mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 21:06:48 +01:00
Bangle.js:break out to class BangleJSActivityTrack
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,719 @@
package nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.devices.banglejs;
import static java.lang.Math.cos;
import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
import android.content.Context;
import android.widget.Toast;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Objects;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.GBApplication;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.R;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.database.DBHandler;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.database.DBHelper;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.entities.BaseActivitySummary;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.entities.DaoSession;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.entities.Device;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.entities.User;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.export.ActivityTrackExporter;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.export.GPXExporter;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.impl.GBDevice;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.model.ActivityKind;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.model.ActivityPoint;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.model.ActivityTrack;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.model.GPSCoordinate;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.util.FileUtils;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.util.GB;
public class BangleJSActivityTrack extends BangleJSDeviceSupport {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BangleJSActivityTrack.class);
public static JSONObject compileTrackListRequest(GBDevice device, Context context) {
GB.updateTransferNotification(context.getString(R.string.busy_task_fetch_sports_summaries),"", true, 0, context);
//GB.toast("TYPE_GPS_TRACKS says hi!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.INFO);
File dir;
try {
dir = FileUtils.getExternalFilesDir();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
String filename = "latestFetchedRecorderLog.txt";
File inputFile = new File(dir, filename);
String lastSyncedID = "";
try {
lastSyncedID = FileUtils.getStringFromFile(inputFile);
} catch (IOException ignored) {
//lastSyncedID = "20230706x"; // DEBUGGING
LOG.info("Last Synced log ID: " + lastSyncedID);
JSONObject o = new JSONObject();
try {
o.put("t", "listRecs");
o.put("id", lastSyncedID);
//uartTxJSON("requestActivityTracksList", o);
} catch (JSONException e) {
LOG.info("JSONException: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
return o;
public static JSONArray handleTrksList(JSONObject json, GBDevice device, Context context) throws JSONException {
LOG.info("trksList says hi!");
//GB.toast(getContext(), "trksList says hi!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.INFO);
JSONArray tracksList = json.getJSONArray("list");
LOG.info("New recorder logs since last fetch: " + String.valueOf(tracksList));
if (tracksList.length()==0) {
GB.updateTransferNotification(context.getString(R.string.busy_task_fetch_activity_data), "", false, 100, context);
return null;
} else {
return tracksList;
public static JSONObject compileTrackRequest(String id, Boolean isLastId) {
JSONObject o = new JSONObject();
try {
o.put("t", "fetchRec");
o.put("id", id);
o.put("last", String.valueOf(isLastId));
//uartTxJSON("requestActivityTrackLog", o);
} catch (JSONException e) {
LOG.info("JSONException: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
return o;
public static JSONArray handleActTrk(JSONObject json, JSONArray tracksList, GBDevice device, Context context) throws JSONException {
LOG.info("actTrk says hi!");
//GB.toast(context, "actTrk says hi!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.INFO);
String log = json.getString("log");
File dir;
try {
dir = FileUtils.getExternalFilesDir();
} catch (IOException e) {
JSONArray returnArray = new JSONArray().put(null).put(tracksList);
return returnArray;
String filename = "recorder.log" + log + ".csv";
if (!json.has("lines")) { // if no lines were sent with this json object, it signifies that the whole recorder log has been transmitted.
parseFetchedRecorderCSV(dir, filename, log, device, context);
if (tracksList.length()==0) {
GB.updateTransferNotification(context.getString(R.string.busy_task_fetch_activity_data), "", false, 100, context);
} else {
JSONObject requestTrackObj = BangleJSActivityTrack.compileTrackRequest(tracksList.getString(0), 1==tracksList.length());
JSONArray returnArray = new JSONArray().put(requestTrackObj).put(tracksList);
return returnArray;
} else { // We received a lines of the csv, now we append it to the file in storage.
String lines = json.getString("lines");
String mode = "append";
if (lines.equals("")) {
mode = "write";
File outputFile = new File(dir, filename);
String filenameLogID = "latestFetchedRecorderLog.txt";
File outputFileLogID = new File(dir, filenameLogID);
LOG.warn("Writing log to " + outputFile.toString());
try {
//GB.toast(context, "Log written to " + filename, Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.INFO);
//GB.toast(context, "Log ID " + log + " written to " + filenameLogID, Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.INFO);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Could not write to file", e);
JSONArray returnArray = new JSONArray().put(null).put(tracksList);
return returnArray;
private static void parseFetchedRecorderCSV(File dir, String filename, String log, GBDevice device, Context context) {
File inputFile = new File(dir, filename);
try { // FIXME: There is maybe code inside this try-statement that should be outside of it.
// Read from the previously stored log (see the else-statement below) into a string.
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFile));
StringBuilder storedLogBuilder = new StringBuilder(reader.readLine() + "\n");
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
String storedLog = String.valueOf(storedLogBuilder);
storedLog = storedLog.replace(",",", "); // So all rows (internal arrays) in storedLogArray2 get the same number of entries.
LOG.info("Contents of log read from GB storage:\n" + storedLog);
// Turn the string log into a 2d array in two steps.
String[] storedLogArray = storedLog.split("\n") ;
String[][] storedLogArray2 = new String[storedLogArray.length][1];
for (int i = 0; i < storedLogArray.length; i++) {
storedLogArray2[i] = storedLogArray[i].split(",");
for (int j = 0; j < storedLogArray2[i].length;j++) {
storedLogArray2[i][j] = storedLogArray2[i][j].trim(); // Remove the extra spaces we introduced above for getting the same number of entries on all rows.
LOG.info("Contents of storedLogArray2:\n" + Arrays.deepToString(storedLogArray2));
// Turn the 2d array into an object for easier access later on.
JSONObject storedLogObject = new JSONObject();
JSONArray valueArray = new JSONArray();
for (int i = 0; i < storedLogArray2[0].length; i++){
for (int j = 1; j < storedLogArray2.length; j++) {
storedLogObject.put(storedLogArray2[0][i], valueArray);
valueArray = new JSONArray();
// Clean out heartrate==0...
if (storedLogObject.has("Heartrate")) {
JSONArray heartrateArray = storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Heartrate");
for (int i = 0; i < heartrateArray.length(); i++){
if (Objects.equals(heartrateArray.getString(i), "0") ||
Objects.equals(heartrateArray.getString(i), "0.0")) {
storedLogObject.put("Heartrate", heartrateArray);
LOG.info("storedLogObject:\n" + storedLogObject);
// Calculate and store analytical data (distance, speed, cadence, etc.).
