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synced 2025-02-17 12:56:48 +01:00
experiment with osmand
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@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ vendor's servers.
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## Code Licenses
* Gadgetbrige is licensed under the AGPLv3
* Files in app/src/main/java/net/osmand/ and app/src/main/aidl/net/osmand/ are licensed under the GPLv3 by OsmAnd BV
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
package net.osmand.aidlapi;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.search.SearchResult;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.gpx.AGpxBitmap;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation.ADirectionInfo;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation.OnVoiceNavigationParams;
interface IOsmAndAidlCallback {
* Callback for search requests.
* @return resultSet - set of SearchResult
void onSearchComplete(in List<SearchResult> resultSet);
* Callback for {@link IOsmAndAidlInterface} registerForUpdates() method.
void onUpdate();
* Callback for {@link IOsmAndAidlInterface} registerForOsmandInitListener() method.
void onAppInitialized();
* Callback for {@link IOsmAndAidlInterface} getBitmapForGpx() method.
* @return bitmap - snapshot image of gpx track on map
void onGpxBitmapCreated(in AGpxBitmap bitmap);
* Callback for {@link IOsmAndAidlInterface} registerForNavigationUpdates() method.
* @return directionInfo - update on distance to next turn and turns type.
void updateNavigationInfo(in ADirectionInfo directionInfo);
* Callback for {@link IOsmAndAidlInterface} buttons set with addContextMenuButtons() method.
* @param buttonId - id of custom button
* @param pointId - id of point button associated with
* @param layerId - id of layer point and button associated with
void onContextMenuButtonClicked(in int buttonId, String pointId, String layerId);
* Callback for {@link IOsmAndAidlInterface} registerForVoiceRouterMessages() method.
void onVoiceRouterNotify(in OnVoiceNavigationParams params);
* Callback for {@link IOsmAndAidlInterface} registerForKeyEvents() method.
void onKeyEvent(in KeyEvent params);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,907 @@
package net.osmand.aidlapi;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.map.ALatLon;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.map.SetMapLocationParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.map.SetLocationParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.favorite.group.AFavoriteGroup;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.favorite.group.AddFavoriteGroupParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.favorite.group.RemoveFavoriteGroupParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.favorite.group.UpdateFavoriteGroupParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.favorite.AFavorite;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.favorite.AddFavoriteParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.favorite.RemoveFavoriteParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.favorite.UpdateFavoriteParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.mapmarker.AMapMarker;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.mapmarker.AddMapMarkerParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.mapmarker.RemoveMapMarkerParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.mapmarker.UpdateMapMarkerParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.calculateroute.CalculateRouteParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.profile.ExportProfileParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.gpx.ImportGpxParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.gpx.ShowGpxParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.gpx.StartGpxRecordingParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.gpx.StopGpxRecordingParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.gpx.HideGpxParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.gpx.ASelectedGpxFile;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.mapwidget.AMapWidget;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.mapwidget.AddMapWidgetParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.mapwidget.RemoveMapWidgetParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.mapwidget.UpdateMapWidgetParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.maplayer.point.AMapPoint;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.maplayer.point.AddMapPointParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.maplayer.point.RemoveMapPointParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.maplayer.point.UpdateMapPointParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.maplayer.AMapLayer;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.maplayer.AddMapLayerParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.maplayer.RemoveMapLayerParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.maplayer.UpdateMapLayerParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation.NavigateParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation.NavigateGpxParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.note.TakePhotoNoteParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.note.StartVideoRecordingParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.note.StartAudioRecordingParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.note.StopRecordingParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.gpx.RemoveGpxParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.maplayer.point.ShowMapPointParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navdrawer.SetNavDrawerItemsParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navdrawer.NavDrawerFooterParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navdrawer.NavDrawerHeaderParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation.PauseNavigationParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation.ResumeNavigationParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation.StopNavigationParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation.MuteNavigationParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation.UnmuteNavigationParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.IOsmAndAidlCallback;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.search.SearchResult;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.search.SearchParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation.NavigateSearchParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.customization.SetWidgetsParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.customization.OsmandSettingsParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.customization.OsmandSettingsInfoParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.customization.CustomizationInfoParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.customization.ProfileSettingsParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.customization.MapMarginsParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.customization.CustomPluginParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.customization.SelectProfileParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.customization.AProfile;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.gpx.AGpxFile;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.gpx.AGpxFileDetails;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.gpx.CreateGpxBitmapParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.tiles.ASqliteDbFile;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.plugins.PluginParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.copyfile.CopyFileParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation.ANavigationUpdateParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation.ANavigationVoiceRouterMessageParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation.ABlockedRoad;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation.AddBlockedRoadParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation.RemoveBlockedRoadParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.contextmenu.ContextMenuButtonsParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.contextmenu.UpdateContextMenuButtonsParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.contextmenu.RemoveContextMenuButtonsParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.mapmarker.RemoveMapMarkersParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.quickaction.QuickActionParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.quickaction.QuickActionInfoParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.lock.SetLockStateParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.events.AKeyEventsParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.info.AppInfoParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.profile.ExportProfileParams;
// NOTE: Add new methods at the end of file!!!
interface IOsmAndAidlInterface {
* Add map marker at given location.
* @param lat (double) - latitude.
* @param lon (double) - longitude.
* @param name (String)- name of marker.
boolean addMapMarker(in AddMapMarkerParams params);
* Remove map marker.
* If ignoreCoordinates is false the marker is only removed if lat/lon match the currently set values of the marker.
* If ignoreCoordinates is true the marker is removed if the name matches, the values of lat/lon are ignored.
* @param lat (double) - latitude.
* @param lon (double) - longitude.
