#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import os import subprocess is_windows = os.name == 'nt' if is_windows: import colorama colorama.init() def error(str): print('\n' + '\033[41m' + str + '\033[0m' + '\n') sys.exit(1) def header(str): print('\n' + '\033[44m' + str + '\033[0m' + '\n') def vprint(str): if args.verbose: print(str) # Environment checks if not sys.version_info >= (3, 6): error('Requires Python 3.6+') if 'ANDROID_HOME' not in os.environ: error('Please add Android SDK path to ANDROID_HOME environment variable!') try: subprocess.run(['javac', '-version'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) except FileNotFoundError: error('Please install JDK and make sure \'javac\' is available in PATH') import argparse import multiprocessing import zipfile import datetime import errno import shutil import lzma import tempfile import platform import urllib.request import os.path as op from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() archs = ['armeabi-v7a', 'x86'] arch64 = ['arm64-v8a', 'x86_64'] support_targets = ['magisk', 'magiskinit', 'magiskboot', 'magiskpolicy', 'resetprop', 'busybox', 'test'] default_targets = ['magisk', 'magiskinit', 'magiskboot', 'busybox'] ndk_ver = '21c' ndk_ver_full = '21.2.6472646' ndk_root = op.join(os.environ['ANDROID_HOME'], 'ndk') ndk_path = op.join(ndk_root, 'magisk') ndk_build = op.join(ndk_path, 'ndk-build') gradlew = op.join('.', 'gradlew' + ('.bat' if is_windows else '')) # Global vars config = {} STDOUT = None def mv(source, target): try: shutil.move(source, target) vprint(f'mv {source} -> {target}') except: pass def cp(source, target): try: shutil.copyfile(source, target) vprint(f'cp {source} -> {target}') except: pass def rm(file): try: os.remove(file) vprint(f'rm {file}') except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise def rm_rf(path): vprint(f'rm -rf {path}') shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) def mkdir(path, mode=0o755): try: os.mkdir(path, mode) except: pass def mkdir_p(path, mode=0o755): os.makedirs(path, mode, exist_ok=True) def execv(cmd): return subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=STDOUT) def system(cmd): return subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, stdout=STDOUT) def xz(data): return lzma.compress(data, preset=9, check=lzma.CHECK_NONE) def parse_props(file): props = {} with open(file, 'r') as f: for line in [l.strip(' \t\r\n') for l in f]: if line.startswith('#') or len(line) == 0: continue prop = line.split('=') if len(prop) != 2: continue props[prop[0].strip(' \t\r\n')] = prop[1].strip(' \t\r\n') return props def load_config(args): # Load prop file if not op.exists(args.config): error(f'Please make sure {args.config} exists') # Some default values config['outdir'] = 'out' config['prettyName'] = 'false' config['keyStore'] = 'release-key.jks' config.update(parse_props(args.config)) # Sanitize configs config['prettyName'] = config['prettyName'].lower() == 'true' if 'version' not in config or 'versionCode' not in config: error('Config error: "version" and "versionCode" is required') try: config['versionCode'] = int(config['versionCode']) except ValueError: error('Config error: "versionCode" is required to be an integer') if args.release and not op.exists(config['keyStore']): error(f'Config error: assign "keyStore" to a java keystore') mkdir_p(config['outdir']) global STDOUT STDOUT = None if args.verbose else subprocess.DEVNULL def zip_with_msg(zip_file, source, target): if not op.exists(source): error(f'{source} does not exist! Try build \'binary\' and \'apk\' before zipping!') zip_file.write(source, target) vprint(f'zip: {source} -> {target}') def collect_binary(): for arch in archs + arch64: mkdir_p(op.join('native', 'out', arch)) for bin in support_targets + ['magiskinit64']: source = op.join('native', 'libs', arch, bin) target = op.join('native', 'out', arch, bin) mv(source, target) def clean_elf(): if is_windows: elf_cleaner = op.join('tools', 'elf-cleaner.exe') else: elf_cleaner = op.join('native', 'out', 'elf-cleaner') if not op.exists(elf_cleaner): execv(['g++', '-std=c++11', 'tools/termux-elf-cleaner/termux-elf-cleaner.cpp', '-o', elf_cleaner]) args = [elf_cleaner] args.extend(op.join('native', 