JSONObject analyticsObject = new JSONObject();
JSONArray calculationsArray = new JSONArray();
int logLength = storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Time").length();
// Add elapsed time since first reading (seconds).
valueArray = storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Time");
for (int i = 0; i < logLength; i++) {
analyticsObject.put("Elapsed Time", calculationsArray);
valueArray = new JSONArray();
calculationsArray = new JSONArray();
JSONArray valueArray2 = new JSONArray();
//LOG.info("check here 0");
// Add analytics based on GPS coordinates.
if (storedLogObject.has("Latitude")) {
// Add distance between last and current reading.
valueArray = storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Latitude");
valueArray2 = storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Longitude");
for (int i = 0; i < logLength; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
} else {
String distance;
if (Objects.equals(valueArray.getString(i), "") ||
Objects.equals(valueArray.getString(i - 1), "")) {
// FIXME: GPS data can be missing for some entries which is handled here.
// Should use more complex logic to be more accurate. Use interpolation.
// Should distances be done via the GPX file we generate instead?
distance = "0";
} else {
distance = distanceFromCoordinatePairs(
(String) valueArray.get(i - 1),
(String) valueArray2.get(i - 1),
(String) valueArray.get(i),
(String) valueArray2.get(i)
analyticsObject.put("Intermediate Distance", calculationsArray);
valueArray = new JSONArray();
valueArray2 = new JSONArray();
calculationsArray = new JSONArray();
//LOG.info("check here 1");
// Add stride lengths between consecutive readings.
if (storedLogObject.has("Steps")) {
for (int i = 0; i < logLength; i++) {
if (Objects.equals(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps").getString(i), "0") ||
Objects.equals(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps").getString(i), "")) {
} else if (Objects.equals(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Intermediate Distance").getString(i), "0")) {
} else {
double steps = storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps").getDouble(i);
double calculation =
analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Intermediate Distance").getDouble(i) / steps;
analyticsObject.put("Stride", calculationsArray);
calculationsArray = new JSONArray();
//LOG.info("check here 2");
} else if (storedLogObject.has("Steps")) {
for (int i = 0; i < logLength; i++) {
if (i==0 ||
Objects.equals(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps").getString(i), "0") ||
Objects.equals(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps").getString(i), "")) {
} else {
double avgStep = (0.67+0.762)/2; // https://marathonhandbook.com/average-stride-length/ (female+male)/2
double stride = 2*avgStep; // TODO: Depend on user defined stride length?
double calculation = stride * (storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps").getDouble(i));
//if (calculation == 0) calculation = 0.001; // To avoid potential division by zero later on.
analyticsObject.put("Intermediate Distance", calculationsArray);
calculationsArray = new JSONArray();
//LOG.info("check here 3");
if (analyticsObject.has("Intermediate Distance")) {
// Add total distance from start of activity up to each reading.
for (int i = 0; i < logLength; i++) {
if (i==0) {
} else {
double calculation = calculationsArray.getDouble(i-1) + analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Intermediate Distance").getDouble(i);
analyticsObject.put("Total Distance", calculationsArray);
calculationsArray = new JSONArray();
//LOG.info("check here 4");
// Add average speed between last and current reading (m/s).
for (int i = 0; i < logLength; i++) {
if (i==0) {
} else {
double timeDiff =
(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Elapsed Time").getDouble(i) -
analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Elapsed Time").getDouble(i-1));
if (timeDiff==0) timeDiff = 1; // On older versions of the Recorder Bangle.js app the time reporting could be the same for two data points due to rounding.
double calculation =
analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Intermediate Distance").getDouble(i) / timeDiff;
//LOG.info("check " + calculationsArray);
analyticsObject.put("Speed", calculationsArray);
calculationsArray = new JSONArray();
//LOG.info("check here 5");
// Add average pace between last and current reading (s/km). (Was gonna do this as min/km but summary seems to expect s/km).
for (int i = 0; i < logLength; i++) {
String speed = analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Speed").getString(i);
//LOG.info("check: " + speed);
if (i==0 || Objects.equals(speed, "0") || Objects.equals(speed, "0.0") || Objects.equals(speed, "")) {
} else {
double calculation = (1000.0) * 1/ analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Speed").getDouble(i);
analyticsObject.put("Pace", calculationsArray);
calculationsArray = new JSONArray();
//LOG.info("check here 6");
if (storedLogObject.has("Steps")) {
for (int i = 0; i < logLength; i++) {
if (i==0 || Objects.equals(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps").getString(i), "")) {
} else {
// FIXME: Should cadence be steps/min or half that? https://www.polar.com/blog/what-is-running-cadence/
// The Bangle.js App Loader has Cadence = (steps/min)/2, https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps/blob/master/apps/recorder/interface.html#L103,
// as discussed here: https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps/pull/3068#issuecomment-1790293879 .
double timeDiff =
(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Time").getDouble(i) -
if (timeDiff==0) timeDiff = 1;
double calculation = 0.5 * 60 *
(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps").getDouble(i) / timeDiff);
analyticsObject.put("Cadence", calculationsArray);
calculationsArray = new JSONArray();
//LOG.info("check here AnalyticsObject:\n" + analyticsObject.toString());
//LOG.info("check here 7");
BaseActivitySummary summary = null;
Date startTime = new Date(Long.parseLong(storedLogArray2[1][0].split("\\.\\d")[0])*1000L);
Date endTime = new Date(Long.parseLong(storedLogArray2[storedLogArray2.length-1][0].split("\\.\\d")[0])*1000L);
summary = new BaseActivitySummary();
summary.setActivityKind(ActivityKind.TYPE_RUNNING); // TODO: Make this depend on info from watch (currently this info isn't supplied in Bangle.js recorder logs).
