mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 14:27:32 +01:00
2 internal commit(s) GitOrigin-RevId: bdefcb9130693f1bc6c56d23d44fc4e41ff4672d
91 lines
2.6 KiB
91 lines
2.6 KiB
let buildDir = process.argv.find((s) => s.startsWith('--buildDir='))
if (buildDir) {
buildDir = buildDir.substr('--buildDir='.length)
} else {
buildDir = 'nexus/cognitron/web/.nuxt'
module.exports = {
server: {
host: process.env['NEXUS_COGNITRON_WEB_application.address'] || '',
port: process.env['NEXUS_COGNITRON_WEB_application.port'] || 3000
buildDir: buildDir,
srcDir: 'nexus/cognitron/web',
modulesDir: ['external/' + process.env.BAZEL_NODE_MODULES_ROOT],
head: {
title: 'Nexus Cognitron',
meta: [
{ charset: 'utf-8' },
{ name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1' },
{ hid: 'description', name: 'description', content: 'Biggest Library on both Earth and Mars' }
link: [
{ rel: 'icon', type: 'image/x-icon', href: '/favicon.ico' },
{ rel: 'apple-touch-icon', sizes: '180x180', href: '/apple-touch-icon.png' },
{ rel: 'icon', type: 'image/png', sizes: '32x32', href: '/favicon-32x32.png' },
{ rel: 'icon', type: 'image/png', sizes: '16x16', href: '/favicon-16x16.png' },
{ rel: 'manifest', href: '/site.webmanifest' },
{ rel: 'mask-icon', href: '/safari-pinned-tab.svg', color: '#5bbad5' },
{ name: 'msapplication-TileColor', content: '#603cba' },
{ name: 'theme-color', content: '#ffffff' }
// Global CSS (https://go.nuxtjs.dev/config-css)
css: [
publicRuntimeConfig: {
meta_api: {
hostname: process.env['NEXUS_COGNITRON_WEB_meta_api.hostname'],
url: process.env['NEXUS_COGNITRON_WEB_meta_api.url']
ipfs: {
gateway: {
url: process.env['NEXUS_COGNITRON_WEB_ipfs.gateway.url'] || 'https://ipfs.io'
// Plugins to run before rendering page (https://go.nuxtjs.dev/config-plugins)
plugins: [
{ src: 'plugins/meta-api', mode: 'client' },
// Auto import components (https://go.nuxtjs.dev/config-components)
components: true,
// Modules for dev and build (recommended) (https://go.nuxtjs.dev/config-modules)
buildModules: [],
// Modules (https://go.nuxtjs.dev/config-modules)
modules: [
// https://go.nuxtjs.dev/bootstrap
loading: { color: '#1a95e0', throttle: 0 },
watchers: {
webpack: {
poll: true
// Build Configuration (https://go.nuxtjs.dev/config-build)
build: {
extend (config) {
config.resolve.alias['~'] = process.cwd()
transpile: ['nexus-meta-api-js-client', 'nexus-views-js']
node: {
window: 'empty'