1) press + button in Gadgerbridge
2) LONG PRESS Mi Band 4
3) Tap "Auth Key"
4) Enter your key prefixed with 0x (eg. 0x112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00)
5) Go back
6) Tap Mi Band 4
Success? You tell me.
Reasons for removal:
- I doubt we honored the offset correctly for new features anyway that are available on newer devices
- Newer devices have a display always displaying the wrong time
This allows to construct per-device settings by device type very easily
device coordinators just do the following to declare which setting they support,
the settings activity is then composed at runtime.
public int[] getSupportedDeviceSpecificSettings(GBDevice device) {
return new int[]{
- Migrate language setting
- Migrate menu items setting
- Migrate lastsync timestamp from prefixed global shared prefercence
All settings should be automatically be converted (e.g. Amazfit Bip settings to all paired Amazfit Bip devices) and then deleted.
Cor Settings aleady completely vanished from the global settings menu.
When migration is done we will have a much cleaner settings menu. Will also remove confusion that some Cor settings have to be done in Bip settings.
This increases the supported file size to 2.0MB.
Somehow it is confusing that the new file is version 1 and the old version 2.
Also according to firmare.json both are version 1....
When connecting to a new device, a random key gets generated, which can be
looked up from the device specific settings (accessible via the gear icon in
the device card in the main activity). Old devices keep their 0123456789@ABCDE
key, they have to be re-paired to change that.
During pairing, long-pressing the device candidate in the discovery activity
will also start the device specific settings activity, where the auth key
can be set manually priror to pairing. This is usefull to keep the ability to
pair one device with multiple android devices.