2 " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return spo2sample ;
private static Entity addGarminSleepStageSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity sleepStageSample = addEntity ( schema , " GarminSleepStageSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractTimeSample " , sleepStageSample , user , device ) ;
sleepStageSample . addIntProperty ( " stage " ) . notNull ( ) ;
return sleepStageSample ;
private static Entity addGarminEventSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity sleepStageSample = addEntity ( schema , " GarminEventSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractTimeSample " , sleepStageSample , user , device ) ;
sleepStageSample . addIntProperty ( " event " ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
sleepStageSample . addIntProperty ( " eventType " ) ;
sleepStageSample . addLongProperty ( " data " ) ;
return sleepStageSample ;
2024-08-02 21:42:18 +01:00
private static Entity addGarminHrvSummarySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity hrvSummarySample = addEntity ( schema , " GarminHrvSummarySample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractHrvSummarySample " , hrvSummarySample , user , device ) ;
hrvSummarySample . addIntProperty ( " weeklyAverage " ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
hrvSummarySample . addIntProperty ( " lastNightAverage " ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
hrvSummarySample . addIntProperty ( " lastNight5MinHigh " ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
hrvSummarySample . addIntProperty ( " baselineLowUpper " ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
hrvSummarySample . addIntProperty ( " baselineBalancedLower " ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
hrvSummarySample . addIntProperty ( " baselineBalancedUpper " ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
hrvSummarySample . addIntProperty ( " statusNum " ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return hrvSummarySample ;
private static Entity addGarminHrvValueSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity hrvValueSample = addEntity ( schema , " GarminHrvValueSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractHrvValueSample " , hrvValueSample , user , device ) ;
hrvValueSample . addIntProperty ( " value " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return hrvValueSample ;
2024-10-11 22:29:55 +01:00
private static Entity addGarminRespiratoryRateSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity garminRespiratoryRateSample = addEntity ( schema , " GarminRespiratoryRateSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractRespiratoryRateSample " , garminRespiratoryRateSample , user , device ) ;
garminRespiratoryRateSample . addFloatProperty ( " respiratoryRate " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return garminRespiratoryRateSample ;
2024-08-20 15:34:48 +01:00
private static Entity addPendingFile ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity pendingFile = addEntity ( schema , " PendingFile " ) ;
pendingFile . setJavaDoc (
" This class represents a file that was fetched from the device and is pending processing. "
) ;
// We need a single-column primary key so that we can delete records
pendingFile . addIdProperty ( ) . autoincrement ( ) ;
Property path = pendingFile . addStringProperty ( " path " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
Property deviceId = pendingFile . addLongProperty ( " deviceId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
pendingFile . addToOne ( device , deviceId ) ;
final Index indexUnique = new Index ( ) ;
indexUnique . addProperty ( deviceId ) ;
indexUnique . addProperty ( path ) ;
indexUnique . makeUnique ( ) ;
pendingFile . addIndex ( indexUnique ) ;
return pendingFile ;
2019-10-27 18:04:38 +01:00
private static Entity addWatchXPlusHealthActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " WatchXPlusActivitySample " ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addByteArrayProperty ( " rawWatchXPlusHealthData " ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
2019-10-29 22:34:31 +01:00
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_INTENSITY ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
2019-10-27 18:04:38 +01:00
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " distance " ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " calories " ) ;
return activitySample ;
2019-10-29 22:34:31 +01:00
private static Entity addWatchXPlusHealthActivityKindOverlay ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activityOverlay = addEntity ( schema , " WatchXPlusHealthActivityOverlay " ) ;
activityOverlay . addIntProperty ( TIMESTAMP_FROM ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
activityOverlay . addIntProperty ( TIMESTAMP_TO ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
activityOverlay . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
