mirror of https://codeberg.org/Freeyourgadget/Gadgetbridge synced 2024-10-17 02:49:56 +02:00
Daniel Dakhno e36bd2eae7 Core: replaced device initialization logic with class based decision
Core: cleaned up imports

Device management: try single-argument-constructor first

Device management: fixed wrong device support class

Device management: added missing initial flags for Mi band 2 HRX

Device management: removed unused import

Device management: removed unused import

Device management: improved exception handling

Device management: prevent constructors from being optimized out

Device management: added UnknownDeviceSupport
2023-08-26 08:14:06 +00:00

72 lines
2.4 KiB

# Add project specific ProGuard rules here.
# By default, the flags in this file are appended to flags specified
# in /home/andi/Android/Sdk/tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt
# You can edit the include path and order by changing the proguardFiles
# directive in build.gradle.
# For more details, see
# http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/proguard.html
# Add any project specific keep options here:
# Pebble BG-JS
-keepclassmembers class * {
@android.webkit.JavascriptInterface <methods>;
-keepclassmembers class nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.devices.pebble.webview.JSInterface {
public *;
# Required for reflection in BangleJSDeviceSupport
-keepclassmembers class nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.model.CallSpec {
public static *;
# Required for reflection in method GattCharacteristic.initDebugMap()
-keepclassmembers class nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.btle.GattCharacteristic {
public static *;
# Keep constructors for support classes, as they're called by reflection in DeviceSupportFactory#createServiceDeviceSupport
-keep public class * extends nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.DeviceSupport
-keepclassmembers class * extends nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.DeviceSupport {
public <init>(nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.model.DeviceType);
public <init>();
-keepattributes JavascriptInterface
# https://github.com/tony19/logback-android/issues/29
-dontwarn javax.mail.**, javax.naming.Context, javax.naming.InitialContext
# To avoid any stacktrace ambiguity
-keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable
# GreenDAO 2 - http://greenrobot.org/greendao/documentation/technical-faq/
-keepclassmembers class * extends de.greenrobot.dao.AbstractDao {
public static java.lang.String TABLENAME;
-keep class **$Properties
-keep class **$Properties { *; }
# Keep database migration classes accessed trough reflection
-keep class **.gadgetbridge.database.schema.* { *; }
# Keep Nordic DFU library
-keep class no.nordicsemi.android.dfu.** { *; }
# Keep dependency android-emojify (io.wax911.emojify) uses
-keep class org.hamcrest.** { *; }
# Keep logback classes
-keep class ch.qos.** { *; }
-keep class org.slf4j.** { *; }
# Keep data classes
-keepclassmembers,allowobfuscation class * {
@com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName <fields>;
# Keep generated protobuf classes
-keep class nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.proto.** { *; }