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h1:fmNYVwqnSfB9mZU6OS2O6GsXM+wcskZDuKQzvN1EDeE= @@ -679,6 +685,8 @@ golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20190827160401-ba9fcec4b297/go.mod h1:z5CRVTTTmAJ677TzLL golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20200226121028-0de0cce0169b/go.mod h1:z5CRVTTTmAJ677TzLLGU+0bjPO0LkuOLi4/5GtJWs/s= golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20200301022130-244492dfa37a h1:GuSPYbZzB5/dcLNCwLQLsg3obCJtX9IJhpXkvY7kzk0= golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20200301022130-244492dfa37a/go.mod h1:z5CRVTTTmAJ677TzLLGU+0bjPO0LkuOLi4/5GtJWs/s= +golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20200324143707-d3edc9973b7e h1:3G+cUijn7XD+S4eJFddp53Pv7+slrESplyjG25HgL+k= +golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20200324143707-d3edc9973b7e/go.mod h1:qpuaurCH72eLCgpAm/N6yyVIVM9cpaDIP3A8BGJEC5A= golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20180620175406-ef147856a6dd/go.mod h1:N/0e6XlmueqKjAGxoOufVs8QHGRruUQn6yWY3a++T0U= golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20180821212333-d2e6202438be/go.mod h1:N/0e6XlmueqKjAGxoOufVs8QHGRruUQn6yWY3a++T0U= golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20190226205417-e64efc72b421/go.mod h1:gOpvHmFTYa4IltrdGE7lF6nIHvwfUNPOp7c8zoXwtLw= @@ -718,6 +726,8 @@ golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20191010194322-b09406accb47/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7w golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20191026070338-33540a1f6037/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs= golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20200302150141-5c8b2ff67527 h1:uYVVQ9WP/Ds2ROhcaGPeIdVq0RIXVLwsHlnvJ+cT1So= golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20200302150141-5c8b2ff67527/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs= +golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20200323222414-85ca7c5b95cd h1:xhmwyvizuTgC2qz7ZlMluP20uW+C3Rm0FD/WLDX8884= +golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20200323222414-85ca7c5b95cd/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs= golang.org/x/text v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ= golang.org/x/text v0.3.1-0.20180807135948-17ff2d5776d2/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ= golang.org/x/text v0.3.2 h1:tW2bmiBqwgJj/UpqtC8EpXEZVYOwU0yG4iWbprSVAcs= diff --git a/modules/markup/html_test.go b/modules/markup/html_test.go index 6dcecc49563..44f5926ac73 100644 --- a/modules/markup/html_test.go +++ b/modules/markup/html_test.go @@ -117,13 +117,13 @@ func TestRender_links(t *testing.T) { `
`) test( "https://www.example.com/foo/?bar=baz&inga=42&quux", - `https://www.example.com/foo/?bar=baz&inga=42&quux
`) + `https://www.example.com/foo/?bar=baz&inga=42&quux
`) test( "", ``) test( "https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/?p=aaa/bbb.html#ccc-ddd", - `https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/?p=aaa/bbb.html#ccc-ddd
`) + `https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/?p=aaa/bbb.html#ccc-ddd
`) test( "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL_(disambiguation)", `https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL_(disambiguation)
`) @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ func TestRender_links(t *testing.T) { ``) test( "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:5dee65101db281ac9c46344cd6b175cdcadabcde&dn=download", - `magnet:?xt=urn:btih:5dee65101db281ac9c46344cd6b175cdcadabcde&dn=download
`) + `magnet:?xt=urn:btih:5dee65101db281ac9c46344cd6b175cdcadabcde&dn=download