* @param name (String)- name of marker.
* @param ignoreCoordinates (boolean) - flag to determine whether lat/lon shall be ignored
boolean removeMapMarker(in RemoveMapMarkerParams params);
* Update map marker.
* If ignoreCoordinates is false the marker gets updated only if latPrev/lonPrev match the currently set values of the marker.
* If ignoreCoordinates is true the marker gets updated if the name matches, the values of latPrev/lonPrev are ignored.
* @param latPrev (double) - latitude (current marker).
* @param lonPrev (double) - longitude (current marker).
* @param namePrev (String) - name (current marker).
* @param latNew (double) - latitude (new marker).
* @param lonNew (double) - longitude (new marker).
* @param nameNew (String) - name (new marker).
* @param ignoreCoordinates (boolean) - flag to determine whether latPrev/lonPrev shall be ignored
boolean updateMapMarker(in UpdateMapMarkerParams params);
* Add map widget to the right side of the main screen.
* Note: any specified icon should exist in OsmAnd app resources.
* @param id (String) - widget id.
* @param menuIconName (String) - icon name (configure map menu).
* @param menuTitle (String) - widget name (configure map menu).
* @param lightIconName (String) - icon name for the light theme (widget).
* @param darkIconName (String) - icon name for the dark theme (widget).
* @param text (String) - main widget text.
* @param description (String) - sub text, like "km/h".
* @param order (int) - order position in the widgets list.
* @param intentOnClick (String) - onClick intent. Called after click on widget as startActivity(Intent intent).
boolean addMapWidget(in AddMapWidgetParams params);
* Remove map widget.
* @param (String) id - widget id.
boolean removeMapWidget(in RemoveMapWidgetParams params);
* Update map widget.
* Note: any specified icon should exist in OsmAnd app resources.
* @param id (String) - widget id.
* @param menuIconName (String) - icon name (configure map menu).
* @param menuTitle (String) - widget name (configure map menu).
* @param lightIconName (String) - icon name for the light theme (widget).
* @param darkIconName (String) - icon name for the dark theme (widget).
* @param text (String) - main widget text.
* @param description (String) - sub text, like "km/h".
* @param order (int) - order position in the widgets list.
* @param intentOnClick (String) - onClick intent. Called after click on widget as startActivity(Intent intent).
boolean updateMapWidget(in UpdateMapWidgetParams params);
* Add point to user layer.
* @param layerId (String) - layer id. Note: layer should be added first.
* @param pointId (String) - point id.
* @param shortName (String) - short name (single char). Displayed on the map.
* @param fullName (String) - full name. Displayed in the context menu on first row.
* @param typeName (String) - type name. Displayed in context menu on second row.
* @param color (int) - color of circle's background.
* @param location (ALatLon) - location of the point.
* @param details (List<String>)- list of details. Displayed under context menu.
* @param params (Map<String, String>) - optional map of params for point.
boolean addMapPoint(in AddMapPointParams params);
* Remove point.
* @param layerId (String) - layer id.
* @param pointId (String) - point id.
boolean removeMapPoint(in RemoveMapPointParams params);
* Update point.
* @param layerId (String) - layer id.
* @param pointId (String) - point id.
* @param updateOpenedMenuAndMap (boolean) - flag to enable folowing mode and menu updates for point
* @param shortName (String) - short name (single char). Displayed on the map.
* @param fullName (String) - full name. Displayed in the context menu on first row.
* @param typeName (String) - type name. Displayed in context menu on second row.
* @param color (String) - color of circle's background.
* @param location (ALatLon)- location of the point.
* @param details (List<String>) - list of details. Displayed under context menu.
* @param params (Map<String, String>) - optional map of params for point.
boolean updateMapPoint(in UpdateMapPointParams params);
* Add user layer on the map.
* @param id (String) - layer id.
* @param name (String) - layer name.
* @param zOrder (float) - z-order position of layer. Default value is 5.5f
* @param points Map<Sting, AMapPoint> - initial list of points. Nullable.
* @param imagePoints (boolean) - use new style for points on map or not. Also default zoom bounds for new style can be edited.
boolean addMapLayer(in AddMapLayerParams params);
* Remove user layer.
* @param id (String) - layer id.
boolean removeMapLayer(in RemoveMapLayerParams params);
* Update user layer.
* @param id (String) - layer id.
* @param name (String) - layer name.
* @param zOrder (float) - z-order position of layer. Default value is 5.5f
* @param points Map<Sting, AMapPoint> - list of points. Nullable.
* @param imagePoints (boolean) - use new style for points on map or not. Also default zoom bounds for new style can be edited.
boolean updateMapLayer(in UpdateMapLayerParams params);
* Import GPX file to OsmAnd (from URI or file).
* @param gpxUri (Uri) - URI created by FileProvider (preferable method).
* @param file (File) - File which represents GPX track (not recomended, OsmAnd should have rights to access file location).
* @param fileName (String) - Destination file name. May contain dirs.
* @param color (String) - color of gpx. Can be one of: "red", "orange", "lightblue", "blue", "purple",
* "translucent_red", "translucent_orange", "translucent_lightblue",
* "translucent_blue", "translucent_purple"
* @param show (boolean) - show track on the map after import
boolean importGpx(in ImportGpxParams params);
* Show GPX file on map.
* @param fileName (String) - file name to show. Must be imported first.
boolean showGpx(in ShowGpxParams params);
* Hide GPX file.
* @param fileName (String) - file name to hide.
boolean hideGpx(in HideGpxParams params);
* Get list of active GPX files.
* @return list of active gpx files.
boolean getActiveGpx(out List<ASelectedGpxFile> files);
* Set map view to current location.
* @param latitude (double) - latitude of new map center.
* @param longitude (double) - longitude of new map center.
* @param zoom (float) - map zoom level. Set 0 to keep zoom unchanged.
