package nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.devices.galaxy_buds; import static nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.util.CheckSums.crc16_ccitt; import static nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.util.GB.hexdump; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.GBApplication; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.activities.devicesettings.DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.deviceevents.GBDeviceEvent; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.deviceevents.GBDeviceEventBatteryInfo; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.deviceevents.GBDeviceEventVersionInfo; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.impl.GBDevice; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.model.BatteryState; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.model.DeviceType; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.serial.GBDeviceProtocol; public class GalaxyBudsProtocol extends GBDeviceProtocol { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GalaxyBudsProtocol.class); final UUID UUID_GALAXY_BUDS_DEVICE_CTRL = UUID.fromString("00001102-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fd"); final UUID UUID_GALAXY_BUDS_LIVE_DEVICE_CTRL = UUID.fromString("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"); private static final byte SOM_BUDS = (byte) 0xFE; private static final byte EOM_BUDS = (byte) 0xEE; private static final byte SOM_BUDS_PLUS = (byte) 0xFD; private static final byte EOM_BUDS_PLUS = (byte) 0xDD; private byte StartOfMessage = SOM_BUDS; private byte EndOfMessage = EOM_BUDS; private boolean isFirstExchange = true; //incoming private static final byte battery_status = (byte) 0x60; private static final byte battery_status2 = (byte) 0x61; //outgoing private static final byte find_device_start = (byte) 0xa0; private static final byte find_device_stop = (byte) 0xa1; private static final byte set_ambient_mode = (byte) 0x80; //0x0/0x1 private static final byte set_ambient_volume = (byte) 0x84; // 0x1-0x5 private static final byte set_ambient_voice_focus = (byte) 0x85; // 0x0/0x1 private static final byte set_lock_touch = (byte) 0x90; // 0x0/0x1 private static final byte set_game_mode = (byte) 0x87; // 0x0/0x2 no idea if this is doing anything... // this is sent dynamically based on whether the current running app is a game or not private static final byte set_equalizer = (byte) 0x86; private static final byte set_reset = (byte) 0x50; private static final byte set_touchpad_options = (byte) 0x92; private static final byte get_debug_build_info = (byte) 0x28; private static final byte get_serial_number = (byte) 0x29; private static final byte get_debug_get_all_data = (byte) 0x26; private static final byte get_debug_get_version = (byte) 0x24; //Live private static final byte set_automatic_noise_cancelling = (byte) 0x98; //0x0/0x1 private static final byte set_pressure_relief = (byte) 0x9f; //0x0/0x1 //Live and Pro private static final byte set_live_pro_game_mode = (byte) 0x85; // 0x0/0x1 no idea if this is doing anything //Pro // Comments thanks to phh as per private static final byte set_spatial_audio_control = (byte) 0xc3; //0x0/0x1 // takes a boolean '1' or '0' to enable or disable 360 Audio (probably useless until someone // manage to send Dolby Atmos to the headset). 360 audio is a feature where (Shown only on Samsung rom) private static final byte set_outside_double_tap = (byte) 0x95; //0x0/0x1 // This is an option in "Labs", to detect double tap even when not taped on touch pad (so I presume it's using accelerometer) private static final byte set_adjust_sound_sync = (byte) 0x85; //0x0/0x1 // This is an option in "Labs" available only on Samsung ROM, exposed to the user as "automatic game mode". // This is used in confunction with GAME_MODE. My guess is that this says to the ear buds // "yes, I know that the reported latency might change on the fly, I'm fine with that". private static final byte set_detect_conversations = (byte) 0x7a; //0x0/0x1 // This is called "Voice detect -- Noise controls and sound settings go back to the previous state // when your voice isn't detected for 10 seconds". This triggers the feature that when you talk, // the ear buds automatically go into "ambient sound" mode, and enhance the sound of your interlocutor private static final byte set_detect_conversations_duration = (byte) 0x7b; //0x0/0x1/0x2 // Takes {0,1,2}: 0 means 5 seconds, 1 means 10 seconds, 2 means 15s. This is the duration after // which the ear buds go back to ANC after switching to ambient sound when the user talks. private static final byte set_ambient_mode_during_calls = (byte) 0x8b; //0x0/0x1 // "Use ambient sound during calls" private static final byte set_noise_controls_with_one_earbud = (byte) 0x6f; //0x0/0x1 // "Noise controls with one earbud" in Accessibility menu. // It allows ANC and ambient sound even if only one earbud is in-ear. private static final byte set_balance = (byte) 0x8f; // takes value in 0-32 range, it is used to change left/right balance private static final byte extra_high_ambient = (byte) 0x96; //0x0/0x1 // "Maximize ambient sound volume"/"Amplify sounds from your surroundings so you can stay aware of what's going on around you. private static final byte set_seamless_connection = (byte) 0xaf; //0x0/0x1 // It is used to allow the ear buds to roam across devices, like devices being allowed to take ear buds "focus". private static final byte set_voice_wake_up = (byte) 0x97; //0x0/0x1 // Enables "Hey Bixby" wake up word. Shown only on Samsung ROM private static final byte set_speak_seamlessly = (byte) 0x7d; //0x0/0x1 // "After Voice wake up, you can say the command you want right away without waiting for sound feedback." private static final byte voice_wake_up_language = (byte) 0x99; // Language for "Hey bixby" wakeup - 1 = "de-DE", 2 = "en-GB", 3 = "en-US", 4 = "es-ES", 5 = "fr-FR", 6 = "it-IT", 7 = "ko-KR", 8 = "pt-BR", 9 = "zh-CN" private static final byte set_voice_noti_status = (byte) 0xa4; //0x0/0x1 // I have no idea why it does that. It sends "1" when it starts reading notification aloud, and "0" when it finished. private static final byte set_noise_controls = (byte) 0x78; //Takes 0/1/2. // 0 is Ambient Sound and ANC OFF, 1 is ANC on, 2 is Ambient sound ON private static final byte set_mute_earbud = (byte) 0xa2; // Takes two booleans (left then right). This is used in conjuction with FIND_MY_EARBUDS_START to alternate between tweeting the left and the right earbud private static final byte set_customize_ambient_sound = (byte) 0x82; //one byte for left volume 0-4, one byte for right volume 0-4, and one byte 0-4 for ambient sound tone from "soft" to "clear" private static final byte set_noise_reduction_level = (byte) 0x83; // 1 means High noise reduction, 0 low noise reduction. private static final byte set_touch_and_hold_noise_controls = (byte) 0x79; // Takes either 3 booleans or 6 booleans depending on earbuds revision. // It is used when long press on touchpad is set in SET_TOUCHPAD_OPTION to "Switch noise control", // to control whether the long press switches between ANC on <=> Ambient sound on, or to anc+ambient off, // or ambient <=> off or anc <=> off, and when it's 6 bytes, it can have different behavior between right and left earbud. private static final byte voice_wake_up_event = (byte) 0x9a; // Just a reponse. It's a ACK for when received "Hey bixby" command ? private static final byte in_ear_detection = (byte) 0x6e; @Override public GBDeviceEvent[] decodeResponse(byte[] responseData) { List devEvts = new ArrayList<>(); LOG.debug("received data: " + hexdump(responseData)); LOG.debug("received data length: " + responseData.length); if (isFirstExchange) { isFirstExchange = false; devEvts.add(new GBDeviceEventVersionInfo()); //TODO: this is a weird hack to make the DBHelper happy. Replace with proper + detection } ByteBuffer incoming = ByteBuffer.wrap(responseData); incoming.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); int length = 9; byte type = 0; byte sof = incoming.get(); if (sof != StartOfMessage) { LOG.error("Error in message, wrong start of frame: " + hexdump(responseData)); return null; } if (StartOfMessage == SOM_BUDS_PLUS) { length = (int) (incoming.get() & 0xff); type = incoming.get(); } else { type = incoming.get(); length = (int) (incoming.get() & 0xff); } byte message_id = incoming.get(); byte[] payload; try { payload = Arrays.copyOfRange(responseData, incoming.position(), incoming.position() + length); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error getting payload data: " + length + " , " + e); return null; } switch (message_id) { case battery_status: devEvts.addAll(handleBatteryInfo(Arrays.copyOfRange(payload, 1, 11))); //11 break; case battery_status2: devEvts.addAll(handleBatteryInfo(Arrays.copyOfRange(payload, 2, 12))); //12 break; default: LOG.debug("Unhandled: " + hexdump(responseData)); } return devEvts.toArray(new GBDeviceEvent[devEvts.size()]); } byte[] encodeMessage(byte command) { ByteBuffer msgBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(7); msgBuf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); msgBuf.put(StartOfMessage); byte size = 0x3; if (StartOfMessage == SOM_BUDS_PLUS) { msgBuf.put((byte) size); msgBuf.put((byte) 0x0); //0x0 for sending } else { msgBuf.put((byte) 0x0); //0x0 for sending msgBuf.put((byte) size); //size } msgBuf.put((byte) command); //command id msgBuf.putShort((short) crc16_ccitt(new byte[]{command})); msgBuf.put(EndOfMessage); LOG.debug("DEBUG: " + hexdump(msgBuf.array())); return msgBuf.array(); } byte[] encodeMessage(byte command, byte parameter) { ByteBuffer msgBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(8); msgBuf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); msgBuf.put(StartOfMessage); byte size = 0x4; if (StartOfMessage == SOM_BUDS_PLUS) { msgBuf.put((byte) size); msgBuf.put((byte) 0x0); //0x0 for sending } else { msgBuf.put((byte) 0x0); //0x0 for sending msgBuf.put((byte) size); //size } msgBuf.put((byte) command); //command id msgBuf.put((byte) parameter); msgBuf.putShort((short) crc16_ccitt(new byte[]{command, parameter})); msgBuf.put(EndOfMessage); LOG.debug("DEBUG: " + hexdump(msgBuf.array())); return msgBuf.array(); } byte[] encodeMessage(byte command, byte parameter, byte value) { ByteBuffer msgBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(9); msgBuf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); msgBuf.put(StartOfMessage); byte size = 0x5; if (StartOfMessage == SOM_BUDS_PLUS) { msgBuf.put((byte) size); msgBuf.put((byte) 0x0); //0x0 for sending } else { msgBuf.put((byte) 0x0); //0x0 for sending msgBuf.put((byte) size); //size } msgBuf.put((byte) command); msgBuf.put((byte) parameter); msgBuf.put((byte) value); msgBuf.putShort((short) crc16_ccitt(new byte[]{command, parameter, value})); msgBuf.put(EndOfMessage); LOG.debug("DEBUG: " + hexdump(msgBuf.array())); return msgBuf.array(); } byte[] encodeMessage(byte command, byte[] payload) { byte payload_size = (byte) (3 + payload.length); ByteBuffer msgBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 + payload_size); msgBuf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); msgBuf.put(StartOfMessage); if (StartOfMessage == SOM_BUDS_PLUS) { msgBuf.put((byte) payload_size); msgBuf.put((byte) 0x0); //0x0 for sending } else { msgBuf.put((byte) 0x0); //0x0 for sending msgBuf.put((byte) payload_size); //size } msgBuf.put((byte) command); msgBuf.put(payload); ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { outputStream.write(command); outputStream.write(payload); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Assembling message failed: " + e.getMessage()); } msgBuf.putShort((short) crc16_ccitt(outputStream.toByteArray())); msgBuf.put(EndOfMessage); LOG.debug("DEBUG: " + hexdump(msgBuf.array())); return msgBuf.array(); } @Override public byte[] encodeFindDevice(boolean start) { byte command = (byte) (start ? find_device_start : find_device_stop); return encodeMessage(command); } @Override public byte[] encodeReset(int reset) { if (reset == RESET_FLAGS_FACTORY_RESET) { return encodeMessage(set_reset); } return null; } @Override public byte[] encodeTestNewFunction() { //return encodeMessage(get_debug_build_info); return null; } @Override public byte[] encodeSendConfiguration(String config) { SharedPreferences prefs = GBApplication.getDeviceSpecificSharedPrefs(getDevice().getAddress()); switch (config) { case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_PRO_DOUBLE_TAP_EDGE: byte outside_double_tap = (byte) (prefs.getBoolean(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_PRO_DOUBLE_TAP_EDGE, false) ? 0x01 : 0x00); return encodeMessage(set_outside_double_tap, outside_double_tap); case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_PRO_VOICE_DETECT: byte detect_conversations = (byte) (prefs.getBoolean(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_PRO_VOICE_DETECT, false) ? 0x01 : 0x00); return encodeMessage(set_detect_conversations, detect_conversations); case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_PRO_VOICE_DETECT_DURATION: String voice_detect_duration = prefs.getString(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_PRO_VOICE_DETECT_DURATION, "1"); byte voice_detect_duration_b = (byte) Integer.parseInt(voice_detect_duration); return encodeMessage(set_detect_conversations_duration, voice_detect_duration_b); case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_AMBIENT_MODE_DURING_CALL: byte ambient_mode_during_calls = (byte) (prefs.getBoolean(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_AMBIENT_MODE_DURING_CALL, false) ? 0x01 : 0x00); return encodeMessage(set_ambient_mode_during_calls, ambient_mode_during_calls); case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREFS_NOISE_CONTROL_WITH_ONE_EARBUD: byte noise_controls_with_one_earbud = (byte) (prefs.getBoolean(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREFS_NOISE_CONTROL_WITH_ONE_EARBUD, false) ? 