# Nexus Ingest `Ingest` goes to Internet and send retrived data to Kafka queue of operations. This version has cut `configs` subdirectory due to hard reliance of configs on the network infrastructure you are using. You have to write your own configs taking example below into account. ## Sample `configs/base.yaml` ```yaml --- jobs: crossref-api: class: nexus.ingest.jobs.CrossrefApiJob kwargs: actions: - class: nexus.actions.crossref_api.CrossrefApiToThinScimagPbAction - class: nexus.actions.scimag.ScimagPbToDocumentOperationBytesAction base_url: https://api.crossref.org/ max_retries: 60 retry_delay: 10 sinks: - class: nexus.ingest.sinks.KafkaSink kwargs: kafka_hosts: - kafka-0.example.net - kafka-1.example.net topic_name: operations_binary libgen-api: class: nexus.ingest.jobs.LibgenApiJob kwargs: actions: - class: nexus.actions.libgen_api.LibgenApiToScitechPbAction - class: nexus.actions.scitech.ScitechPbToDocumentOperationBytesAction base_url: libgen.example.net max_retries: 60 retry_delay: 10 sinks: - class: nexus.ingest.sinks.KafkaSink kwargs: kafka_hosts: - kafka-0.example.net - kafka-1.example.net topic_name: operations_binary log_path: '/var/log/nexus-ingest/{{ ENV_TYPE }}' ```