mirror of https://codeberg.org/Freeyourgadget/Gadgetbridge synced 2024-06-02 19:36:14 +02:00
2024-04-23 20:06:50 +01:00

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package nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.devices.garmin.http;
import android.location.Location;
import net.e175.klaus.solarpositioning.DeltaT;
import net.e175.klaus.solarpositioning.SPA;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.model.Weather;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.model.WeatherSpec;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.btle.BLETypeConversions;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.devices.pebble.webview.CurrentPosition;
public class WeatherHandler {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WeatherHandler.class);
// These get requested on connection at most every 5 minutes
public static Object handleWeatherRequest(final String path, final Map<String, String> query) {
final WeatherSpec weatherSpec = Weather.getInstance().getWeatherSpec();
if (weatherSpec == null) {
LOG.warn("No weather in weather instance");
return null;
switch (path) {
case "/weather/v2/forecast/day": {
final int lat = getQueryNum(query, "lat", 0);
final int lon = getQueryNum(query, "lon", 0);
final int duration = getQueryNum(query, "duration", 5);
final String tempUnit = getQueryString(query, "tempUnit", "CELSIUS");
final String provider = getQueryString(query, "provider", "dci");
final List<WeatherForecastDay> ret = new ArrayList<>(duration);
final GregorianCalendar date = new GregorianCalendar();
date.setTime(new Date(weatherSpec.timestamp * 1000L));
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(duration, weatherSpec.forecasts.size()); i++) {
date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
ret.add(new WeatherForecastDay(date, weatherSpec.forecasts.get(i)));
return ret;
case "/weather/v2/forecast/hour": {
final int lat = getQueryNum(query, "lat", 0);
final int lon = getQueryNum(query, "lon", 0);
final int duration = getQueryNum(query, "duration", 13);
final String speedUnit = getQueryString(query, "speedUnit", "METERS_PER_SECOND");
final String tempUnit = getQueryString(query, "tempUnit", "CELSIUS");
final String provider = getQueryString(query, "provider", "dci");
final String timesOfInterest = getQueryString(query, "timesOfInterest", "");
final List<WeatherForecastHour> ret = new ArrayList<>(duration);
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(duration, weatherSpec.hourly.size()); i++) {
ret.add(new WeatherForecastHour(weatherSpec.hourly.get(i)));
return ret;
case "/weather/v2/current": {
final int lat = getQueryNum(query, "lat", 0);
final int lon = getQueryNum(query, "lon", 0);
final String tempUnit = getQueryString(query, "tempUnit", "CELSIUS");
final String speedUnit = getQueryString(query, "speedUnit", "METERS_PER_SECOND");
final String provider = getQueryString(query, "provider", "dci");
return new WeatherForecastCurrent(weatherSpec);
LOG.warn("Unknown weather path {}", path);
return null;
private static int getQueryNum(final Map<String, String> query, final String key, final int defaultValue) {
final String str = query.get(key);
if (str != null) {
return Integer.parseInt(str);
} else {
return defaultValue;
private static String getQueryString(final Map<String, String> query, final String key, final String defaultValue) {
final String str = query.get(key);
if (str != null) {
return str;
} else {
return defaultValue;
public static class WeatherForecastDay {
public int dayOfWeek; // 1 monday .. 7 sunday
public String description;
public String summary;
public WeatherValue high;
public WeatherValue low;
public Integer precipProb;
public Integer icon;
public Integer epochSunrise;
public Integer epochSunset;
public Wind wind;
public Integer humidity;
public WeatherForecastDay(final GregorianCalendar date, final WeatherSpec.Daily dailyForecast) {
dayOfWeek = BLETypeConversions.dayOfWeekToRawBytes(date);
description = "Unknown"; // TODO from conditionCode
summary = "Unknown"; // TODO from conditionCode
high = new WeatherValue(dailyForecast.maxTemp - 273f, "CELSIUS");
