import binascii import logging import re from typing import ( Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union, cast, ) from PyPDF2._cmap import ( _default_fonts_space_width, compute_space_width, parse_bfchar, parse_encoding, prepare_cm, unknown_char_map, ) from PyPDF2.errors import PdfStreamError from PyPDF2.generic import ( ContentStream, DictionaryObject, NameObject, ) from .text_collector import TextCollector elsevier_regexp = re.compile( r'Downloaded for .* at .* from .* ' r'by .* on \w+ \d{1,2}, \d{4}. ' r'For personal use only. No other uses without permission. ' r'Copyright ©\d{4}. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.' ) bmj_regexp = re.compile( r'^.*: first published as .* on \d{1,2} \w+ \d{4}. Downloaded from .*' r' on \w+ \d{1,2}, \d{4} at .* Protected by\s*copyright.' ) downloaded_regexp = re.compile(rb'^[Dd]ownloaded [Ff]rom:? https?://') terms_of_use_regexp = re.compile(rb'^[Tt]erms [Oo]f [Uu]se:? https?://') def _is_downloaded_from_https_watermark(text): return bool(, text)) or bool(, text)) def _is_1021_watermark(text): return ( text.startswith(b'Downloaded via ') or text.startswith( b'See for options ' b'on how to legitimately share published articles.' ) ) def _is_1093_watermark(text): return bool('^Downloaded from https://(.*) by [\w\s]+ on \d{1,2} \w+ \d{4}$', text)) def process_cm_line( l: bytes, process_rg: bool, process_char: bool, multiline_rg: Union[None, Tuple[int, int]], map_dict, int_entry, ): if l in (b"", b" ") or l[0] == 37: # 37 = % return process_rg, process_char, multiline_rg if b"beginbfrange" in l: process_rg = True elif b"endbfrange" in l: process_rg = False elif b"beginbfchar" in l: process_char = True elif b"endbfchar" in l: process_char = False elif process_rg: multiline_rg = parse_bfrange(l, map_dict, int_entry, multiline_rg) elif process_char: parse_bfchar(l, map_dict, int_entry) return process_rg, process_char, multiline_rg def parse_bfrange( l: bytes, map_dict: Dict[Any, Any], int_entry: List[int], multiline_rg: Union[None, Tuple[int, int]], ) -> Union[None, Tuple[int, int]]: lst = [x for x in l.split(b" ") if x] closure_found = False nbi = len(lst[0]) map_dict[-1] = nbi // 2 fmt = b"%%0%dX" % nbi if multiline_rg is not None: a = multiline_rg[0] # a, b not in the current line b = multiline_rg[1] for sq in lst[1:]: if sq == b"]": closure_found = True break map_dict[ binascii.unhexlify(fmt % a).decode( "charmap" if map_dict[-1] == 1 else "utf-16-be", "surrogatepass", ) ] = binascii.unhexlify(sq).decode("utf-16-be", "surrogatepass") int_entry.append(a) a += 1 else: a = int(lst[0], 16) b = int(lst[1], 16) if lst[2] == b"[": for sq in lst[3:]: if sq == b"]": closure_found = True break map_dict[ binascii.unhexlify(fmt % a).decode( "charmap" if map_dict[-1] == 1 else "utf-16-be", "surrogatepass", ) ] = binascii.unhexlify(sq).decode("utf-16-be", "surrogatepass") int_entry.append(a) a += 1 else: # case without list c = int(lst[2], 16) fmt2 = b"%%0%dX" % max(4, len(lst[2])) closure_found = True while a <= b: map_dict[ binascii.unhexlify(fmt % a).decode( "charmap" if map_dict[-1] == 1 else "utf-16-be", "surrogatepass", ) ] = binascii.unhexlify(fmt2 % c).decode("utf-16-be", "surrogatepass") int_entry.append(a) a += 1 c += 1 return None if closure_found else (a, b) def parse_to_unicode(ft: DictionaryObject, space_code: int): # will store all translation code # and map_dict[-1] we will have the number of bytes to convert map_dict = {} # will provide the list of cmap keys as int to correct encoding int_entry = [] if "/ToUnicode" not in ft: return {}, space_code, [] process_rg: bool = False process_char: bool = False multiline_rg: Union[ None, Tuple[int, int] ] = None cm = prepare_cm(ft) for l in