JSONObject summaryData = new JSONObject();
// put("Activity", Arrays.asList(
// "distanceMeters", "steps", "activeSeconds", "caloriesBurnt", "totalStride",
// "averageHR", "maxHR", "minHR", "averageStride", "maxStride", "minStride"
// ));
if (analyticsObject.has("Intermediate Distance")) summaryData =
addSummaryData(summaryData, "distanceMeters",
(float) analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Total Distance").getDouble(logLength - 1),
if (storedLogObject.has("Steps"))
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "steps", sumOfJSONArray(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps")), "steps");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"activeSeconds",3,"mm"); // FIXME: Is this suppose to exclude the time of inactivity in a workout?
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"caloriesBurnt",3,"mm"); // TODO: Should this be calculated on Gadgetbridge side or be reported by Bangle.js?
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"totalStride",3,"mm"); // FIXME: What is this?
if (storedLogObject.has("Heartrate")) {
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "averageHR", averageOfJSONArray(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Heartrate")), "bpm");
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "maxHR", maxOfJSONArray(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Heartrate")), "bpm");
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "minHR", minOfJSONArray(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Heartrate")), "bpm");
if (analyticsObject.has("Stride")) {
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "averageStride",
(float) (analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Total Distance").getDouble(logLength - 1) /
(0.5 * sumOfJSONArray(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps")))),
"m"); // FIXME: Is this meant to be stride length as I've assumed?
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "maxStride", maxOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Stride")), "m");
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "minStride", minOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Stride")), "m");
// put("Speed", Arrays.asList(
// "averageSpeed", "maxSpeed", "minSpeed", "averageKMPaceSeconds", "minPace",
// "maxPace", "averageSpeed2", "averageCadence", "maxCadence", "minCadence"
// ));
try {
if (analyticsObject.has("Speed")) {
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"averageSpeed",averageOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Speed")),"m/s"); // This seems to be calculated somewhere else automatically.
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "maxSpeed", maxOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Speed")), "m/s");
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "minSpeed", minOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Speed")), "m/s");
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "averageKMPaceSeconds", averageOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Pace")), "s/km"); // Is this also calculated automatically then?
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "averageKMPaceSeconds",
// (float) (1000.0 * analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Elapsed Time").getDouble(logLength-1) /
// analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Total Distance").getDouble(logLength-1)),
// "s/km"
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "minPace", minOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Pace")), "s/km");
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "maxPace", maxOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Pace")), "s/km");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"averageSpeed2",3,"mm");
if (analyticsObject.has("Cadence")) {
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "averageCadence", averageOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Cadence")), "cycles/min"); // Is this also calculated automatically then?
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "averageCadence",
(float) 0.5 * 60 * sumOfJSONArray(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps")) /
(float) analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Elapsed Time").getDouble(logLength - 1),
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "maxCadence", maxOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Cadence")), "cycles/min");
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "minCadence", minOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Cadence")), "cycles/min");
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error(e + ". (thrown when trying to add summary data");
// private JSONObject createActivitySummaryGroups(){
// final Map<String, List<String>> groupDefinitions = new HashMap<String, List<String>>() {{
// put("Strokes", Arrays.asList(
// "averageStrokeDistance", "averageStrokesPerSecond", "strokes"
// ));
// put("Swimming", Arrays.asList(
// "swolfIndex", "swimStyle"
// ));
// put("Elevation", Arrays.asList(
// "ascentMeters", "descentMeters", "maxAltitude", "minAltitude", "averageAltitude",
// "baseAltitude", "ascentSeconds", "descentSeconds", "flatSeconds", "ascentDistance",
// "descentDistance", "flatDistance", "elevationGain", "elevationLoss"
// ));
if (storedLogObject.has("Altitude") || storedLogObject.has("Barometer Altitude")) {
String altitudeToUseKey = null;
if (storedLogObject.has("Altitude")) {
altitudeToUseKey = "Altitude";
} else if (storedLogObject.has("Barometer Altitude")) {
altitudeToUseKey = "Barometer Altitude";
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "ascentMeters", 3, "m");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "descentMeters", 3, "m");
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "maxAltitude", maxOfJSONArray(storedLogObject.getJSONArray(altitudeToUseKey)), "m");
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "minAltitude", minOfJSONArray(storedLogObject.getJSONArray(altitudeToUseKey)), "m");
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "averageAltitude", averageOfJSONArray(storedLogObject.getJSONArray(altitudeToUseKey)), "m");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "baseAltitude", 3, "m");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "ascentSeconds", 3, "s");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "descentSeconds", 3, "s");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "flatSeconds", 3, "s");
//if (analyticsObject.has("Intermittent Distance")) {
// summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "ascentDistance", 3, "m");
// summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "descentDistance", 3, "m");
// summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "flatDistance", 3, "m");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "elevationGain", 3, "mm");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "elevationLoss", 3, "mm");
// put("HeartRateZones", Arrays.asList(
// "hrZoneNa", "hrZoneWarmUp", "hrZoneFatBurn", "hrZoneAerobic", "hrZoneAnaerobic",
// "hrZoneExtreme"
// ));
// TODO: Implement hrZones by doing calculations on Gadgetbridge side or make Bangle.js report this (Karvonen method implemented to a degree in watch app "Run+")?
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"hrZoneNa",3,"mm");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"hrZoneWarmUp",3,"mm");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"hrZoneFatBurn",3,"mm");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"hrZoneAerobic",3,"mm");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"hrZoneAnaerobic",3,"mm");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"hrZoneExtreme",3,"mm");
// put("TrainingEffect", Arrays.asList(
// "aerobicTrainingEffect", "anaerobicTrainingEffect", "currentWorkoutLoad",
// "maximumOxygenUptake"
// ));
// put("Laps", Arrays.asList(
// "averageLapPace", "laps"
// ));
// TODO: Does Bangle.js report laps in recorder logs?
