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* DragSortListView.
* A subclass of the Android ListView component that enables drag
* and drop re-ordering of list items.
* Copyright 2012 Carl Bauer
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.mobeta.android.dslv;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.database.DataSetObserver;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.Point;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.SparseBooleanArray;
import android.util.SparseIntArray;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.AbsListView;
import android.widget.BaseAdapter;
import android.widget.Checkable;
import android.widget.ListAdapter;
import android.widget.ListView;
import android.widget.WrapperListAdapter;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.R;
* ListView subclass that mediates drag and drop resorting of items.
* @author heycosmo
public class DragSortListView extends ListView {
* The View that floats above the ListView and represents
* the dragged item.
private View mFloatView;
* The float View location. First based on touch location
* and given deltaX and deltaY. Then restricted by callback
* to FloatViewManager.onDragFloatView(). Finally restricted
* by bounds of DSLV.
private Point mFloatLoc = new Point();
private Point mTouchLoc = new Point();
* The middle (in the y-direction) of the floating View.
private int mFloatViewMid;
* Flag to make sure float View isn't measured twice
private boolean mFloatViewOnMeasured = false;
* Watch the Adapter for data changes. Cancel a drag if
* coincident with a change.
private DataSetObserver mObserver;
* Transparency for the floating View (XML attribute).
private float mFloatAlpha = 1.0f;
private float mCurrFloatAlpha = 1.0f;
* While drag-sorting, the current position of the floating
* View. If dropped, the dragged item will land in this position.
private int mFloatPos;
* The first expanded ListView position that helps represent
* the drop slot tracking the floating View.
private int mFirstExpPos;
* The second expanded ListView position that helps represent
* the drop slot tracking the floating View. This can equal
* mFirstExpPos if there is no slide shuffle occurring; otherwise
* it is equal to mFirstExpPos + 1.
private int mSecondExpPos;
* Flag set if slide shuffling is enabled.
private boolean mAnimate = false;
* The user dragged from this position.
private int mSrcPos;
* Offset (in x) within the dragged item at which the user
* picked it up (or first touched down with the digitalis).
private int mDragDeltaX;
* Offset (in y) within the dragged item at which the user
* picked it up (or first touched down with the digitalis).
private int mDragDeltaY;
* The difference (in x) between screen coordinates and coordinates
* in this view.
//private int mOffsetX;
* The difference (in y) between screen coordinates and coordinates
* in this view.
//private int mOffsetY;
* A listener that receives callbacks whenever the floating View
* hovers over a new position.
private DragListener mDragListener;
* A listener that receives a callback when the floating View
* is dropped.
private DropListener mDropListener;
* A listener that receives a callback when the floating View
* (or more precisely the originally dragged item) is removed
* by one of the provided gestures.
private RemoveListener mRemoveListener;
* Enable/Disable item dragging
* @attr name dslv:drag_enabled
private boolean mDragEnabled = true;
* Drag state enum.
private final static int IDLE = 0;
private final static int REMOVING = 1;
private final static int DROPPING = 2;
private final static int STOPPED = 3;
private final static int DRAGGING = 4;
private int mDragState = IDLE;
* Height in pixels to which the originally dragged item
* is collapsed during a drag-sort. Currently, this value
* must be greater than zero.
private int mItemHeightCollapsed = 1;
* Height of the floating View. Stored for the purpose of
* providing the tracking drop slot.
private int mFloatViewHeight;
* Convenience member. See above.
private int mFloatViewHeightHalf;
* Save the given width spec for use in measuring children
private int mWidthMeasureSpec = 0;
* Sample Views ultimately used for calculating the height
* of ListView items that are off-screen.
private View[] mSampleViewTypes = new View[1];
* Drag-scroll encapsulator!
private DragScroller mDragScroller;
* Determines the start of the upward drag-scroll region
* at the top of the ListView. Specified by a fraction
* of the ListView height, thus screen resolution agnostic.
private float mDragUpScrollStartFrac = 1.0f / 3.0f;
* Determines the start of the downward drag-scroll region
* at the bottom of the ListView. Specified by a fraction
* of the ListView height, thus screen resolution agnostic.
private float mDragDownScrollStartFrac = 1.0f / 3.0f;
* The following are calculated from the above fracs.
private int mUpScrollStartY;
private int mDownScrollStartY;
private float mDownScrollStartYF;
private float mUpScrollStartYF;
* Calculated from above above and current ListView height.
private float mDragUpScrollHeight;
* Calculated from above above and current ListView height.
private float mDragDownScrollHeight;
* Maximum drag-scroll speed in pixels per ms. Only used with
* default linear drag-scroll profile.
private float mMaxScrollSpeed = 0.5f;
* Defines the scroll speed during a drag-scroll. User can
* provide their own; this default is a simple linear profile
* where scroll speed increases linearly as the floating View
* nears the top/bottom of the ListView.
private DragScrollProfile mScrollProfile = new DragScrollProfile() {
public float getSpeed(float w, long t) {
return mMaxScrollSpeed * w;
* Current touch x.
private int mX;
* Current touch y.
private int mY;
* Last touch x.
//private int mLastX;
* Last touch y.
private int mLastY;
* The touch y-coord at which drag started
//private int mDragStartY;
* Drag flag bit. Floating View can move in the positive
* x direction.
public final static int DRAG_POS_X = 0x1;
* Drag flag bit. Floating View can move in the negative
* x direction.
public final static int DRAG_NEG_X = 0x2;
* Drag flag bit. Floating View can move in the positive
* y direction. This is subtle. What this actually means is
* that, if enabled, the floating View can be dragged below its starting
* position. Remove in favor of upper-bounding item position?
public final static int DRAG_POS_Y = 0x4;
* Drag flag bit. Floating View can move in the negative
* y direction. This is subtle. What this actually means is
* that the floating View can be dragged above its starting
* position. Remove in favor of lower-bounding item position?
public final static int DRAG_NEG_Y = 0x8;
* Flags that determine limits on the motion of the
* floating View. See flags above.
private int mDragFlags = 0;
* Last call to an on*TouchEvent was a call to
* onInterceptTouchEvent.
private boolean mLastCallWasIntercept = false;
* A touch event is in progress.
private boolean mInTouchEvent = false;
* Let the user customize the floating View.
private FloatViewManager mFloatViewManager = null;
* Given to ListView to cancel its action when a drag-sort
* begins.
private MotionEvent mCancelEvent;
* Enum telling where to cancel the ListView action when a
* drag-sort begins
private static final int NO_CANCEL = 0;
private static final int ON_TOUCH_EVENT = 1;
private static final int ON_INTERCEPT_TOUCH_EVENT = 2;
* Where to cancel the ListView action when a
* drag-sort begins
private int mCancelMethod = NO_CANCEL;
* Determines when a slide shuffle animation starts. That is,
* defines how close to the edge of the drop slot the floating
* View must be to initiate the slide.
private float mSlideRegionFrac = 0.25f;
* Number between 0 and 1 indicating the relative location of
* a sliding item (only used if drag-sort animations
* are turned on). Nearly 1 means the item is
* at the top of the slide region (nearly full blank item
* is directly below).
private float mSlideFrac = 0.0f;
* Wraps the user-provided ListAdapter. This is used to wrap each
* item View given by the user inside another View (currenly
* a RelativeLayout) which
* expands and collapses to simulate the item shuffling.
private AdapterWrapper mAdapterWrapper;
* Turn on custom debugger.
private boolean mTrackDragSort = false;
* Debugging class.
private DragSortTracker mDragSortTracker;
* Needed for adjusting item heights from within layoutChildren
private boolean mBlockLayoutRequests = false;
* Set to true when a down event happens during drag sort;
* for example, when drag finish animations are
* playing.
private boolean mIgnoreTouchEvent = false;
* Caches DragSortItemView child heights. Sometimes DSLV has to
* know the height of an offscreen item. Since ListView virtualizes
* these, DSLV must get the item from the ListAdapter to obtain
* its height. That process can be expensive, but often the same
* offscreen item will be requested many times in a row. Once an
* offscreen item height is calculated, we cache it in this guy.