`) // Test that should *not* be turned into URL test( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aymerick/douceur/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/aymerick/douceur/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6ce87cd3745 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/aymerick/douceur/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2015 Aymerick JEHANNE + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. + diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aymerick/douceur/css/declaration.go b/vendor/github.com/aymerick/douceur/css/declaration.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..61d29d33590 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/aymerick/douceur/css/declaration.go @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +package css + +import "fmt" + +// Declaration represents a parsed style property +type Declaration struct { + Property string + Value string + Important bool +} + +// NewDeclaration instanciates a new Declaration +func NewDeclaration() *Declaration { + return &Declaration{} +} + +// Returns string representation of the Declaration +func (decl *Declaration) String() string { + return decl.StringWithImportant(true) +} + +// StringWithImportant returns string representation with optional !important part +func (decl *Declaration) StringWithImportant(option bool) string { + result := fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", decl.Property, decl.Value) + + if option && decl.Important { + result += " !important" + } + + result += ";" + + return result +} + +// Equal returns true if both Declarations are equals +func (decl *Declaration) Equal(other *Declaration) bool { + return (decl.Property == other.Property) && (decl.Value == other.Value) && (decl.Important == other.Important) +} + +// +// DeclarationsByProperty +// + +// DeclarationsByProperty represents sortable style declarations +type DeclarationsByProperty []*Declaration + +// Implements sort.Interface +func (declarations DeclarationsByProperty) Len() int { + return len(declarations) +} + +// Implements sort.Interface +func (declarations DeclarationsByProperty) Swap(i, j int) { + declarations[i], declarations[j] = declarations[j], declarations[i] +} + +// Implements sort.Interface +func (declarations DeclarationsByProperty) Less(i, j int) bool { + return declarations[i].Property < declarations[j].Property +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aymerick/douceur/css/rule.go b/vendor/github.com/aymerick/douceur/css/rule.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b5a44b54292 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/aymerick/douceur/css/rule.go @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ +package css + +import ( + "fmt" + "strings" +) + +const ( + indentSpace = 2 +) + +// RuleKind represents a Rule kind +type RuleKind int + +// Rule kinds +const ( + QualifiedRule RuleKind = iota + AtRule +) + +// At Rules than have Rules inside their block instead of Declarations +var atRulesWithRulesBlock = []string{ + "@document", "@font-feature-values", "@keyframes", "@media", "@supports", +} + +// Rule represents a parsed CSS rule +type Rule struct { + Kind RuleKind + + // At Rule name (eg: "@media") + Name string + + // Raw prelude + Prelude string + + // Qualified Rule selectors parsed from prelude + Selectors []string + + // Style properties + Declarations []*Declaration + + // At Rule embedded rules + Rules []*Rule + + // Current rule embedding level + EmbedLevel int +} + +// NewRule instanciates a new Rule +func NewRule(kind RuleKind) *Rule { + return &Rule{ + Kind: kind, + } +} + +// Returns string representation of rule kind +func (kind RuleKind) String() string { + switch kind { + case QualifiedRule: + return "Qualified Rule" + case AtRule: + return "At Rule" + default: + return "WAT" + } +} + +// EmbedsRules returns true if this rule embeds another rules +func (rule *Rule) EmbedsRules() bool { + if rule.Kind == AtRule { + for _, atRuleName := range atRulesWithRulesBlock { + if rule.Name == atRuleName { + return true + } + } + } + + return false +} + +// Equal returns true if both rules are equals +func (rule *Rule) Equal(other *Rule) bool { + if (rule.Kind != other.Kind) || + (rule.Prelude != other.Prelude) || + (rule.Name != other.Name) { + return false + } + + if (len(rule.Selectors) != len(other.Selectors)) || + (len(rule.Declarations) != len(other.Declarations)) || + (len(rule.Rules) != len(other.Rules)) { + return false + } + + for i, sel := range rule.Selectors { + if sel != other.Selectors[i] { + return false + } + } + + for i, decl := range rule.Declarations { + if !decl.Equal(other.Declarations[i]) { + return false + } + } + + for i, rule := range rule.Rules { + if !rule.Equal(other.Rules[i]) { + return false + } + } + + return true +} + +// Diff returns a string representation of rules differences +func (rule *Rule) Diff(other *Rule) []string { + result := []string{} + + if rule.Kind != other.Kind { + result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("Kind: %s | %s", rule.Kind.String(), other.Kind.String())) + } + + if rule.Prelude != other.Prelude { + result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("Prelude: \"%s\" | \"%s\"", rule.Prelude, other.Prelude)) + } + + if rule.Name != other.Name { + result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("Name: \"%s\" | \"%s\"", rule.Name, other.Name)) + } + + if len(rule.Selectors) != len(other.Selectors) { + result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("Selectors: %v | %v", strings.Join(rule.Selectors, ", "), strings.Join(other.Selectors, ", "))) + } else { + for i, sel := range rule.Selectors { + if sel != other.Selectors[i] { + result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("Selector: \"%s\" | \"%s\"", sel, other.Selectors[i])) + } + } + } + + if len(rule.Declarations) != len(other.Declarations) { + result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("Declarations Nb: %d | %d", len(rule.Declarations), len(other.Declarations))) + } else { + for i, decl := range rule.Declarations { + if !decl.Equal(other.Declarations[i]) { + result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("Declaration: \"%s\" | \"%s\"", decl.String(), other.Declarations[i].String())) + } + } + } + + if len(rule.Rules) != len(other.Rules) { + result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("Rules Nb: %d | %d", len(rule.Rules), len(other.Rules))) + } else { + + for i, rule := range rule.Rules { + if !rule.Equal(other.Rules[i]) { + result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("Rule: \"%s\" | \"%s\"", rule.String(), other.Rules[i].String())) + } + } + } + + return result +} + +// Returns the string representation of a rule +func (rule *Rule) String() string { + result := "" + + if rule.Kind == QualifiedRule { + for i, sel := range rule.Selectors { + if i != 0 { + result += ", " + } + result += sel + } + } else { + // AtRule + result += fmt.Sprintf("%s", rule.Name) + + if rule.Prelude != "" { + if result != "" { + result += " " + } + result += fmt.Sprintf("%s", rule.Prelude) + } + } + + if (len(rule.Declarations) == 0) && (len(rule.Rules) == 0) { + result += ";" + } else { + result += " {\n" + + if rule.EmbedsRules() { + for _, subRule := range rule.Rules { + result += fmt.Sprintf("%s%s\n", rule.indent(), subRule.String()) + } + } else { + for _, decl := range rule.Declarations { + result += fmt.Sprintf("%s%s\n", rule.indent(), decl.String()) + } + } + + result += fmt.Sprintf("%s}", rule.indentEndBlock()) + } + + return result +} + +// Returns identation spaces for declarations and rules +func (rule *Rule) indent() string { + result := "" + + for i := 0; i < ((rule.EmbedLevel + 1) * indentSpace); i++ { + result += " " + } + + return result +} + +// Returns identation spaces for end of block character +func (rule *Rule) indentEndBlock() string { + result := "" + + for i := 0; i < (rule.EmbedLevel * indentSpace); i++ { + result += " " + } + + return result +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aymerick/douceur/css/stylesheet.go b/vendor/github.com/aymerick/douceur/css/stylesheet.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6b32c2ec90f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/aymerick/douceur/css/stylesheet.go @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +package css + +// Stylesheet represents a parsed stylesheet +type Stylesheet struct { + Rules []*Rule +} + +// NewStylesheet instanciate a new Stylesheet +func NewStylesheet() *Stylesheet { + return &Stylesheet{} +} + +// Returns string representation of the Stylesheet +func (sheet *Stylesheet) String() string { + result := "" + + for _, rule := range sheet.Rules { + if result != "" { + result += "\n" + } + result += rule.String() + } + + return result +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/chris-ramon/douceur/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/chris-ramon/douceur/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6ce87cd3745 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/chris-ramon/douceur/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2015 Aymerick JEHANNE + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. + diff --git a/vendor/github.com/chris-ramon/douceur/parser/parser.go b/vendor/github.com/chris-ramon/douceur/parser/parser.