cm.split(b"\n"): process_rg, process_char, multiline_rg = process_cm_line( l.strip(b" "), process_rg, process_char, multiline_rg, map_dict, int_entry ) for a, value in map_dict.items(): if value == " ": space_code = a return map_dict, space_code, int_entry def build_char_map( font_name: str, space_width: float, obj: DictionaryObject ): # font_type,space_width /2, encoding, cmap ft: DictionaryObject = obj["/Resources"]["/Font"][font_name] # type: ignore font_type: str = cast(str, ft["/Subtype"]) space_code = 32 encoding, space_code = parse_encoding(ft, space_code) map_dict, space_code, int_entry = parse_to_unicode(ft, space_code) if encoding == "": if -1 not in map_dict or map_dict[-1] == 1: encoding = "charmap" else: encoding = "utf-16-be" elif isinstance(encoding, dict): for x in int_entry: if x <= 255: encoding[x] = chr(x) try: # override space_width with new params space_width = _default_fonts_space_width[cast(str, ft["/BaseFont"])] except Exception: pass # I conside the space_code is available on one byte if isinstance(space_code, str): try: # one byte sp = space_code.encode("charmap")[0] except Exception: sp = space_code.encode("utf-16-be") sp = sp[0] + 256 * sp[1] else: sp = space_code sp_width = compute_space_width(ft, sp, space_width) return ( font_type, float(sp_width / 2), encoding, # map_dict, ) class BasePdfProcessor: def __init__(self, remove_pages=None): self.remove_pages = remove_pages or tuple() def process_page(self, page, pdf_reader): return page def process(self, pdf_reader, pdf_writer): for page_num, page in enumerate(pdf_reader.pages): if page_num in self.remove_pages: continue try: page = self.process_page(page, pdf_reader) except (PdfStreamError, binascii.Error) as e: logging.getLogger('warning').warning({ 'action': 'pdf_stream_error', 'mode': 'pylon', 'error': str(e), }) pdf_writer.add_page(page) class BaseWatermarkEraser(BasePdfProcessor): def __init__(self, is_watermark_predicate=_is_downloaded_from_https_watermark, watermark_orientations=None, remove_pages=None): super().__init__(remove_pages=remove_pages) self.is_watermark_predicate = is_watermark_predicate self.watermark_orientations = watermark_orientations if watermark_orientations is not None else (0, 90, 180, 270) class WatermarkEraser1(BaseWatermarkEraser): def process_page(self, page, pdf_reader): if '/XObject' in page['/Resources']: xobj = page['/Resources']['/XObject'] content = ContentStream(page['/Contents'], pdf_reader, "bytes") xobj_death_note = [] operations_death_note = [] for op_i, (operands, operation) in enumerate(content.operations): if operation == b"Do": nested_op = xobj[operands[0]] if nested_op["/Subtype"] != "/Image": text = page.extract_xform_text(nested_op, self.watermark_orientations, 200.0) # type: ignore if self.is_watermark_predicate(text.encode()): xobj_death_note.append(operands[0]) operations_death_note.append(op_i) logging.getLogger('debug').debug({ 'action': 'watermark_removal', 'mode': 'pylon', 'text': text, }) # Erase dictionary objects with watermarks for op_i in sorted(xobj_death_note, reverse=True): del xobj[op_i] # Erase operations with watermarks for op_i in reversed(operations_death_note): del content.operations[op_i] if operations_death_note or xobj_death_note: page.__setitem__(NameObject('/Contents'), content) page.compress_content_streams() return page class WatermarkEraser2(BaseWatermarkEraser): def process_page(self, page, pdf_reader): content = ContentStream(page['/Contents'], pdf_reader, "bytes") operations_death_note = [] for op_i, (operands, operation) in enumerate(content.operations): if operation == b"Tj": if isinstance(operands[0], bytes) and self.is_watermark_predicate(operands[0]): operations_death_note.append(op_i) logging.getLogger('debug').debug({ 'action': 'watermark_removal', 'mode': 'pylon', 'text': operands[0].decode(), }) # Erase operations with watermarks for op_i in reversed(operations_death_note): del content.operations[op_i] if operations_death_note: page.