* Actually, we cache the height of the child of the
* DragSortItemView since the item height changes often during a
* drag-sort.
private static final int sCacheSize = 3;
private HeightCache mChildHeightCache = new HeightCache(sCacheSize);
private RemoveAnimator mRemoveAnimator;
private LiftAnimator mLiftAnimator;
private DropAnimator mDropAnimator;
private boolean mUseRemoveVelocity;
private float mRemoveVelocityX = 0;
public DragSortListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
int defaultDuration = 150;
int removeAnimDuration = defaultDuration; // ms
int dropAnimDuration = defaultDuration; // ms
if (attrs != null) {
TypedArray a = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,
R.styleable.DragSortListView, 0, 0);
mItemHeightCollapsed = Math.max(1, a.getDimensionPixelSize(
R.styleable.DragSortListView_collapsed_height, 1));
mTrackDragSort = a.getBoolean(
R.styleable.DragSortListView_track_drag_sort, false);
if (mTrackDragSort) {
mDragSortTracker = new DragSortTracker();
// alpha between 0 and 255, 0=transparent, 255=opaque
mFloatAlpha = a.getFloat(R.styleable.DragSortListView_float_alpha, mFloatAlpha);
mCurrFloatAlpha = mFloatAlpha;
mDragEnabled = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.DragSortListView_drag_enabled, mDragEnabled);
mSlideRegionFrac = Math.max(0.0f,
Math.min(1.0f, 1.0f - a.getFloat(
mAnimate = mSlideRegionFrac > 0.0f;
float frac = a.getFloat(
mMaxScrollSpeed = a.getFloat(
removeAnimDuration = a.getInt(
dropAnimDuration = a.getInt(
boolean useDefault = a.getBoolean(
if (useDefault) {
boolean removeEnabled = a.getBoolean(
int removeMode = a.getInt(
boolean sortEnabled = a.getBoolean(
int dragInitMode = a.getInt(
int dragHandleId = a.getResourceId(
int flingHandleId = a.getResourceId(
int clickRemoveId = a.getResourceId(
int bgColor = a.getColor(
DragSortController controller = new DragSortController(
this, dragHandleId, dragInitMode, removeMode,
clickRemoveId, flingHandleId);
mFloatViewManager = controller;
mDragScroller = new DragScroller();
float smoothness = 0.5f;
if (removeAnimDuration > 0) {
mRemoveAnimator = new RemoveAnimator(smoothness, removeAnimDuration);
// mLiftAnimator = new LiftAnimator(smoothness, 100);
if (dropAnimDuration > 0) {
mDropAnimator = new DropAnimator(smoothness, dropAnimDuration);
mCancelEvent = MotionEvent.obtain(0, 0, MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0, 0f,
0f, 0, 0);
// construct the dataset observer
mObserver = new DataSetObserver() {
private void cancel() {
if (mDragState == DRAGGING) {
public void onChanged() {
public void onInvalidated() {
* Usually called from a FloatViewManager. The float alpha
* will be reset to the xml-defined value every time a drag
* is stopped.
public void setFloatAlpha(float alpha) {
mCurrFloatAlpha = alpha;
public float getFloatAlpha() {
return mCurrFloatAlpha;
* Set maximum drag scroll speed in positions/second. Only applies
* if using default ScrollSpeedProfile.
* @param max Maximum scroll speed.
public void setMaxScrollSpeed(float max) {
mMaxScrollSpeed = max;
* For each DragSortListView Listener interface implemented by
* <code>adapter</code>, this method calls the appropriate
* set*Listener method with <code>adapter</code> as the argument.
* @param adapter The ListAdapter providing data to back
* DragSortListView.
* @see android.widget.ListView#setAdapter(android.widget.ListAdapter)
public void setAdapter(ListAdapter adapter) {
if (adapter != null) {
mAdapterWrapper = new AdapterWrapper(adapter);
if (adapter instanceof DropListener) {
setDropListener((DropListener) adapter);
if (adapter instanceof DragListener) {
setDragListener((DragListener) adapter);
if (adapter instanceof RemoveListener) {
setRemoveListener((RemoveListener) adapter);
} else {
mAdapterWrapper = null;
* As opposed to {@link ListView#getAdapter()}, which returns
* a heavily wrapped ListAdapter (DragSortListView wraps the
* input ListAdapter {\emph and} ListView wraps the wrapped one).
* @return The ListAdapter set as the argument of {@link setAdapter()}
public ListAdapter getInputAdapter() {
if (mAdapterWrapper == null) {
return null;
} else {
return mAdapterWrapper.getWrappedAdapter();
private class AdapterWrapper extends BaseAdapter implements WrapperListAdapter {
private ListAdapter mAdapter;
public AdapterWrapper(ListAdapter adapter) {
mAdapter = adapter;
public ListAdapter getWrappedAdapter() {
return mAdapter;
public long getItemId(int position) {
return mAdapter.getItemId(position);
public Object getItem(int position) {
return mAdapter.getItem(position);
public int getCount() {
return mAdapter.getCount();
public boolean areAllItemsEnabled() {
return mAdapter.areAllItemsEnabled();
public boolean isEnabled(int position) {
return mAdapter.isEnabled(position);
public int getItemViewType(int position) {
return mAdapter.getItemViewType(position);
public int getViewTypeCount() {
return mAdapter.getViewTypeCount();
public boolean hasStableIds() {
return mAdapter.hasStableIds();
public boolean isEmpty() {
return mAdapter.isEmpty();
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
DragSortItemView v;
View child;
if (convertView != null) {
v = (DragSortItemView) convertView;
View oldChild = v.getChildAt(0);
child = mAdapter.getView(position, oldChild, DragSortListView.this);
if (child != oldChild) {
// shouldn't get here if user is reusing convertViews
// properly
if (oldChild != null) {
} else {
child = mAdapter.getView(position, null, DragSortListView.this);
if (child instanceof Checkable) {
v = new DragSortItemViewCheckable(getContext());
} else {
v = new DragSortItemView(getContext());
v.setLayoutParams(new AbsListView.LayoutParams(
// Set the correct item height given drag state; passed
// View needs to be measured if measurement is required.
adjustItem(position + getHeaderViewsCount(), v, true);
return v;
public void registerDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver observer) {
public void unregisterDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver observer) {
private void drawDivider(int expPosition, Canvas canvas) {
final Drawable divider = getDivider();
final int dividerHeight = getDividerHeight();
if (divider != null && dividerHeight != 0) {
final ViewGroup expItem = (ViewGroup) getChildAt(expPosition
- getFirstVisiblePosition());
if (expItem != null) {
final int left = getPaddingLeft();
final int right = getWidth() - getPaddingRight();
final int top;
final int bottom;
final int childHeight = expItem.getChildAt(0).getHeight();
if (expPosition > mSrcPos) {
top = expItem.getTop() + childHeight;
bottom = top + dividerHeight;
} else {
bottom = expItem.getBottom() - childHeight;
top = bottom - dividerHeight;
// Have to clip to support ColorDrawable on <= Gingerbread
canvas.clipRect(left, top, right, bottom);
divider.setBounds(left, top, right, bottom);
protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) {
if (mDragState != IDLE) {
// draw the divider over the expanded item
if (mFirstExpPos != mSrcPos) {
drawDivider(mFirstExpPos, canvas);
if (mSecondExpPos != mFirstExpPos && mSecondExpPos != mSrcPos) {
drawDivider(mSecondExpPos, canvas);
if (mFloatView != null) {
// draw the float view over everything
final int floatViewWidth = mFloatView.getWidth();
final int floatViewHeight = mFloatView.getHeight();
int x = mFloatLoc.x;
final int listViewWidth = getWidth();
if (x < 0)
x = -x;
float alphaMod;
if (x < listViewWidth) {
alphaMod = ((float) (listViewWidth - x)) / ((float) listViewWidth);
alphaMod *= alphaMod;
} else {
alphaMod = 0;
final int alpha = (int) (255f * mCurrFloatAlpha * alphaMod);
canvas.translate(mFloatLoc.x, mFloatLoc.y);
canvas.clipRect(0, 0, floatViewWidth, floatViewHeight);
canvas.saveLayerAlpha(0, 0, floatViewWidth, floatViewHeight, alpha,
private int getItemHeight(int position) {
View v = getChildAt(position - getFirstVisiblePosition());
if (v != null) {
// item is onscreen, just get the height of the View
return v.getHeight();
} else {
// item is offscreen. get child height and calculate
// item height based on current shuffle state
return calcItemHeight(position, getChildHeight(position));
private class HeightCache {
private SparseIntArray mMap;
private List<Integer> mOrder;
private int mMaxSize;
public HeightCache(int size) {
mMap = new SparseIntArray(size);
mOrder = new ArrayList<Integer>(size);
mMaxSize = size;
* Add item height at position if doesn't already exist.
public void add(int position, int height) {
int currentHeight = mMap.get(position, -1);
if (currentHeight != height) {
if (currentHeight == -1 && mMap.size() == mMaxSize) {
// remove oldest entry
} else {
// move position to newest slot
mOrder.remove((Integer) position);
mMap.put(position, height);
public int get(int position) {
return mMap.get(position, -1);
public void clear() {
* Get the shuffle edge for item at position when top of
* item is at y-coord top. Assumes that current item heights
* are consistent with current float view location and
* thus expanded positions and slide fraction. i.e. Should not be
* called between update of expanded positions/slide fraction
* and layoutChildren.