'out', arch, 'magisk') for arch in archs + arch64) execv(args) def sign_zip(unsigned, output, release): if not release: mv(unsigned, output) return signer_name = 'zipsigner-3.0.jar' zipsigner = op.join('app', 'signing', 'build', 'libs', signer_name) if not op.exists(zipsigner): header('* Building ' + signer_name) proc = execv([gradlew, 'app:signing:shadowJar']) if proc.returncode != 0: error(f'Build {signer_name} failed!') header('* Signing Zip') proc = execv(['java', '-jar', zipsigner, config['keyStore'], config['keyStorePass'], config['keyAlias'], config['keyPass'], unsigned, output]) if proc.returncode != 0: error('Signing zip failed!') def binary_dump(src, out, var_name): out.write(f'constexpr unsigned char {var_name}[] = {{') for i, c in enumerate(xz(src.read())): if i % 16 == 0: out.write('\n') out.write(f'0x{c:02X},') out.write('\n};\n') out.flush() def gen_update_binary(): bs = 1024 update_bin = bytearray(bs) file = op.join('native', 'out', 'x86', 'busybox') with open(file, 'rb') as f: x86_bb = f.read() file = op.join('native', 'out', 'armeabi-v7a', 'busybox') with open(file, 'rb') as f: arm_bb = f.read() file = op.join('scripts', 'update_binary.sh') with open(file, 'rb') as f: script = f.read() # Align x86 busybox to bs blk_cnt = (len(x86_bb) - 1) // bs + 1 script = script.replace(b'__X86_CNT__', b'%d' % blk_cnt) update_bin[:len(script)] = script update_bin.extend(x86_bb) # Padding for alignment update_bin.extend(b'\0' * (blk_cnt * bs - len(x86_bb))) update_bin.extend(arm_bb) return update_bin def run_ndk_build(flags): os.chdir('native') proc = system(f'{ndk_build} {base_flags} {flags} -j{cpu_count}') if proc.returncode != 0: error('Build binary failed!') os.chdir('..') collect_binary() def dump_bin_headers(): for arch in archs: bin_file = op.join('native', 'out', arch, 'magisk') if not op.exists(bin_file): error('Build "magisk" before building "magiskinit"') with open(op.join('native', 'out', arch, 'binaries_arch.h'), 'w') as out: with open(bin_file, 'rb') as src: binary_dump(src, out, 'magisk_xz') for arch, arch32 in list(zip(arch64, archs)): bin_file = op.join('native', 'out', arch, 'magisk') with open(op.join('native', 'out', arch32, 'binaries_arch64.h'), 'w') as out: with open(bin_file, 'rb') as src: binary_dump(src, out, 'magisk_xz') stub = op.join(config['outdir'], 'stub-release.apk') if not op.exists(stub): stub = op.join(config['outdir'], 'stub-debug.apk') if not op.exists(stub): error('Build stub APK before building "magiskinit"') with open(op.join('native', 'out', 'binaries.h'), 'w') as out: with open(stub, 'rb') as src: binary_dump(src, out, 'manager_xz') def build_binary(args): # Verify NDK install props = parse_props(op.join(ndk_path, 'source.properties')) if 'Pkg.Revision.orig' not in props or props['Pkg.Revision.orig'] != ndk_ver_full: error('Incorrect NDK. Please setup NDK with "build.py ndk"') if args.target: args.target = set(args.target) & set(support_targets) if not args.target: return else: args.target = default_targets header('* Building binaries: ' + ' '.join(args.target)) os.utime(op.join('native', 'jni', 'include', 'flags.hpp')) # Basic flags global base_flags base_flags = f'MAGISK_VERSION={config["version"]} MAGISK_VER_CODE={config["versionCode"]}' if not args.release: base_flags += ' MAGISK_DEBUG=1' if 'magisk' in args.target: run_ndk_build('B_MAGISK=1 B_64BIT=1') clean_elf() if 'magiskinit' in args.target: dump_bin_headers() run_ndk_build('B_INIT=1') run_ndk_build('B_INIT64=1') if 'magiskpolicy' in args.target: run_ndk_build('B_POLICY=1') if 'resetprop' in args.target: run_ndk_build('B_PROP=1') if 'magiskboot' in args.target: run_ndk_build('B_BOOT=1') if 'busybox' in args.target: run_ndk_build('B_BB=1') if 'test' in args.target: run_ndk_build('B_TEST=1 B_64BIT=1') def build_apk(args, module): build_type = 'Release' if args.release else 'Debug' proc = execv([gradlew, f'{module}:assemble{build_type}', '-PconfigPath=' + op.abspath(args.config)]) if proc.returncode != 0: error(f'Build {module} failed!') build_type = build_type.lower() apk = f'{module}-{build_type}.apk' source = op.join(module, 'build', 'outputs', 'apk', build_type, apk) target = op.join(config['outdir'], apk) mv(source, target) header('Output: ' + target) return target def