0x01 : 0x00); return encodeMessage(set_noise_controls_with_one_earbud, noise_controls_with_one_earbud); case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_PRO_IN_EAR_DETECTION: byte ear_detection = (byte) (prefs.getBoolean(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_PRO_IN_EAR_DETECTION, false) ? 0x01 : 0x00); return encodeMessage(in_ear_detection, ear_detection); case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_PRO_BALANCE: int hearing_enhancements = prefs.getInt(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_PRO_BALANCE, 16); return encodeMessage(set_balance, (byte) hearing_enhancements); case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_PRO_NOISE_CONTROL: int noise_controls = Integer.parseInt(prefs.getString(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_PRO_NOISE_CONTROL, "0")); return encodeMessage(set_noise_controls, (byte) noise_controls); case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_2_NOISE_CONTROL: int b2_noise_controls = Integer.parseInt(prefs.getString(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_2_NOISE_CONTROL, "0")); return encodeMessage(set_noise_controls, (byte) b2_noise_controls); case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_PRO_ANC_LEVEL: int anc_level = Integer.parseInt(prefs.getString(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_PRO_ANC_LEVEL, "0")); return encodeMessage(set_noise_reduction_level, (byte) anc_level); case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_AMBIENT_SOUND: case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_PRO_AMBIENT_VOLUME_RIGHT: case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_PRO_AMBIENT_VOLUME_LEFT: case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_PRO_AMBIENT_SOUND_TONE: byte ambient_sound = prefs.getBoolean(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_AMBIENT_SOUND, true) ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0; int ambient_right = prefs.getInt(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_PRO_AMBIENT_VOLUME_RIGHT, 1); int ambient_left = prefs.getInt(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_PRO_AMBIENT_VOLUME_LEFT, 1); int sound_tone = prefs.getInt(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_PRO_AMBIENT_SOUND_TONE, 1); return encodeMessage(set_customize_ambient_sound, new byte[]{ambient_sound, (byte) ambient_left, (byte) ambient_right, (byte) sound_tone}); case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_AMBIENT_MODE: byte enable_ambient = (byte) (prefs.getBoolean(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_AMBIENT_MODE, false) ? 0x01 : 0x00); return encodeMessage(set_ambient_mode, enable_ambient); case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREFS_GALAXY_BUDS_SEAMLESS_CONNECTION: byte seamless_switch = (byte) (prefs.getBoolean(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREFS_GALAXY_BUDS_SEAMLESS_CONNECTION, false) ? 0x00 : 0x01); return encodeMessage(set_seamless_connection, seamless_switch); case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_AMBIENT_VOICE_FOCUS: byte enable_voice = (byte) (prefs.getBoolean(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_AMBIENT_VOICE_FOCUS, false) ? 0x01 : 0x00); return encodeMessage(set_ambient_voice_focus, enable_voice); case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_AMBIENT_VOLUME: int ambient_volume = prefs.getInt(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_AMBIENT_VOLUME, 0); byte ambient_volume_byte = (byte) (ambient_volume); return encodeMessage(set_ambient_volume, ambient_volume_byte); case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_LOCK_TOUCH: byte set_lock = (byte) (prefs.getBoolean(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_LOCK_TOUCH, false) ? 0x01 : 0x00); return encodeMessage(set_lock_touch, set_lock); case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_GAME_MODE: if (StartOfMessage == SOM_BUDS_PLUS) { byte game_mode = (byte) (prefs.getBoolean(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_GAME_MODE, false) ? 0x1 : 0x00); return encodeMessage(set_live_pro_game_mode, game_mode); } else { byte game_mode = (byte) (prefs.getBoolean(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_GAME_MODE, false) ? 0x2 : 0x00); return encodeMessage(set_game_mode, game_mode); } case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_EQUALIZER: case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_EQUALIZER_DOLBY: case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_EQUALIZER_MODE: byte equalizer = (byte) (prefs.getBoolean(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_EQUALIZER, false) ? 