* @param position
* @param top
* @param height Height of item at position. If -1, this function
* calculates this height.
* @return Shuffle line between position-1 and position (for
* the given view of the list; that is, for when top of item at
* position has y-coord of given `top`). If
* floating View (treated as horizontal line) is dropped
* immediately above this line, it lands in position-1. If
* dropped immediately below this line, it lands in position.
private int getShuffleEdge(int position, int top) {
final int numHeaders = getHeaderViewsCount();
final int numFooters = getFooterViewsCount();
// shuffle edges are defined between items that can be
// dragged; there are N-1 of them if there are N draggable
// items.
if (position <= numHeaders || (position >= getCount() - numFooters)) {
return top;
int divHeight = getDividerHeight();
int edge;
int maxBlankHeight = mFloatViewHeight - mItemHeightCollapsed;
int childHeight = getChildHeight(position);
int itemHeight = getItemHeight(position);
// first calculate top of item given that floating View is
// centered over src position
int otop = top;
if (mSecondExpPos <= mSrcPos) {
// items are expanded on and/or above the source position
if (position == mSecondExpPos && mFirstExpPos != mSecondExpPos) {
if (position == mSrcPos) {
otop = top + itemHeight - mFloatViewHeight;
} else {
int blankHeight = itemHeight - childHeight;
otop = top + blankHeight - maxBlankHeight;
} else if (position > mSecondExpPos && position <= mSrcPos) {
otop = top - maxBlankHeight;
} else {
// items are expanded on and/or below the source position
if (position > mSrcPos && position <= mFirstExpPos) {
otop = top + maxBlankHeight;
} else if (position == mSecondExpPos && mFirstExpPos != mSecondExpPos) {
int blankHeight = itemHeight - childHeight;
otop = top + blankHeight;
// otop is set
if (position <= mSrcPos) {
edge = otop + (mFloatViewHeight - divHeight - getChildHeight(position - 1)) / 2;
} else {
edge = otop + (childHeight - divHeight - mFloatViewHeight) / 2;
return edge;
private boolean updatePositions() {
final int first = getFirstVisiblePosition();
int startPos = mFirstExpPos;
View startView = getChildAt(startPos - first);
if (startView == null) {
startPos = first + getChildCount() / 2;
startView = getChildAt(startPos - first);
int startTop = startView.getTop();
int itemHeight = startView.getHeight();
int edge = getShuffleEdge(startPos, startTop);
int lastEdge = edge;
int divHeight = getDividerHeight();
// Log.d("mobeta", "float mid="+mFloatViewMid);
int itemPos = startPos;
int itemTop = startTop;
if (mFloatViewMid < edge) {
// scanning up for float position
while (itemPos >= 0) {
itemHeight = getItemHeight(itemPos);
if (itemPos == 0) {
edge = itemTop - divHeight - itemHeight;
itemTop -= itemHeight + divHeight;
edge = getShuffleEdge(itemPos, itemTop);
if (mFloatViewMid >= edge) {
lastEdge = edge;
} else {
// scanning down for float position
final int count = getCount();
while (itemPos < count) {
if (itemPos == count - 1) {
edge = itemTop + divHeight + itemHeight;
itemTop += divHeight + itemHeight;
itemHeight = getItemHeight(itemPos + 1);
edge = getShuffleEdge(itemPos + 1, itemTop);
// test for hit
if (mFloatViewMid < edge) {
lastEdge = edge;
final int numHeaders = getHeaderViewsCount();
final int numFooters = getFooterViewsCount();
boolean updated = false;
int oldFirstExpPos = mFirstExpPos;
int oldSecondExpPos = mSecondExpPos;
float oldSlideFrac = mSlideFrac;
if (mAnimate) {
int edgeToEdge = Math.abs(edge - lastEdge);
int edgeTop, edgeBottom;
if (mFloatViewMid < edge) {
edgeTop = lastEdge;
edgeBottom = edge;
} else {
edgeTop = edge;
edgeBottom = lastEdge;
int slideRgnHeight = (int) (0.5f * mSlideRegionFrac * edgeToEdge);
float slideRgnHeightF = (float) slideRgnHeight;
int slideEdgeTop = edgeTop + slideRgnHeight;
int slideEdgeBottom = edgeBottom - slideRgnHeight;
// Three regions
if (mFloatViewMid < slideEdgeTop) {
mFirstExpPos = itemPos - 1;
mSecondExpPos = itemPos;
mSlideFrac = 0.5f * ((float) (slideEdgeTop - mFloatViewMid)) / slideRgnHeightF;
} else if (mFloatViewMid < slideEdgeBottom) {
mFirstExpPos = itemPos;
mSecondExpPos = itemPos;
} else {
mFirstExpPos = itemPos;
mSecondExpPos = itemPos + 1;
mSlideFrac = 0.5f * (1.0f + ((float) (edgeBottom - mFloatViewMid))
/ slideRgnHeightF);
} else {
mFirstExpPos = itemPos;
mSecondExpPos = itemPos;
// correct for headers and footers
if (mFirstExpPos < numHeaders) {
itemPos = numHeaders;
mFirstExpPos = itemPos;
mSecondExpPos = itemPos;
} else if (mSecondExpPos >= getCount() - numFooters) {
itemPos = getCount() - numFooters - 1;
mFirstExpPos = itemPos;
mSecondExpPos = itemPos;
if (mFirstExpPos != oldFirstExpPos || mSecondExpPos != oldSecondExpPos
|| mSlideFrac != oldSlideFrac) {
updated = true;
if (itemPos != mFloatPos) {
if (mDragListener != null) {
mDragListener.drag(mFloatPos - numHeaders, itemPos - numHeaders);
mFloatPos = itemPos;
updated = true;
return updated;
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
if (mTrackDragSort) {
private class SmoothAnimator implements Runnable {
protected long mStartTime;
private float mDurationF;
private float mAlpha;
private float mA, mB, mC, mD;
private boolean mCanceled;
public SmoothAnimator(float smoothness, int duration) {
mAlpha = smoothness;
mDurationF = (float) duration;
mA = mD = 1f / (2f * mAlpha * (1f - mAlpha));
mB = mAlpha / (2f * (mAlpha - 1f));
mC = 1f / (1f - mAlpha);
public float transform(float frac) {
if (frac < mAlpha) {
return mA * frac * frac;
} else if (frac < 1f - mAlpha) {
return mB + mC * frac;
} else {
return 1f - mD * (frac - 1f) * (frac - 1f);
public void start() {
mStartTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
mCanceled = false;
public void cancel() {
mCanceled = true;
public void onStart() {
// stub
public void onUpdate(float frac, float smoothFrac) {
// stub
public void onStop() {
// stub
public void run() {
if (mCanceled) {
float fraction = ((float) (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - mStartTime)) / mDurationF;
if (fraction >= 1f) {
onUpdate(1f, 1f);
} else {
onUpdate(fraction, transform(fraction));
* Centers floating View under touch point.
private class LiftAnimator extends SmoothAnimator {
private float mInitDragDeltaY;
private float mFinalDragDeltaY;
public LiftAnimator(float smoothness, int duration) {
super(smoothness, duration);
public void onStart() {
mInitDragDeltaY = mDragDeltaY;
mFinalDragDeltaY = mFloatViewHeightHalf;
public void onUpdate(float frac, float smoothFrac) {
if (mDragState != DRAGGING) {
} else {
mDragDeltaY = (int) (smoothFrac * mFinalDragDeltaY + (1f - smoothFrac)
* mInitDragDeltaY);
mFloatLoc.y = mY - mDragDeltaY;
* Centers floating View over drop slot before destroying.