Property deviceId = activityOverlay . addLongProperty ( " deviceId " ) . primaryKey ( ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
activityOverlay . addToOne ( device , deviceId ) ;
Property userId = activityOverlay . addLongProperty ( " userId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
activityOverlay . addToOne ( user , userId ) ;
activityOverlay . addByteArrayProperty ( " rawWatchXPlusHealthData " ) ;
return activityOverlay ;
2020-07-01 18:54:31 +02:00
private static Entity addTLW64ActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " TLW64ActivitySample " ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
2020-09-01 23:15:20 +03:00
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_INTENSITY ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return activitySample ;
private static Entity addSonySWR12Sample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " SonySWR12Sample " ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
2020-07-01 18:54:31 +02:00
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_INTENSITY ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return activitySample ;
2024-08-04 22:59:29 +01:00
private static Entity addCasioGBX100Sample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
2020-12-20 00:22:35 +01:00
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " CasioGBX100ActivitySample " ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractGBX100ActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " calories " ) . notNull ( ) ;
return activitySample ;
2020-10-05 03:13:22 -06:00
private static Entity addLefunActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " LefunActivitySample " ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " distance " ) . notNull ( ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " calories " ) . notNull ( ) ;
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
return activitySample ;
private static Entity addLefunBiometricSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity biometricSample = addEntity ( schema , " LefunBiometricSample " ) ;
biometricSample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
biometricSample . addIntProperty ( " timestamp " ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
Property deviceId = biometricSample . addLongProperty ( " deviceId " ) . primaryKey ( ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
biometricSample . addToOne ( device , deviceId ) ;
Property userId = biometricSample . addLongProperty ( " userId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
biometricSample . addToOne ( user , userId ) ;
biometricSample . addIntProperty ( " type " ) . notNull ( ) ;
biometricSample . addIntProperty ( " value1 " ) . notNull ( ) ;
biometricSample . addIntProperty ( " value2 " ) ;
return biometricSample ;
private static Entity addLefunSleepSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity sleepSample = addEntity ( schema , " LefunSleepSample " ) ;
sleepSample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
sleepSample . addIntProperty ( " timestamp " ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
Property deviceId = sleepSample . addLongProperty ( " deviceId " ) . primaryKey ( ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
sleepSample . addToOne ( device , deviceId ) ;
Property userId = sleepSample . addLongProperty ( " userId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
sleepSample . addToOne ( user , userId ) ;
sleepSample . addIntProperty ( " type " ) . notNull ( ) ;
return sleepSample ;
2020-12-04 15:14:00 +00:00
private static Entity addBangleJSActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " BangleJSActivitySample " ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
2023-08-08 22:11:14 +01:00
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_INTENSITY ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
2020-12-04 15:14:00 +00:00
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
return activitySample ;
2016-07-25 22:19:39 +02:00
private static void addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( String superClass , Entity activitySample , Entity user , Entity device ) {
activitySample . setSuperclass ( superClass ) ;
2016-05-01 00:19:15 +02:00
activitySample . addImport ( MAIN_PACKAGE + " .devices.SampleProvider " ) ;
activitySample . setJavaDoc (
" This class represents a sample specific to the device. Values like activity kind or \ n " +
" intensity, are device specific. Normalized values can be retrieved through the \ n " +
" corresponding {@link SampleProvider}. " ) ;
2016-08-27 21:17:34 +02:00
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " timestamp " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
2016-09-06 00:00:48 +02:00
Property deviceId = activitySample . addLongProperty ( " deviceId " ) . primaryKey ( ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) . getProperty ( ) ;
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
activitySample . addToOne ( device , deviceId ) ;
2016-09-06 00:00:48 +02:00