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6c4917ccf98 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/chris-ramon/douceur/parser/parser.go @@ -0,0 +1,409 @@ +package parser + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "regexp" + "strings" + + "github.com/gorilla/css/scanner" + + "github.com/aymerick/douceur/css" +) + +const ( + importantSuffixRegexp = `(?i)\s*!important\s*$` +) + +var ( + importantRegexp *regexp.Regexp +) + +// Parser represents a CSS parser +type Parser struct { + scan *scanner.Scanner // Tokenizer + + // Tokens parsed but not consumed yet + tokens []*scanner.Token + + // Rule embedding level + embedLevel int +} + +func init() { + importantRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(importantSuffixRegexp) +} + +// NewParser instanciates a new parser +func NewParser(txt string) *Parser { + return &Parser{ + scan: scanner.New(txt), + } +} + +// Parse parses a whole stylesheet +func Parse(text string) (*css.Stylesheet, error) { + result, err := NewParser(text).ParseStylesheet() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return result, nil +} + +// ParseDeclarations parses CSS declarations +func ParseDeclarations(text string) ([]*css.Declaration, error) { + result, err := NewParser(text).ParseDeclarations() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return result, nil +} + +// ParseStylesheet parses a stylesheet +func (parser *Parser) ParseStylesheet() (*css.Stylesheet, error) { + result := css.NewStylesheet() + + // Parse BOM + if _, err := parser.parseBOM(); err != nil { + return result, err + } + + // Parse list of rules + rules, err := parser.ParseRules() + if err != nil { + return result, err + } + + result.Rules = rules + + return result, nil +} + +// ParseRules parses a list of rules +func (parser *Parser) ParseRules() ([]*css.Rule, error) { + result := []*css.Rule{} + + inBlock := false + if parser.tokenChar("{") { + // parsing a block of rules + inBlock = true + parser.embedLevel++ + + parser.shiftToken() + } + + for parser.tokenParsable() { + if parser.tokenIgnorable() { + parser.shiftToken() + } else if parser.tokenChar("}") { + if !inBlock { + errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected } character: %s", parser.nextToken().String()) + return result, errors.New(errMsg) + } + + parser.shiftToken() + parser.embedLevel-- + + // finished + break + } else { + rule, err := parser.ParseRule() + if err != nil { + return result, err + } + + rule.EmbedLevel = parser.embedLevel + result = append(result, rule) + } + } + + return result, parser.err() +} + +// ParseRule parses a rule +func (parser *Parser) ParseRule() (*css.Rule, error) { + if parser.tokenAtKeyword() { + return parser.parseAtRule() + } + + return parser.parseQualifiedRule() +} + +// ParseDeclarations parses a list of declarations +func (parser *Parser) ParseDeclarations() ([]*css.Declaration, error) { + result := []*css.Declaration{} + + if parser.tokenChar("{") { + parser.shiftToken() + } + + for parser.tokenParsable() { + if parser.tokenIgnorable() { + parser.shiftToken() + } else if parser.tokenChar("}") { + // end of block + parser.shiftToken() + break + } else { + declaration, err := parser.ParseDeclaration() + if err != nil { + return result, err + } + + result = append(result, declaration) + } + } + + return result, parser.err() +} + +// ParseDeclaration parses a declaration +func (parser *Parser) ParseDeclaration() (*css.Declaration, error) { + result := css.NewDeclaration() + curValue := "" + + for parser.tokenParsable() { + if parser.tokenChar(":") { + result.Property = strings.TrimSpace(curValue) + curValue = "" + + parser.shiftToken() + } else if parser.tokenChar(";") || parser.tokenChar("}") { + if result.Property == "" { + errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected ; character: %s", parser.nextToken().String()) + return