private class DropAnimator extends SmoothAnimator {
private int mDropPos;
private int srcPos;
private float mInitDeltaY;
private float mInitDeltaX;
public DropAnimator(float smoothness, int duration) {
super(smoothness, duration);
public void onStart() {
mDropPos = mFloatPos;
srcPos = mSrcPos;
mDragState = DROPPING;
mInitDeltaY = mFloatLoc.y - getTargetY();
mInitDeltaX = mFloatLoc.x - getPaddingLeft();
private int getTargetY() {
final int first = getFirstVisiblePosition();
final int otherAdjust = (mItemHeightCollapsed + getDividerHeight()) / 2;
View v = getChildAt(mDropPos - first);
int targetY = -1;
if (v != null) {
if (mDropPos == srcPos) {
targetY = v.getTop();
} else if (mDropPos < srcPos) {
// expanded down
targetY = v.getTop() - otherAdjust;
} else {
// expanded up
targetY = v.getBottom() + otherAdjust - mFloatViewHeight;
} else {
// drop position is not on screen?? no animation
return targetY;
public void onUpdate(float frac, float smoothFrac) {
final int targetY = getTargetY();
final int targetX = getPaddingLeft();
final float deltaY = mFloatLoc.y - targetY;
final float deltaX = mFloatLoc.x - targetX;
final float f = 1f - smoothFrac;
if (f < Math.abs(deltaY / mInitDeltaY) || f < Math.abs(deltaX / mInitDeltaX)) {
mFloatLoc.y = targetY + (int) (mInitDeltaY * f);
mFloatLoc.x = getPaddingLeft() + (int) (mInitDeltaX * f);
public void onStop() {
* Collapses expanded items.
private class RemoveAnimator extends SmoothAnimator {
private float mFloatLocX;
private float mFirstStartBlank;
private float mSecondStartBlank;
private int mFirstChildHeight = -1;
private int mSecondChildHeight = -1;
private int mFirstPos;
private int mSecondPos;
public RemoveAnimator(float smoothness, int duration) {
super(smoothness, duration);
public void onStart() {
mFirstChildHeight = -1;
mSecondChildHeight = -1;
mFirstPos = mFirstExpPos;
mSecondPos = mSecondExpPos;
mDragState = REMOVING;
mFloatLocX = mFloatLoc.x;
if (mUseRemoveVelocity) {
float minVelocity = 2f * getWidth();
if (mRemoveVelocityX == 0) {
mRemoveVelocityX = (mFloatLocX < 0 ? -1 : 1) * minVelocity;
} else {
minVelocity *= 2;
if (mRemoveVelocityX < 0 && mRemoveVelocityX > -minVelocity)
mRemoveVelocityX = -minVelocity;
else if (mRemoveVelocityX > 0 && mRemoveVelocityX < minVelocity)
mRemoveVelocityX = minVelocity;
} else {
public void onUpdate(float frac, float smoothFrac) {
float f = 1f - smoothFrac;
final int firstVis = getFirstVisiblePosition();
View item = getChildAt(mFirstPos - firstVis);
ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp;
int blank;
if (mUseRemoveVelocity) {
float dt = (float) (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - mStartTime) / 1000;
if (dt == 0)
float dx = mRemoveVelocityX * dt;
int w = getWidth();
mRemoveVelocityX += (mRemoveVelocityX > 0 ? 1 : -1) * dt * w;
mFloatLocX += dx;
mFloatLoc.x = (int) mFloatLocX;
if (mFloatLocX < w && mFloatLocX > -w) {
mStartTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
if (item != null) {
if (mFirstChildHeight == -1) {
mFirstChildHeight = getChildHeight(mFirstPos, item, false);
mFirstStartBlank = (float) (item.getHeight() - mFirstChildHeight);
blank = Math.max((int) (f * mFirstStartBlank), 1);
lp = item.getLayoutParams();
lp.height = mFirstChildHeight + blank;
if (mSecondPos != mFirstPos) {
item = getChildAt(mSecondPos - firstVis);
if (item != null) {
if (mSecondChildHeight == -1) {
mSecondChildHeight = getChildHeight(mSecondPos, item, false);
mSecondStartBlank = (float) (item.getHeight() - mSecondChildHeight);
blank = Math.max((int) (f * mSecondStartBlank), 1);
lp = item.getLayoutParams();
lp.height = mSecondChildHeight + blank;
public void onStop() {
public void removeItem(int which) {
mUseRemoveVelocity = false;
removeItem(which, 0);
* Removes an item from the list and animates the removal.
* @param which Position to remove (NOTE: headers/footers ignored!
* this is a position in your input ListAdapter).
* @param velocityX
public void removeItem(int which, float velocityX) {
if (mDragState == IDLE || mDragState == DRAGGING) {
if (mDragState == IDLE) {
// called from outside drag-sort
mSrcPos = getHeaderViewsCount() + which;
mFirstExpPos = mSrcPos;
mSecondExpPos = mSrcPos;
mFloatPos = mSrcPos;
View v = getChildAt(mSrcPos - getFirstVisiblePosition());
if (v != null) {
mDragState = REMOVING;
mRemoveVelocityX = velocityX;
if (mInTouchEvent) {
switch (mCancelMethod) {
if (mRemoveAnimator != null) {
} else {
* Move an item, bypassing the drag-sort process. Simply calls
* through to {@link DropListener#drop(int, int)}.
* @param from Position to move (NOTE: headers/footers ignored!
* this is a position in your input ListAdapter).
* @param to Target position (NOTE: headers/footers ignored!
* this is a position in your input ListAdapter).
public void moveItem(int from, int to) {
if (mDropListener != null) {
final int count = getInputAdapter().getCount();
if (from >= 0 && from < count && to >= 0 && to < count) {
mDropListener.drop(from, to);
* Cancel a drag. Calls {@link #stopDrag(boolean, boolean)} with
* <code>true</code> as the first argument.
public void cancelDrag() {
if (mDragState == DRAGGING) {
if (mInTouchEvent) {
mDragState = STOPPED;
} else {
mDragState = IDLE;
private void clearPositions() {
mSrcPos = -1;
mFirstExpPos = -1;
mSecondExpPos = -1;
mFloatPos = -1;
private void dropFloatView() {
// must set to avoid cancelDrag being called from the DataSetObserver
mDragState = DROPPING;
if (mDropListener != null && mFloatPos >= 0 && mFloatPos < getCount()) {
final int numHeaders = getHeaderViewsCount();
mDropListener.drop(mSrcPos - numHeaders, mFloatPos - numHeaders);
// now the drag is done
if (mInTouchEvent) {
mDragState = STOPPED;
} else {
mDragState = IDLE;
private void doRemoveItem() {
doRemoveItem(mSrcPos - getHeaderViewsCount());
* Removes dragged item from the list. Calls RemoveListener.
private void doRemoveItem(int which) {
// must set to avoid cancelDrag being called from the DataSetObserver
mDragState = REMOVING;
// end it
if (mRemoveListener != null) {
// now the drag is done
if (mInTouchEvent) {
mDragState = STOPPED;
} else {
mDragState = IDLE;
private void adjustOnReorder() {
final int firstPos = getFirstVisiblePosition();
if (mSrcPos < firstPos) {
// collapsed src item is off screen;
// adjust the scroll after item heights have been fixed
View v = getChildAt(0);
int top = 0;
if (v != null) {
top = v.getTop();
setSelectionFromTop(firstPos - 1, top - getPaddingTop());
* Stop a drag in progress. Pass <code>true</code> if you would
* like to remove the dragged item from the list.
* @param remove Remove the dragged item from the list. Calls
* a registered RemoveListener, if one exists. Otherwise, calls
* the DropListener, if one exists.
* @return True if the stop was successful. False if there is
* no floating View.
public boolean stopDrag(boolean remove) {
mUseRemoveVelocity = false;
return stopDrag(remove, 0);
public boolean stopDragWithVelocity(boolean remove, float velocityX) {
mUseRemoveVelocity = true;
return stopDrag(remove, velocityX);
public boolean stopDrag(boolean remove, float velocityX) {
if (mFloatView != null) {
if (remove) {
removeItem(mSrcPos - getHeaderViewsCount(), velocityX);
} else {
if (mDropAnimator != null) {
} else {
if (mTrackDragSort) {
return true;
} else {
// stop failed
return false;
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
if (mIgnoreTouchEvent) {
mIgnoreTouchEvent = false;
return false;
if (!mDragEnabled) {
return super.onTouchEvent(ev);
boolean more = false;
boolean lastCallWasIntercept = mLastCallWasIntercept;
mLastCallWasIntercept = false;
if (!lastCallWasIntercept) {
if (mDragState == DRAGGING) {
more = true; // give us more!