Property userId = activitySample . addLongProperty ( " userId " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) . getProperty ( ) ;
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00
activitySample . addToOne ( user , userId ) ;
2016-07-25 22:19:39 +02:00
2023-05-20 23:34:10 +01:00
private static void addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( String superClass , Entity timeSample , Entity user , Entity device ) {
timeSample . setSuperclass ( superClass ) ;
timeSample . addImport ( MAIN_PACKAGE + " .devices.TimeSampleProvider " ) ;
timeSample . setJavaDoc (
" This class represents a sample specific to the device. Values might be device specific, depending on the sample type. \ n " +
" Normalized values can be retrieved through the corresponding {@link TimeSampleProvider}. " ) ;
timeSample . addLongProperty ( " timestamp " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
Property deviceId = timeSample . addLongProperty ( " deviceId " ) . primaryKey ( ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) . getProperty ( ) ;
timeSample . addToOne ( device , deviceId ) ;
Property userId = timeSample . addLongProperty ( " userId " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) . getProperty ( ) ;
timeSample . addToOne ( user , userId ) ;
2017-04-16 19:37:43 +02:00
private static void addCalendarSyncState ( Schema schema , Entity device ) {
Entity calendarSyncState = addEntity ( schema , " CalendarSyncState " ) ;
2017-04-16 21:08:49 +02:00
calendarSyncState . addIdProperty ( ) ;
2017-04-16 19:37:43 +02:00
Property deviceId = calendarSyncState . addLongProperty ( " deviceId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
Property calendarEntryId = calendarSyncState . addLongProperty ( " calendarEntryId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
Index indexUnique = new Index ( ) ;
indexUnique . addProperty ( deviceId ) ;
indexUnique . addProperty ( calendarEntryId ) ;
indexUnique . makeUnique ( ) ;
calendarSyncState . addIndex ( indexUnique ) ;
calendarSyncState . addToOne ( device , deviceId ) ;
2017-04-19 14:52:07 +02:00
calendarSyncState . addIntProperty ( " hash " ) . notNull ( ) ;
2017-04-16 19:37:43 +02:00
2018-11-24 12:16:47 +01:00
private static void addAlarms ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity alarm = addEntity ( schema , " Alarm " ) ;
2019-01-07 01:10:57 +01:00
alarm . implementsInterface ( " nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.model.Alarm " ) ;
2018-11-24 12:16:47 +01:00
Property deviceId = alarm . addLongProperty ( " deviceId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
Property userId = alarm . addLongProperty ( " userId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
Property position = alarm . addIntProperty ( " position " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
Index indexUnique = new Index ( ) ;
indexUnique . addProperty ( deviceId ) ;
indexUnique . addProperty ( userId ) ;
indexUnique . addProperty ( position ) ;
indexUnique . makeUnique ( ) ;
alarm . addIndex ( indexUnique ) ;
alarm . addBooleanProperty ( " enabled " ) . notNull ( ) ;
2019-01-07 01:10:57 +01:00
alarm . addBooleanProperty ( " smartWakeup " ) . notNull ( ) ;
2024-02-21 16:20:50 +01:00
alarm . addIntProperty ( " smartWakeupInterval " ) ;
2020-01-12 10:12:21 +03:00
alarm . addBooleanProperty ( " snooze " ) . notNull ( ) ;
2019-01-07 01:10:57 +01:00
alarm . addIntProperty ( " repetition " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter (
" public boolean isRepetitive() { return getRepetition() != ALARM_ONCE; } " +
2019-10-03 11:52:46 +02:00
" public boolean getRepetition(int dow) { return (this.repetition & dow) > 0; } "
2019-01-07 01:10:57 +01:00
) ;
2018-11-24 12:16:47 +01:00
alarm . addIntProperty ( " hour " ) . notNull ( ) ;
alarm . addIntProperty ( " minute " ) . notNull ( ) ;
2019-12-24 01:27:57 +01:00
alarm . addBooleanProperty ( " unused " ) . notNull ( ) ;
2020-04-24 00:31:04 +02:00
alarm . addStringProperty ( " title " ) ;
alarm . addStringProperty ( " description " ) ;
2018-11-24 12:16:47 +01:00
alarm . addToOne ( user , userId ) ;
alarm . addToOne ( device , deviceId ) ;
2021-12-04 15:55:09 +00:00
private static void addReminders ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity reminder = addEntity ( schema , " Reminder " ) ;
reminder . implementsInterface ( " nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.model.Reminder " ) ;
Property deviceId = reminder . addLongProperty ( " deviceId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
Property userId = reminder . addLongProperty ( " userId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
Property reminderId = reminder . addStringProperty ( " reminderId " ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
Index indexUnique = new Index ( ) ;
indexUnique . addProperty ( deviceId ) ;
indexUnique . addProperty ( userId ) ;
indexUnique . addProperty ( reminderId ) ;
indexUnique . makeUnique ( ) ;
reminder . addIndex ( indexUnique ) ;
reminder . addStringProperty ( " message " ) . notNull ( ) ;