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"averageLapPace",3,"mm");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"laps",3,"mm");
// }};
ActivityTrack track = new ActivityTrack(); // detailsParser.parse(buffer.toByteArray());
try (DBHandler dbHandler = GBApplication.acquireDB()) {
DaoSession session = dbHandler.getDaoSession();
Device deviceDB = DBHelper.getDevice(device, session);
User user = DBHelper.getUser(session);
} catch (Exception ex) {
GB.toast(context, "Error setting user for activity track.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.ERROR, ex);
ActivityPoint point = new ActivityPoint();
Date timeOfPoint = new Date();
boolean hasGPXReading = false;
boolean hasHRMReading = false;
for (int i = 0; i < storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Time").length(); i++) {
if (storedLogObject.has("Longitude")) {
if (!Objects.equals(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Longitude").getString(i), "")
&& !Objects.equals(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Latitude").getString(i), "")
&& !Objects.equals(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Altitude").getString(i), "")) {
point.setLocation(new GPSCoordinate(
if (!hasGPXReading) hasGPXReading = true;
if (storedLogObject.has("Heartrate") && !Objects.equals(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Heartrate").getString(i), "")) {
if (!hasHRMReading) hasHRMReading = true;
LOG.info("Activity Point:\n" + point.getHeartRate());
point = new ActivityPoint();
ActivityTrackExporter exporter = createExporter();
String trackType = "track";
switch (summary.getActivityKind()) {
case ActivityKind.TYPE_CYCLING:
trackType = context.getString(R.string.activity_type_biking);
case ActivityKind.TYPE_RUNNING:
trackType = context.getString(R.string.activity_type_running);
case ActivityKind.TYPE_WALKING:
trackType = context.getString(R.string.activity_type_walking);
case ActivityKind.TYPE_HIKING:
trackType = context.getString(R.string.activity_type_hiking);
case ActivityKind.TYPE_CLIMBING:
trackType = context.getString(R.string.activity_type_climbing);
case ActivityKind.TYPE_SWIMMING:
trackType = context.getString(R.string.activity_type_swimming);
String fileName = FileUtils.makeValidFileName("gadgetbridge-" + trackType.toLowerCase() + "-" + summary.getName() + ".gpx");
File targetFile = new File(FileUtils.getExternalFilesDir(), fileName);
if (hasGPXReading /*|| hasHRMReading*/) {
try {
exporter.performExport(track, targetFile);
try (DBHandler dbHandler = GBApplication.acquireDB()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (ActivityTrackExporter.GPXTrackEmptyException ex) {
GB.toast(context, "This activity does not contain GPX tracks.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.ERROR, ex);
//summary.setSummaryData(null); // remove json before saving to database,
try (DBHandler dbHandler = GBApplication.acquireDB()) {
DaoSession session = dbHandler.getDaoSession();
Device deviceDB = DBHelper.getDevice(device, session);
User user = DBHelper.getUser(session);
} catch (Exception ex) {
GB.toast(context, "Error saving activity summary", Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.ERROR, ex);
LOG.info("Activity track:\n" + track.getSegments());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private static ActivityTrackExporter createExporter() {
GPXExporter exporter = new GPXExporter();
return exporter;
protected static JSONObject addSummaryData(JSONObject summaryData, String key, float value, String unit) {
if (value > 0) {
try {
JSONObject innerData = new JSONObject();
innerData.put("value", value);
innerData.put("unit", unit);
summaryData.put(key, innerData);
} catch (JSONException ignore) {
return summaryData;
// protected JSONObject addSummaryData(JSONObject summaryData, String key, String value) {
// if (key != null && !key.equals("") && value != null && !value.equals("")) {
// try {
// JSONObject innerData = new JSONObject();
// innerData.put("value", value);
// innerData.put("unit", "string");
// summaryData.put(key, innerData);
// } catch (JSONException ignore) {
// }
// }
// return summaryData;
// }
private static String distanceFromCoordinatePairs(String latA, String lonA, String latB, String lonB) {
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographic_coordinate_system#Length_of_a_degree
//phi = latitude
//lambda = longitude
//length of 1 degree lat:
//111132.92 - 559.82*cos(2*phi) + 1.175*cos(4*phi) - 0.0023*cos(6*phi)
//length of 1 degree lon:
//111412.84*cos(phi) - 93.5*cos(3*phi) + 0.118*cos(5*phi)
double latADouble = Double.parseDouble(latA);
double latBDouble = Double.parseDouble(latB);
double lonADouble = Double.parseDouble(lonA);
double lonBDouble = Double.parseDouble(lonB);
double lengthPerDegreeLat = 111132.92 - 559.82*cos(2*latADouble) + 1.175*cos(4*latADouble) - 0.0023*cos(6*latADouble);
double lengthPerDegreeLon = 111412.84*cos(latADouble) - 93.5*cos(3*latADouble) + 0.118*cos(5*latADouble);
double latDist = (latBDouble-latADouble)*lengthPerDegreeLat;
double lonDist = (lonBDouble-lonADouble)*lengthPerDegreeLon;
return String.valueOf(sqrt(latDist*latDist+lonDist*lonDist));
private static float sumOfJSONArray(JSONArray a) throws JSONException {
double sum = 0;
for (int i=0; i<a.length(); i++) {
if (!Objects.equals(a.getString(i), "")) sum += a.getDouble(i);
return (float) sum;
private static float averageOfJSONArray(JSONArray a) throws JSONException {
JSONArray b = new JSONArray();
// Disregard empty lines.