} else {
// TODO: what if float view is null because we dropped in middle
// of drag touch event?
if (mDragState == IDLE) {
if (super.onTouchEvent(ev)) {
more = true;
int action = ev.getAction() & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK;
switch (action) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
if (more) {
mCancelMethod = ON_TOUCH_EVENT;
return more;
private void doActionUpOrCancel() {
mCancelMethod = NO_CANCEL;
mInTouchEvent = false;
if (mDragState == STOPPED) {
mDragState = IDLE;
mCurrFloatAlpha = mFloatAlpha;
mListViewIntercepted = false;
private void saveTouchCoords(MotionEvent ev) {
int action = ev.getAction() & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK;
if (action != MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
//mLastX = mX;
mLastY = mY;
mX = (int) ev.getX();
mY = (int) ev.getY();
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
//mLastX = mX;
mLastY = mY;
//mOffsetX = (int) ev.getRawX() - mX;
//mOffsetY = (int) ev.getRawY() - mY;
public boolean listViewIntercepted() {
return mListViewIntercepted;
private boolean mListViewIntercepted = false;
public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
if (!mDragEnabled) {
return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev);
mLastCallWasIntercept = true;
int action = ev.getAction() & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK;
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
if (mDragState != IDLE) {
// intercept and ignore
mIgnoreTouchEvent = true;
return true;
mInTouchEvent = true;
boolean intercept = false;
// the following deals with calls to super.onInterceptTouchEvent
if (mFloatView != null) {
// super's touch event cancelled in startDrag
intercept = true;
} else {
if (super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev)) {
mListViewIntercepted = true;
intercept = true;
switch (action) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
if (intercept) {
mCancelMethod = ON_TOUCH_EVENT;
} else {
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL) {
mInTouchEvent = false;
return intercept;
* Set the width of each drag scroll region by specifying
* a fraction of the ListView height.
* @param heightFraction Fraction of ListView height. Capped at
* 0.5f.
public void setDragScrollStart(float heightFraction) {
setDragScrollStarts(heightFraction, heightFraction);
* Set the width of each drag scroll region by specifying
* a fraction of the ListView height.
* @param upperFrac Fraction of ListView height for up-scroll bound.
* Capped at 0.5f.
* @param lowerFrac Fraction of ListView height for down-scroll bound.
* Capped at 0.5f.
public void setDragScrollStarts(float upperFrac, float lowerFrac) {
if (lowerFrac > 0.5f) {
mDragDownScrollStartFrac = 0.5f;
} else {
mDragDownScrollStartFrac = lowerFrac;
if (upperFrac > 0.5f) {
mDragUpScrollStartFrac = 0.5f;
} else {
mDragUpScrollStartFrac = upperFrac;
if (getHeight() != 0) {
private void continueDrag(int x, int y) {
// proposed position
mFloatLoc.x = x - mDragDeltaX;
mFloatLoc.y = y - mDragDeltaY;
int minY = Math.min(y, mFloatViewMid + mFloatViewHeightHalf);
int maxY = Math.max(y, mFloatViewMid - mFloatViewHeightHalf);
// get the current scroll direction
int currentScrollDir = mDragScroller.getScrollDir();
if (minY > mLastY && minY > mDownScrollStartY && currentScrollDir != DragScroller.DOWN) {
// dragged down, it is below the down scroll start and it is not
// scrolling up
if (currentScrollDir != DragScroller.STOP) {
// moved directly from up scroll to down scroll
// start scrolling down
} else if (maxY < mLastY && maxY < mUpScrollStartY && currentScrollDir != DragScroller.UP) {
// dragged up, it is above the up scroll start and it is not
// scrolling up
if (currentScrollDir != DragScroller.STOP) {
// moved directly from down scroll to up scroll
// start scrolling up
else if (maxY >= mUpScrollStartY && minY <= mDownScrollStartY
&& mDragScroller.isScrolling()) {
// not in the upper nor in the lower drag-scroll regions but it is
// still scrolling
private void updateScrollStarts() {
final int padTop = getPaddingTop();
final int listHeight = getHeight() - padTop - getPaddingBottom();
float heightF = (float) listHeight;
mUpScrollStartYF = padTop + mDragUpScrollStartFrac * heightF;
mDownScrollStartYF = padTop + (1.0f - mDragDownScrollStartFrac) * heightF;
mUpScrollStartY = (int) mUpScrollStartYF;
mDownScrollStartY = (int) mDownScrollStartYF;
mDragUpScrollHeight = mUpScrollStartYF - padTop;
mDragDownScrollHeight = padTop + listHeight - mDownScrollStartYF;
protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);
private void adjustAllItems() {
final int first = getFirstVisiblePosition();
final int last = getLastVisiblePosition();
int begin = Math.max(0, getHeaderViewsCount() - first);
int end = Math.min(last - first, getCount() - 1 - getFooterViewsCount() - first);
for (int i = begin; i <= end; ++i) {
View v = getChildAt(i);
if (v != null) {
adjustItem(first + i, v, false);
* Sets layout param height, gravity, and visibility on
* wrapped item.
private void adjustItem(int position, View v, boolean invalidChildHeight) {
// Adjust item height
ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = v.getLayoutParams();
int height;
if (position != mSrcPos && position != mFirstExpPos && position != mSecondExpPos) {
height = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;
} else {
height = calcItemHeight(position, v, invalidChildHeight);
if (height != lp.height) {
lp.height = height;
// Adjust item gravity
if (position == mFirstExpPos || position == mSecondExpPos) {
if (position < mSrcPos) {
((DragSortItemView) v).setGravity(Gravity.BOTTOM);
} else if (position > mSrcPos) {
((DragSortItemView) v).setGravity(Gravity.TOP);
// Finally adjust item visibility
int oldVis = v.getVisibility();
int vis = View.VISIBLE;
if (position == mSrcPos && mFloatView != null) {
vis = View.INVISIBLE;
if (vis != oldVis) {
private int getChildHeight(int position) {
if (position == mSrcPos) {
return 0;
View v = getChildAt(position - getFirstVisiblePosition());
if (v != null) {
// item is onscreen, therefore child height is valid,
// hence the "true"
return getChildHeight(position, v, false);
} else {
// item is offscreen
// first check cache for child height at this position
int childHeight = mChildHeightCache.get(position);
if (childHeight != -1) {
return childHeight;
final ListAdapter adapter = getAdapter();
int type = adapter.getItemViewType(position);
// There might be a better place for checking for the following
final int typeCount = adapter.getViewTypeCount();
if (typeCount != mSampleViewTypes.length) {
mSampleViewTypes = new View[typeCount];
if (type >= 0) {
if (mSampleViewTypes[type] == null) {
v = adapter.getView(position, null, this);
mSampleViewTypes[type] = v;
} else {
v = adapter.getView(position, mSampleViewTypes[type], this);
} else {
v = adapter.getView(position, null, this);
// current child height is invalid, hence "true" below
childHeight = getChildHeight(position, v, true);
// cache it because this could have been expensive
mChildHeightCache.add(position, childHeight);
return childHeight;
private int getChildHeight(int position, View item, boolean invalidChildHeight) {
if (position == mSrcPos) {
return 0;
View child;
if (position < getHeaderViewsCount() || position >= getCount() - getFooterViewsCount()) {
child = item;
} else {
child = ((ViewGroup) item).getChildAt(0);
ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = child.getLayoutParams();
if (lp != null) {
if (lp.height > 0) {
return lp.height;
int childHeight = child.getHeight();
if (childHeight == 0 || invalidChildHeight) {
childHeight = child.getMeasuredHeight();
return childHeight;
private int calcItemHeight(int position, View item, boolean invalidChildHeight) {
return calcItemHeight(position, getChildHeight(position, item, invalidChildHeight));
private int calcItemHeight(int position, int childHeight) {
boolean isSliding = mAnimate && mFirstExpPos != mSecondExpPos;
int maxNonSrcBlankHeight = mFloatViewHeight - mItemHeightCollapsed;
int slideHeight = (int) (mSlideFrac * maxNonSrcBlankHeight);
int height;
if (position == mSrcPos) {
if (mSrcPos == mFirstExpPos) {
if (isSliding) {
height = slideHeight + mItemHeightCollapsed;
} else {
height = mFloatViewHeight;
} else if (mSrcPos == mSecondExpPos) {
// if gets here, we know an item is sliding
height = mFloatViewHeight - slideHeight;
} else {
height = mItemHeightCollapsed;
} else if (position == mFirstExpPos) {
if (isSliding) {
height = childHeight + slideHeight;
} else {
height = childHeight + maxNonSrcBlankHeight;
} else if (position == mSecondExpPos) {
// we know an item is sliding (b/c 2ndPos != 1stPos)
height = childHeight + maxNonSrcBlankHeight - slideHeight;
} else {
height = childHeight;
return height;
public void requestLayout() {
if (!mBlockLayoutRequests) {
private int adjustScroll(int movePos, View moveItem, int oldFirstExpPos, int oldSecondExpPos) {
int adjust = 0;
final int childHeight = getChildHeight(movePos);
int moveHeightBefore = moveItem.getHeight();
int moveHeightAfter = calcItemHeight(movePos, childHeight);
int moveBlankBefore = moveHeightBefore;
int moveBlankAfter = moveHeightAfter;
if (movePos != mSrcPos) {
moveBlankBefore -= childHeight;
moveBlankAfter -= childHeight;
int maxBlank = mFloatViewHeight;
if (mSrcPos != mFirstExpPos && mSrcPos != mSecondExpPos) {
maxBlank -= mItemHeightCollapsed;
if (movePos <= oldFirstExpPos) {
if (movePos > mFirstExpPos) {
adjust += maxBlank - moveBlankAfter;
} else if (movePos == oldSecondExpPos) {
if (movePos <= mFirstExpPos) {
adjust += moveBlankBefore - maxBlank;
} else if (movePos == mSecondExpPos) {
adjust += moveHeightBefore - moveHeightAfter;
} else {
adjust += moveBlankBefore;
} else {
if (movePos <= mFirstExpPos) {
adjust -= maxBlank;
} else if (movePos == mSecondExpPos) {
adjust -= moveBlankAfter;
return adjust;
private void measureItem(View item) {
ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = item.getLayoutParams();
if (lp == null) {
lp = new AbsListView.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
int wspec = ViewGroup.getChildMeasureSpec(mWidthMeasureSpec, getListPaddingLeft()
+ getListPaddingRight(), lp.width);
int hspec;
if (lp.height > 0) {
hspec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(lp.height, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
} else {
hspec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);
item.measure(wspec, hspec);
private void measureFloatView() {
if (mFloatView != null) {
mFloatViewHeight = mFloatView.getMeasuredHeight();
mFloatViewHeightHalf = mFloatViewHeight / 2;
protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
if (mFloatView != null) {
if (mFloatView.isLayoutRequested()) {
mFloatViewOnMeasured = true; // set to false after layout
mWidthMeasureSpec = widthMeasureSpec;
protected void layoutChildren() {
if (mFloatView != null) {
if (mFloatView.isLayoutRequested() && !mFloatViewOnMeasured) {
// Have to measure here when usual android measure
// pass is skipped. This happens during a drag-sort
// when layoutChildren is called directly.