result, errors.New(errMsg) + } + + if importantRegexp.MatchString(curValue) { + result.Important = true + curValue = importantRegexp.ReplaceAllString(curValue, "") + } + + result.Value = strings.TrimSpace(curValue) + + if parser.tokenChar(";") { + parser.shiftToken() + } + + // finished + break + } else { + token := parser.shiftToken() + curValue += token.Value + } + } + + // log.Printf("[parsed] Declaration: %s", result.String()) + + return result, parser.err() +} + +// Parse an At Rule +func (parser *Parser) parseAtRule() (*css.Rule, error) { + // parse rule name (eg: "@import") + token := parser.shiftToken() + + result := css.NewRule(css.AtRule) + result.Name = token.Value + + for parser.tokenParsable() { + if parser.tokenChar(";") { + parser.shiftToken() + + // finished + break + } else if parser.tokenChar("{") { + if result.EmbedsRules() { + // parse rules block + rules, err := parser.ParseRules() + if err != nil { + return result, err + } + + result.Rules = rules + } else { + // parse declarations block + declarations, err := parser.ParseDeclarations() + if err != nil { + return result, err + } + + result.Declarations = declarations + } + + // finished + break + } else { + // parse prelude + prelude, err := parser.parsePrelude() + if err != nil { + return result, err + } + + result.Prelude = prelude + } + } + + // log.Printf("[parsed] Rule: %s", result.String()) + + return result, parser.err() +} + +// Parse a Qualified Rule +func (parser *Parser) parseQualifiedRule() (*css.Rule, error) { + result := css.NewRule(css.QualifiedRule) + + for parser.tokenParsable() { + if parser.tokenChar("{") { + if result.Prelude == "" { + errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected { character: %s", parser.nextToken().String()) + return result, errors.New(errMsg) + } + + // parse declarations block + declarations, err := parser.ParseDeclarations() + if err != nil { + return result, err + } + + result.Declarations = declarations + + // finished + break + } else { + // parse prelude + prelude, err := parser.parsePrelude() + if err != nil { + return result, err + } + + result.Prelude = prelude + } + } + + result.Selectors = strings.Split(result.Prelude, ",") + for i, sel := range result.Selectors { + result.Selectors[i] = strings.TrimSpace(sel) + } + + // log.Printf("[parsed] Rule: %s", result.String()) + + return result, parser.err() +} + +// Parse Rule prelude +func (parser *Parser) parsePrelude() (string, error) { + result := "" + + for parser.tokenParsable() && !parser.tokenEndOfPrelude() { + token := parser.shiftToken() + result += token.Value + } + + result = strings.TrimSpace(result) + + // log.Printf("[parsed] prelude: %s", result) + + return result, parser.err() +} + +// Parse BOM +func (parser *Parser) parseBOM() (bool, error) { + if parser.nextToken().Type == scanner.TokenBOM { + parser.shiftToken() + return true, nil + } + + return false, parser.err() +} + +// Returns next token without removing it from tokens buffer +func (parser *Parser) nextToken() *scanner.Token { + if len(parser.tokens) == 0 { + // fetch next token + nextToken := parser.scan.Next() + + // log.Printf("[token] %s => %v", nextToken.Type.String(), nextToken.Value) + + // queue it + parser.tokens = append(parser.tokens, nextToken) + } + + return parser.tokens[0] +} + +// Returns next token and remove it from the tokens buffer +func (parser *Parser) shiftToken() *scanner.Token { + var result *scanner.Token + + result, parser.tokens = parser.tokens[0], parser.tokens[1:] + return result +} + +// Returns tokenizer error, or nil if no error +func (parser *Parser) err() error { + if parser.tokenError() { + token := parser.nextToken() + return fmt.Errorf("Tokenizer error: %s", token.String()) + } + + return nil +} + +// Returns true if next token is Error +func (parser *Parser) tokenError() bool { + return parser.nextToken().Type == scanner.TokenError +} + +// Returns true if next token is EOF +func (parser *Parser) tokenEOF() bool { + return parser.nextToken().Type == scanner.TokenEOF +} + +// Returns true if next token is a whitespace +func (parser *Parser) tokenWS() bool { + return parser.nextToken().Type == scanner.TokenS +} + +// Returns true if next