* @param animated (boolean) - set true to animate changes.
boolean setMapLocation(in SetMapLocationParams params);
boolean calculateRoute(in CalculateRouteParams params);
* Refresh the map (UI)
boolean refreshMap();
* Add favorite group with given params.
* @param name (String) - group name.
* @param color (String) - group color. Can be one of: "red", "orange", "yellow",
* "lightgreen", "green", "lightblue", "blue", "purple", "pink", "brown".
* @param visible (boolean) - group visibility.
boolean addFavoriteGroup(in AddFavoriteGroupParams params);
* Remove favorite group with given name.
* @param name (String) - name of favorite group.
boolean removeFavoriteGroup(in RemoveFavoriteGroupParams params);
* Update favorite group with given params.
* @param namePrev (String) - group name (current).
* @param colorPrev (String) - group color (current).
* @param visiblePrev (boolean) - group visibility (current).
* @param nameNew (String) - group name (new).
* @param colorNew (String) - group color (new).
* @param visibleNew (boolean) - group visibility (new).
boolean updateFavoriteGroup(in UpdateFavoriteGroupParams params);
* Add favorite at given location with given params.
* @param lat (double) - latitude.
* @param lon (double) - longitude.
* @param name (String) - name of favorite item.
* @param description (String) - description of favorite item.
* @param category (String) - category of favorite item.
* @param color (String) - color of favorite item. Can be one of: "red", "orange", "yellow",
* "lightgreen", "green", "lightblue", "blue", "purple", "pink", "brown".
* @param visible (boolean) - should favorite item be visible after creation.
boolean addFavorite(in AddFavoriteParams params);
* Remove favorite at given location with given params.
* @param lat (double) - latitude.
* @param lon (double) - longitude.
* @param name (String) - name of favorite item.
* @param category (String) - category of favorite item.
boolean removeFavorite(in RemoveFavoriteParams params);
* Update favorite at given location with given params.
* @param latPrev (double) - latitude (current favorite).
* @param lonPrev (double) - longitude (current favorite).
* @param namePrev (String) - name of favorite item (current favorite).
* @param categoryPrev (String) - category of favorite item (current favorite).
* @param latNew (double) - latitude (new favorite).
* @param lonNew (double) - longitude (new favorite).
* @param nameNew (String) - name of favorite item (new favorite).
* @param descriptionNew (String) - description of favorite item (new favorite).
* @param categoryNew (String) - category of favorite item (new favorite). Use only to create a new category,
* not to update an existing one. If you want to update an existing category,
* use the {@link #updateFavoriteGroup(String, String, boolean, String, String, boolean)} method.
* @param colorNew (String) - color of new category. Can be one of: "red", "orange", "yellow",
* "lightgreen", "green", "lightblue", "blue", "purple", "pink", "brown".
* @param visibleNew (boolean) - should new category be visible after creation.
boolean updateFavorite(in UpdateFavoriteParams params);
* Start gpx recording.
boolean startGpxRecording(in StartGpxRecordingParams params);
* Stop gpx recording.
boolean stopGpxRecording(in StopGpxRecordingParams params);
* Take photo note.
* @param lat (double) - latutude of photo note.
* @param lon (double) - longitude of photo note.
boolean takePhotoNote(in TakePhotoNoteParams params);
* Start video note recording.
* @param lat (double) - latutude of video note point.
* @param lon (double) - longitude of video note point.
boolean startVideoRecording(in StartVideoRecordingParams params);
* Start audio note recording.
* @param lat (double) - latutude of audio note point.
* @param lon (double) - longitude of audio note point.
boolean startAudioRecording(in StartAudioRecordingParams params);
* Stop Audio/Video recording.
boolean stopRecording(in StopRecordingParams params);
* Start navigation.
* @param startName (String) - name of the start point as it displays in OsmAnd's UI. Nullable.
* @param startLat (double) - latitude of the start point. If 0 - current location is used.
* @param startLon (double) - longitude of the start point. If 0 - current location is used.
* @param destName (String) - name of the start point as it displays in OsmAnd's UI.
* @param destLat (double) - latitude of a destination point.
* @param destLon (double) - longitude of a destination point.
* @param profile (String) - One of: "default", "car", "bicycle", "pedestrian", "aircraft", "boat", "hiking", "motorcycle", "truck". Nullable (default).
* @param force (boolean) - ask to stop current navigation if any. False - ask. True - don't ask.
boolean navigate(in NavigateParams params);
* Start navigation using gpx file. User need to grant Uri permission to OsmAnd.
* @param gpxUri (Uri) - URI created by FileProvider.
* @param force (boolean) - ask to stop current navigation if any. False - ask. True - don't ask.
boolean navigateGpx(in NavigateGpxParams params);
* Remove GPX file.
* @param fileName (String) - file name to remove;
boolean removeGpx(in RemoveGpxParams params);
* Show AMapPoint on map in OsmAnd.
* @param layerId (String) - layer id. Note: layer should be added first.
* @param pointId (String) - point id.
* @param shortName (String) - short name (single char). Displayed on the map.
* @param fullName (String) - full name. Displayed in the context menu on first row.
* @param typeName (String) - type name. Displayed in context menu on second row.
* @param color (int) - color of circle's background.
* @param location (ALatLon) - location of the point.
* @param details List<String> - list of details. Displayed under context menu.
* @param params Map<String, String> - optional map of params for point.
boolean showMapPoint(in ShowMapPointParams params);
* Method for adding up to 3 items to the OsmAnd navigation drawer.
* @param appPackage - current application package.
* @param names - list of names for items.
* @param uris - list of uris for intents.
* @param iconNames - list of icon names for items.