mFloatView.layout(0, 0, mFloatView.getMeasuredWidth(), mFloatView.getMeasuredHeight());
mFloatViewOnMeasured = false;
protected boolean onDragTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
int action = ev.getAction() & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK;
switch (action) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
if (mDragState == DRAGGING) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
if (mDragState == DRAGGING) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
continueDrag((int) ev.getX(), (int) ev.getY());
return true;
* Start a drag of item at <code>position</code> using the
* registered FloatViewManager. Calls through
* to {@link #startDrag(int,View,int,int,int)} after obtaining
* the floating View from the FloatViewManager.
* @param position Item to drag.
* @param dragFlags Flags that restrict some movements of the
* floating View. For example, set <code>dragFlags |=
* ~{@link #DRAG_NEG_X}</code> to allow dragging the floating
* View in all directions except off the screen to the left.
* @param deltaX Offset in x of the touch coordinate from the
* left edge of the floating View (i.e. touch-x minus float View
* left).
* @param deltaY Offset in y of the touch coordinate from the
* top edge of the floating View (i.e. touch-y minus float View
* top).
* @return True if the drag was started, false otherwise. This
* <code>startDrag</code> will fail if we are not currently in
* a touch event, there is no registered FloatViewManager,
* or the FloatViewManager returns a null View.
public boolean startDrag(int position, int dragFlags, int deltaX, int deltaY) {
if (!mInTouchEvent || mFloatViewManager == null) {
return false;
View v = mFloatViewManager.onCreateFloatView(position);
if (v == null) {
return false;
} else {
return startDrag(position, v, dragFlags, deltaX, deltaY);
* Start a drag of item at <code>position</code> without using
* a FloatViewManager.
* @param position Item to drag.
* @param floatView Floating View.
* @param dragFlags Flags that restrict some movements of the
* floating View. For example, set <code>dragFlags |=
* ~{@link #DRAG_NEG_X}</code> to allow dragging the floating
* View in all directions except off the screen to the left.
* @param deltaX Offset in x of the touch coordinate from the
* left edge of the floating View (i.e. touch-x minus float View
* left).
* @param deltaY Offset in y of the touch coordinate from the
* top edge of the floating View (i.e. touch-y minus float View
* top).
* @return True if the drag was started, false otherwise. This
* <code>startDrag</code> will fail if we are not currently in
* a touch event, <code>floatView</code> is null, or there is
* a drag in progress.
public boolean startDrag(int position, View floatView, int dragFlags, int deltaX, int deltaY) {
if (mDragState != IDLE || !mInTouchEvent || mFloatView != null || floatView == null
|| !mDragEnabled) {
return false;
if (getParent() != null) {
int pos = position + getHeaderViewsCount();
mFirstExpPos = pos;
mSecondExpPos = pos;
mSrcPos = pos;
mFloatPos = pos;
mDragState = DRAGGING;
mDragFlags = 0;
mDragFlags |= dragFlags;
mFloatView = floatView;
measureFloatView(); // sets mFloatViewHeight
mDragDeltaX = deltaX;
mDragDeltaY = deltaY;
mFloatLoc.x = mX - mDragDeltaX;
mFloatLoc.y = mY - mDragDeltaY;
// set src item invisible
final View srcItem = getChildAt(mSrcPos - getFirstVisiblePosition());
if (srcItem != null) {
if (mTrackDragSort) {
// once float view is created, events are no longer passed
// to ListView
switch (mCancelMethod) {
if (mLiftAnimator != null) {
return true;
private void doDragFloatView(boolean forceInvalidate) {
int movePos = getFirstVisiblePosition() + getChildCount() / 2;
View moveItem = getChildAt(getChildCount() / 2);
if (moveItem == null) {
doDragFloatView(movePos, moveItem, forceInvalidate);
private void doDragFloatView(int movePos, View moveItem, boolean forceInvalidate) {
mBlockLayoutRequests = true;
int oldFirstExpPos = mFirstExpPos;
int oldSecondExpPos = mSecondExpPos;
boolean updated = updatePositions();
if (updated) {
int scroll = adjustScroll(movePos, moveItem, oldFirstExpPos, oldSecondExpPos);
setSelectionFromTop(movePos, moveItem.getTop() + scroll - getPaddingTop());
if (updated || forceInvalidate) {
mBlockLayoutRequests = false;
* Sets float View location based on suggested values and
* constraints set in mDragFlags.
private void updateFloatView() {
if (mFloatViewManager != null) {
mTouchLoc.set(mX, mY);
mFloatViewManager.onDragFloatView(mFloatView, mFloatLoc, mTouchLoc);
final int floatX = mFloatLoc.x;
final int floatY = mFloatLoc.y;
// restrict x motion
int padLeft = getPaddingLeft();
if ((mDragFlags & DRAG_POS_X) == 0 && floatX > padLeft) {
mFloatLoc.x = padLeft;
} else if ((mDragFlags & DRAG_NEG_X) == 0 && floatX < padLeft) {
mFloatLoc.x = padLeft;
// keep floating view from going past bottom of last header view
final int numHeaders = getHeaderViewsCount();
final int numFooters = getFooterViewsCount();
final int firstPos = getFirstVisiblePosition();
final int lastPos = getLastVisiblePosition();
int topLimit = getPaddingTop();
if (firstPos < numHeaders) {
topLimit = getChildAt(numHeaders - firstPos - 1).getBottom();
if ((mDragFlags & DRAG_NEG_Y) == 0) {
if (firstPos <= mSrcPos) {
topLimit = Math.max(getChildAt(mSrcPos - firstPos).getTop(), topLimit);
// bottom limit is top of first footer View or
// bottom of last item in list
int bottomLimit = getHeight() - getPaddingBottom();
if (lastPos >= getCount() - numFooters - 1) {
bottomLimit = getChildAt(getCount() - numFooters - 1 - firstPos).getBottom();
if ((mDragFlags & DRAG_POS_Y) == 0) {
if (lastPos >= mSrcPos) {
bottomLimit = Math.min(getChildAt(mSrcPos - firstPos).getBottom(), bottomLimit);
if (floatY < topLimit) {
mFloatLoc.y = topLimit;
} else if (floatY + mFloatViewHeight > bottomLimit) {
mFloatLoc.y = bottomLimit - mFloatViewHeight;
// get y-midpoint of floating view (constrained to ListView bounds)
mFloatViewMid = mFloatLoc.y + mFloatViewHeightHalf;
private void destroyFloatView() {
if (mFloatView != null) {
if (mFloatViewManager != null) {
mFloatView = null;
* Interface for customization of the floating View appearance
* and dragging behavior. Implement
* your own and pass it to {@link #setFloatViewManager}. If
* your own is not passed, the default {@link SimpleFloatViewManager}
* implementation is used.
public interface FloatViewManager {
* Return the floating View for item at <code>position</code>.