token is a comment +func (parser *Parser) tokenComment() bool { + return parser.nextToken().Type == scanner.TokenComment +} + +// Returns true if next token is a CDO or a CDC +func (parser *Parser) tokenCDOorCDC() bool { + switch parser.nextToken().Type { + case scanner.TokenCDO, scanner.TokenCDC: + return true + default: + return false + } +} + +// Returns true if next token is ignorable +func (parser *Parser) tokenIgnorable() bool { + return parser.tokenWS() || parser.tokenComment() || parser.tokenCDOorCDC() +} + +// Returns true if next token is parsable +func (parser *Parser) tokenParsable() bool { + return !parser.tokenEOF() && !parser.tokenError() +} + +// Returns true if next token is an At Rule keyword +func (parser *Parser) tokenAtKeyword() bool { + return parser.nextToken().Type == scanner.TokenAtKeyword +} + +// Returns true if next token is given character +func (parser *Parser) tokenChar(value string) bool { + token := parser.nextToken() + return (token.Type == scanner.TokenChar) && (token.Value == value) +} + +// Returns true if next token marks the end of a prelude +func (parser *Parser) tokenEndOfPrelude() bool { + return parser.tokenChar(";") || parser.tokenChar("{") +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gorilla/css/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/gorilla/css/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..bee2a059d36 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gorilla/css/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +Copyright (c) 2013, Gorilla web toolkit +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, +are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + + Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this + list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + + Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this + list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or + other materials provided with the distribution. + + Neither the name of the {organization} nor the names of its + contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from + this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR +ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON +ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gorilla/css/scanner/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/gorilla/css/scanner/doc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f19850e15ff --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gorilla/css/scanner/doc.go @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +// Copyright 2012 The Gorilla Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +/* +Package gorilla/css/scanner generates tokens for a CSS3 input. + +It follows the CSS3 specification located at: + + http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/ + +To use it, create a new scanner for a given CSS string and call Next() until +the token returned has type TokenEOF or TokenError: + + s := scanner.New(myCSS) + for { + token := s.Next() + if token.Type == scanner.TokenEOF || token.Type == scanner.TokenError { + break + } + // Do something with the token... + } + +Following the CSS3 specification, an error can only occur when the scanner +finds an unclosed quote or unclosed comment. In these cases the text becomes +"untokenizable". Everything else is tokenizable and it is up to a parser +to make sense of the token stream (or ignore nonsensical token sequences). + +Note: the scanner doesn't perform lexical analysis or, in other words, it +doesn't care about the token context. It is intended to be used by a +lexer or parser. +*/ +package scanner diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gorilla/css/scanner/scanner.go b/vendor/github.com/gorilla/css/scanner/scanner.