Please, be patient, I will send as it will be ready.
You are banned until **{datetime} UTC**.
You are banned for **{seconds} second(s)**
**Updatesand news**:{related_channel}
**BTCAddress:** {btc_donate_address}
You can directly feedback us by /contact <your message here>
If you with to make a copyright infringement complaint:
- Start your message with /copyright, then add the new line
- Paste view links of items you are claiming about. View link is an item
you are clicking on the search page result, i.e. `/v_ip6qnAOB_893608_1749642_3`
- Add as a single file (*.zip) all documents confirming you are legal copyright owner or an agent authorized to act on the owner’s behalf.
Your claim will be considered during 24 hour.
Descision to satisfy the claim will make unable the subject to be downloaded but it will be still searchable.
Your claim for copyright infringement has been accepted.
COULD_NOT_FIND_ANYTHING:Could not find anything:(
DISABLE_DISCOVERY:If you don't want to get personalized feed, you can disable Nexus Discovery in /settings
DISCOVERY_PROMPT:🦘 **Look at what I've found for you:** 🦘
Thank you for visiting /donate. I appreciate even your intention just to open this message.
All good teaching must flow from copious sources of knowledge. The shallow fountain cannot emit a vigorous stream.
Donating to us, you are donating to all people who have no access to human knowledge due to paywall restrictions or an excessively high price.
All donations will be spent for:
- Development of the Nexus Index and making as much knowledge searchable as possible for everybody.
- Maintaining servers. Building and serving the index and using machine learning is a heavy computational task requiring a lot of GPUs, CPUs and disks.
Every cent will be used for the project.
You can /contact us or subscribe at {related_channel}, if you want to know exactly how donations will be spent.
**BTCAddress:** {btc_donate_address}
DOWNLOAD_AND_SEARCH_MORE:Download and search more
We are reloading our backends.
Please, try to download `{document}` in a minute.
Hi! I'm **Nexus** bot!
I can search books or science articles by titles, authors or DOIs.
Also, I can send recommendations based on what you were looking for before.
**Justtype your request in plain words.**
Example:`Divine Comedy Dante` or ``
Restrict search by 2019 year:`hemoglobin AND year:2019`
Find only starting from 2019 year:`hemoglobin AND year:[2019 TO *]
Search by author:`authors:Jack authors:London`
Exact match:`"Fetal Hemoglobin"`
/copyright - make a copyright infringement claim
/donate - tells how to support us
/help - shows this help
/roll - get random book
/settings - changes language, notification and personalized feed settings
What are you going to read today?
Hi! I'm **Nexus** bot for groups!
I can search books or science articles by titles, authors or DOIs.
Just type your request in plain words prepending **with /search**.
Example:`/search Divine Comedy Dante` or `/search`
Restrict search by 2019 year:`/search hemoglobin AND year:2019`
Find only starting from 2019 year:`/search hemoglobin AND year:[2019 TO *]
Search by author:`/search authors:Jack authors:London`
Exact match:`/search "Fetal Hemoglobin"`
/donate - tells how to support us
/help - shows this help
/roll - get random book
/settings - changes language
What are we going to read today?
```Oops, I do not know what to do with this URL:(
Try to send me DOI, MD5 or just the name of what you are looking for!```[]({too_difficult_picture_url})
```Oops, something wrong with your query. Probably it is too clever for me.
Tip:use brackets, add more AND/OR or remove them all.```[]({too_difficult_picture_url})
LEGACY:We've updated and old widgets stopped working:( Please, do search again.
LOOKING_AT:'looking at {source}...'
```Oops! Something goes wrong and we are trying hard to revive.
Please, try a little bit later.```[]({maintenance_picture_url})
MAINTENANCE_WO_PIC:Oops! Please, try a little bit later.
NAMELESS:Without name
**NexusDiscovery** is a recommendation service. It also notifies you about newly arrived publications you were looking for before. Your personal digest will be sent at every Sunday.
**NexusSearch - Update and News**
READ_ONLY_MODE:⚠️ Reduced service until midnight (UTC). /settings is not working, search in slow mode.
REFERENCED_BY:Referenced by
REPLY_MESSAGE_HAS_BEEN_DELETED:Search message has been (re-)moved. Do search again.
SEND_YOUR_LOCATION:Send your location (through the left attach button)
Settings could be set up automatically or manually.
Automatic mode will requests location to set timezone, language and georanking.
**BotVersion:** {bot_version}
**NexusVersion:** {nexus_version}
SETUP_AUTOMATICALLY:Setup automatically
SETUP_MANUALLY:Setup manually
SHORT_PROMO:⤴️ Stay tuned with us at {related_channel}
SOURCES_UNAVAILABLE:'`{document}` is unavailable right now. Please, try later.'
SUBSCRIBE_TO_CHANNEL:Subscribe to {related_channel} to continue using this bot.
SYSTEM_MESSAGING_OPTION:Bot Update Notifications
TANKS_BRUH:Tank ya bruuuh!