* DragSortListView will measure and layout this View for you,
* so feel free to just inflate it. You can help DSLV by
* setting some {@link ViewGroup.LayoutParams} on this View;
* otherwise it will set some for you (with a width of FILL_PARENT
* and a height of WRAP_CONTENT).
* @param position Position of item to drag (NOTE:
* <code>position</code> excludes header Views; thus, if you
* want to call {@link ListView#getChildAt(int)}, you will need
* to add {@link ListView#getHeaderViewsCount()} to the index).
* @return The View you wish to display as the floating View.
public View onCreateFloatView(int position);
* Called whenever the floating View is dragged. Float View
* properties can be changed here. Also, the upcoming location
* of the float View can be altered by setting
* <code>location.x</code> and <code>location.y</code>.
* @param floatView The floating View.
* @param location The location (top-left; relative to DSLV
* top-left) at which the float
* View would like to appear, given the current touch location
* and the offset provided in {@link DragSortListView#startDrag}.
* @param touch The current touch location (relative to DSLV
* top-left).
* @param pendingScroll
public void onDragFloatView(View floatView, Point location, Point touch);
* Called when the float View is dropped; lets you perform
* any necessary cleanup. The internal DSLV floating View
* reference is set to null immediately after this is called.
* @param floatView The floating View passed to
* {@link #onCreateFloatView(int)}.
public void onDestroyFloatView(View floatView);
public void setFloatViewManager(FloatViewManager manager) {
mFloatViewManager = manager;
public void setDragListener(DragListener l) {
mDragListener = l;
* Allows for easy toggling between a DragSortListView
* and a regular old ListView. If enabled, items are
* draggable, where the drag init mode determines how
* items are lifted (see {@link setDragInitMode(int)}).
* If disabled, items cannot be dragged.
* @param enabled Set <code>true</code> to enable list
* item dragging
public void setDragEnabled(boolean enabled) {
mDragEnabled = enabled;
public boolean isDragEnabled() {
return mDragEnabled;
* This better reorder your ListAdapter! DragSortListView does not do this
* for you; doesn't make sense to. Make sure
* {@link BaseAdapter#notifyDataSetChanged()} or something like it is called
* in your implementation. Furthermore, if you have a choiceMode other than
* none and the ListAdapter does not return true for
* {@link ListAdapter#hasStableIds()}, you will need to call
* {@link #moveCheckState(int, int)} to move the check boxes along with the
* list items.
* @param l
public void setDropListener(DropListener l) {
mDropListener = l;
* Probably a no-brainer, but make sure that your remove listener
* calls {@link BaseAdapter#notifyDataSetChanged()} or something like it.
* When an item removal occurs, DragSortListView
* relies on a redraw of all the items to recover invisible views
* and such. Strictly speaking, if you remove something, your dataset
* has changed...
* @param l
public void setRemoveListener(RemoveListener l) {
mRemoveListener = l;
public interface DragListener {
public void drag(int from, int to);
* Your implementation of this has to reorder your ListAdapter!
* Make sure to call
* {@link BaseAdapter#notifyDataSetChanged()} or something like it
* in your implementation.
* @author heycosmo
public interface DropListener {
public void drop(int from, int to);
* Make sure to call
* {@link BaseAdapter#notifyDataSetChanged()} or something like it
* in your implementation.
* @author heycosmo
public interface RemoveListener {
public void remove(int which);
public interface DragSortListener extends DropListener, DragListener, RemoveListener {
public void setDragSortListener(DragSortListener listener) {
* Completely custom scroll speed profile. Default increases linearly
* with position and is constant in time. Create your own by implementing
* {@link DragSortListView.DragScrollProfile}.
* @param scrollProfile
public void setDragScrollProfile(DragScrollProfile scrollProfile) {
if (scrollProfile != null) {
mScrollProfile = scrollProfile;
* Use this to move the check state of an item from one position to another
* in a drop operation. If you have a choiceMode which is not none, this
* method must be called when the order of items changes in an underlying
* adapter which does not have stable IDs (see
* {@link ListAdapter#hasStableIds()}). This is because without IDs, the
* ListView has no way of knowing which items have moved where, and cannot
* update the check state accordingly.
* <p>
* A word of warning about a "feature" in Android that you may run into when
* dealing with movable list items: for an adapter that <em>does</em> have
* stable IDs, ListView will attempt to locate each item based on its ID and
* move the check state from the item's old position to the new position —
* which is all fine and good (and removes the need for calling this
* function), except for the half-baked approach. Apparently to save time in
* the naive algorithm used, ListView will only search for an ID in the
* close neighborhood of the old position. If the user moves an item too far
* (specifically, more than 20 rows away), ListView will give up and just
* force the item to be unchecked. So if there is a reasonable chance that
* the user will move items more than 20 rows away from the original
* position, you may wish to use an adapter with unstable IDs and call this
* method manually instead.
* @param from
* @param to
public void moveCheckState(int from, int to) {
// This method runs in O(n log n) time (n being the number of list
// items). The bottleneck is the call to AbsListView.setItemChecked,
// which is O(log n) because of the binary search involved in calling
// SparseBooleanArray.put().
// To improve on the average time, we minimize the number of calls to
// setItemChecked by only calling it for items that actually have a
// changed state. This is achieved by building a list containing the
// start and end of the "runs" of checked items, and then moving the
// runs. Note that moving an item from A to B is essentially a rotation
// of the range of items in [A, B]. Let's say we have
// . . U V X Y Z . .
// and move U after Z. This is equivalent to a rotation one step to the
// left within the range you are moving across:
// . . V X Y Z U . .
// So, to perform the move we enumerate all the runs within the move
// range, then rotate each run one step to the left or right (depending
// on move direction). For example, in the list:
// X X . X X X . X
// we have two runs. One begins at the last item of the list and wraps
// around to the beginning, ending at position 1. The second begins at
// position 3 and ends at position 5. To rotate a run, regardless of
// length, we only need to set a check mark at one end of the run, and
// clear a check mark at the other end:
// X . X X X . X X
SparseBooleanArray cip = getCheckedItemPositions();
int rangeStart = from;
int rangeEnd = to;
if (to < from) {
rangeStart = to;
rangeEnd = from;
rangeEnd += 1;
int[] runStart = new int[cip.size()];
int[] runEnd = new int[cip.size()];
int runCount = buildRunList(cip, rangeStart, rangeEnd, runStart, runEnd);
if (runCount == 1 && (runStart[0] == runEnd[0])) {
// Special case where all items are checked, we can never set any
// item to false like we do below.
if (from < to) {
for (int i = 0; i != runCount; i++) {
setItemChecked(rotate(runStart[i], -1, rangeStart, rangeEnd), true);
setItemChecked(rotate(runEnd[i], -1, rangeStart, rangeEnd), false);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i != runCount; i++) {
setItemChecked(runStart[i], false);
setItemChecked(runEnd[i], true);
* Use this when an item has been deleted, to move the check state of all
* following items up one step. If you have a choiceMode which is not none,
* this method must be called when the order of items changes in an
* underlying adapter which does not have stable IDs (see
* {@link ListAdapter#hasStableIds()}). This is because without IDs, the
* ListView has no way of knowing which items have moved where, and cannot
* update the check state accordingly.
* See also further comments on {@link #moveCheckState(int, int)}.
