########################################################################################## # # Magisk General Utility Functions # by topjohnwu # # Used in flash_script.sh and addon.d.sh # ########################################################################################## ui_print() { if $BOOTMODE; then echo "$1" else echo -n -e "ui_print $1\n" >> /proc/self/fd/$OUTFD echo -n -e "ui_print\n" >> /proc/self/fd/$OUTFD fi } getvar() { local VARNAME=$1 local VALUE=$(eval echo \$"$VARNAME"); for FILE in /dev/.magisk /data/.magisk /cache/.magisk /system/.magisk; do if [ -z "$VALUE" ]; then LINE=$(cat $FILE 2>/dev/null | grep "$VARNAME=") if [ ! -z "$LINE" ]; then VALUE=${LINE#*=} fi fi done eval $VARNAME=\$VALUE } find_boot_image() { if [ -z "$BOOTIMAGE" ]; then for PARTITION in kern-a android_boot kernel boot lnx; do BOOTIMAGE=`find /dev/block -iname "$PARTITION" | head -n 1` [ ! -z $BOOTIMAGE ] && break done fi # Recovery fallback if [ -z "$BOOTIMAGE" ]; then for FSTAB in /etc/*fstab*; do BOOTIMAGE=`grep -E '\b/boot\b' $FSTAB | grep -oE '/dev/[a-zA-Z0-9_./-]*'` [ ! -z $BOOTIMAGE ] && break done fi [ -L "$BOOTIMAGE" ] && BOOTIMAGE=`readlink $BOOTIMAGE` } is_mounted() { if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then cat /proc/mounts | grep $1 | grep $2, >/dev/null else cat /proc/mounts | grep $1 >/dev/null fi return $? } grep_prop() { REGEX="s/^$1=//p" shift FILES=$@ if [ -z "$FILES" ]; then FILES='/system/build.prop' fi cat $FILES 2>/dev/null | sed -n "$REGEX" | head -n 1 } remove_system_su() { if [ -f /system/bin/su -o -f /system/xbin/su ] && [ ! -f /su/bin/su ]; then ui_print "! System installed root detected, mount rw :(" mount -o rw,remount /system # SuperSU if [ -e /system/bin/.ext/.su ]; then mv -f /system/bin/app_process32_original /system/bin/app_process32 2>/dev/null mv -f /system/bin/app_process64_original /system/bin/app_process64 2>/dev/null mv -f /system/bin/install-recovery_original.sh /system/bin/install-recovery.sh 2>/dev/null cd /system/bin if [ -e app_process64 ]; then ln -sf app_process64 app_process else ln -sf app_process32 app_process fi fi rm -rf /system/.pin /system/bin/.ext /system/etc/.installed_su_daemon /system/etc/.has_su_daemon \ /system/xbin/daemonsu /system/xbin/su /system/xbin/sugote /system/xbin/sugote-mksh /system/xbin/supolicy \ /system/bin/app_process_init /system/bin/su /cache/su /system/lib/libsupol.so /system/lib64/libsupol.so \ /system/su.d /system/etc/install-recovery.sh /system/etc/init.d/99SuperSUDaemon /cache/install-recovery.sh \ /system/.supersu /cache/.supersu /data/.supersu \ /system/app/Superuser.apk /system/app/SuperSU /cache/Superuser.apk 2>/dev/null fi } recovery_actions() { # TWRP bug fix mount -o bind /dev/urandom /dev/random # Clear out possible lib paths, let the binaries find them itself export LD_LIBRARY_PATH= # Temporarily block out all custom recovery binaries/libs mv /sbin /sbin_tmp } abort() { ui_print "$1" mv /sbin_tmp /sbin 2>/dev/null exit 1 }