/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The CyanongenMod Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package lineageos.weather; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.text.TextUtils; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import lineageos.os.Build; import lineageos.os.Concierge; import lineageos.os.Concierge.ParcelInfo; import lineageos.providers.WeatherContract; import lineageos.weatherservice.ServiceRequest; import lineageos.weatherservice.ServiceRequestResult; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; /** * This class represents the weather information that a * {@link lineageos.weatherservice.WeatherProviderService} will use to update the weather content * provider. A weather provider service will be called by the system to process an update * request at any time. If the service successfully processes the request, then the weather provider * service is responsible of calling * {@link ServiceRequest#complete(ServiceRequestResult)} to notify the * system that the request was completed and that the weather content provider should be updated * with the supplied weather information. */ public final class WeatherInfo implements Parcelable { private String mCity; private int mConditionCode; private double mTemperature; private int mTempUnit; private double mTodaysHighTemp; private double mTodaysLowTemp; private double mHumidity; private double mWindSpeed; private double mWindDirection; private int mWindSpeedUnit; private long mTimestamp; private List mForecastList; private String mKey; private WeatherInfo() {} /** * Builder class for {@link WeatherInfo} */ public static class Builder { private String mCity; private int mConditionCode = WeatherContract.WeatherColumns.WeatherCode.NOT_AVAILABLE; private double mTemperature; private int mTempUnit; private double mTodaysHighTemp = Double.NaN; private double mTodaysLowTemp = Double.NaN; private double mHumidity = Double.NaN; private double mWindSpeed = Double.NaN; private double mWindDirection = Double.NaN; private int mWindSpeedUnit = WeatherContract.WeatherColumns.WindSpeedUnit.MPH; private long mTimestamp = -1; private List mForecastList = new ArrayList<>(0); /** * @param cityName A valid city name. Attempting to pass null will get you an * IllegalArgumentException * @param temperature A valid temperature value. Attempting pass an invalid double value, * will get you an IllegalArgumentException * @param tempUnit A valid temperature unit value. See * {@link lineageos.providers.WeatherContract.WeatherColumns.TempUnit} for * valid values. Attempting to pass an invalid temperature unit will get you * an IllegalArgumentException */ public Builder(@NonNull String cityName, double temperature, int tempUnit) { if (cityName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("City name can't be null"); } if (Double.isNaN(temperature)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid temperature"); } if (!isValidTempUnit(tempUnit)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid temperature unit"); } this.mCity = cityName; this.mTemperature = temperature; this.mTempUnit = tempUnit; } /** * @param timeStamp A timestamp indicating when this data was generated. If timestamps is * not set, then the builder will set it to the time of object creation * @return The {@link Builder} instance */ public Builder setTimestamp(long timeStamp) { mTimestamp = timeStamp; return this; } /** * @param humidity The weather humidity. Attempting to pass an invalid double value will get * you an IllegalArgumentException * @return The {@link Builder} instance */ public Builder setHumidity(double humidity) { if (Double.isNaN(humidity)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid humidity value"); } mHumidity = humidity; return this; } /** * @param windSpeed The wind speed. Attempting to pass an invalid double value will get you * an IllegalArgumentException * @param windDirection The wind direction. Attempting to pass an invalid double value will * get you an IllegalArgumentException * @param windSpeedUnit A valid wind speed direction unit. See * {@link lineageos.providers.WeatherContract.WeatherColumns.WindSpeedUnit} * for valid values. Attempting to pass an invalid speed unit will get * you an IllegalArgumentException * @return The {@link Builder} instance */ public Builder setWind(double windSpeed, double windDirection, int windSpeedUnit) { if (Double.isNaN(windSpeed)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid wind speed value"); } if (Double.isNaN(windDirection)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid wind direction value"); } if (!isValidWindSpeedUnit(windSpeedUnit)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid speed unit"); } mWindSpeed = windSpeed; mWindSpeedUnit = windSpeedUnit; mWindDirection = windDirection; return this; } /** * @param conditionCode A valid weather condition code. See * {@link lineageos.providers.WeatherContract.WeatherColumns.WeatherCode} * for valid codes. Attempting to pass an invalid code will get you an * IllegalArgumentException. * @return The {@link Builder} instance */ public Builder setWeatherCondition(int conditionCode) { if (!isValidWeatherCode(conditionCode)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid weather condition code"); } mConditionCode = conditionCode; return this; } /** * @param forecasts A valid array list of {@link DayForecast} objects. Attempting