2016-08-05 18:58:05 +02:00
# Add project specific ProGuard rules here.
# By default, the flags in this file are appended to flags specified
# in /Users/topjohnwu/Library/Android/sdk/tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt
# You can edit the include path and order by changing the proguardFiles
# directive in build.gradle.
# For more details, see
# http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/proguard.html
# Add any project specific keep options here:
# If your project uses WebView with JS, uncomment the following
# and specify the fully qualified class name to the JavaScript interface
# class:
#-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.webview {
# public *;
2016-12-11 13:38:15 +01:00
2020-02-22 10:28:33 +01:00
# Kotlin
-assumenosideeffects class kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics {
2021-01-24 14:21:22 +01:00
public static void check*(...);
public static void throw*(...);
2020-02-22 10:28:33 +01:00
2019-02-01 12:21:55 +01:00
# Snet
2020-08-19 11:05:23 +02:00
-keepclassmembers class com.topjohnwu.magisk.ui.safetynet.SafetyNetHelper { *; }
-keep,allowobfuscation interface com.topjohnwu.magisk.ui.safetynet.SafetyNetHelper$Callback
2021-04-20 12:39:47 +02:00
-keepclassmembers class * implements com.topjohnwu.magisk.ui.safetynet.SafetyNetHelper$Callback { *; }
2019-01-30 09:10:12 +01:00
2021-01-27 19:56:54 +01:00
# Stub
-keep class com.topjohnwu.magisk.core.App { <init>(java.lang.Object); }
2021-04-18 07:35:36 +02:00
-keepclassmembers class androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatDelegateImpl {
boolean mActivityHandlesUiModeChecked;
boolean mActivityHandlesUiMode;
2021-01-27 19:56:54 +01:00
2020-01-29 15:16:53 +01:00
# Strip Timber verbose and debug logging
2021-01-27 13:56:39 +01:00
-assumenosideeffects class timber.log.Timber$Tree {
2020-01-29 15:16:53 +01:00
public void v(**);
public void d(**);
2018-09-15 05:00:39 +02:00
# Excessive obfuscation
2021-01-27 13:56:39 +01:00
-repackageclasses 'a'
2018-09-15 05:00:39 +02:00
2019-04-11 18:03:22 +02:00
2021-04-17 12:54:27 +02:00
-dontwarn org.bouncycastle.jsse.BCSSLParameters
-dontwarn org.bouncycastle.jsse.BCSSLSocket
-dontwarn org.bouncycastle.jsse.provider.BouncyCastleJsseProvider
-dontwarn org.commonmark.ext.gfm.strikethrough.Strikethrough
-dontwarn org.conscrypt.Conscrypt*
-dontwarn org.conscrypt.ConscryptHostnameVerifier
-dontwarn org.openjsse.javax.net.ssl.SSLParameters
-dontwarn org.openjsse.javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket
-dontwarn org.openjsse.net.ssl.OpenJSSE