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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The Lucene Query DSL parser based on PLY
import logging
# TODO : add reserved chars and escaping, regex
# see : https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-query-string-query.html
# https://lucene.apache.org/core/3_6_0/queryparsersyntax.html
import re
import ply.lex as lex
import ply.yacc as yacc
from izihawa_utils.exceptions import BaseError
from .tree import (
class ParseError(BaseError):
code = 'parse_error'
level = logging.WARNING
reserved = {
'AND': 'AND_OP',
'OR': 'OR_OP',
'NOT': 'NOT',
'TO': 'TO',
'to': 'TO',
# tokens of our grammar
tokens = (
] + sorted(set(reserved.values()))
# text of some simple tokens
t_PLUS = r'\+(?=\S)'
t_MINUS = r'\-(?=\S)'
t_NOT = 'NOT'
t_AND_OP = r'AND'
t_OR_OP = r'OR'
t_COLUMN = r'(?<=\S):(?=\S)'
t_LPAREN = r'\('
t_RPAREN = r'\)'
t_LBRACKET = r'(\[|\{)'
t_RBRACKET = r'(\]|\})'
# precedence rules
precedence = (
('left', 'OR_OP',),
('left', 'AND_OP'),
('nonassoc', 'MINUS',),
('nonassoc', 'PLUS',),
('nonassoc', 'APPROX'),
('nonassoc', 'BOOST'),
('nonassoc', 'LPAREN', 'RPAREN'),
('nonassoc', 'LBRACKET', 'TO', 'RBRACKET'),
('nonassoc', 'REGEX'),
('nonassoc', 'PHRASE'),
('nonassoc', 'TERM'),
# term
# the case of : which is used in date is problematic because it is also a delimiter
# lets catch those expressions appart
# Note : we must use positive look behind, because regexp engine is eager,
# and it's only arrived at ':' that it will try this rule
TIME_RE = r'''
(?<=T\d{2}): # look behind for T and two digits: hours
\d{2} # minutes
(:\d{2})? # seconds
# this is a wide catching expression, to also include date math.
# Inspired by the original lucene parser:
# https://github.com/apache/lucene-solr/blob/master/lucene/queryparser/src/java/org/apache/lucene/queryparser/surround/parser/QueryParser.jj#L189
# We do allow the wildcards operators ('*' and '?') as our parser doesn't deal with them.
TERM_RE = fr'''
(?P<term> # group term
[^\s:^~(){{}}[\]/,{QUOTES}+\-\\] # first char is not a space neither some char which have meanings
# note: escape of "-" and "]"
# and doubling of "{{}}" (because we use format)
| # but
\\. # we can start with an escaped character
([^\s:^\\~(){{}}[\]{QUOTES}] # following chars
| # OR
\\. # an escaped char
| # OR
{TIME_RE} # a time expression
# phrase
PHRASE_RE = fr'''
(?P<phrase> # phrase
[{QUOTES}] # opening quote
(?: # repeating
[^\\{QUOTES}] # - a char which is not escape or end of phrase
| # OR
\\. # - an escaped char
[{QUOTES}] # closing quote
# r'(?P<phrase>"(?:[^\\"]|\\"|\\[^"])*")' # this is quite complicated to handle \"
# modifiers after term or phrase
APPROX_RE = r'~(?P<degree>[0-9.]+)?'
BOOST_RE = r'\^(?P<force>[0-9.]+)?'
# regex
REGEX_RE = r'''
(?P<regex> # regex
/ # open slash
(?: # repeating
[^\\/] # - a char which is not escape or end of regex
| # OR
\\. # an escaped char
/ # closing slash
def t_SEPARATOR(t):
pass # discard separators
def t_TERM(t):
# check if it is not a reserved term (an operation)
t.type = reserved.get(t.value, 'TERM')
# it's not, make it a Word
if t.type == 'TERM':
m = re.match(TERM_RE, t.value, re.VERBOSE)
value = m.group("term")
t.value = Word(value)
return t
def t_PHRASE(t):
m = re.match(PHRASE_RE, t.value, re.VERBOSE)
value = m.group("phrase")
t.value = Phrase(value)
return t
def t_REGEX(t):
m = re.match(REGEX_RE, t.value, re.VERBOSE)
value = m.group("regex")
t.value = Regex(value)
return t
def t_APPROX(t):
m = re.match(APPROX_RE, t.value)
t.value = m.group("degree")
return t
def t_BOOST(t):
m = re.match(BOOST_RE, t.value)
t.value = m.group("force")
return t
# Error handling rule FIXME
def t_error(t): # pragma: no cover
lexer = lex.lex()
def p_expression_or(p):
'expression : expression OR_OP expression'
p[0] = create_operation(OrOperation, p[1], p[3])
def p_expression_and(p):
'''expression : expression AND_OP expression'''
p[0] = create_operation(AndOperation, p[1], p[len(p) - 1])
def p_expression_implicit(p):
'''expression : expression expression'''
p[0] = create_operation(UnknownOperation, p[1], p[2])
def p_expression_plus(p):
'''unary_expression : PLUS unary_expression'''
p[0] = Plus(p[2])
def p_expression_minus(p):
'''unary_expression : MINUS unary_expression'''
p[0] = Prohibit(p[2])
def p_expression_not(p):
'''unary_expression : NOT unary_expression'''
p[0] = Not(p[2])
def p_expression_unary(p):
'''expression : unary_expression'''
p[0] = p[1]
def p_grouping(p):
'unary_expression : LPAREN expression RPAREN'
p[0] = Group(p[2]) # Will p_field_search will transform as FieldGroup if necessary
def p_range(p):
'''unary_expression : LBRACKET phrase_or_term TO phrase_or_term RBRACKET'''
include_low = p[1] == "["
include_high = p[5] == "]"
p[0] = Range(p[2], p[4], include_low, include_high)
def p_field_search(p):
'''unary_expression : TERM COLUMN unary_expression'''
if isinstance(p[3], Group):
p[3] = group_to_fieldgroup(p[3])
# for field name we take p[1].value for it was captured as a word expression
p[0] = SearchField(p[1].value, p[3])
def p_quoting(p):
'unary_expression : PHRASE'
p[0] = p[1]
def p_proximity(p):
'''unary_expression : PHRASE APPROX'''
p[0] = Proximity(p[1], p[2])
def p_boosting(p):
'''expression : expression BOOST'''
p[0] = Boost(p[1], p[2])
def p_terms(p):
'''unary_expression : TERM'''
p[0] = p[1]
def p_fuzzy(p):
'''unary_expression : TERM APPROX'''
p[0] = Fuzzy(p[1], p[2])
def p_regex(p):
'''unary_expression : REGEX'''
p[0] = p[1]
# handling a special case, TO is reserved only in range
def p_to_as_term(p):
'''unary_expression : TO'''
p[0] = Word(p[1])
def p_phrase_or_term(p):
'''phrase_or_term : TERM
p[0] = p[1]
# Error rule for syntax errors
# TODO : should report better
def p_error(p):
if p is None:
p = "(probably at end of input, may be unmatch parenthesis or so)"
raise ParseError(error="Syntax error in input at %r!" % p)
parser = yacc.yacc()
"""This is the parser generated by PLY