reminder . addDateProperty ( " date " ) . notNull ( ) ;
reminder . addIntProperty ( " repetition " ) . notNull ( ) ;
reminder . addToOne ( user , userId ) ;
reminder . addToOne ( device , deviceId ) ;
2022-05-09 19:47:08 +01:00
private static void addWorldClocks ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity worldClock = addEntity ( schema , " WorldClock " ) ;
worldClock . implementsInterface ( " nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.model.WorldClock " ) ;
Property deviceId = worldClock . addLongProperty ( " deviceId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
Property userId = worldClock . addLongProperty ( " userId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
Property worldClockId = worldClock . addStringProperty ( " worldClockId " ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
Index indexUnique = new Index ( ) ;
indexUnique . addProperty ( deviceId ) ;
indexUnique . addProperty ( userId ) ;
indexUnique . addProperty ( worldClockId ) ;
indexUnique . makeUnique ( ) ;
worldClock . addIndex ( indexUnique ) ;
worldClock . addStringProperty ( " label " ) . notNull ( ) ;
2022-10-31 12:09:36 +00:00
worldClock . addBooleanProperty ( " enabled " ) ;
worldClock . addStringProperty ( " code " ) ;
2022-05-09 19:47:08 +01:00
worldClock . addStringProperty ( " timeZoneId " ) . notNull ( ) ;
worldClock . addToOne ( user , userId ) ;
worldClock . addToOne ( device , deviceId ) ;
2023-05-17 23:43:29 +01:00
private static void addContacts ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity contact = addEntity ( schema , " Contact " ) ;
contact . implementsInterface ( " nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.model.Contact " ) ;
Property deviceId = contact . addLongProperty ( " deviceId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
Property userId = contact . addLongProperty ( " userId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
Property contactId = contact . addStringProperty ( " contactId " ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
Index indexUnique = new Index ( ) ;
indexUnique . addProperty ( deviceId ) ;
indexUnique . addProperty ( userId ) ;
indexUnique . addProperty ( contactId ) ;
indexUnique . makeUnique ( ) ;
contact . addIndex ( indexUnique ) ;
contact . addStringProperty ( " name " ) . notNull ( ) ;
contact . addStringProperty ( " number " ) . notNull ( ) ;
contact . addToOne ( user , userId ) ;
contact . addToOne ( device , deviceId ) ;
2018-12-03 09:45:43 +01:00
private static void addNotificationFilterEntry ( Schema schema , Entity notificationFilterEntity ) {
Entity notificatonFilterEntry = addEntity ( schema , " NotificationFilterEntry " ) ;
notificatonFilterEntry . addIdProperty ( ) . autoincrement ( ) ;
Property notificationFilterId = notificatonFilterEntry . addLongProperty ( " notificationFilterId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
notificatonFilterEntry . addStringProperty ( " notificationFilterContent " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
notificatonFilterEntry . addToOne ( notificationFilterEntity , notificationFilterId ) ;
private static Entity addNotificationFilters ( Schema schema ) {
Entity notificatonFilter = addEntity ( schema , " NotificationFilter " ) ;
Property appIdentifier = notificatonFilter . addStringProperty ( " appIdentifier " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
notificatonFilter . addIdProperty ( ) . autoincrement ( ) ;
Index indexUnique = new Index ( ) ;
indexUnique . addProperty ( appIdentifier ) ;
indexUnique . makeUnique ( ) ;
notificatonFilter . addIndex ( indexUnique ) ;
Property notificationFilterMode = notificatonFilter . addIntProperty ( " notificationFilterMode " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
Property notificationFilterSubMode = notificatonFilter . addIntProperty ( " notificationFilterSubMode " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
return notificatonFilter ;
2020-08-07 23:12:29 +02:00
private static void addActivitySummary ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
2017-10-19 21:52:38 +02:00
Entity summary = addEntity ( schema , " BaseActivitySummary " ) ;
summary . implementsInterface ( ACTIVITY_SUMMARY ) ;
summary . addIdProperty ( ) ;
summary . setJavaDoc (
" This class represents the summary of a user's activity event. I.e. a walk, hike, a bicycle tour, etc. " ) ;
summary . addStringProperty ( " name " ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
summary . addDateProperty ( " startTime " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
summary . addDateProperty ( " endTime " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
summary . addIntProperty ( " activityKind " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
summary . addIntProperty ( " baseLongitude " ) . javaDocGetterAndSetter ( " Temporary, bip-specific " ) ;
summary . addIntProperty ( " baseLatitude " ) . javaDocGetterAndSetter ( " Temporary, bip-specific " ) ;