THANK_YOU_FOR_CONTACT:Thank you! If you have a question, it is better to ask at {related_channel} user conference.
Your query is too long (limit is about 35-40 characters).
Try to use NID-encoded query. Find an item you want to share, copy NID from a view page and
then create a shortlink for query `NID:<NID>`.
TOO_MANY_DOWNLOADS:Too many active downloads. Please, wait them to complete.
TRANSMITTED_FROM:'transmitted from {source}'
```Major update is going on, come back to us tomorrow```[]({upgrade_maintenance_picture_url})
UPLOADED_TO_TELEGRAM:uploaded to Telegram...
VIEWS_CANNOT_BE_SHARED:Do your own search, commands cannot be shared.
Puedes enviarnos sus comentarios directamente por /contact <tu mensaje aquí>
Si deseas presentar una queja por infracción de derechos de autor:
- Comience su mensaje con /copyright, luego agregue la nueva línea
- Pega los enlaces a los ítems sobre los que está reclamando. Un enlace a un ítem
es aquel sobre el que está haciendo clic en el resultado de la página de búsqueda, es decir, `/vb_FH5fWn2o_3512868_1675254_2`
- Agrega como un solo archivo (*.zip) todos los documentos que confirman que eres el propietario legal de los derechos de autor o un agente autorizado para actuar en nombre del propietario.
Tu reclamo será considerado durante 24 horas.
La decisión de satisfacer el reclamo impedirá que se descargue el ítem, pero aún se podrá buscar.
Se ha aceptado su reclamo por infracción de derechos de autor.
COULD_NOT_FIND_ANYTHING:Nopude encontrar nada :(
DISABLE_DISCOVERY:Si no deseas obtener un feed personalizado, puedes inhabilitar Nexus Discovery en /settings
DISCOVERY_PROMPT:🦘 **Mira lo que encontré para ti:** 🦘
Gracias por visitar /donate. Agradezco incluso su intención de abrir este mensaje.
Toda buena enseñanza debe fluir de abundantes fuentes de conocimiento. La fuentes poco profundas no pueden emitir un resultado fluido y abundante.
Al donarnos a nosotros, estás donando a todas las personas que no tienen acceso al conocimiento humano debido a restricciones de pago o un precio excesivamente alto.
Todas las donaciones se gastarán en:
- Desarrollo del Nexus Index y hacer que todo el mundo pueda buscar tanto conocimiento como sea posible.
- Mantenimiento de servidores. Crear y entregar el índice y usar el aprendizaje automático es una tarea computacional pesada que requiere una gran cantidad de GPU, CPU y discos.
Cada centavo se utilizará para el proyecto.
You can /contact us or subscribe at {related_channel}, if you want to know exactly how donations will be spent.
Puedes contactarnos con /contact o suscribirte en {related_channel}, si deseas saber exactamente cómo se gastarán las donaciones.
**Detallessobre donaciones**
**DirecciónBTC:** {btc_donate_address}
DOWNLOAD_AND_SEARCH_MORE:Descarga y busca más
Estamos recargando nuestros backends.
Por favor, intente descargar `{document}` en un minuto.
¡Hola! ¡Soy el bot **Nexus**!
Puedo buscar libros o artículos científicos por títulos, autores o DOI.
Además, puedo enviar recomendaciones basadas en lo que estabas buscando antes.
**Simplementeescriba su solicitud en palabras sencillas.**
Ejemplo:`Cien Años de Soledad` o ``
Restringir la búsqueda para el año 2019:`hemoglobina AND year:2019`
Encuentre solo a partir del año 2019:`hemoglobina AND year:[2019 TO *]
Búsqueda por autor:`authors:Jack authors:London`
Coincidencia exacta:`"Hemoglobina Fetal"`
/copyright - hacer un reclamo por infracción de derechos de autor
/donate - explica cómo apoyarnos
/help - muestra esta ayuda
/roll - obtener un libro al azar
/settings - cambia la configuración de idioma, notificaciones y feeds personalizados
¿Qué vas a leer hoy?
¡Hola! ¡Soy el bot **Nexus** para grupos!
Puedo buscar libros o artículos científicos por títulos, autores o DOI.
Simplemente escribe tu solicitud en palabras sencillas precedido **de /search**.
Ejemplo:`Cien Años de Soledad` o ``
Restringir la búsqueda para el año 2019:`hemoglobina AND year:2019`
Encuentre solo a partir del año 2019:`hemoglobina AND year:[2019 TO *]
Búsqueda por autor:`authors:Jack authors:London`
Coincidencia exacta:`"Hemoglobina Fetal"`
/donate - explica cómo apoyarnos
/help - muestra esta ayuda
/roll - obtener un libro al azar
/settings - cambia la configuración de idioma, notificaciones y feeds personalizados
**NexusDiscovery** es un servicio de recomendaciones. También te notifica sobre publicaciones recién llegadas que estabas buscando antes. Tu resumen personal se enviará todos los domingos.