build_app(args): header('* Building Magisk Manager') build_apk(args, 'app') def build_stub(args): header('* Building Magisk Manager stub') build_apk(args, 'stub') # Bind mount snet package on top of the stub folder def build_snet(args): header('* Building snet extension') proc = execv([gradlew, 'stub:assembleRelease']) if proc.returncode != 0: error('Build snet extention failed!') source = op.join('stub', 'build', 'outputs', 'apk', 'release', 'stub-release.apk') target = op.join(config['outdir'], 'snet.jar') # Extract classes.dex with zipfile.ZipFile(target, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=False) as zout: with zipfile.ZipFile(source) as zin: zout.writestr('classes.dex', zin.read('classes.dex')) rm(source) header('Output: ' + target) def zip_main(args): header('* Packing Flashable Zip') with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: unsigned = f.name with zipfile.ZipFile(unsigned, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=False) as zipf: # update-binary target = op.join('META-INF', 'com', 'google', 'android', 'update-binary') vprint('zip: ' + target) zipf.writestr(target, gen_update_binary()) # updater-script source = op.join('scripts', 'flash_script.sh') target = op.join('META-INF', 'com', 'google', 'android', 'updater-script') zip_with_msg(zipf, source, target) # Binaries for lib_dir, zip_dir in [('armeabi-v7a', 'arm'), ('x86', 'x86')]: for binary in ['magiskinit', 'magiskinit64', 'magiskboot']: source = op.join('native', 'out', lib_dir, binary) target = op.join(zip_dir, binary) zip_with_msg(zipf, source, target) # APK source = op.join( config['outdir'], 'app-release.apk' if args.release else 'app-debug.apk') target = op.join('common', 'magisk.apk') zip_with_msg(zipf, source, target) # boot_patch.sh source = op.join('scripts', 'boot_patch.sh') target = op.join('common', 'boot_patch.sh') zip_with_msg(zipf, source, target) # util_functions.sh source = op.join('scripts', 'util_functions.sh') with open(source, 'r') as script: # Add version info util_functions.sh util_func = script.read().replace( '#MAGISK_VERSION_STUB', f'MAGISK_VER="{config["version"]}"\nMAGISK_VER_CODE={config["versionCode"]}') target = op.join('common', 'util_functions.sh') vprint(f'zip: {source} -> {target}') zipf.writestr(target, util_func) # addon.d.sh source = op.join('scripts', 'addon.d.sh') target = op.join('common', 'addon.d.sh') zip_with_msg(zipf, source, target) # chromeos for tool in ['futility', 'kernel_data_key.vbprivk', 'kernel.keyblock']: source = op.join('tools', tool) target = op.join('chromeos', tool) zip_with_msg(zipf, source, target) # End of zipping output = op.join(config['outdir'], f'Magisk-v{config["version"]}.zip' if config['prettyName'] else 'magisk-release.zip' if args.release else 'magisk-debug.zip') sign_zip(unsigned, output, args.release) rm(unsigned) header('Output: ' + output) def zip_uninstaller(args): header('* Packing Uninstaller Zip') with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: unsigned = f.name with zipfile.ZipFile(unsigned, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=False) as zipf: # update-binary target = op.join('META-INF', 'com', 'google', 'android', 'update-binary') vprint('zip: ' + target) zipf.writestr(target, gen_update_binary()) # updater-script source = op.join('scripts', 'magisk_uninstaller.sh') target = op.join('META-INF', 'com', 'google', 'android', 'updater-script') zip_with_msg(zipf, source, target) # Binaries for lib_dir, zip_dir in [('armeabi-v7a', 'arm'), ('x86', 'x86')]: source = op.join('native', 'out', lib_dir, 'magiskboot') target = op.join(zip_dir, 'magiskboot') zip_with_msg(zipf, source, target) # util_functions.sh source = op.join('scripts', 'util_functions.sh') with open(source, 'r') as script: target = op.join('util_functions.sh') vprint(f'zip: {source} -> {target}') zipf.writestr(target, script.read()) # chromeos for tool in ['futility', 'kernel_data_key.vbprivk', 'kernel.keyblock']: source = op.join('tools', tool) target = op.join('chromeos', tool) zip_with_msg(zipf, source, target) # End of zipping datestr = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d") output = op.join(config['outdir'], f'Magisk-uninstaller-{datestr}.zip' if config['prettyName'] else 