- method `getParticipants` : `chat_id`, `type`
-- `type` is string, possible values are
`members`, `parameters`, `admins`, `administators`, `restricted`,
`banned`, `bots`
-- return type: array of `ChatMember`
- edits to the `ChatMember` type:
-- now the full bot list is returned
-- new `joined_date` field (type integer)
-- new `inviter` field (type User)
* Added custom methods
- getMessageInfo
- getParticipants
- deleteMessages
- toggleGroupInvite
* Implemented method getMessageInfo
* added `views` field and `forwards` field to message
* getChat now resolves the username also for users
* Added custom executable flags
- relative : use relative path for files in local mode
- insecure (not implemented) : allow http connection in non-local mode