summary . addIntProperty ( " baseAltitude " ) . javaDocGetterAndSetter ( " Temporary, bip-specific " ) ;
summary . addStringProperty ( " gpxTrack " ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
2022-09-18 12:19:23 +01:00
summary . addStringProperty ( " rawDetailsPath " ) ;
2017-10-19 21:52:38 +02:00
Property deviceId = summary . addLongProperty ( " deviceId " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) . getProperty ( ) ;
summary . addToOne ( device , deviceId ) ;
Property userId = summary . addLongProperty ( " userId " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) . getProperty ( ) ;
summary . addToOne ( user , userId ) ;
2020-08-07 23:12:29 +02:00
summary . addStringProperty ( " summaryData " ) ;
2020-08-16 22:50:03 +02:00
summary . addByteArrayProperty ( " rawSummaryData " ) ;
2017-10-19 21:52:38 +02:00
2016-07-28 22:12:20 +02:00
private static Property findProperty ( Entity entity , String propertyName ) {
for ( Property prop : entity . getProperties ( ) ) {
if ( propertyName . equals ( prop . getPropertyName ( ) ) ) {
return prop ;
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( " Property " + propertyName + " not found in Entity " + entity . getClassName ( ) ) ;
2016-05-01 00:19:15 +02:00
private static Entity addEntity ( Schema schema , String className ) {
Entity entity = schema . addEntity ( className ) ;
entity . addImport ( " de.greenrobot.dao.AbstractDao " ) ;
return entity ;
2021-01-31 11:10:03 +01:00
private static Entity addBatteryLevel ( Schema schema , Entity device ) {
Entity batteryLevel = addEntity ( schema , " BatteryLevel " ) ;
batteryLevel . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
batteryLevel . addIntProperty ( " timestamp " ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
Property deviceId = batteryLevel . addLongProperty ( " deviceId " ) . primaryKey ( ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
batteryLevel . addToOne ( device , deviceId ) ;
batteryLevel . addIntProperty ( " level " ) . notNull ( ) ;
2023-07-26 17:20:43 +00:00
batteryLevel . addIntProperty ( " batteryIndex " ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
2021-01-31 11:10:03 +01:00
return batteryLevel ;
2021-09-21 16:37:19 +02:00
private static Entity addFitProActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " FitProActivitySample " ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractFitProActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " caloriesBurnt " ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " distanceMeters " ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " spo2Percent " ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " pressureLowMmHg " ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " pressureHighMmHg " ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " activeTimeMinutes " ) ;
return activitySample ;
2021-12-11 21:19:05 +01:00
private static Entity addPineTimeActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " PineTimeActivitySample " ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
return activitySample ;
2023-07-26 17:20:43 +00:00
2024-01-07 23:18:08 +01:00
2023-07-26 17:20:43 +00:00
private static Entity addWithingsSteelHRActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " WithingsSteelHRActivitySample " ) ;
activitySample . implementsSerializable ( ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " duration " ) . notNull ( ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " distance " ) . notNull ( ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " calories " ) . notNull ( ) ;
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_INTENSITY ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return activitySample ;
2023-09-23 10:31:41 +00:00
private static Entity addWena3BehaviorSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " Wena3BehaviorSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractTimeSample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) ;
activitySample . addLongProperty ( TIMESTAMP_FROM ) . notNull ( ) ;
activitySample . addLongProperty ( TIMESTAMP_TO ) . notNull ( ) ;
return activitySample ;
private static Entity addWena3Vo2Sample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " Wena3Vo2Sample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractTimeSample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " vo2 " ) . notNull ( ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " datapoint " ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
return activitySample ;
private static Entity addWena3StressSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity stressSample = addEntity ( schema , " Wena3StressSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractStressSample " , stressSample , user , device ) ;
2024-01-28 18:46:13 +00:00
stressSample . addIntProperty ( " typeNum " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
2023-09-23 10:31:41 +00:00
stressSample . addIntProperty ( " stress " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return stressSample ;