'magisk-uninstaller.zip') sign_zip(unsigned, output, args.release) rm(unsigned) header('Output: ' + output) def cleanup(args): support_targets = {'native', 'java'} if args.target: args.target = set(args.target) & support_targets else: # If nothing specified, clean everything args.target = support_targets if 'native' in args.target: header('* Cleaning native') rm_rf(op.join('native', 'out')) rm_rf(op.join('native', 'libs')) rm_rf(op.join('native', 'obj')) if 'java' in args.target: header('* Cleaning java') execv([gradlew, 'clean']) def setup_ndk(args): os_name = platform.system().lower() url = f'https://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-ndk-r{ndk_ver}-{os_name}-x86_64.zip' ndk_zip = url.split('/')[-1] header(f'* Downloading {ndk_zip}') with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response, open(ndk_zip, 'wb') as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response, out_file) header('* Extracting NDK zip') rm_rf(ndk_path) with zipfile.ZipFile(ndk_zip, 'r') as zf: for info in zf.infolist(): extracted_path = zf.extract(info, ndk_root) vprint(f'Extracting {info.filename}') if info.create_system == 3: # ZIP_UNIX_SYSTEM = 3 unix_attributes = info.external_attr >> 16 if unix_attributes: os.chmod(extracted_path, unix_attributes) mv(op.join(ndk_root, f'android-ndk-r{ndk_ver}'), ndk_path) header('* Removing unnecessary files') for dirname, subdirs, _ in os.walk(op.join(ndk_path, 'platforms')): for plats in subdirs: pp = op.join(dirname, plats) rm_rf(pp) mkdir(pp) subdirs.clear() rm_rf(op.join(ndk_path, 'sysroot')) header('* Replacing API-16 static libs') for target in ['arm-linux-androideabi', 'i686-linux-android']: arch = target.split('-')[0] lib_dir = op.join( ndk_path, 'toolchains', 'llvm', 'prebuilt', f'{os_name}-x86_64', 'sysroot', 'usr', 'lib', f'{target}', '16') src_dir = op.join('tools', 'ndk-bins', arch) # Remove stupid macOS crap rm(op.join(src_dir, '.DS_Store')) for path in copy_tree(src_dir, lib_dir): vprint(f'Replaced {path}') # Rewrite source.properties src_prop = op.join(ndk_path, 'source.properties') props = parse_props(src_prop) props['Pkg.Revision.orig'] = props['Pkg.Revision'] props['Pkg.Revision'] = '99.99.99' with open(src_prop, 'w') as p: for key, val in props.items(): print(f'{key} = {val}', file=p) def build_all(args): vars(args)['target'] = [] build_stub(args) build_app(args) build_binary(args) zip_main(args) zip_uninstaller(args) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Magisk build script') parser.add_argument('-r', '--release', action='store_true', help='compile in release mode') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='verbose output') parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', default='config.prop', help='override config file (default: config.prop)') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='actions') all_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'all', help='build binaries, apks, zips') all_parser.set_defaults(func=build_all) binary_parser = subparsers.add_parser('binary', help='build binaries') binary_parser.add_argument( 'target', nargs='*', help=f"{', '.join(support_targets)}, \ or empty for defaults ({', '.join(default_targets)})") binary_parser.set_defaults(func=build_binary) app_parser = subparsers.add_parser('app', help='build Magisk Manager') app_parser.set_defaults(func=build_app) stub_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'stub', help='build stub Magisk Manager') stub_parser.set_defaults(func=build_stub) zip_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'zip', help='zip Magisk into a flashable zip') zip_parser.set_defaults(func=zip_main) un_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'uninstaller', help='create flashable uninstaller') un_parser.set_defaults(func=zip_uninstaller) clean_parser = subparsers.add_parser('clean', help='cleanup') clean_parser.add_argument( 'target', nargs='*', help='native, java, or empty to clean both') clean_parser.set_defaults(func=cleanup) ndk_parser = subparsers.add_parser('ndk', help='setup Magisk NDK') ndk_parser.set_defaults(func=setup_ndk) if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) args = parser.parse_args() load_config(args) # Call corresponding functions args.func(args)