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..23fa7404ecf --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gorilla/css/scanner/scanner.go @@ -0,0 +1,356 @@ +// Copyright 2012 The Gorilla Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package scanner + +import ( + "fmt" + "regexp" + "strings" + "unicode" + "unicode/utf8" +) + +// tokenType identifies the type of lexical tokens. +type tokenType int + +// String returns a string representation of the token type. +func (t tokenType) String() string { + return tokenNames[t] +} + +// Token represents a token and the corresponding string. +type Token struct { + Type tokenType + Value string + Line int + Column int +} + +// String returns a string representation of the token. +func (t *Token) String() string { + if len(t.Value) > 10 { + return fmt.Sprintf("%s (line: %d, column: %d): %.10q...", + t.Type, t.Line, t.Column, t.Value) + } + return fmt.Sprintf("%s (line: %d, column: %d): %q", + t.Type, t.Line, t.Column, t.Value) +} + +// All tokens ----------------------------------------------------------------- + +// The complete list of tokens in CSS3. +const ( + // Scanner flags. + TokenError tokenType = iota + TokenEOF + // From now on, only tokens from the CSS specification. + TokenIdent + TokenAtKeyword + TokenString + TokenHash + TokenNumber + TokenPercentage + TokenDimension + TokenURI + TokenUnicodeRange + TokenCDO + TokenCDC + TokenS + TokenComment + TokenFunction + TokenIncludes + TokenDashMatch + TokenPrefixMatch + TokenSuffixMatch + TokenSubstringMatch + TokenChar + TokenBOM +) + +// tokenNames maps tokenType's to their names. Used for conversion to string. +var tokenNames = map[tokenType]string{ + TokenError: "error", + TokenEOF: "EOF", + TokenIdent: "IDENT", + TokenAtKeyword: "ATKEYWORD", + TokenString: "STRING", + TokenHash: "HASH", + TokenNumber: "NUMBER", + TokenPercentage: "PERCENTAGE", + TokenDimension: "DIMENSION", + TokenURI: "URI", + TokenUnicodeRange: "UNICODE-RANGE", + TokenCDO: "CDO", + TokenCDC: "CDC", + TokenS: "S", + TokenComment: "COMMENT", + TokenFunction: "FUNCTION", + TokenIncludes: "INCLUDES", + TokenDashMatch: "DASHMATCH", + TokenPrefixMatch: "PREFIXMATCH", + TokenSuffixMatch: "SUFFIXMATCH", + TokenSubstringMatch: "SUBSTRINGMATCH", + TokenChar: "CHAR", + TokenBOM: "BOM", +} + +// Macros and productions ----------------------------------------------------- +// http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#tokenization + +var macroRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`\{[a-z]+\}`) + +// macros maps macro names to patterns to be expanded. +var macros = map[string]string{ + // must be escaped: `\.+*?()|[]{}^$` + "ident": `-?{nmstart}{nmchar}*`, + "name": `{nmchar}+`, + "nmstart": `[a-zA-Z_]|{nonascii}|{escape}`, + "nonascii": "[\u0080-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\U00010000-\U0010FFFF]", + "unicode": `\\[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}{wc}?`, + "escape": "{unicode}|\\\\[\u0020-\u007E\u0080-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\U00010000-\U0010FFFF]", + "nmchar": `[a-zA-Z0-9_-]|{nonascii}|{escape}`, + "num": `[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+`, + "string": `"(?:{stringchar}|')*"|'(?:{stringchar}|")*'`, + "stringchar": `{urlchar}|[ ]|\\{nl}`, + "nl": `[\n\r\f]|\r\n`, + "w": `{wc}*`, + "wc": `[\t\n\f\r ]`, + + // urlchar should accept [(ascii characters minus those that need escaping)|{nonascii}|{escape}] + // ASCII characters range = `[\u0020-\u007e]` + // Skip space \u0020 = `[\u0021-\u007e]` + // Skip quotation mark \0022 = `[\u0021\u0023-\u007e]` + // Skip apostrophe \u0027 = `[\u0021\u0023-\u0026\u0028-\u007e]` + // Skip reverse solidus \u005c = `[\u0021\u0023-\u0026\u0028-\u005b\u005d\u007e]` + // Finally, the left square bracket (\u005b) and right (\u005d) needs escaping themselves + "urlchar": "[\u0021\u0023-\u0026\u0028-\\\u005b\\\u005d-\u007E]|{nonascii}|{escape}", +} + +// productions maps the list of tokens to patterns to be expanded. +var productions = map[tokenType]string{ + // Unused regexps (matched using other methods) are commented out. + TokenIdent: `{ident}`, + TokenAtKeyword: `@{ident}`, + TokenString: `{string}`, + TokenHash: `#{name}`, + TokenNumber: `{num}`, + TokenPercentage: `{num}%`, + TokenDimension: `{num}{ident}`, + TokenURI: `url\({w}(?:{string}|{urlchar}*?){w}\)`, + TokenUnicodeRange: `U\+[0-9A-F\?]{1,6}(?:-[0-9A-F]{1,6})?