Gadgetbridge ============ Gadgetbridge is an Android (4.4+) Application which will allow you to use your Pebble or Mi Band without the vendor's closed source application and without the need to create an account and transmit any of your data to the vendor's servers. [![Build](]( ## Download [![Gadgetbridge on F-Droid](/Get_it_on_F-Droid.svg.png?raw=true "Download from F-Droid")]( [List of changes]( ## Supported Devices * Pebble, Pebble Steel, Pebble Time, Pebble Time Steel, Pebble Time Round * Mi Band, Mi Band 1A, Mi Band 1S (experimental) ## Features (Pebble) * Incoming calls notification and display * Outgoing call display * Reject/hangup calls * SMS notification * K-9 Mail notification support * Support for generic notifications (above filtered out) * Support for up to 16 predefined replies for SMS and Android Wear compatible notifications (experimental, tested with Signal) * Dismiss individial notifications, mute or open corresponding app on phone from the action menu (generic notifications) * Dismiss all notifications from the action menu (non-generic notifications) * Music playback info (artist, album, track) * Music control: play/pause, next track, previous track, volume up, volume down * List and remove installed apps/watchfaces * Install watchfaces and watchapps (.pbw) * Install firwmare files (.pbz) [READ THE WIKI]( * Install language files (.pbl) * Take and share screenshots from the Pebble's screen * PebbleKit support for 3rd Party Android Apps (experimental) * Fetch activity data from Pebble Health, Misfit and Morpheuz (experimental) * Configure watchfaces / apps (limited compatibility, experimental) ## Notes about Firmware 3.x (Pebble Time, updated OG) * Listing installed watchfaces will simply display previously installed watchapps, no matter if they are still installed or not. ## Getting Started (Pebble) 1. Pair your Pebble through the Android's Bluetooth Settings 2. Start Gadgetbridge, tap on the device you want to connect to 3. To test, choose "Debug" from the menu and play around For more information read [this wiki article]( ## Features (Mi Band) * Mi Band notifications (LEDs + vibration) for * Discovery and pairing * Incoming calls * SMS received * K-9 mails received * Generic Android notifications * Synchronize the time to the Mi Band * Display firmware version and battery state * Synchronize activity data * Display sleep data (alpha) * Display sports data (step count) (alpha) * Display live activity data (alpha) * Set alarms on the Mi Band ## How to use (Mi Band) * When starting Gadgetbridge and no device is visible, it will automatically attempt to discover and pair your Mi Band. Alternatively you can invoke this manually via the menu button. It will ask you for some personal info that appears to be needed for proper steps calculation on the band. If you do not provide these, some hardcoded default "dummy" values will be used instead. When your Mi Band starts to vibrate and blink with all three LEDs during the pairing process, tap it quickly a few times in a row to confirm the pairing with the band. 1. Configure other notifications as desired 2. Go back to the "Gadgetbridge" Activity 3. Tap the "MI" item to connect if you're not connected yet. 4. To test, chose "Debug" from the menu and play around Known Issues: * The initial connection to a Mi Band sometimes takes a little patience. Try to connect a few times, wait, and try connecting again. This only happens until you have "bonded" with the Mi Band, i.e. until it knows your MAC address. This behavior may also only occur with older firmware versions. ## Authors (in order of first code contribution) * Andreas Shimokawa * Carsten Pfeiffer * Daniele Gobbetti ## Contribute Contributions are welcome, be it feedback, bugreports, documentation, translation, research or code. Feel free to work on any of the open [issues](; just leave a comment that you're working on one to avoid duplicated work. Please do not use the issue tracker as a forum, do not ask for ETAs and read the issue conversation before posting. Translations can be contributed via or manually. ## Having problems? 1. Open Gadgetbridge's settings and check the option to write log files 2. Quit Gadgetbridge and restart it 3. Reproduce the problem you encountered 4. Check the logfile at /sdcard/Android/data/nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge/files/gadgetbridge.log 5. File an issue at and possibly provide the logfile Alternatively you may use the standard logcat functionality to access the log.