#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "magiskhide.h" using namespace std; // Protect access to both hide_list and hide_uid pthread_mutex_t list_lock; vector hide_list; set hide_uid; // Treat GMS separately as we're only interested in one component int gms_uid = -1; static pthread_t proc_monitor_thread; static const char *prop_key[] = { "ro.boot.vbmeta.device_state", "ro.boot.verifiedbootstate", "ro.boot.flash.locked", "ro.boot.veritymode", "ro.boot.warranty_bit", "ro.warranty_bit", "ro.debuggable", "ro.secure", "ro.build.type", "ro.build.tags", "ro.build.selinux", nullptr }; static const char *prop_value[] = { "locked", "green", "1", "enforcing", "0", "0", "0", "1", "user", "release-keys", "0", nullptr }; void manage_selinux() { char val; int fd = xopen(SELINUX_ENFORCE, O_RDONLY); xxread(fd, &val, sizeof(val)); close(fd); // Permissive if (val == '0') { chmod(SELINUX_ENFORCE, 0640); chmod(SELINUX_POLICY, 0440); } } static void hide_sensitive_props() { LOGI("hide_utils: Hiding sensitive props\n"); // Hide all sensitive props for (int i = 0; prop_key[i]; ++i) { auto value = getprop(prop_key[i]); if (!value.empty() && value != prop_value[i]) setprop(prop_key[i], prop_value[i], false); } } /* * Bionic's atoi runs through strtol(). * Use our own implementation for faster conversion. */ static inline int parse_int(const char *s) { int val = 0; char c; while ((c = *(s++))) { if (c > '9' || c < '0') return -1; val = val * 10 + c - '0'; } return val; } // Leave /proc fd opened as we're going to read from it repeatedly static DIR *procfp; void crawl_procfs(const function &fn) { struct dirent *dp; int pid; rewinddir(procfp); while ((dp = readdir(procfp))) { pid = parse_int(dp->d_name); if (pid > 0 && !fn(pid)) break; } } static bool proc_name_match(int pid, const char *name) { char buf[4019]; FILE *f; sprintf(buf, "/proc/%d/comm", pid); if ((f = fopen(buf, "re"))) { fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f); fclose(f); if (strcmp(buf, name) == 0) return true; } else { // The PID is already killed return false; } sprintf(buf, "/proc/%d/cmdline", pid); if ((f = fopen(buf, "re"))) { fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f); fclose(f); if (strcmp(basename(buf), name) == 0) return true; } else { // The PID is already killed return false; } sprintf(buf, "/proc/%d/exe", pid); ssize_t len; if ((len = readlink(buf, buf, sizeof(buf))) < 0) return false; buf[len] = '\0'; return strcmp(basename(buf), name) == 0; } static void kill_process(const char *name) { // We do NOT want to kill GMS itself if (strcmp(name, SAFETYNET_PKG) == 0) name = SAFETYNET_PROCESS; crawl_procfs([=](int pid) -> bool { if (proc_name_match(pid, name)) { if (kill(pid, SIGTERM) == 0) LOGD("hide_utils: killed PID=[%d] (%s)\n", pid, name); return false; } return true; }); } static void kill_process(int uid) { // We do NOT want to kill all GMS processes if (uid == gms_uid) { kill_process(SAFETYNET_PROCESS); return; } crawl_procfs([=](int pid) -> bool { if (get_uid(pid) == uid && kill(pid, SIGTERM) == 0) LOGD("hide_utils: killed PID=[%d]\n", pid); return true; }); } static int add_pkg_uid(const char *pkg) { char path[4096]; struct stat st; const char *data = SDK_INT >= 24 ? "/data/user_de/0" : "/data/data"; sprintf(path, "%s/%s", data, pkg); if (xstat(path, &st) == 0) { hide_uid.insert(st.st_uid); return st.st_uid; } return -1; } void refresh_uid() { hide_uid.clear(); for (auto &s : hide_list) add_pkg_uid(s.c_str()); } void clean_magisk_props() { getprop([](const char *name, auto, auto) -> void { if (strstr(name, "magisk")) deleteprop(name); }, nullptr, false); } int add_list(const char *pkg) { for (auto &s : hide_list) { if (s == pkg) return HIDE_ITEM_EXIST; } // Add to database char sql[4096]; snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "INSERT