* @param position
public void removeCheckState(int position) {
SparseBooleanArray cip = getCheckedItemPositions();
if (cip.size() == 0)
int[] runStart = new int[cip.size()];
int[] runEnd = new int[cip.size()];
int rangeStart = position;
int rangeEnd = cip.keyAt(cip.size() - 1) + 1;
int runCount = buildRunList(cip, rangeStart, rangeEnd, runStart, runEnd);
for (int i = 0; i != runCount; i++) {
if (!(runStart[i] == position || (runEnd[i] < runStart[i] && runEnd[i] > position))) {
// Only set a new check mark in front of this run if it does
// not contain the deleted position. If it does, we only need
// to make it one check mark shorter at the end.
setItemChecked(rotate(runStart[i], -1, rangeStart, rangeEnd), true);
setItemChecked(rotate(runEnd[i], -1, rangeStart, rangeEnd), false);
private static int buildRunList(SparseBooleanArray cip, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd,
int[] runStart, int[] runEnd) {
int runCount = 0;
int i = findFirstSetIndex(cip, rangeStart, rangeEnd);
if (i == -1)
return 0;
int position = cip.keyAt(i);
int currentRunStart = position;
int currentRunEnd = currentRunStart + 1;
for (i++; i < cip.size() && (position = cip.keyAt(i)) < rangeEnd; i++) {
if (!cip.valueAt(i)) // not checked => not interesting
if (position == currentRunEnd) {
} else {
runStart[runCount] = currentRunStart;
runEnd[runCount] = currentRunEnd;
currentRunStart = position;
currentRunEnd = position + 1;
if (currentRunEnd == rangeEnd) {
// rangeStart and rangeEnd are equivalent positions so to be
// consistent we translate them to the same integer value. That way
// we can check whether a run covers the entire range by just
// checking if the start equals the end position.
currentRunEnd = rangeStart;
runStart[runCount] = currentRunStart;
runEnd[runCount] = currentRunEnd;
if (runCount > 1) {
if (runStart[0] == rangeStart && runEnd[runCount - 1] == rangeStart) {
// The last run ends at the end of the range, and the first run
// starts at the beginning of the range. So they are actually
// part of the same run, except they wrap around the end of the
// range. To avoid adjacent runs, we need to merge them.
runStart[0] = runStart[runCount - 1];
return runCount;
private static int rotate(int value, int offset, int lowerBound, int upperBound) {
int windowSize = upperBound - lowerBound;
value += offset;
if (value < lowerBound) {
value += windowSize;
} else if (value >= upperBound) {
value -= windowSize;
return value;
private static int findFirstSetIndex(SparseBooleanArray sba, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd) {
int size = sba.size();
int i = insertionIndexForKey(sba, rangeStart);
while (i < size && sba.keyAt(i) < rangeEnd && !sba.valueAt(i))
if (i == size || sba.keyAt(i) >= rangeEnd)
return -1;
return i;
private static int insertionIndexForKey(SparseBooleanArray sba, int key) {
int low = 0;
int high = sba.size();
while (high - low > 0) {
int middle = (low + high) >> 1;
if (sba.keyAt(middle) < key)
low = middle + 1;
high = middle;
return low;
* Interface for controlling
* scroll speed as a function of touch position and time. Use
* {@link DragSortListView#setDragScrollProfile(DragScrollProfile)} to
* set custom profile.
* @author heycosmo
public interface DragScrollProfile {
* Return a scroll speed in pixels/millisecond. Always return a
* positive number.
* @param w Normalized position in scroll region (i.e. w \in [0,1]).
* Small w typically means slow scrolling.
* @param t Time (in milliseconds) since start of scroll (handy if you
* want scroll acceleration).
* @return Scroll speed at position w and time t in pixels/ms.
float getSpeed(float w, long t);
private class DragScroller implements Runnable {
private boolean mAbort;
private long mPrevTime;
private long mCurrTime;
private int dy;
private float dt;
private long tStart;
private int scrollDir;
public final static int STOP = -1;
public final static int UP = 0;
public final static int DOWN = 1;
private float mScrollSpeed; // pixels per ms
private boolean mScrolling = false;
public boolean isScrolling() {
return mScrolling;
public int getScrollDir() {
return mScrolling ? scrollDir : STOP;
public DragScroller() {
public void startScrolling(int dir) {
if (!mScrolling) {
mAbort = false;
mScrolling = true;
tStart = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
mPrevTime = tStart;
scrollDir = dir;
public void stopScrolling(boolean now) {
if (now) {
mScrolling = false;
} else {
mAbort = true;
public void run() {
if (mAbort) {
mScrolling = false;
final int first = getFirstVisiblePosition();
final int last = getLastVisiblePosition();
final int count = getCount();
final int padTop = getPaddingTop();
final int listHeight = getHeight() - padTop - getPaddingBottom();
int minY = Math.min(mY, mFloatViewMid + mFloatViewHeightHalf);
int maxY = Math.max(mY, mFloatViewMid - mFloatViewHeightHalf);
if (scrollDir == UP) {
View v = getChildAt(0);
if (v == null) {
mScrolling = false;
} else {
if (first == 0 && v.getTop() == padTop) {
mScrolling = false;
mScrollSpeed = mScrollProfile.getSpeed((mUpScrollStartYF - maxY)
/ mDragUpScrollHeight, mPrevTime);
} else {
View v = getChildAt(last - first);
if (v == null) {
mScrolling = false;
} else {
if (last == count - 1 && v.getBottom() <= listHeight + padTop) {
mScrolling = false;
mScrollSpeed = -mScrollProfile.getSpeed((minY - mDownScrollStartYF)
/ mDragDownScrollHeight, mPrevTime);
mCurrTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
dt = (float) (mCurrTime - mPrevTime);
// dy is change in View position of a list item; i.e. positive dy
// means user is scrolling up (list item moves down the screen,
// remember
// y=0 is at top of View).
dy = (int) Math.round(mScrollSpeed * dt);
int movePos;
if (dy >= 0) {
dy = Math.min(listHeight, dy);
movePos = first;
} else {
dy = Math.max(-listHeight, dy);
movePos = last;
final View moveItem = getChildAt(movePos - first);
int top = moveItem.getTop() + dy;
if (movePos == 0 && top > padTop) {
top = padTop;
// always do scroll
mBlockLayoutRequests = true;
setSelectionFromTop(movePos, top - padTop);
mBlockLayoutRequests = false;
// scroll means relative float View movement
doDragFloatView(movePos, moveItem, false);
mPrevTime = mCurrTime;
// TODO: Bluuurgh... switch to SharedPreferences
private class DragSortTracker {
StringBuilder mBuilder = new StringBuilder();
File mFile;
private int mNumInBuffer = 0;
private int mNumFlushes = 0;
private boolean mTracking = false;
public DragSortTracker() {
File root = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
mFile = new File(root, "dslv_state.txt");
if (!mFile.exists()) {
try {
Log.d("mobeta", "file created");
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.w("mobeta", "Could not create dslv_state.txt");
Log.d("mobeta", e.getMessage());
public void startTracking() {
mNumFlushes = 0;
mTracking = true;
public void appendState() {
if (!mTracking) {
final int children = getChildCount();
final int first = getFirstVisiblePosition();
mBuilder.append(" <Positions>");
for (int i = 0; i < children; ++i) {
mBuilder.append(first + i).append(",");
mBuilder.append(" <Tops>");
for (int i = 0; i < children; ++i) {
mBuilder.append(" <Bottoms>");
for (int i = 0; i < children; ++i) {
mBuilder.append(" <FirstExpPos>").append(mFirstExpPos).append("</FirstExpPos>\n");
mBuilder.append(" <FirstExpBlankHeight>")
.append(getItemHeight(mFirstExpPos) - getChildHeight(mFirstExpPos))
mBuilder.append(" <SecondExpPos>").append(mSecondExpPos).append("</SecondExpPos>\n");
mBuilder.append(" <SecondExpBlankHeight>")
.append(getItemHeight(mSecondExpPos) - getChildHeight(mSecondExpPos))
mBuilder.append(" <SrcPos>").append(mSrcPos).append("</SrcPos>\n");
mBuilder.append(" <SrcHeight>").append(mFloatViewHeight + getDividerHeight())
mBuilder.append(" <ViewHeight>").append(getHeight()).append("</ViewHeight>\n");
mBuilder.append(" <LastY>").append(mLastY).append("</LastY>\n");
mBuilder.append(" <FloatY>").append(mFloatViewMid).append("</FloatY>\n");
mBuilder.append(" <ShuffleEdges>");
for (int i = 0; i < children; ++i) {
mBuilder.append(getShuffleEdge(first + i, getChildAt(i).getTop())).append(",");
if (mNumInBuffer > 1000) {
mNumInBuffer = 0;
public void flush() {
if (!mTracking) {
// save to file on sdcard
try {
boolean append = true;
if (mNumFlushes == 0) {
append = false;
FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(mFile, append);
mBuilder.delete(0, mBuilder.length());
} catch (IOException e) {
// do nothing
public void stopTracking() {
if (mTracking) {
mTracking = false;