low = new WeatherValue(dailyForecast.minTemp - 273f, "CELSIUS");
precipProb = dailyForecast.precipProbability;
icon = mapToCmfCondition(dailyForecast.conditionCode);
if (dailyForecast.sunRise != 0 && dailyForecast.sunSet != 0) {
epochSunrise = dailyForecast.sunRise;
epochSunset = dailyForecast.sunSet;
} else {
final Location lastKnownLocation = new CurrentPosition().getLastKnownLocation();
final GregorianCalendar[] sunriseTransitSet = SPA.calculateSunriseTransitSet(
epochSunrise = (int) (sunriseTransitSet[0].getTime().getTime() / 1000);
epochSunset = (int) (sunriseTransitSet[2].getTime().getTime() / 1000);
wind = new Wind(new WeatherValue(dailyForecast.windSpeed * 3.6, "METERS_PER_SECOND"), dailyForecast.windDirection);
humidity = dailyForecast.humidity;
public static class WeatherForecastHour {
public int epochSeconds;
public String description;
public WeatherValue temp;
public Integer precipProb;
public Wind wind;
public Integer icon;
public WeatherValue dewPoint;
public Float uvIndex;
public Integer relativeHumidity;
public WeatherValue feelsLikeTemperature;
public WeatherValue visibility;
public WeatherValue pressure;
public Object airQuality;
public Integer cloudCover;
public WeatherForecastHour(final WeatherSpec.Hourly hourlyForecast) {
epochSeconds = hourlyForecast.timestamp;
description = "Unknown"; // TODO from conditionCode
temp = new WeatherValue(hourlyForecast.temp - 273f, "CELSIUS");
precipProb = hourlyForecast.precipProbability;
wind = new Wind(new WeatherValue(hourlyForecast.windSpeed * 3.6, "METERS_PER_SECOND"), hourlyForecast.windDirection);
icon = mapToCmfCondition(hourlyForecast.conditionCode);
//dewPoint = new WeatherValue(hourlyForecast.temp - 273f, "CELSIUS"); // TODO dewPoint
uvIndex = hourlyForecast.uvIndex;
relativeHumidity = hourlyForecast.humidity;
//feelsLikeTemperature = new WeatherValue(hourlyForecast.temp - 273f, "CELSIUS"); // TODO feelsLikeTemperature
//visibility = new WeatherValue(0, "METER"); // TODO visibility
//pressure = new WeatherValue(0f, "INCHES_OF_MERCURY"); // TODO pressure
//airQuality = null; // TODO airQuality
//cloudCover = 0; // TODO cloudCover
public static class WeatherForecastCurrent {
public Integer epochSeconds;
public WeatherValue temperature;
public String description;
public Integer icon;
public WeatherValue feelsLikeTemperature;
public WeatherValue dewPoint;
public Integer relativeHumidity;
public Wind wind;
public String locationName;
public WeatherValue visibility;
public WeatherValue pressure;
public WeatherValue pressureChange;
public WeatherForecastCurrent(final WeatherSpec weatherSpec) {
epochSeconds = weatherSpec.timestamp;
temperature = new WeatherValue(weatherSpec.currentTemp - 273f, "CELSIUS");
description = weatherSpec.currentCondition;
icon = mapToCmfCondition(weatherSpec.currentConditionCode);
feelsLikeTemperature = new WeatherValue(weatherSpec.currentTemp - 273f, "CELSIUS");
dewPoint = new WeatherValue(weatherSpec.dewPoint - 273f, "CELSIUS");
relativeHumidity = weatherSpec.currentHumidity;
wind = new Wind(new WeatherValue(weatherSpec.windSpeed * 3.6, "METERS_PER_SECOND"), weatherSpec.windDirection);
locationName = weatherSpec.location;
visibility = new WeatherValue(weatherSpec.visibility, "METER");
pressure = new WeatherValue(weatherSpec.pressure * 0.02953, "INCHES_OF_MERCURY");
pressureChange = new WeatherValue(0f, "INCHES_OF_MERCURY");
public static class WeatherValue {
public Number value;
public String units;
public WeatherValue(final Number value, final String units) {
this.value = value;
this.units = units;
public static class Wind {
public WeatherValue speed;
public String directionString; // NW
public Integer direction;
public Wind(final WeatherValue speed, final int direction) {
this.speed = speed;
this.direction = direction;
public static int mapToCmfCondition(int openWeatherMapCondition) {
// Icons mapped from a Venu 3:
// 0 1 2 unk
// 3 4 5 6 sunny
// 7 8 9 10 sun cloudy
// 11 12 cloudy with dashes below
// 13 14 sun cloud 2 clouds
// 15 16 clouds
// 17 rain
// 18 19 20 21 rain with sun (or night at night?)