for (int i=0; i<a.length(); i++) {
if (!Objects.equals(a.getString(i), "")) b.put(a.getString(i));
return sumOfJSONArray(b) / b.length();
private static float minOfJSONArray(JSONArray a) throws JSONException {
double min = 999999999;
for (int i=0; i<a.length(); i++) {
if (!Objects.equals(a.getString(i), "")) min = Math.min(min, a.getDouble(i));
return (float) min;
private static float maxOfJSONArray(JSONArray a) throws JSONException {
double max = -999999999;
for (int i=0; i<a.length(); i++) {
if (!Objects.equals(a.getString(i), "")) max = Math.max(max, a.getDouble(i));
return (float) max;
@ -529,6 +529,7 @@ public class BangleJSDeviceSupport extends AbstractBTLEDeviceSupport {
JSONArray tracksList;
private void handleUartRxJSON(JSONObject json) throws JSONException {
String packetType = json.getString("t");
switch (packetType) {
@ -578,10 +579,18 @@ public class BangleJSDeviceSupport extends AbstractBTLEDeviceSupport {
case "trksList":
tracksList = BangleJSActivityTrack.handleTrksList(json, getDevice(), getContext());
if (tracksList!=null) {
JSONObject requestTrackObj = BangleJSActivityTrack.compileTrackRequest(tracksList.getString(0), 1==tracksList.length());
uartTxJSON("requestActivityTrackLog", requestTrackObj);
case "actTrk":
JSONArray returnArray = BangleJSActivityTrack.handleActTrk(json, tracksList, getDevice(), getContext());
if (!returnArray.isNull(0)) uartTxJSON("requestActivityTrackLog", returnArray.getJSONObject(0));
tracksList = returnArray.getJSONArray(1);
case "http":
@ -729,547 +738,6 @@ public class BangleJSDeviceSupport extends AbstractBTLEDeviceSupport {
private String lastRecToFetch;
private JSONArray tracksList;
private void handleTrksList(JSONObject json) throws JSONException {
LOG.info("trksList says hi!");
//GB.toast(getContext(), "trksList says hi!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.INFO);
tracksList = json.getJSONArray("list");
LOG.info("New recorder logs since last fetch: " + String.valueOf(tracksList));
if (tracksList.length()==0) {
} else {
lastRecToFetch = tracksList.getString(tracksList.length()-1);
requestActivityTrackLog(tracksList.getString(0), 1==tracksList.length());
//for (int i = 0; i < tracksList.length(); i ++) {
// requestActivityTrackLog(tracksList.getString(i), i==tracksList.length()-1);
private void handleActTrk(JSONObject json) throws JSONException {
LOG.info("actTrk says hi!");
//GB.toast(getContext(), "actTrk says hi!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.INFO);
String log = json.getString("log");
File dir;
try {
dir = FileUtils.getExternalFilesDir();
} catch (IOException e) {
String filename = "recorder.log" + log + ".csv";
if (!json.has("lines")) { // if no lines were sent with this json object, it signifies that the whole recorder log has been transmitted.
parseFetchedRecorderCSV(dir, filename, log);
if (tracksList.length()==0) {
} else {
requestActivityTrackLog(tracksList.getString(0), 1==tracksList.length());
} else { // We received a lines of the csv, now we append it to the file in storage.
String lines = json.getString("lines");
String mode = "append";
if (lines.equals("")) {
mode = "write";
File outputFile = new File(dir, filename);
String filenameLogID = "latestFetchedRecorderLog.txt";
File outputFileLogID = new File(dir, filenameLogID);
LOG.warn("Writing log to " + outputFile.toString());
try {
//GB.toast(getContext(), "Log written to " + filename, Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.INFO);
//GB.toast(getContext(), "Log ID " + log + " written to " + filenameLogID, Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.INFO);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Could not write to file", e);
//if (!json.has("lines") && json.getString("log").equals(lastRecToFetch)) {
// getDevice().unsetBusyTask();
private void parseFetchedRecorderCSV(File dir, String filename, String log) {
File inputFile = new File(dir, filename);
try { // FIXME: There is maybe code inside this try-statement that should be outside of it.
// Read from the previously stored log (see the else-statement below) into a string.
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFile));
StringBuilder storedLogBuilder = new StringBuilder(reader.readLine() + "\n");
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
String storedLog = String.valueOf(storedLogBuilder);
storedLog = storedLog.replace(",",", "); // So all rows (internal arrays) in storedLogArray2 get the same number of entries.
LOG.info("Contents of log read from GB storage:\n" + storedLog);
// Turn the string log into a 2d array in two steps.
String[] storedLogArray = storedLog.split("\n") ;
String[][] storedLogArray2 = new String[storedLogArray.length][1];
for (int i = 0; i < storedLogArray.length; i++) {
storedLogArray2[i] = storedLogArray[i].split(",");
for (int j = 0; j < storedLogArray2[i].length;j++) {
storedLogArray2[i][j] = storedLogArray2[i][j].trim(); // Remove the extra spaces we introduced above for getting the same number of entries on all rows.
LOG.info("Contents of storedLogArray2:\n" + Arrays.deepToString(storedLogArray2));
// Turn the 2d array into an object for easier access later on.
JSONObject storedLogObject = new JSONObject();
JSONArray valueArray = new JSONArray();
for (int i = 0; i < storedLogArray2[0].length; i++){
for (int j = 1; j < storedLogArray2.length; j++) {
storedLogObject.put(storedLogArray2[0][i], valueArray);
valueArray = new JSONArray();
// Clean out heartrate==0...
if (storedLogObject.has("Heartrate")) {
JSONArray heartrateArray = storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Heartrate");
for (int i = 0; i < heartrateArray.length(); i++){
if (Objects.equals(heartrateArray.getString(i), "0") ||
Objects.equals(heartrateArray.getString(i), "0.0")) {
storedLogObject.put("Heartrate", heartrateArray);
LOG.info("storedLogObject:\n" + storedLogObject);
// Calculate and store analytical data (distance, speed, cadence, etc.).
JSONObject analyticsObject = new JSONObject();
JSONArray calculationsArray = new JSONArray();
int logLength = storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Time").length();
// Add elapsed time since first reading (seconds).
valueArray = storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Time");
for (int i = 0; i < logLength; i++) {
analyticsObject.put("Elapsed Time", calculationsArray);
valueArray = new JSONArray();
calculationsArray = new JSONArray();
JSONArray valueArray2 = new JSONArray();
//LOG.info("check here 0");
// Add analytics based on GPS coordinates.
if (storedLogObject.has("Latitude")) {
// Add distance between last and current reading.
valueArray = storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Latitude");
valueArray2 = storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Longitude");
for (int i = 0; i < logLength; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
} else {
String distance;
if (Objects.equals(valueArray.getString(i), "") ||
Objects.equals(valueArray.getString(i - 1), "")) {
// FIXME: GPS data can be missing for some entries which is handled here.
// Should use more complex logic to be more accurate. Use interpolation.