`, + //TokenCDO: ``, + TokenS: `{wc}+`, + TokenComment: `/\*[^\*]*[\*]+(?:[^/][^\*]*[\*]+)*/`, + TokenFunction: `{ident}\(`, + //TokenIncludes: `~=`, + //TokenDashMatch: `\|=`, + //TokenPrefixMatch: `\^=`, + //TokenSuffixMatch: `\$=`, + //TokenSubstringMatch: `\*=`, + //TokenChar: `[^"']`, + //TokenBOM: "\uFEFF", +} + +// matchers maps the list of tokens to compiled regular expressions. +// +// The map is filled on init() using the macros and productions defined in +// the CSS specification. +var matchers = map[tokenType]*regexp.Regexp{} + +// matchOrder is the order to test regexps when first-char shortcuts +// can't be used. +var matchOrder = []tokenType{ + TokenURI, + TokenFunction, + TokenUnicodeRange, + TokenIdent, + TokenDimension, + TokenPercentage, + TokenNumber, + TokenCDC, +} + +func init() { + // replace macros and compile regexps for productions. + replaceMacro := func(s string) string { + return "(?:" + macros[s[1:len(s)-1]] + ")" + } + for t, s := range productions { + for macroRegexp.MatchString(s) { + s = macroRegexp.ReplaceAllStringFunc(s, replaceMacro) + } + matchers[t] = regexp.MustCompile("^(?:" + s + ")") + } +} + +// Scanner -------------------------------------------------------------------- + +// New returns a new CSS scanner for the given input. +func New(input string) *Scanner { + // Normalize newlines. + input = strings.Replace(input, "\r\n", "\n", -1) + return &Scanner{ + input: input, + row: 1, + col: 1, + } +} + +// Scanner scans an input and emits tokens following the CSS3 specification. +type Scanner struct { + input string + pos int + row int + col int + err *Token +} + +// Next returns the next token from the input. +// +// At the end of the input the token type is TokenEOF. +// +// If the input can't be tokenized the token type is TokenError. This occurs +// in case of unclosed quotation marks or comments. +func (s *Scanner) Next() *Token { + if s.err != nil { + return s.err + } + if s.pos >= len(s.input) { + s.err = &Token{TokenEOF, "", s.row, s.col} + return s.err + } + if s.pos == 0 { + // Test BOM only once, at the beginning of the file. + if strings.HasPrefix(s.input, "\uFEFF") { + return s.emitSimple(TokenBOM, "\uFEFF") + } + } + // There's a lot we can guess based on the first byte so we'll take a + // shortcut before testing multiple regexps. + input := s.input[s.pos:] + switch input[0] { + case '\t', '\n', '\f', '\r', ' ': + // Whitespace. + return s.emitToken(TokenS, matchers[TokenS].FindString(input)) + case '.': + // Dot is too common to not have a quick check. + // We'll test if this is a Char; if it is followed by a number it is a + // dimension/percentage/number, and this will be matched later. + if len(input) > 1 && !unicode.IsDigit(rune(input[1])) { + return s.emitSimple(TokenChar, ".") + } + case '#': + // Another common one: Hash or Char. + if match := matchers[TokenHash].FindString(input); match != "" { + return s.emitToken(TokenHash, match) + } + return s.emitSimple(TokenChar, "#") + case '@': + // Another common one: AtKeyword or Char. + if match := matchers[TokenAtKeyword].FindString(input); match != "" { + return s.emitSimple(TokenAtKeyword, match) + } + return s.emitSimple(TokenChar, "@") + case ':', ',', ';', '%', '&', '+', '=', '>', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}': + // More common chars. + return s.emitSimple(TokenChar, string(input[0])) + case '"', '\'': + // String or error. + match := matchers[TokenString].FindString(input) + if match != "" { + return s.emitToken(TokenString, match) + } + + s.err = &Token{TokenError, "unclosed quotation mark", s.row, s.col} + return s.err + case '/': + // Comment, error or Char. + if len(input) > 1 && input[1] == '*' { + match := matchers[TokenComment].FindString(input) + if match != "" { + return s.emitToken(TokenComment, match) + } else { + s.err = &Token{TokenError, "unclosed comment", s.row, s.col} + return s.err + } + } + return s.emitSimple(TokenChar, "/") + case '~': + // Includes or Char. + return s.emitPrefixOrChar(TokenIncludes, "~=") + case '|': + // DashMatch or Char. + return s.emitPrefixOrChar(TokenDashMatch, "|=") + case '^': + // PrefixMatch or Char. + return s.emitPrefixOrChar(TokenPrefixMatch, "^=") + case '$': + // SuffixMatch or Char. + return s.emitPrefixOrChar(TokenSuffixMatch, "$=") + case '*': + // SubstringMatch or Char. + return s.emitPrefixOrChar(TokenSubstringMatch, "*=") + case '<': + // CDO or Char. + return s.emitPrefixOrChar(TokenCDO, "