private static Entity addWena3ActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " Wena3ActivitySample " ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
addHeartRateProperties ( activitySample ) ;
return activitySample ;
private static Entity addWena3HeartRateSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " Wena3HeartRateSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractHeartRateSample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_HEART_RATE ) . notNull ( ) ;
return activitySample ;
private static Entity addWena3EnergySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " Wena3EnergySample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractTimeSample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " energy " ) . notNull ( ) ;
return activitySample ;
private static Entity addWena3CaloriesSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " Wena3CaloriesSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractTimeSample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " calories " ) . notNull ( ) ;
return activitySample ;
private static Entity addAppSpecificNotificationSettings ( Schema schema , Entity device ) {
Entity perAppSetting = addEntity ( schema , " AppSpecificNotificationSetting " ) ;
perAppSetting . addStringProperty ( " packageId " ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
Property deviceId = perAppSetting . addLongProperty ( " deviceId " ) . primaryKey ( ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
perAppSetting . addToOne ( device , deviceId ) ;
perAppSetting . addStringProperty ( " ledPattern " ) ;
perAppSetting . addStringProperty ( " vibrationPattern " ) ;
perAppSetting . addStringProperty ( " vibrationRepetition " ) ;
return perAppSetting ;
2023-10-15 13:37:41 +00:00
2024-01-07 23:18:08 +01:00
private static Entity addHuaweiActivitySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity activitySample = addEntity ( schema , " HuaweiActivitySample " ) ;
addCommonActivitySampleProperties ( " AbstractActivitySample " , activitySample , user , device ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " otherTimestamp " ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
activitySample . addByteProperty ( " source " ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_KIND ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_RAW_INTENSITY ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_STEPS ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetterAndSetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
2024-10-05 17:32:24 +01:00
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " calories " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter (
" @Override \ n " +
" public int getActiveCalories() { \ n " +
" return getCalories(); \ n " +
" } \ n "
) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " distance " ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter (
" @Override \ n " +
" public int getDistanceCm() { \ n " +
" return getDistance() * 100; \ n " +
" } \ n "
) ;
2024-01-07 23:18:08 +01:00
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " spo " ) . notNull ( ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( " heartRate " ) . notNull ( ) ;
return activitySample ;
private static Entity addHuaweiWorkoutSummarySample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity workoutSummary = addEntity ( schema , " HuaweiWorkoutSummarySample " ) ;
workoutSummary . setJavaDoc ( " Contains Huawei Workout Summary samples (one per workout) " ) ;
workoutSummary . addLongProperty ( " workoutId " ) . primaryKey ( ) . autoincrement ( ) ;
Property deviceId = workoutSummary . addLongProperty ( " deviceId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
workoutSummary . addToOne ( device , deviceId ) ;
Property userId = workoutSummary . addLongProperty ( " userId " ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
workoutSummary . addToOne ( user , userId ) ;
workoutSummary . addShortProperty ( " workoutNumber " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutSummary . addByteProperty ( " status " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutSummary . addIntProperty ( " startTimestamp " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutSummary . addIntProperty ( " endTimestamp " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutSummary . addIntProperty ( " calories " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutSummary . addIntProperty ( " distance " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutSummary . addIntProperty ( " stepCount " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutSummary . addIntProperty ( " totalTime " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutSummary . addIntProperty ( " duration " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutSummary . addByteProperty ( " type " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutSummary . addShortProperty ( " strokes " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutSummary . addShortProperty ( " avgStrokeRate " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutSummary . addShortProperty ( " poolLength " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutSummary . addShortProperty ( " laps " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutSummary . addShortProperty ( " avgSwolf " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutSummary . addByteArrayProperty ( " rawData " ) ;