// Should distances be done via the GPX file we generate instead?
distance = "0";
} else {
distance = distanceFromCoordinatePairs(
(String) valueArray.get(i - 1),
(String) valueArray2.get(i - 1),
(String) valueArray.get(i),
(String) valueArray2.get(i)
analyticsObject.put("Intermediate Distance", calculationsArray);
valueArray = new JSONArray();
valueArray2 = new JSONArray();
calculationsArray = new JSONArray();
//LOG.info("check here 1");
// Add stride lengths between consecutive readings.
if (storedLogObject.has("Steps")) {
for (int i = 0; i < logLength; i++) {
if (Objects.equals(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps").getString(i), "0") ||
Objects.equals(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps").getString(i), "")) {
} else if (Objects.equals(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Intermediate Distance").getString(i), "0")) {
} else {
double steps = storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps").getDouble(i);
double calculation =
analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Intermediate Distance").getDouble(i) / steps;
analyticsObject.put("Stride", calculationsArray);
calculationsArray = new JSONArray();
//LOG.info("check here 2");
} else if (storedLogObject.has("Steps")) {
for (int i = 0; i < logLength; i++) {
if (i==0 ||
Objects.equals(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps").getString(i), "0") ||
Objects.equals(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps").getString(i), "")) {
} else {
double avgStep = (0.67+0.762)/2; // https://marathonhandbook.com/average-stride-length/ (female+male)/2
double stride = 2*avgStep; // TODO: Depend on user defined stride length?
double calculation = stride * (storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps").getDouble(i));
//if (calculation == 0) calculation = 0.001; // To avoid potential division by zero later on.
analyticsObject.put("Intermediate Distance", calculationsArray);
calculationsArray = new JSONArray();
//LOG.info("check here 3");
if (analyticsObject.has("Intermediate Distance")) {
// Add total distance from start of activity up to each reading.
for (int i = 0; i < logLength; i++) {
if (i==0) {
} else {
double calculation = calculationsArray.getDouble(i-1) + analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Intermediate Distance").getDouble(i);
analyticsObject.put("Total Distance", calculationsArray);
calculationsArray = new JSONArray();
//LOG.info("check here 4");
// Add average speed between last and current reading (m/s).
for (int i = 0; i < logLength; i++) {
if (i==0) {
} else {
double timeDiff =
(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Elapsed Time").getDouble(i) -
analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Elapsed Time").getDouble(i-1));
if (timeDiff==0) timeDiff = 1; // On older versions of the Recorder Bangle.js app the time reporting could be the same for two data points due to rounding.
double calculation =
analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Intermediate Distance").getDouble(i) / timeDiff;
//LOG.info("check " + calculationsArray);
analyticsObject.put("Speed", calculationsArray);
calculationsArray = new JSONArray();
//LOG.info("check here 5");
// Add average pace between last and current reading (s/km). (Was gonna do this as min/km but summary seems to expect s/km).
for (int i = 0; i < logLength; i++) {
String speed = analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Speed").getString(i);
//LOG.info("check: " + speed);
if (i==0 || Objects.equals(speed, "0") || Objects.equals(speed, "0.0") || Objects.equals(speed, "")) {
} else {
double calculation = (1000.0) * 1/ analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Speed").getDouble(i);
analyticsObject.put("Pace", calculationsArray);
calculationsArray = new JSONArray();
//LOG.info("check here 6");
if (storedLogObject.has("Steps")) {
for (int i = 0; i < logLength; i++) {
if (i==0 || Objects.equals(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps").getString(i), "")) {
} else {
// FIXME: Should cadence be steps/min or half that? https://www.polar.com/blog/what-is-running-cadence/
// The Bangle.js App Loader has Cadence = (steps/min)/2, https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps/blob/master/apps/recorder/interface.html#L103,
// as discussed here: https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps/pull/3068#issuecomment-1790293879 .
double timeDiff =
(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Time").getDouble(i) -
if (timeDiff==0) timeDiff = 1;
double calculation = 0.5 * 60 *
(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps").getDouble(i) / timeDiff);
analyticsObject.put("Cadence", calculationsArray);
calculationsArray = new JSONArray();
//LOG.info("check here AnalyticsObject:\n" + analyticsObject.toString());
//LOG.info("check here 7");
BaseActivitySummary summary = null;
Date startTime = new Date(Long.parseLong(storedLogArray2[1][0].split("\\.\\d")[0])*1000L);
Date endTime = new Date(Long.parseLong(storedLogArray2[storedLogArray2.length-1][0].split("\\.\\d")[0])*1000L);
summary = new BaseActivitySummary();
summary.setActivityKind(ActivityKind.TYPE_RUNNING); // TODO: Make this depend on info from watch (currently this info isn't supplied in Bangle.js recorder logs).
JSONObject summaryData = new JSONObject();
// put("Activity", Arrays.asList(
// "distanceMeters", "steps", "activeSeconds", "caloriesBurnt", "totalStride",
// "averageHR", "maxHR", "minHR", "averageStride", "maxStride", "minStride"
// ));
if (analyticsObject.has("Intermediate Distance")) summaryData =
addSummaryData(summaryData, "distanceMeters",
(float) analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Total Distance").getDouble(logLength - 1),
if (storedLogObject.has("Steps"))
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "steps", sumOfJSONArray(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps")), "steps");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"activeSeconds",3,"mm"); // FIXME: Is this suppose to exclude the time of inactivity in a workout?
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"caloriesBurnt",3,"mm"); // TODO: Should this be calculated on Gadgetbridge side or be reported by Bangle.js?
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"totalStride",3,"mm"); // FIXME: What is this?
if (storedLogObject.has("Heartrate")) {
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "averageHR", averageOfJSONArray(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Heartrate")), "bpm");
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "maxHR", maxOfJSONArray(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Heartrate")), "bpm");
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "minHR", minOfJSONArray(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Heartrate")), "bpm");
if (analyticsObject.has("Stride")) {
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "averageStride",
(float) (analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Total Distance").getDouble(logLength - 1) /
(0.5 * sumOfJSONArray(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps")))),
"m"); // FIXME: Is this meant to be stride length as I've assumed?
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "maxStride", maxOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Stride")), "m");
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "minStride", minOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Stride")), "m");
// put("Speed", Arrays.asList(
// "averageSpeed", "maxSpeed", "minSpeed", "averageKMPaceSeconds", "minPace",
// "maxPace", "averageSpeed2", "averageCadence", "maxCadence", "minCadence"
// ));
try {
if (analyticsObject.has("Speed")) {
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"averageSpeed",averageOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Speed")),"m/s"); // This seems to be calculated somewhere else automatically.