* @param flags - list of flags for intents. Use -1 if no flags needed.
boolean setNavDrawerItems(in SetNavDrawerItemsParams params);
* Put navigation on pause.
boolean pauseNavigation(in PauseNavigationParams params);
* Resume navigation if it was paused before.
boolean resumeNavigation(in ResumeNavigationParams params);
* Stop navigation. Removes target / intermediate points and route path from the map.
boolean stopNavigation(in StopNavigationParams params);
* Mute voice guidance. Stays muted until unmute manually or via the api.
boolean muteNavigation(in MuteNavigationParams params);
* Unmute voice guidance.
boolean unmuteNavigation(in UnmuteNavigationParams params);
* Run search for POI / Address.
* @param searchQuery (String) - search query string.
* @param searchType (int) - type of search. Values:
* SearchParams.SEARCH_TYPE_ALL - all kind of search
* SearchParams.SEARCH_TYPE_POI - POIs only
* SearchParams.SEARCH_TYPE_ADDRESS - addresses only
* @param latitude (double) - latitude of original search location.
* @param longitude (double) - longitude of original search location.
* @param radiusLevel (int) - value from 1 to 7. Default value = 1.
* @param totalLimit (int) - limit of returned search result rows. Default value = -1 (unlimited).
boolean search(in SearchParams params, IOsmAndAidlCallback callback);
* Do search and start navigation.
* @param startName (String) - name of the start point as it displays in OsmAnd's UI. Nullable.
* @param startLat (double) - latitude of the start point. If 0 - current location is used.
* @param startLon (double) - longitude of the start point. If 0 - current location is used.
* @param searchQuery (String) - Text of a query for searching a destination point. Sent as URI parameter.
* @param searchLat (double) - original location of search (latitude). Sent as URI parameter.
* @param searchLon (double) - original location of search (longitude). Sent as URI parameter.
* @param profile (String) - one of: "default", "car", "bicycle", "pedestrian", "aircraft", "boat", "hiking", "motorcycle", "truck". Nullable (default).
* @param force (boolean) - ask to stop current navigation if any. False - ask. True - don't ask.
boolean navigateSearch(in NavigateSearchParams params);
* Method to register for periodical callbacks from OsmAnd
* @param updateTimeMS (long)- period of time in millisecond after which callback is triggered
* @param callback (IOsmAndCallback)- create and provide instance of {@link IOsmAndAidlCallback} interface
* @return id (long) - id of callback in OsmAnd. Needed to unsubscribe from updates.
long registerForUpdates(in long updateTimeMS, IOsmAndAidlCallback callback);
* Method to unregister from periodical callbacks from OsmAnd
* @param callbackId (long)- id of registered callback (provided by OsmAnd
* in {@link OsmAndAidlHelper#registerForUpdates(long, IOsmAndAidlCallback)})
boolean unregisterFromUpdates(in long callbackId);
* Method for adding image to the top of Osmand's NavDrawer.
* @param imageUri (String)- image's URI.toString
* @deprecated
* Use the {@link #setNavDrawerLogoWithParams(NavDrawerHeaderParams params)} method.
boolean setNavDrawerLogo(in String imageUri);
* Method for selected UI elements (like QuickSearch button) to show.
* @param ids (List<String>)- list of menu items keys from {@link OsmAndCustomizationConstants}
boolean setEnabledIds(in List<String> ids);
* Method for selected UI elements (like QuickSearch button) to hide.
* @param ids (List<String>)- list of menu items keys from {@link OsmAndCustomizationConstants}
boolean setDisabledIds(in List<String> ids);
* Method to show selected NavDrawer's menu items.
* @param patterns (List<String>) - list of menu items names from {@link OsmAndCustomizationConstants}
boolean setEnabledPatterns(in List<String> patterns);
* Method to hide selected NavDrawer's menu items.
* @param patterns (List<String>)- list of menu items names from {@link OsmAndCustomizationConstants}
boolean setDisabledPatterns(in List<String> patterns);
* Register OsmAnd widgets for visibility.
* @param widgetKey ()- widget id.
* @param appModKeys - list of OsmAnd Application modes widget active with. Could be "null" for all modes.
boolean regWidgetVisibility(in SetWidgetsParams params);
* Register OsmAnd widgets for availability.
* @param widgetKey (String) - widget id.
* @param appModKeys (List<String>)- ist of OsmAnd Application modes widget active with. Could be "null" for all modes.
boolean regWidgetAvailability(in SetWidgetsParams params);
* Add custom parameters for OsmAnd settings to associate with client app.
* @param sharedPreferencesName (String)- string with name of clint's app for shared preferences key
* @param bundle (Bundle)- bundle with keys from Settings IDs {@link OsmAndCustomizationConstants} and Settings params
boolean customizeOsmandSettings(in OsmandSettingsParams params);
* Method to get list of gpx files currently registered (imported or created) in OsmAnd;
* @return list of gpx files
boolean getImportedGpx(out List<AGpxFile> files);
* Method to get list of sqlitedb files registered in OsmAnd;
* @return list of sqlitedb files
boolean getSqliteDbFiles(out List<ASqliteDbFile> files);
* Method to get list of currently active sqlitedb files
* @return list of sqlitedb files
boolean getActiveSqliteDbFiles(out List<ASqliteDbFile> files);
* Method to show selected sqlitedb file as map overlay.
* @param fileName (String) - name of sqlitedb file
boolean showSqliteDbFile(String fileName);
* Method to hide sqlitedb file from map overlay.
* @param fileName (String) - name of sqlitedb file
boolean hideSqliteDbFile(String fileName);
* Method for adding image to the top of OsmAnd's NavDrawer with additional params
* @param imageUri (String) - image's URI.toString
* @param packageName (String) - client's app package name
* @param intent (String) - intent for additional functionality on image click
boolean setNavDrawerLogoWithParams(in NavDrawerHeaderParams params);
* Method for adding functionality to "Powered by Osmand" logo in NavDrawer's footer
* (reset OsmAnd settings to pre-clinet app's state)
* @param packageName (String) - package name
* @param intent (String) - intent
* @param appName (String) - client's app name
boolean setNavDrawerFooterWithParams(in NavDrawerFooterParams params);
* Restore default (pre-client) OsmAnd settings and state:
* clears features, widgets and settings customization, NavDraw logo.
boolean restoreOsmand();
* Method to change state of plug-ins in OsmAnd.