0x1 : 0x00); boolean equalizer_dolby = prefs.getBoolean(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_EQUALIZER_DOLBY, false); int dolby = 0; if (!equalizer_dolby) { dolby = 5; } String equalizer_mode = prefs.getString(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_EQUALIZER_MODE, "0"); if (StartOfMessage == SOM_BUDS_PLUS) { return encodeMessage(set_equalizer, (byte) (Integer.parseInt(equalizer_mode))); } else { byte mode = (byte) (Integer.parseInt(equalizer_mode) + dolby); return encodeMessage(set_equalizer, equalizer, mode); } case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_TOUCH_LEFT: case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_TOUCH_RIGHT: String touch_left = prefs.getString(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_TOUCH_LEFT, "1"); String touch_right = prefs.getString(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_TOUCH_RIGHT, "1"); byte touchmode_left = (byte) Integer.parseInt(touch_left); byte touchmode_right = (byte) Integer.parseInt(touch_right); return encodeMessage(set_touchpad_options, touchmode_left, touchmode_right); case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_TOUCH_RIGHT_SWITCH: case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_TOUCH_LEFT_SWITCH: String touch_right_switch = prefs.getString(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_TOUCH_RIGHT_SWITCH, "1"); String touch_left_switch = prefs.getString(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_TOUCH_LEFT_SWITCH, "1"); byte[] touch_right_switch_b = encode_touch_switch(touch_right_switch); byte[] touch_left_switch_b = encode_touch_switch(touch_left_switch); ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { outputStream.write(touch_left_switch_b); outputStream.write(touch_right_switch_b); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Assembling message failed: " + e.getMessage()); } return encodeMessage(set_touch_and_hold_noise_controls, outputStream.toByteArray()); case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_LIVE_ANC: byte enable_anc = (byte) (prefs.getBoolean(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_LIVE_ANC, false) ? 0x1 : 0x00); return encodeMessage(set_automatic_noise_cancelling, enable_anc); case DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_PRESSURE_RELIEF: byte enable_pressure_relief = (byte) (prefs.getBoolean(DeviceSettingsPreferenceConst.PREF_GALAXY_BUDS_PRESSURE_RELIEF, false) ? 0x1 : 0x00); return encodeMessage(set_pressure_relief, enable_pressure_relief); default: LOG.debug("CONFIG: " + config); } return super.encodeSendConfiguration(config); } private List handleBatteryInfo(byte[] payload) { List deviceEvents = new ArrayList<>(); LOG.debug("Battery payload: " + hexdump(payload)); LOG.debug("pl: " + payload.length); LOG.debug("p0: " + payload[0]); LOG.debug("p1: " + payload[1]); LOG.debug("p2: " + payload[5]); int batteryLevel1 = payload[0]; int batteryLevel2 = payload[1]; int batteryLevel3 = payload[5]; GBDeviceEventBatteryInfo evBattery1 = new GBDeviceEventBatteryInfo(); evBattery1.batteryIndex = 0; evBattery1.level = GBDevice.BATTERY_UNKNOWN; evBattery1.level = (batteryLevel1 > 0) ? batteryLevel1 : GBDevice.BATTERY_UNKNOWN; evBattery1.state = (batteryLevel1 > 0) ? BatteryState.BATTERY_NORMAL : BatteryState.UNKNOWN; deviceEvents.add(evBattery1); GBDeviceEventBatteryInfo evBattery2 = new GBDeviceEventBatteryInfo(); evBattery2.batteryIndex = 1; evBattery2.level = GBDevice.BATTERY_UNKNOWN; evBattery2.level = (batteryLevel2 > 0) ? batteryLevel2 : GBDevice.BATTERY_UNKNOWN; evBattery2.state = (batteryLevel2 > 0) ? BatteryState.BATTERY_NORMAL : BatteryState.UNKNOWN; deviceEvents.add(evBattery2); if (StartOfMessage == SOM_BUDS_PLUS) { GBDeviceEventBatteryInfo evBattery3 = new GBDeviceEventBatteryInfo(); // reorder for the non OG version evBattery1.batteryIndex = 1; //left evBattery2.batteryIndex = 2; //right evBattery3.batteryIndex = 0; //case evBattery3.level = GBDevice.BATTERY_UNKNOWN; evBattery3.level = (batteryLevel3 > 0) ? batteryLevel3 : GBDevice.BATTERY_UNKNOWN; evBattery3.state = (batteryLevel3 > 0) ? BatteryState.BATTERY_NORMAL : BatteryState.UNKNOWN; deviceEvents.add(evBattery3); } return deviceEvents; } private byte[] encode_touch_switch(String input) { switch (input) { case "1": return new byte[]{0x1, 0x0, 0x1}; case "2": return new byte[]{0x0, 0x1, 0x1}; default: return new byte[]{0x1, 0x1, 0x0}; } } protected GalaxyBudsProtocol(GBDevice device) { super(device); if (device.getType().equals(DeviceType.GALAXY_BUDS_LIVE) || device.getType().equals(DeviceType.GALAXY_BUDS_PRO) || device.getType().equals(DeviceType.GALAXY_BUDS2)) { StartOfMessage = SOM_BUDS_PLUS; EndOfMessage = EOM_BUDS_PLUS; } } }