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "maxSpeed", maxOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Speed")), "m/s");
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "minSpeed", minOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Speed")), "m/s");
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "averageKMPaceSeconds", averageOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Pace")), "s/km"); // Is this also calculated automatically then?
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "averageKMPaceSeconds",
// (float) (1000.0 * analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Elapsed Time").getDouble(logLength-1) /
// analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Total Distance").getDouble(logLength-1)),
// "s/km"
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "minPace", minOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Pace")), "s/km");
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "maxPace", maxOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Pace")), "s/km");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"averageSpeed2",3,"mm");
if (analyticsObject.has("Cadence")) {
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "averageCadence", averageOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Cadence")), "cycles/min"); // Is this also calculated automatically then?
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "averageCadence",
(float) 0.5 * 60 * sumOfJSONArray(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Steps")) /
(float) analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Elapsed Time").getDouble(logLength - 1),
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "maxCadence", maxOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Cadence")), "cycles/min");
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "minCadence", minOfJSONArray(analyticsObject.getJSONArray("Cadence")), "cycles/min");
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error(e + ". (thrown when trying to add summary data");
// private JSONObject createActivitySummaryGroups(){
// final Map<String, List<String>> groupDefinitions = new HashMap<String, List<String>>() {{
// put("Strokes", Arrays.asList(
// "averageStrokeDistance", "averageStrokesPerSecond", "strokes"
// ));
// put("Swimming", Arrays.asList(
// "swolfIndex", "swimStyle"
// ));
// put("Elevation", Arrays.asList(
// "ascentMeters", "descentMeters", "maxAltitude", "minAltitude", "averageAltitude",
// "baseAltitude", "ascentSeconds", "descentSeconds", "flatSeconds", "ascentDistance",
// "descentDistance", "flatDistance", "elevationGain", "elevationLoss"
// ));
if (storedLogObject.has("Altitude") || storedLogObject.has("Barometer Altitude")) {
String altitudeToUseKey = null;
if (storedLogObject.has("Altitude")) {
altitudeToUseKey = "Altitude";
} else if (storedLogObject.has("Barometer Altitude")) {
altitudeToUseKey = "Barometer Altitude";
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "ascentMeters", 3, "m");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "descentMeters", 3, "m");
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "maxAltitude", maxOfJSONArray(storedLogObject.getJSONArray(altitudeToUseKey)), "m");
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "minAltitude", minOfJSONArray(storedLogObject.getJSONArray(altitudeToUseKey)), "m");
summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "averageAltitude", averageOfJSONArray(storedLogObject.getJSONArray(altitudeToUseKey)), "m");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "baseAltitude", 3, "m");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "ascentSeconds", 3, "s");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "descentSeconds", 3, "s");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "flatSeconds", 3, "s");
//if (analyticsObject.has("Intermittent Distance")) {
// summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "ascentDistance", 3, "m");
// summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "descentDistance", 3, "m");
// summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "flatDistance", 3, "m");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "elevationGain", 3, "mm");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData, "elevationLoss", 3, "mm");
// put("HeartRateZones", Arrays.asList(
// "hrZoneNa", "hrZoneWarmUp", "hrZoneFatBurn", "hrZoneAerobic", "hrZoneAnaerobic",
// "hrZoneExtreme"
// ));
// TODO: Implement hrZones by doing calculations on Gadgetbridge side or make Bangle.js report this (Karvonen method implemented to a degree in watch app "Run+")?
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"hrZoneNa",3,"mm");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"hrZoneWarmUp",3,"mm");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"hrZoneFatBurn",3,"mm");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"hrZoneAerobic",3,"mm");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"hrZoneAnaerobic",3,"mm");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"hrZoneExtreme",3,"mm");
// put("TrainingEffect", Arrays.asList(
// "aerobicTrainingEffect", "anaerobicTrainingEffect", "currentWorkoutLoad",
// "maximumOxygenUptake"
// ));
// put("Laps", Arrays.asList(
// "averageLapPace", "laps"
// ));
// TODO: Does Bangle.js report laps in recorder logs?
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"averageLapPace",3,"mm");
//summaryData = addSummaryData(summaryData,"laps",3,"mm");
// }};
ActivityTrack track = new ActivityTrack(); // detailsParser.parse(buffer.toByteArray());
try (DBHandler dbHandler = GBApplication.acquireDB()) {
DaoSession session = dbHandler.getDaoSession();
Device device = DBHelper.getDevice(getDevice(), session);
User user = DBHelper.getUser(session);
} catch (Exception ex) {
GB.toast(getContext(), "Error setting user for activity track.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.ERROR, ex);
ActivityPoint point = new ActivityPoint();
Date timeOfPoint = new Date();
boolean hasGPXReading = false;
boolean hasHRMReading = false;
for (int i = 0; i < storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Time").length(); i++) {
if (storedLogObject.has("Longitude")) {
if (!Objects.equals(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Longitude").getString(i), "")
&& !Objects.equals(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Latitude").getString(i), "")
&& !Objects.equals(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Altitude").getString(i), "")) {
point.setLocation(new GPSCoordinate(
if (!hasGPXReading) hasGPXReading = true;
if (storedLogObject.has("Heartrate") && !Objects.equals(storedLogObject.getJSONArray("Heartrate").getString(i), "")) {