* @param pluginId (String) - id (name) of plugin.
* @param newState (int) - new state (0 - off, 1 - on).
boolean changePluginState(in PluginParams params);
* Method to register for callback on OsmAnd initialization
* @param callback (IOsmAndAidlCallback) - create and provide instance of {@link IOsmAndAidlCallback} interface
boolean registerForOsmandInitListener(in IOsmAndAidlCallback callback);
* Requests bitmap snap-shot of map with GPX file from provided URI in its center.
* You can set bitmap size, density and GPX lines color, but you need
* to manually download appropriate map in OsmAnd or background will be empty.
* Bitmap will be returned through callback {@link IOsmAndAidlCallback#onGpxBitmapCreated(AGpxBitmap)}
* @param gpxUri (Uri/File) - Uri for gpx file
* @param density (float) - image density. Recommended to use default metrics for device's display.
* @param widthPixels (int) - width of bitmap
* @param heightPixels (int) - height of bitmap
* @param color (int) - color in ARGB format
* @param callback (IOsmAndAidlCallback) - instance of callback from OsmAnd.
boolean getBitmapForGpx(in CreateGpxBitmapParams file, IOsmAndAidlCallback callback);
* Method to copy files to OsmAnd part by part. For now supports only sqlitedb format.
* Part size (bytearray) should not exceed 256k.
* @param fileName (String) - name of file
* @param filePartData (byte[]) - parts of file, byte[] with size 256k or less.
* @param startTime (long) - timestamp of copying start.
* @param isDone (boolean) - boolean to mark end of copying.
* @return number of last successfully received file part or error(-1).
int copyFile(in CopyFileParams filePart);
* Method to register for updates during navgation. Notifies user about distance to the next turn and its type.
* @param subscribeToUpdates (boolean) - subscribe or unsubscribe from updates
* @param callbackId (long) - id of callback, needed to unsubscribe from updates
* @param callback (IOsmAndAidlCallback) - callback to notify user on navigation data change
long registerForNavigationUpdates(in ANavigationUpdateParams params, IOsmAndAidlCallback callback);
* Method to add Context Menu buttons to OsmAnd Context menu.
* {@link ContextMenuButtonsParams } is a wrapper class for params:
* @param leftButton (AContextMenuButton) - parameters for left context button:
* @param buttonId (String at AContextMenuButton) - id of button in View
* @param leftTextCaption (String at AContextMenuButton) - left-side button text
* @param rightTextCaption (String at AContextMenuButton) - right-side button text
* @param String leftIconName (String at AContextMenuButton) - name of left-side icon
* @param String rightIconName (String at AContextMenuButton) - name of right-side icon
* @param boolean needColorizeIcon (booleanat AContextMenuButton) - flag to apply color to icon
* @param boolean enabled (boolean at AContextMenuButton) - enable button flag
* @param rightButton (AContextMenuButton) - parameters for right context button, see <i>leftButton</i> param for details.
* @param id (String) - button id;
* @param appPackage (String) - clinet's app package name
* @param layerId (String) - id of Osmand's map layer
* @param callbackId (long) - {@link IOsmAndAidlCallback} id
* @param pointsIds (List<String>) - list of point Ids to which this rules applies to.
* @param callback (IOsmAndAidlCallback) - AIDL callback;
* @return long - callback's Id;
long addContextMenuButtons(in ContextMenuButtonsParams params, IOsmAndAidlCallback callback);
* Method to remove Context Menu buttons from OsmAnd Context menu.
* {@link RemoveContextMenuButtonsParams} is a wrapper class for params:
* @param paramsId (String) - id of {@link ContextMenuButtonsParams} of button you want to remove;
* @param callbackId (long) - id of {@ling IOsmAndAidlCallback} of button you want to remove;
boolean removeContextMenuButtons(in RemoveContextMenuButtonsParams params);
* Method to update params on already set custom Context Button.
* {@link UpdateContextMenuButtonsParams } is a wrapper class for params:
* @param leftButton (AContextMenuButton) - parameters for left context button:
* @param buttonId (String at AContextMenuButton) - id of button in View
* @param leftTextCaption (String at AContextMenuButton) - left-side button text
* @param rightTextCaption (String at AContextMenuButton) - right-side button text
* @param String leftIconName (String at AContextMenuButton) - name of left-side icon
* @param String rightIconName (String at AContextMenuButton) - name of right-side icon
* @param boolean needColorizeIcon (booleanat AContextMenuButton) - flag to apply color to icon
* @param boolean enabled (boolean at AContextMenuButton) - enable button flag
* @param rightButton (AContextMenuButton) - parameters for right context button, see <i>leftButton</i> param for details.
* @param id (String) - button id;
* @param appPackage (String) - clinet's app package name
* @param layerId (String) - id of Osmand's map layer
* @param callbackId (long) - {@link IOsmAndAidlCallback} id
* @param pointsIds (List<String>) - list of point Ids to which this rules applies to.
boolean updateContextMenuButtons(in UpdateContextMenuButtonsParams params);
* Method to check if there is a customized setting in OsmAnd Settings.
* {@link OsmandSettingsInfoParams} is a wrapper class for params:
* @param sharedPreferencesName (String at OsmandSettingInfoParams) - key of setting in OsmAnd's preferences.
* @return boolean - true if setting is already set in SharedPreferences
boolean areOsmandSettingsCustomized(in OsmandSettingsInfoParams params);
* Method to customize parameters of OsmAnd.
