#clone: # git: # image: woodpeckerci/plugin-git # settings: # partial: false steps: build-apks: image: codeberg.org/freeyourgadget/android-fdroid-tools:latest commands: # build the apks - echo "$${SIGNING_KEY}" | base64 -d > app/keystore.p12 - ./gradlew assembleMainNightly -Dnightly_store_file="keystore.p12" -Dnightly_store_password="$${KEYSTOREPASS}" -Dnightly_key_alias="gadgetbridge" -Dnightly_key_password="$${KEYPASS}" - ./gradlew assembleMainNopebble -Dnightly_store_file="keystore.p12" -Dnightly_store_password="$${KEYSTOREPASS}" -Dnightly_key_alias="gadgetbridge" -Dnightly_key_password="$${KEYPASS}" - ./gradlew assembleBanglejsNightly -Dnightly_store_file="keystore.p12" -Dnightly_store_password="$${KEYSTOREPASS}" -Dnightly_key_alias="gadgetbridge" -Dnightly_key_password="$${KEYPASS}" secrets: [ signing_key, keystorepass, keypass ] pull-repo-config: image: codeberg.org/freeyourgadget/android-fdroid-tools:latest commands: - cd .. - pwd - mkdir repoconfig - cd repoconfig - pwd - git clone --depth 1 https://codeberg.org/Freeyourgadget/fdroid-repo-config.git - ./fdroid-repo-config/repoconfig/copy_files_to_repo_config.sh secrets: [ commit_token ] pull-pages: image: codeberg.org/freeyourgadget/android-fdroid-tools:latest commands: # prepare the pages repo, so fdroidclient can push files into it later - cd .. - pwd - mkdir pages - cd pages - pwd - git clone --depth 2 https://codeberg.org/Freeyourgadget/pages.git - cd pages - git config user.name "CODEBERG CI" - git config user.email "noreply@nodomain.nodomain" # reset and remove, later force push, to keep repo size small - git reset --soft HEAD~1 - git status #- rm -f fdroid/repo/*apk update-fdroid-data: image: codeberg.org/freeyourgadget/android-fdroid-tools:latest commands: - pwd - ../repoconfig/fdroid-repo-config/repoconfig/prepare_changelog.sh - cd ../repoconfig/fdroid-repo-config/repoconfig # get secrets from storage - echo "$${SIGNING_KEY}" | base64 -d > keystore.p12 - sed -i "s#KEYSTOREPASS_PLACEHOLDER#$${KEYSTOREPASS}#g" config.yml - sed -i "s#KEYPASS_PLACEHOLDER#$${KEYPASS}#g" config.yml - fdroid update - cp ./repo/nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.nightly/en-US/icon.png ./repo/icons/icon.png - python3 repo_listing.py > listing.html - sed -i "s##LISTING\n#" ./repo/index.html - sed -i -e "/LISTING/r listing.html" -e '//d' ./repo/index.html - fdroid deploy - ls -laR repo secrets: [ signing_key, keystorepass, keypass ] push-pages-update-repo: image: codeberg.org/freeyourgadget/android-fdroid-tools:latest commands: - cd ../pages/pages/ - git add -A - git status - git diff - ls -lsR fdroid/repo - git commit -m "autodeploy, $${DRONE_COMMIT_MESSAGE}" - git remote remove origin - git remote add origin https://"$${COMMIT_TOKEN}"@codeberg.org/Freeyourgadget/pages.git # force push as we removed all data - git push -f origin master - cd ../../ - pwd - ls -la - ./repoconfig/fdroid-repo-config/repoconfig/hyperlink.sh https://freeyourgadget.codeberg.page/fdroid/repo/ # bump secrets: [ commit_token ] on-error: image: codeberg.org/freeyourgadget/android-fdroid-tools:latest commands: - cd .. - mkdir -p repoconfig - cd repoconfig - git clone --depth 1 https://codeberg.org/Freeyourgadget/fdroid-repo-config.git || true - ./fdroid-repo-config/repoconfig/create_issue_comment.sh "CI failed" when: status: failure secrets: [ commit_token ] when: event: cron