__setitem__(NameObject('/Contents'), content) page.compress_content_streams() return page class WatermarkEraser3(BaseWatermarkEraser): def process_page(self, page, pdf_reader): content = ContentStream(page['/Contents'], pdf_reader, "bytes") operations_death_note = [] for op_i, (operands, operation) in enumerate(content.operations): if operation == b"TJ": text = b'' for operand in operands[0]: if isinstance(operand, bytes): text += operand if self.is_watermark_predicate(text): operations_death_note.append(op_i) logging.getLogger('debug').debug({ 'action': 'watermark_removal', 'mode': 'pylon', 'text': text.decode(), }) # Erase operations with watermarks for op_i in reversed(operations_death_note): del content.operations[op_i] if operations_death_note: page.__setitem__(NameObject('/Contents'), content) page.compress_content_streams() return page class WatermarkEraser4(BaseWatermarkEraser): def __init__(self, regexp, inverted=False): super().__init__() self.regexp = regexp self.inverted = inverted def process_page(self, page, pdf_reader): content = ContentStream(page['/Contents'], pdf_reader, "bytes") operations_death_note = [] cmaps = {} space_width = 200.0 resources_dict = cast(DictionaryObject, page['/Resources']) tc = TextCollector(self.inverted) if "/Font" in resources_dict: for f in cast(DictionaryObject, resources_dict["/Font"]): cmaps[f] = build_char_map(f, space_width, page) cm_stack = [] cmap = ("charmap", {}, "NotInitialized") for op_i, (operands, operation) in enumerate(content.operations): if operation == b"q": cm_stack.append(cmap) elif operation == b"Q": try: cmap = cm_stack.pop() except Exception: pass elif operation == b"Tf": try: _space_width = cmaps[operands[0]][1] cmap = ( cmaps[operands[0]][2], cmaps[operands[0]][3], operands[0], ) except KeyError: # font not found _space_width = unknown_char_map[1] cmap = ( unknown_char_map[2], unknown_char_map[3], "???" + operands[0], ) elif operation == b"Tj": if isinstance(operands[0], str): text = operands[0] else: if isinstance(cmap[0], str): try: t = operands[0].decode(cmap[0], "surrogatepass") except Exception: t = operands[0].decode("utf-16-be" if cmap[0] == "charmap" else "charmap", "surrogatepass") else: t = "".join( [ cmap[0][x] if x in cmap[0] else bytes((x,)).decode() for x in operands[0] ] ) text = "".join([cmap[1][x] if x in cmap[1] else x for x in t]) tc.add_piece(text, op_i) text, matched = tc.match(self.regexp) if matched: operations_death_note.extend(matched) logging.getLogger('debug').debug({ 'action': 'watermark_removal', 'mode': 'pylon', 'matched': text, }) tc.clear() # Erase operations with watermarks for op_i in reversed(operations_death_note): del content.operations[op_i] if operations_death_note: page.__setitem__(NameObject('/Contents'), content) page.compress_content_streams() return page pdf_processors = { '10.1001': WatermarkEraser1(watermark_orientations=(0,)), '10.1016': WatermarkEraser4(elsevier_regexp), '10.1021': WatermarkEraser1(is_watermark_predicate=_is_1021_watermark, watermark_orientations=(90,)), '10.1073': WatermarkEraser1(watermark_orientations=(90,)), '10.1088': WatermarkEraser1(is_watermark_predicate=lambda text: False, remove_pages=(0,)), '10.1093': WatermarkEraser2(is_watermark_predicate=_is_1093_watermark), '10.1126': WatermarkEraser1(watermark_orientations=(270,)), '10.1136': WatermarkEraser4(bmj_regexp, inverted=True), '10.1287': WatermarkEraser1( watermark_orientations=(90,), remove_pages=(0,), ), '10.2108': WatermarkEraser3(), } base_pdf_processor = BasePdfProcessor()