* @param params (CustomizationInfoParams) - wrapper class for custom settings and ui.
* @param settingsParams (OsmandSettingsParams) - wrapper class for OsmAnd shared preferences params.
* See {@link #customizeOsmandSettings(in OsmandSettingsParams params) customizeOsmandSettings}
* method description for details.
* @param navDrawerHeaderParams (NavDrawerHeaderParams) - wrapper class for OsmAnd navdrawer header params.
* See {@link #setNavDrawerLogoWithParams(in NavDrawerHeaderParams params) setNavDrawerLogoWithParams}
* method description for details.
* @param navDrawerFooterParams (NavDrawerFooterParams) - wrapper class for OsmAnd navdrawer footer params.
* See {@link #setNavDrawerFooterWithParams(in NavDrawerFooterParams params) setNavDrawerFooterWithParams}
* method description for details.
* @param visibilityWidgetsParams (ArrayList<SetWidgetsParams>) - wrapper class for OsmAnd widgets visibility.
* See {@link #regWidgetVisibility(in SetWidgetsParams params) regWidgetVisibility}
* method description for details.
* @param availabilityWidgetsParams (ArrayList<SetWidgetsParams>) - wrapper class for OsmAnd widgets availability.
* See {@link #regWidgetAvailability(in SetWidgetsParams params) regWidgetAvailability}
* method description for details.
* @param pluginsParams (ArrayList<PluginParams>) - wrapper class for OsmAnd plugins states params.
* See {@link #changePluginState(in PluginParams params) changePluginState}
* method description for details.
* @param featuresEnabledIds (List<String>) - list of UI elements (like QuickSearch button) to show.
* See {@link #setEnabledIds(in List<String> ids) setEnabledIds}
* @param featuresDisabledIds (List<String>) - list of UI elements (like QuickSearch button) to hide.
* See {@link #setDisabledIds(in List<String> ids) setDisabledIds}
* @param featuresEnabledPatterns (List<String>) - list of NavDrawer menu items to show.
* See {@link #setEnabledPatterns(in List<String> patterns) setEnabledPatterns}
* @param featuresDisabledPatterns (List<String>) - list of NavDrawer menu items to hide.
* See {@link #setDisabledPatterns(in List<String> patterns) setDisabledPatterns}
boolean setCustomization(in CustomizationInfoParams params);
* Method to register for Voice Router voice messages during navigation. Notifies user about voice messages.
* @params subscribeToUpdates (boolean) - boolean flag to subscribe or unsubscribe from messages
* @params callbackId (long) - id of callback, needed to unsubscribe from messages
* @params callback (IOsmAndAidlCallback) - callback to notify user on voice message
long registerForVoiceRouterMessages(in ANavigationVoiceRouterMessageParams params, IOsmAndAidlCallback callback);
* Removes all active map markers (marks them as passed and moves to history)
* Empty class of params
boolean removeAllActiveMapMarkers(in RemoveMapMarkersParams params);
boolean importProfile(in ProfileSettingsParams params);
boolean executeQuickAction(in QuickActionParams params);
boolean getQuickActionsInfo(out List<QuickActionInfoParams> quickActions);
* Toggle Lock/Unlock screen.
boolean setLockState(in SetLockStateParams params);
* Method to register for key events.
* @params subscribeToUpdates (boolean) - boolean flag to subscribe or unsubscribe from key events
* @params callbackId (long) - id of callback, needed to unsubscribe key events
* @params callback (IOsmAndAidlCallback) - callback to notify user on key event
* @params keyEventList (List<Integer>) - list of requested key events
long registerForKeyEvents(in AKeyEventsParams params, IOsmAndAidlCallback callback);
AppInfoParams getAppInfo();
boolean setMapMargins(in MapMarginsParams params);
boolean exportProfile(in ExportProfileParams params);
* Is any fragment open.
boolean isFragmentOpen();
* Is contect menu open.
boolean isMenuOpen();
int getPluginVersion(in CustomPluginParams params);
boolean selectProfile(in SelectProfileParams params);
boolean getProfiles(out List<AProfile> profiles);
boolean getBlockedRoads(out List<ABlockedRoad> blockedRoads);
boolean addRoadBlock(in AddBlockedRoadParams params);
boolean removeRoadBlock(in RemoveBlockedRoadParams params);
boolean setLocation(in SetLocationParams params);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package net.osmand.aidlapi.gpx;
parcelable AGpxBitmap;
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation;
parcelable ADirectionInfo;
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
package net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation;
parcelable ANavigationUpdateParams;
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation;
parcelable ANavigationVoiceRouterMessageParams;
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation;
parcelable OnVoiceNavigationParams;
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package net.osmand.aidlapi.search;
parcelable SearchResult;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
package net.osmand.aidlapi;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
public abstract class AidlParams implements Parcelable {
public final void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
public final void readFromParcel(Parcel in) {
Bundle bundle = in.readBundle(getClass().getClassLoader());
if (bundle != null) {
protected void writeToBundle(Bundle bundle) {
protected void readFromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
package net.osmand.aidlapi.gpx;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcel;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.AidlParams;
public class AGpxBitmap extends AidlParams {
private Bitmap bitmap;
public AGpxBitmap(@NonNull Bitmap bitmap) {
this.bitmap = bitmap;
public AGpxBitmap(Parcel in) {
public Bitmap getBitmap() {
return bitmap;
public static final Creator<AGpxBitmap> CREATOR = new Creator<AGpxBitmap>() {
public AGpxBitmap createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new AGpxBitmap(in);
public AGpxBitmap[] newArray(int size) {
return new AGpxBitmap[size];
public void writeToBundle(Bundle bundle) {
bundle.putParcelable("bitmap", bitmap);
protected void readFromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
bitmap = bundle.getParcelable("bitmap");
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
package net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcel;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.AidlParams;
public class ADirectionInfo extends AidlParams {
private int distanceTo; //distance to next turn
private int turnType; //turn type
private boolean isLeftSide; //is movement left-sided
public ADirectionInfo(int distanceTo, int turnType, boolean isLeftSide) {