INTO hidelist (process) VALUES('%s')", pkg); char *err = db_exec(sql); db_err_cmd(err, return DAEMON_ERROR); LOGI("hide_list add: [%s]\n", pkg); // Critical region int uid; { MutexGuard lock(list_lock); hide_list.emplace_back(pkg); uid = add_pkg_uid(pkg); } kill_process(uid); return DAEMON_SUCCESS; } int add_list(int client) { char *pkg = read_string(client); int ret = add_list(pkg); free(pkg); update_inotify_mask(); return ret; } static int rm_list(const char *pkg) { // Critical region { MutexGuard lock(list_lock); bool remove = false; for (auto it = hide_list.begin(); it != hide_list.end(); ++it) { if (*it == pkg) { remove = true; LOGI("hide_list rm: [%s]\n", pkg); hide_list.erase(it); break; } } if (!remove) return HIDE_ITEM_NOT_EXIST; } char sql[4096]; snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "DELETE FROM hidelist WHERE process='%s'", pkg); char *err = db_exec(sql); db_err(err); return DAEMON_SUCCESS; } int rm_list(int client) { char *pkg = read_string(client); int ret = rm_list(pkg); free(pkg); if (ret == DAEMON_SUCCESS) update_inotify_mask(true); return ret; } static int init_list(void *, int, char **data, char**) { LOGI("hide_list init: [%s]\n", *data); hide_list.emplace_back(*data); kill_process(*data); int uid = add_pkg_uid(*data); if (strcmp(*data, SAFETYNET_PKG) == 0) gms_uid = uid; return 0; } static void init_list(const char *pkg) { init_list(nullptr, 0, (char **) &pkg, nullptr); } #define LEGACY_LIST MODULEROOT "/.core/hidelist" bool init_list() { LOGD("hide_list: initialize\n"); char *err = db_exec("SELECT process FROM hidelist", init_list); db_err_cmd(err, return false); // Migrate old hide list into database if (access(LEGACY_LIST, R_OK) == 0) { auto tmp = file_to_vector(LEGACY_LIST); for (auto &s : tmp) add_list(s.c_str()); unlink(LEGACY_LIST); } // Add SafetyNet by default rm_list(SAFETYNET_PROCESS); rm_list(SAFETYNET_COMPONENT); init_list(SAFETYNET_PKG); update_inotify_mask(); return true; } void ls_list(int client) { FILE *out = fdopen(recv_fd(client), "a"); for (auto &s : hide_list) fprintf(out, "%s\n", s.c_str()); fclose(out); write_int(client, DAEMON_SUCCESS); close(client); } static void set_hide_config() { char sql[64]; sprintf(sql, "REPLACE INTO settings (key,value) VALUES('%s',%d)", DB_SETTING_KEYS[HIDE_CONFIG], hide_enabled); char *err = db_exec(sql); db_err(err); } static inline void launch_err(int client, int code = DAEMON_ERROR) { if (code != HIDE_IS_ENABLED) hide_enabled = false; if (client >= 0) { write_int(client, code); close(client); } pthread_exit(nullptr); } #define LAUNCH_ERR launch_err(client) void launch_magiskhide(int client) { if (SDK_INT < 19) LAUNCH_ERR; if (hide_enabled) launch_err(client, HIDE_IS_ENABLED); if (access("/proc/1/ns/mnt", F_OK) != 0) launch_err(client, HIDE_NO_NS); hide_enabled = true; set_hide_config(); LOGI("* Starting MagiskHide\n"); if (procfp == nullptr) { int fd = xopen("/proc", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); if (fd < 0) LAUNCH_ERR; procfp = fdopendir(fd); } hide_sensitive_props(); // Initialize the mutex lock pthread_mutex_init(&list_lock, nullptr); // Initialize the hide list if (!init_list()) LAUNCH_ERR; // Get thread reference proc_monitor_thread = pthread_self(); if (client >= 0) { write_int(client, DAEMON_SUCCESS); close(client); client = -1; } // Start monitoring proc_monitor(); // proc_monitor should not return LAUNCH_ERR; } int stop_magiskhide() { LOGI("* Stopping MagiskHide\n"); hide_enabled = false; set_hide_config(); pthread_kill(proc_monitor_thread, TERM_THREAD); return DAEMON_SUCCESS; } void auto_start_magiskhide() { db_settings dbs; get_db_settings(&dbs, HIDE_CONFIG); if (dbs[HIDE_CONFIG]) { new_daemon_thread([](auto) -> void* { launch_magiskhide(-1); return nullptr; }); } }