if (!hasHRMReading) hasHRMReading = true;
LOG.info("Activity Point:\n" + point.getHeartRate());
point = new ActivityPoint();
ActivityTrackExporter exporter = createExporter();
String trackType = "track";
switch (summary.getActivityKind()) {
case ActivityKind.TYPE_CYCLING:
trackType = getContext().getString(R.string.activity_type_biking);
case ActivityKind.TYPE_RUNNING:
trackType = getContext().getString(R.string.activity_type_running);
case ActivityKind.TYPE_WALKING:
trackType = getContext().getString(R.string.activity_type_walking);
case ActivityKind.TYPE_HIKING:
trackType = getContext().getString(R.string.activity_type_hiking);
case ActivityKind.TYPE_CLIMBING:
trackType = getContext().getString(R.string.activity_type_climbing);
case ActivityKind.TYPE_SWIMMING:
trackType = getContext().getString(R.string.activity_type_swimming);
String fileName = FileUtils.makeValidFileName("gadgetbridge-" + trackType.toLowerCase() + "-" + summary.getName() + ".gpx");
File targetFile = new File(FileUtils.getExternalFilesDir(), fileName);
if (hasGPXReading /*|| hasHRMReading*/) {
try {
exporter.performExport(track, targetFile);
try (DBHandler dbHandler = GBApplication.acquireDB()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (ActivityTrackExporter.GPXTrackEmptyException ex) {
GB.toast(getContext(), "This activity does not contain GPX tracks.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.ERROR, ex);
//summary.setSummaryData(null); // remove json before saving to database,
try (DBHandler dbHandler = GBApplication.acquireDB()) {
DaoSession session = dbHandler.getDaoSession();
Device device = DBHelper.getDevice(getDevice(), session);
User user = DBHelper.getUser(session);
} catch (Exception ex) {
GB.toast(getContext(), "Error saving activity summary", Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.ERROR, ex);
LOG.info("Activity track:\n" + track.getSegments());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Handle "http" packet: make an HTTP request and return a "http" response
@ -1937,29 +1405,6 @@ public class BangleJSDeviceSupport extends AbstractBTLEDeviceSupport {
private void requestActivityTracksList(String lastSyncedID) {
try {
JSONObject o = new JSONObject();
o.put("t", "listRecs");
o.put("id", lastSyncedID);
uartTxJSON("requestActivityTracksList", o);
} catch (JSONException e) {
LOG.info("JSONException: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
private void requestActivityTrackLog(String id, Boolean isLastId) {
try {
JSONObject o = new JSONObject();
o.put("t", "fetchRec");
o.put("id", id);
o.put("last", String.valueOf(isLastId));
uartTxJSON("requestActivityTrackLog", o);
} catch (JSONException e) {
LOG.info("JSONException: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
public void onEnableRealtimeSteps(boolean enable) {
if (enable == realtimeHRM) return;
@ -1974,25 +1419,8 @@ public class BangleJSDeviceSupport extends AbstractBTLEDeviceSupport {
if (dataTypes == RecordedDataTypes.TYPE_GPS_TRACKS) {
getDevice().setBusyTask("Fetch Activity Tracks");
GB.toast("TYPE_GPS_TRACKS says hi!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.INFO);
File dir;
try {
dir = FileUtils.getExternalFilesDir();
} catch (IOException e) {
String filename = "latestFetchedRecorderLog.txt";
File inputFile = new File(dir, filename);
String lastSyncedID = "";
try {
lastSyncedID = FileUtils.getStringFromFile(inputFile);
} catch (IOException ignored) {
//lastSyncedID = "20230706x"; // DEBUGGING
LOG.info("Last Synced log ID: " + lastSyncedID);
JSONObject requestTracksListObj = BangleJSActivityTrack.compileTrackListRequest(getDevice(), getContext());
uartTxJSON("requestActivityTracksList", requestTracksListObj);
if (dataTypes == RecordedDataTypes.TYPE_DEBUGLOGS) {
File dir;
@ -2422,91 +1850,4 @@ public class BangleJSDeviceSupport extends AbstractBTLEDeviceSupport {
LOG.info("JSONException: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
private ActivityTrackExporter createExporter() {
GPXExporter exporter = new GPXExporter();
return exporter;
protected JSONObject addSummaryData(JSONObject summaryData, String key, float value, String unit) {
if (value > 0) {
try {
JSONObject innerData = new JSONObject();
innerData.put("value", value);
innerData.put("unit", unit);
summaryData.put(key, innerData);
} catch (JSONException ignore) {
return summaryData;
// protected JSONObject addSummaryData(JSONObject summaryData, String key, String value) {
// if (key != null && !key.equals("") && value != null && !value.equals("")) {
// try {
// JSONObject innerData = new JSONObject();
// innerData.put("value", value);
// innerData.put("unit", "string");
// summaryData.put(key, innerData);
// } catch (JSONException ignore) {
// }
// }
// return summaryData;
// }
private String distanceFromCoordinatePairs(String latA, String lonA, String latB, String lonB) {
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographic_coordinate_system#Length_of_a_degree
//phi = latitude
//lambda = longitude
//length of 1 degree lat:
//111132.92 - 559.82*cos(2*phi) + 1.175*cos(4*phi) - 0.0023*cos(6*phi)
//length of 1 degree lon:
//111412.84*cos(phi) - 93.5*cos(3*phi) + 0.118*cos(5*phi)
double latADouble = Double.parseDouble(latA);
double latBDouble = Double.parseDouble(latB);
double lonADouble = Double.parseDouble(lonA);
double lonBDouble = Double.parseDouble(lonB);
double lengthPerDegreeLat = 111132.92 - 559.82*cos(2*latADouble) + 1.175*cos(4*latADouble) - 0.0023*cos(6*latADouble);
double lengthPerDegreeLon = 111412.84*cos(latADouble) - 93.5*cos(3*latADouble) + 0.118*cos(5*latADouble);
double latDist = (latBDouble-latADouble)*lengthPerDegreeLat;
double lonDist = (lonBDouble-lonADouble)*lengthPerDegreeLon;
return String.valueOf(sqrt(latDist*latDist+lonDist*lonDist));
private float sumOfJSONArray(JSONArray a) throws JSONException {
double sum = 0;
for (int i=0; i<a.length(); i++) {
if (!Objects.equals(a.getString(i), "")) sum += a.getDouble(i);
return (float) sum;
private float averageOfJSONArray(JSONArray a) throws JSONException {
JSONArray b = new JSONArray();
// Disregard empty lines.
for (int i=0; i<a.length(); i++) {
if (!Objects.equals(a.getString(i), "")) b.put(a.getString(i));
return sumOfJSONArray(b) / b.length();
private float minOfJSONArray(JSONArray a) throws JSONException {
double min = 999999999;
for (int i=0; i<a.length(); i++) {
if (!Objects.equals(a.getString(i), "")) min = Math.min(min, a.getDouble(i));
return (float) min;
private float maxOfJSONArray(JSONArray a) throws JSONException {
double max = -999999999;
for (int i=0; i<a.length(); i++) {
if (!Objects.equals(a.getString(i), "")) max = Math.max(max, a.getDouble(i));
return (float) max;
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