this.distanceTo = distanceTo;
this.turnType = turnType;
this.isLeftSide = isLeftSide;
protected ADirectionInfo(Parcel in) {
public static final Creator<ADirectionInfo> CREATOR = new Creator<ADirectionInfo>() {
public ADirectionInfo createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new ADirectionInfo(in);
public ADirectionInfo[] newArray(int size) {
return new ADirectionInfo[size];
public int getDistanceTo() {
return distanceTo;
public int getTurnType() {
return turnType;
public boolean isLeftSide() {
return isLeftSide;
public void setDistanceTo(int distanceTo) {
this.distanceTo = distanceTo;
public void setTurnType(int turnType) {
this.turnType = turnType;
public void setLeftSide(boolean leftSide) {
isLeftSide = leftSide;
protected void readFromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
distanceTo = bundle.getInt("distanceTo");
turnType = bundle.getInt("turnType");
isLeftSide = bundle.getBoolean("isLeftSide");
public void writeToBundle(Bundle bundle) {
bundle.putInt("distanceTo", distanceTo);
bundle.putInt("turnType", turnType);
bundle.putBoolean("isLeftSide", isLeftSide);
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
package net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcel;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.AidlParams;
public class ANavigationUpdateParams extends AidlParams {
private boolean subscribeToUpdates = true;
private long callbackId = -1L;
public ANavigationUpdateParams() {
protected ANavigationUpdateParams(Parcel in) {
public static final Creator<ANavigationUpdateParams> CREATOR = new Creator<ANavigationUpdateParams>() {
public ANavigationUpdateParams createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new ANavigationUpdateParams(in);
public ANavigationUpdateParams[] newArray(int size) {
return new ANavigationUpdateParams[size];
public long getCallbackId() {
return callbackId;
public void setCallbackId(long callbackId) {
this.callbackId = callbackId;
public void setSubscribeToUpdates(boolean subscribeToUpdates) {
this.subscribeToUpdates = subscribeToUpdates;
public boolean isSubscribeToUpdates() {
return subscribeToUpdates;
protected void readFromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
callbackId = bundle.getLong("callbackId");
subscribeToUpdates = bundle.getBoolean("subscribeToUpdates");
public void writeToBundle(Bundle bundle) {
bundle.putLong("callbackId", callbackId);
bundle.putBoolean("subscribeToUpdates", subscribeToUpdates);
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
package net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcel;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.AidlParams;
public class ANavigationVoiceRouterMessageParams extends AidlParams {
private long callbackId = -1L;
private boolean subscribeToUpdates = true;
public ANavigationVoiceRouterMessageParams() {
protected ANavigationVoiceRouterMessageParams(Parcel in) {
public static final Creator<ANavigationVoiceRouterMessageParams> CREATOR = new Creator<ANavigationVoiceRouterMessageParams>() {
public ANavigationVoiceRouterMessageParams createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new ANavigationVoiceRouterMessageParams(in);
public ANavigationVoiceRouterMessageParams[] newArray(int size) {
return new ANavigationVoiceRouterMessageParams[size];
public long getCallbackId() {
return callbackId;
public void setCallbackId(long callbackId) {
this.callbackId = callbackId;
public void setSubscribeToUpdates(boolean subscribeToUpdates) {
this.subscribeToUpdates = subscribeToUpdates;
public boolean isSubscribeToUpdates() {
return subscribeToUpdates;
protected void readFromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
callbackId = bundle.getLong("callbackId");
subscribeToUpdates = bundle.getBoolean("subscribeToUpdates");
public void writeToBundle(Bundle bundle) {
bundle.putLong("callbackId", callbackId);
bundle.putBoolean("subscribeToUpdates", subscribeToUpdates);
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
package net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcel;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.AidlParams;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class OnVoiceNavigationParams extends AidlParams {
private ArrayList<String> cmds = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList<String> played = new ArrayList<>();
public OnVoiceNavigationParams() {
public OnVoiceNavigationParams(List<String> cmds, List<String> played) {
if (cmds != null) {
if (played != null) {
public OnVoiceNavigationParams(Parcel in) {
public static final Creator<OnVoiceNavigationParams> CREATOR = new Creator<OnVoiceNavigationParams>() {
public OnVoiceNavigationParams createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new OnVoiceNavigationParams(in);
public OnVoiceNavigationParams[] newArray(int size) {
return new OnVoiceNavigationParams[size];
public List<String> getCommands() {
return cmds;
public List<String> getPlayed() {
return played;
public void writeToBundle(Bundle bundle) {
bundle.putStringArrayList("cmds", cmds);
bundle.putStringArrayList("played", played);
protected void readFromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
cmds = bundle.getStringArrayList("cmds");
if (cmds == null) {
cmds = new ArrayList<>();
played = bundle.getStringArrayList("played");
if (played == null) {
played = new ArrayList<>();
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
package net.osmand.aidlapi.search;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcel;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.AidlParams;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class SearchResult extends AidlParams {
private double latitude;
private double longitude;
private String localName;
private String localTypeName;
private String alternateName;
private ArrayList<String> otherNames = new ArrayList<>();
public SearchResult(double latitude, double longitude, String localName, String localTypeName,
String alternateName, List<String> otherNames) {
this.latitude = latitude;
this.longitude = longitude;
this.localName = localName;
this.localTypeName = localTypeName;
this.alternateName = alternateName;
if (otherNames != null) {
public SearchResult(Parcel in) {
public static final Creator<SearchResult> CREATOR = new Creator<SearchResult>() {
public SearchResult createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new SearchResult(in);
public SearchResult[] newArray(int size) {
return new SearchResult[size];
public double getLatitude() {
return latitude;
public double getLongitude() {
return longitude;
public String getLocalName() {
return localName;
public String getLocalTypeName() {
