#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "magiskhide.h" using namespace std::literals; bool hide_enabled = false; [[noreturn]] static void usage(char *arg0) { fprintf(stderr, FULL_VER(MagiskHide) "\n\n" "Usage: %s [action [arguments...] ]\n\n" "Actions:\n" " status Return the status of magiskhide\n" " enable Start magiskhide\n" " disable Stop magiskhide\n" " add PKG [PROC] Add a new target to the hide list\n" " rm PKG [PROC] Remove target(s) from the hide list\n" " ls Print the current hide list\n" " exec CMDs... Execute commands in isolated mount\n" " namespace and do all hide unmounts\n" #ifdef MAGISK_DEBUG " test Run process monitor test\n" #endif , arg0); exit(1); } void magiskhide_handler(int client) { int req = read_int(client); int res = DAEMON_ERROR; switch (req) { case STOP_MAGISKHIDE: case ADD_HIDELIST: case RM_HIDELIST: case LS_HIDELIST: if (!hide_enabled) { write_int(client, HIDE_NOT_ENABLED); close(client); return; } } switch (req) { case LAUNCH_MAGISKHIDE: launch_magiskhide(client); return; case STOP_MAGISKHIDE: res = stop_magiskhide(); break; case ADD_HIDELIST: res = add_list(client); break; case RM_HIDELIST: res = rm_list(client); break; case LS_HIDELIST: ls_list(client); client = -1; break; case HIDE_STATUS: res = hide_enabled ? HIDE_IS_ENABLED : HIDE_NOT_ENABLED; break; } write_int(client, res); close(client); } int magiskhide_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) usage(argv[0]); // CLI backwards compatibility const char *opt = argv[1]; if (opt[0] == '-' && opt[1] == '-') opt += 2; int req; if (opt == "enable"sv) req = LAUNCH_MAGISKHIDE; else if (opt == "disable"sv) req = STOP_MAGISKHIDE; else if (opt == "add"sv) req = ADD_HIDELIST; else if (opt == "rm"sv) req = RM_HIDELIST; else if (opt == "ls"sv) req = LS_HIDELIST; else if (opt == "status"sv) req = HIDE_STATUS; else if (opt == "exec"sv && argc > 2) { xunshare(CLONE_NEWNS); xmount(nullptr, "/", nullptr, MS_PRIVATE | MS_REC, nullptr); hide_unmount(); execvp(argv[2], argv + 2); exit(1); } #ifdef MAGISK_DEBUG else if (opt == "test"sv) test_proc_monitor(); #endif else usage(argv[0]); // Send request int fd = connect_daemon(); write_int(fd, MAGISKHIDE); write_int(fd, req); if (req == ADD_HIDELIST || req == RM_HIDELIST) { write_string(fd, argv[2]); write_string(fd, argv[3] ? argv[3] : ""); } if (req == LS_HIDELIST) send_fd(fd, STDOUT_FILENO); // Get response int code = read_int(fd); switch (code) { case DAEMON_SUCCESS: break; case HIDE_NOT_ENABLED: fprintf(stderr, "MagiskHide is not enabled\n"); break; case HIDE_IS_ENABLED: fprintf(stderr, "MagiskHide is enabled\n"); break; case HIDE_ITEM_EXIST: fprintf(stderr, "Target already exists in hide list\n"); break; case HIDE_ITEM_NOT_EXIST: fprintf(stderr, "Target does not exist in hide list\n"); break; case HIDE_NO_NS: fprintf(stderr, "Your kernel doesn't support mount namespace\n"); break; /* Errors */ case ROOT_REQUIRED: fprintf(stderr, "Root is required for this operation\n"); break; case DAEMON_ERROR: default: fprintf(stderr, "Daemon error\n"); return DAEMON_ERROR; } return req == HIDE_STATUS ? (code == HIDE_IS_ENABLED ? 0 : 1) : code != DAEMON_SUCCESS; }