to pass * null will get you an IllegalArgumentException' * @return The {@link Builder} instance */ public Builder setForecast(@NonNull List forecasts) { if (forecasts == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Forecast list can't be null"); } mForecastList = forecasts; return this; } /** * * @param todaysHigh Today's high temperature. Attempting to pass an invalid double value * will get you an IllegalArgumentException * @return The {@link Builder} instance */ public Builder setTodaysHigh(double todaysHigh) { if (Double.isNaN(todaysHigh)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid temperature value"); } mTodaysHighTemp = todaysHigh; return this; } /** * @param todaysLow Today's low temperature. Attempting to pass an invalid double value will * get you an IllegalArgumentException * @return */ public Builder setTodaysLow(double todaysLow) { if (Double.isNaN(todaysLow)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid temperature value"); } mTodaysLowTemp = todaysLow; return this; } /** * Combine all of the options that have been set and return a new {@link WeatherInfo} object * @return {@link WeatherInfo} */ public WeatherInfo build() { WeatherInfo info = new WeatherInfo(); info.mCity = this.mCity; info.mConditionCode = this.mConditionCode; info.mTemperature = this.mTemperature; info.mTempUnit = this.mTempUnit; info.mHumidity = this.mHumidity; info.mWindSpeed = this.mWindSpeed; info.mWindDirection = this.mWindDirection; info.mWindSpeedUnit = this.mWindSpeedUnit; info.mTimestamp = this.mTimestamp == -1 ? System.currentTimeMillis() : this.mTimestamp; info.mForecastList = this.mForecastList; info.mTodaysHighTemp = this.mTodaysHighTemp; info.mTodaysLowTemp = this.mTodaysLowTemp; info.mKey = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); return info; } private boolean isValidTempUnit(int unit) { switch (unit) { case WeatherContract.WeatherColumns.TempUnit.CELSIUS: case WeatherContract.WeatherColumns.TempUnit.FAHRENHEIT: return true; default: return false; } } private boolean isValidWindSpeedUnit(int unit) { switch (unit) { case WeatherContract.WeatherColumns.WindSpeedUnit.KPH: case WeatherContract.WeatherColumns.WindSpeedUnit.MPH: return true; default: return false; } } } private static boolean isValidWeatherCode(int code) { if (code < WeatherContract.WeatherColumns.WeatherCode.WEATHER_CODE_MIN || code > WeatherContract.WeatherColumns.WeatherCode.WEATHER_CODE_MAX) { if (code != WeatherContract.WeatherColumns.WeatherCode.NOT_AVAILABLE) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @return city name */ public String getCity() { return mCity; } /** * @return An implementation specific weather condition code */ public int getConditionCode() { return mConditionCode; } /** * @return humidity */ public double getHumidity() { return mHumidity; } /** * @return time stamp when the request was processed */ public long getTimestamp() { return mTimestamp; } /** * @return wind direction (degrees) */ public double getWindDirection() { return mWindDirection; } /** * @return wind speed */ public double getWindSpeed() { return mWindSpeed; } /** * @return wind speed unit */ public int getWindSpeedUnit() { return mWindSpeedUnit; } /** * @return current temperature */ public double getTemperature() { return mTemperature; } /** * @return temperature unit */ public int getTemperatureUnit() { return mTempUnit; } /** * @return today's high temperature */ public double getTodaysHigh() { return mTodaysHighTemp; } /** * @return today's low temperature */ public double getTodaysLow() { return mTodaysLowTemp; } /** * @return List of {@link lineageos.weather.WeatherInfo.DayForecast}. This list will contain * the forecast weather for the upcoming days. If you want to know today's high and low * temperatures, use {@link WeatherInfo#getTodaysHigh()} and {@link WeatherInfo#getTodaysLow()} */ public List getForecasts() { return new ArrayList<>(mForecastList); } private WeatherInfo(Parcel parcel) { // Read parcelable version via the Concierge ParcelInfo parcelInfo = Concierge.receiveParcel(parcel); int parcelableVersion = parcelInfo.getParcelVersion(); if (parcelableVersion >= Build.LINEAGE_VERSION_CODES.ELDERBERRY) { mKey = parcel.readString(); mCity = parcel.readString(); mConditionCode = parcel.readInt(); mTemperature = parcel.readDouble(); mTempUnit = parcel.readInt(); mHumidity = parcel.readDouble(); mWindSpeed = parcel.readDouble(); mWindDirection = parcel.readDouble(); mWindSpeedUnit = parcel.readInt(); mTodaysHighTemp = parcel.readDouble(); mTodaysLowTemp = parcel.readDouble(); mTimestamp = parcel.readLong(); int forecastListSize = parcel.readInt(); mForecastList = new ArrayList<>(); while (forecastListSize > 0) { mForecastList.add(DayForecast.CREATOR.createFromParcel(parcel)); forecastListSize--; } } // Complete parcel info for the concierge parcelInfo.complete(); } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { // Tell the concierge to prepare the parcel ParcelInfo parcelInfo = Concierge.prepareParcel(dest); // ==== ELDERBERRY ===== dest.writeString(mKey); dest.writeString(mCity); dest.writeInt(mConditionCode); dest.writeDouble(mTemperature); dest.writeInt(mTempUnit); dest.writeDouble(mHumidity); dest.writeDouble(mWindSpeed); dest.writeDouble(mWindDirection); dest.writeInt(mWindSpeedUnit); dest.writeDouble(mTodaysHighTemp); dest.writeDouble(mTodaysLowTemp); dest.writeLong(mTimestamp); dest.writeInt(mForecastList.size()); for (DayForecast dayForecast : mForecastList) { dayForecast.writeToParcel(dest, 0); } // Complete parcel info for the concierge parcelInfo.complete(); } public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator() { @Override public WeatherInfo createFromParcel(Parcel source) { return new WeatherInfo(source); } @Override public WeatherInfo[] newArray(int size) { return new WeatherInfo[size]; } }; /** * This class represents the weather forecast for a given day. Do not add low and high * temperatures for the current day in this list. Use * {@link WeatherInfo.Builder#setTodaysHigh(double)} and * {@link WeatherInfo.Builder#setTodaysLow(double)} instead. */ public static class DayForecast implements Parcelable{ double mLow; double mHigh; int mConditionCode; String mKey; private DayForecast() {} /** * Builder class for {@link DayForecast} */ public static class Builder { double mLow = Double.NaN; double mHigh = Double.NaN; int mConditionCode; /** * @param conditionCode A valid weather condition code. See * {@link lineageos.providers.WeatherContract.WeatherColumns.WeatherCode} for valid * values. Attempting to pass an invalid code will get you an * IllegalArgumentException */ public Builder(int conditionCode) { if (!isValidWeatherCode(conditionCode)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid weather condition code"); } mConditionCode = conditionCode; } /** * @param high Forecast high temperature for this day. Attempting to pass an invalid * double value will get you an IllegalArgumentException * @return The {@link Builder} instance */ public Builder setHigh(double high) { if (Double.isNaN(high)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid high forecast temperature"); } mHigh = high; return this; } /** * @param low Forecast low temperate for this day. Attempting to pass an invalid double * value will get you an IllegalArgumentException * @return The {@link Builder} instance */ public Builder setLow(double low) { if (Double.isNaN(low)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid low forecast temperature"); } mLow = low; return this; } /** * Combine all of the options that have been set and return a new {@link DayForecast} * object * @return {@link DayForecast} */ public DayForecast build() { DayForecast forecast = new DayForecast(); forecast.mLow = this.mLow; forecast.mHigh = this.mHigh; forecast.mConditionCode = this.mConditionCode; forecast.mKey = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); return forecast; } } /** * @return forecasted low temperature */ public double getLow() { return mLow; } /** * @return not what you think. Returns the forecasted high temperature */ public double getHigh() { return mHigh; } /** * @return forecasted weather condition code. Implementation specific */ public int getConditionCode() { return mConditionCode; } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { // Tell the concierge to prepare the parcel ParcelInfo parcelInfo = Concierge.prepareParcel(dest); // ==== ELDERBERRY ===== dest.writeString(mKey); dest.writeDouble(mLow); dest.writeDouble(mHigh); dest.writeInt(mConditionCode); // Complete parcel info for the concierge parcelInfo.complete(); } public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator() { @Override public DayForecast createFromParcel(Parcel source) { return new DayForecast(source); } @Override public DayForecast[] newArray(int size) { return new DayForecast[size]; } }; private DayForecast(Parcel parcel) { // Read parcelable version via the Concierge ParcelInfo parcelInfo = Concierge.receiveParcel(parcel); int parcelableVersion = parcelInfo.getParcelVersion(); if (parcelableVersion >= Build.LINEAGE_VERSION_CODES.ELDERBERRY) { mKey = parcel.readString(); mLow = parcel.readDouble(); mHigh = parcel.readDouble(); mConditionCode = parcel.readInt(); } // Complete parcel info for the concierge parcelInfo.complete(); } @Override public String toString() { return new StringBuilder() .append("{Low temp: ").append(mLow) .append(" High temp: ").append(mHigh) .append(" Condition code: ").append(mConditionCode) .append("}").toString(); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((mKey != null) ? mKey.hashCode() : 0); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() == obj.getClass()) { DayForecast forecast = (DayForecast) obj; return (TextUtils.equals(mKey, forecast.mKey)); } return false; } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder() .append(" City Name: ").append(mCity) .append(" Condition Code: ").append(mConditionCode) .append(" Temperature: ").append(mTemperature) .append(" Temperature Unit: ").append(mTempUnit) .append(" Humidity: ").append(mHumidity) .append(" Wind speed: ").append(mWindSpeed) .append(" Wind direction: ").append(mWindDirection) .append(" Wind Speed Unit: ").append(mWindSpeedUnit) .append(" Today's high temp: ").append(mTodaysHighTemp) .append(" Today's low temp: ").append(mTodaysLowTemp) .append(" Timestamp: ").append(mTimestamp).append(" Forecasts: ["); for (DayForecast dayForecast : mForecastList) { builder.append(dayForecast.toString()); } return builder.append("]}").toString(); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((mKey != null) ? mKey.hashCode() : 0); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() == obj.getClass()) { WeatherInfo info = (WeatherInfo) obj; return (TextUtils.equals(mKey, info.mKey)); } return false; } }