return localTypeName;
public String getAlternateName() {
return alternateName;
public List<String> getOtherNames() {
return otherNames;
public void writeToBundle(Bundle bundle) {
bundle.putDouble("latitude", latitude);
bundle.putDouble("longitude", longitude);
bundle.putString("localName", localName);
bundle.putString("localTypeName", localTypeName);
bundle.putString("alternateName", alternateName);
bundle.putStringArrayList("otherNames", otherNames);
protected void readFromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
latitude = bundle.getDouble("latitude");
longitude = bundle.getDouble("longitude");
localName = bundle.getString("localName");
localTypeName = bundle.getString("localTypeName");
alternateName = bundle.getString("alternateName");
otherNames = bundle.getStringArrayList("otherName");
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
package nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.externalevents;
import android.app.Application;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.ServiceConnection;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.widget.Toast;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.IOsmAndAidlCallback;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.IOsmAndAidlInterface;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.gpx.AGpxBitmap;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation.ADirectionInfo;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation.ANavigationUpdateParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.navigation.OnVoiceNavigationParams;
import net.osmand.aidlapi.search.SearchResult;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.List;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.util.GB;
public class OsmandEventReceiver {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OsmandEventReceiver.class);
private static final String OSMAND_PLUS_PACKAGE_NAME = "net.osmand.plus";
private final Application app;
private IOsmAndAidlInterface mIOsmAndAidlInterface;
private final IOsmAndAidlCallback.Stub mIOsmAndAidlCallback = new IOsmAndAidlCallback.Stub() {
public void onSearchComplete(List<SearchResult> resultSet) {
public void onUpdate() {
public void onAppInitialized() {
public void onGpxBitmapCreated(AGpxBitmap bitmap) {
public void updateNavigationInfo(ADirectionInfo directionInfo) {
LOG.error("Distance: " + directionInfo.getDistanceTo());
public void onContextMenuButtonClicked(int buttonId, String pointId, String layerId) {
public void onVoiceRouterNotify(OnVoiceNavigationParams params) {
public void onKeyEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent) {
private final ServiceConnection mConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className,
IBinder service) {
mIOsmAndAidlInterface = IOsmAndAidlInterface.Stub.asInterface(service);
GB.toast("OsmAnd service conncted", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT, GB.INFO);
registerForNavigationUpdates(true, 6666); // what is this id for?
public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className) {
mIOsmAndAidlInterface = null;
GB.toast("OsmAnd service disconnected", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT, GB.INFO);
public OsmandEventReceiver(Application application) {
this.app = application;
if (!bindService()) {
LOG.warn("Could not bind to OsmAnd");
private boolean bindService() {
if (mIOsmAndAidlInterface == null) {
Intent intent = new Intent("net.osmand.aidl.OsmandAidlServiceV2");
boolean res = app.bindService(intent, mConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
if (res) {
GB.toast("bound to OsmAnd service", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT, GB.INFO);
return true;
} else {
GB.toast("could not bind to OsmAnd service", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT, GB.INFO);
return false;
} else {
return true;
public void cleanupResources() {
if (mIOsmAndAidlInterface != null) {
public long registerForNavigationUpdates(boolean subscribeToUpdates, long callbackId) {
if (mIOsmAndAidlInterface != null) {
try {
ANavigationUpdateParams params = new ANavigationUpdateParams();
return mIOsmAndAidlInterface.registerForNavigationUpdates(params, mIOsmAndAidlCallback);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
LOG.error("could not subscribe to navication updates", e);
return -1L;
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.externalevents.IntentApiReceiver;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.externalevents.LineageOsWeatherReceiver;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.externalevents.MusicPlaybackReceiver;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.externalevents.OmniJawsObserver;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.externalevents.OsmandEventReceiver;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.externalevents.PebbleReceiver;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.externalevents.PhoneCallReceiver;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.externalevents.SMSReceiver;
@ -325,7 +326,7 @@ public class DeviceCommunicationService extends Service implements SharedPrefere
private BluetoothPairingRequestReceiver mBlueToothPairingRequestReceiver = null;
private AlarmClockReceiver mAlarmClockReceiver = null;
private GBAutoFetchReceiver mGBAutoFetchReceiver = null;
private AutoConnectIntervalReceiver mAutoConnectInvervalReceiver= null;
private AutoConnectIntervalReceiver mAutoConnectInvervalReceiver = null;
private AlarmReceiver mAlarmReceiver = null;
private List<CalendarReceiver> mCalendarReceiver = new ArrayList<>();
@ -337,6 +338,8 @@ public class DeviceCommunicationService extends Service implements SharedPrefere
private final DeviceSettingsReceiver deviceSettingsReceiver = new DeviceSettingsReceiver();
private final IntentApiReceiver intentApiReceiver = new IntentApiReceiver();
private OsmandEventReceiver mOsmandAidlHelper = null;
private final String[] mMusicActions = {
@ -1253,6 +1256,9 @@ public class DeviceCommunicationService extends Service implements SharedPrefere
//Nothing wrong, it just means we're not running on omnirom.
if (mOsmandAidlHelper == null) {
mOsmandAidlHelper = new OsmandEventReceiver(this.getApplication());
if (GBApplication.getPrefs().getBoolean("auto_fetch_enabled", false) &&
@ -1306,6 +1312,10 @@ public class DeviceCommunicationService extends Service implements SharedPrefere
mTinyWeatherForecastGermanyReceiver = null;
if (mOsmandAidlHelper != null) {
mOsmandAidlHelper = null;
if (mGBAutoFetchReceiver != null) {
mGBAutoFetchReceiver = null;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user