// 22 rain
// 23 24 unk
// 25 26 thunder with rain and sun behind
// 27 thunder with rain
// 28 29 rain
// 30 31 32 33 34 snow with clouds
// 35 36 37 snowflake
// 38 snow with clouds, with big flake
// 39 snow with rain
// 40 41 snow with rain
// 42 43 44 rain with snow
// 45 rain with snow
// 46 wind
// 47 48 foggy (dashes?)
// 49 50 51 unk
switch (openWeatherMapCondition) {
//Group 2xx: Thunderstorm
case 210: //light thunderstorm:: //11d
case 200: //thunderstorm with light rain: //11d
case 201: //thunderstorm with rain: //11d
case 202: //thunderstorm with heavy rain: //11d
case 230: //thunderstorm with light drizzle: //11d
case 231: //thunderstorm with drizzle: //11d
case 232: //thunderstorm with heavy drizzle: //11d
case 211: //thunderstorm: //11d
case 212: //heavy thunderstorm: //11d
case 221: //ragged thunderstorm: //11d
return 27;
//Group 90x: Extreme
case 901: //tropical storm
//Group 7xx: Atmosphere
case 781: //tornado: //[[file:50d.png]]
//Group 90x: Extreme
case 900: //tornado
// Group 7xx: Atmosphere
case 771: //squalls: //[[file:50d.png]]
//Group 9xx: Additional
case 960: //storm
case 961: //violent storm
case 902: //hurricane
case 962: //hurricane
return 46;
//Group 3xx: Drizzle
case 300: //light intensity drizzle: //09d
case 301: //drizzle: //09d
case 302: //heavy intensity drizzle: //09d
case 310: //light intensity drizzle rain: //09d
case 311: //drizzle rain: //09d
case 312: //heavy intensity drizzle rain: //09d
case 313: //shower rain and drizzle: //09d
case 314: //heavy shower rain and drizzle: //09d
case 321: //shower drizzle: //09d
//Group 5xx: Rain
case 500: //light rain: //10d
case 501: //moderate rain: //10d
case 502: //heavy intensity rain: //10d
case 503: //very heavy rain: //10d
case 504: //extreme rain: //10d
case 520: //light intensity shower rain: //09d
case 521: //shower rain: //09d
case 522: //heavy intensity shower rain: //09d
case 531: //ragged shower rain: //09d
return 17;
//Group 90x: Extreme
case 906: //hail
case 615: //light rain and snow: //[[file:13d.png]]
case 616: //rain and snow: //[[file:13d.png]]
case 511: //freezing rain: //13d
return 40;
//Group 6xx: Snow
case 611: //sleet: //[[file:13d.png]]
case 612: //shower sleet: //[[file:13d.png]]
//Group 6xx: Snow
case 600: //light snow: //[[file:13d.png]]
case 601: //snow: //[[file:13d.png]]
//Group 6xx: Snow
case 602: //heavy snow: //[[file:13d.png]]
//Group 6xx: Snow
case 620: //light shower snow: //[[file:13d.png]]
case 621: //shower snow: //[[file:13d.png]]
case 622: //heavy shower snow: //[[file:13d.png]]
return 38;
//Group 7xx: Atmosphere
case 701: //mist: //[[file:50d.png]]
case 711: //smoke: //[[file:50d.png]]
case 721: //haze: //[[file:50d.png]]
case 731: //sandcase dust whirls: //[[file:50d.png]]
case 741: //fog: //[[file:50d.png]]
case 751: //sand: //[[file:50d.png]]
case 761: //dust: //[[file:50d.png]]
case 762: //volcanic ash: //[[file:50d.png]]
return 47;
//Group 800: Clear
case 800: //clear sky: //[[file:01d.png]] [[file:01n.png]]
return 5;
//Group 90x: Extreme
case 904: //hot
return 5;
//Group 80x: Clouds
case 801: //few clouds: //[[file:02d.png]] [[file:02n.png]]
case 802: //scattered clouds: //[[file:03d.png]] [[file:03d.png]]
return 8;
case 803: //broken clouds: //[[file:04d.png]] [[file:03d.png]]
return 15;
//Group 80x: Clouds
case 804: //overcast clouds: //[[file:04d.png]] [[file:04d.png]]
return 15;
//Group 9xx: Additional
case 905: //windy
case 951: //calm
case 952: //light breeze
case 953: //gentle breeze
case 954: //moderate breeze
case 955: //fresh breeze
case 956: //strong breeze
case 957: //high windcase near gale
case 958: //gale
case 959: //severe gale
return 46;
//Group 90x: Extreme
case 903: //cold
return 35;