2024-08-18 17:32:35 +02:00
workoutSummary . addStringProperty ( " gpxFileLocation " ) ;
2024-01-07 23:18:08 +01:00
return workoutSummary ;
2024-08-18 17:32:35 +02:00
private static Entity addHuaweiWorkoutDataSample ( Schema schema , Entity summaryEntity ) {
2024-01-07 23:18:08 +01:00
Entity workoutDataSample = addEntity ( schema , " HuaweiWorkoutDataSample " ) ;
workoutDataSample . setJavaDoc ( " Contains Huawei Workout data samples (multiple per workout) " ) ;
Property id = workoutDataSample . addLongProperty ( " workoutId " ) . primaryKey ( ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
workoutDataSample . addToOne ( summaryEntity , id ) ;
workoutDataSample . addIntProperty ( " timestamp " ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
workoutDataSample . addByteProperty ( " heartRate " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutDataSample . addShortProperty ( " speed " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutDataSample . addByteProperty ( " stepRate " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutDataSample . addShortProperty ( " cadence " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutDataSample . addShortProperty ( " stepLength " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutDataSample . addShortProperty ( " groundContactTime " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutDataSample . addByteProperty ( " impact " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutDataSample . addShortProperty ( " swingAngle " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutDataSample . addByteProperty ( " foreFootLanding " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutDataSample . addByteProperty ( " midFootLanding " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutDataSample . addByteProperty ( " backFootLanding " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutDataSample . addByteProperty ( " eversionAngle " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutDataSample . addByteProperty ( " swolf " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutDataSample . addShortProperty ( " strokeRate " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutDataSample . addByteArrayProperty ( " dataErrorHex " ) ;
2024-04-30 21:08:23 +02:00
workoutDataSample . addShortProperty ( " calories " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutDataSample . addShortProperty ( " cyclingPower " ) . notNull ( ) ;
2024-05-01 18:15:34 +02:00
workoutDataSample . addShortProperty ( " frequency " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutDataSample . addIntProperty ( " altitude " ) ;
2024-01-07 23:18:08 +01:00
return workoutDataSample ;
2024-08-18 17:32:35 +02:00
private static Entity addHuaweiWorkoutPaceSample ( Schema schema , Entity summaryEntity ) {
2024-01-07 23:18:08 +01:00
Entity workoutPaceSample = addEntity ( schema , " HuaweiWorkoutPaceSample " ) ;
workoutPaceSample . setJavaDoc ( " Contains Huawei Workout pace data samples (one per workout) " ) ;
Property id = workoutPaceSample . addLongProperty ( " workoutId " ) . primaryKey ( ) . notNull ( ) . getProperty ( ) ;
workoutPaceSample . addToOne ( summaryEntity , id ) ;
workoutPaceSample . addIntProperty ( " distance " ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
workoutPaceSample . addByteProperty ( " type " ) . notNull ( ) . primaryKey ( ) ;
workoutPaceSample . addIntProperty ( " pace " ) . notNull ( ) ;
workoutPaceSample . addIntProperty ( " correction " ) . notNull ( ) ;
return workoutPaceSample ;
2023-10-15 13:37:41 +00:00
private static void addTemperatureProperties ( Entity activitySample ) {
activitySample . addFloatProperty ( SAMPLE_TEMPERATURE ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
activitySample . addIntProperty ( SAMPLE_TEMPERATURE_TYPE ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
private static Entity addFemometerVinca2TemperatureSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity sample = addEntity ( schema , " FemometerVinca2TemperatureSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractTemperatureSample " , sample , user , device ) ;
addTemperatureProperties ( sample ) ;
return sample ;
2024-08-11 11:39:08 +02:00
private static Entity addMiScaleWeightSample ( Schema schema , Entity user , Entity device ) {
Entity sample = addEntity ( schema , " MiScaleWeightSample " ) ;
addCommonTimeSampleProperties ( " AbstractWeightSample " , sample , user , device ) ;
sample . addFloatProperty ( SAMPLE_WEIGHT_KG ) . notNull ( ) . codeBeforeGetter ( OVERRIDE ) ;
return sample ;
2016-03-27 22:13:06 +02:00