// // Copyright Aliaksei Levin (levlam@telegram.org), Arseny Smirnov (arseny30@gmail.com) 2014-2021 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #include "telegram-bot-api/ClientManager.h" #include "telegram-bot-api/ClientParameters.h" #include "telegram-bot-api/HttpConnection.h" #include "telegram-bot-api/HttpServer.h" #include "telegram-bot-api/HttpStatConnection.h" #include "telegram-bot-api/Query.h" #include "telegram-bot-api/Stats.h" #include "td/telegram/ClientActor.h" #include "td/db/binlog/Binlog.h" #include "td/db/TQueue.h" #include "td/net/GetHostByNameActor.h" #include "td/net/HttpInboundConnection.h" #include "td/actor/actor.h" #include "td/actor/ConcurrentScheduler.h" #include "td/actor/PromiseFuture.h" #include "td/utils/algorithm.h" #include "td/utils/buffer.h" #include "td/utils/common.h" #include "td/utils/crypto.h" #include "td/utils/ExitGuard.h" #include "td/utils/FileLog.h" #include "td/utils/format.h" //#include "td/utils/GitInfo.h" #include "td/utils/logging.h" #include "td/utils/MemoryLog.h" #include "td/utils/misc.h" #include "td/utils/OptionParser.h" #include "td/utils/port/IPAddress.h" #include "td/utils/port/path.h" #include "td/utils/port/rlimit.h" #include "td/utils/port/signals.h" #include "td/utils/port/stacktrace.h" #include "td/utils/port/user.h" #include "td/utils/Slice.h" #include "td/utils/Status.h" #include "td/utils/Time.h" #include "memprof/memprof.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace telegram_bot_api { static std::atomic_flag need_rotate_log; static void rotate_log_signal_handler(int sig) { need_rotate_log.clear(); } static std::atomic_flag need_quit; static void quit_signal_handler(int sig) { need_quit.clear(); } static td::MemoryLog<1 << 20> memory_log; void print_log() { auto buf = memory_log.get_buffer(); auto pos = memory_log.get_pos(); td::signal_safe_write("------- Log dump -------\n"); td::signal_safe_write(buf.substr(pos), false); td::signal_safe_write(buf.substr(0, pos), false); td::signal_safe_write("\n", false); td::signal_safe_write("------------------------\n"); } static void fail_signal_handler(int sig) { td::signal_safe_write_signal_number(sig); td::Stacktrace::PrintOptions options; options.use_gdb = true; td::Stacktrace::print_to_stderr(options); print_log(); _Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static std::atomic_flag need_change_verbosity_level; static void change_verbosity_level_signal_handler(int sig) { need_change_verbosity_level.clear(); } static std::atomic_flag need_dump_log; static void dump_log_signal_handler(int sig) { need_dump_log.clear(); } static void sigsegv_signal_handler(int signum, void *addr) { td::signal_safe_write_pointer(addr); fail_signal_handler(signum); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SET_VERBOSITY_LEVEL(VERBOSITY_NAME(FATAL)); td::ExitGuard exit_guard; need_rotate_log.test_and_set(); need_quit.test_and_set(); need_change_verbosity_level.test_and_set(); need_dump_log.test_and_set(); td::Stacktrace::init(); td::setup_signals_alt_stack().ensure(); td::set_signal_handler(td::SignalType::User, rotate_log_signal_handler).ensure(); td::ignore_signal(td::SignalType::HangUp).ensure(); td::ignore_signal(td::SignalType::Pipe).ensure(); td::set_signal_handler(td::SignalType::Quit, quit_signal_handler).ensure(); td::set_signal_handler(td::SignalType::Abort, fail_signal_handler).ensure(); td::set_signal_handler(td::SignalType::Other, fail_signal_handler).ensure(); td::set_extended_signal_handler(td::SignalType::Error, sigsegv_signal_handler).ensure(); td::set_runtime_signal_handler(0, change_verbosity_level_signal_handler).ensure(); td::set_runtime_signal_handler(1, dump_log_signal_handler).ensure(); td::init_openssl_threads(); auto start_time = td::Time::now(); auto shared_data = std::make_shared(); auto parameters = std::make_unique(); parameters->shared_data_ = shared_data; parameters->start_time_ = start_time; auto net_query_stats = td::create_net_query_stats(); parameters->net_query_stats_ = net_query_stats; td::OptionParser options; bool need_print_usage = false; int http_port = 8081; int http_stat_port = 0; td::string http_ip_address = ""; td::string http_stat_ip_address = ""; td::string log_file_path; int default_verbosity_level = 0; int memory_verbosity_level = VERBOSITY_NAME(INFO); td::int64 log_max_file_size = 2000000000; td::string working_directory; td::string temporary_directory; td::string username; td::string groupname; td::uint64 max_connections = 0; ClientManager::TokenRange token_range{0, 1}; parameters->api_id_ = [](auto x) -> td::int32 { if (x) { return td::to_integer(td::Slice(x)); } return 0; }(std::getenv("TELEGRAM_API_ID")); parameters->api_hash_ = [](auto x) -> std::string { if (x) { return x; } return std::string(); }(std::getenv("TELEGRAM_API_HASH")); options.set_usage(td::Slice(argv[0]), "--api-id= --api-hash= [--local] [OPTION]..."); options.set_description("Telegram Bot API server"); options.add_option('h', "help", "display this help text and exit", [&] { need_print_usage = true; }); options.add_option('\0', "local", "allow the Bot API server to serve local requests and disables the file limits", [&] { parameters->local_mode_ = true; }); options.add_option('\0', "no-file-limit", "disable the file limits", [&] { parameters->no_file_limit_ = true; }); options.add_option('\0', "insecure", "allow the Bot API to send request via insecure HTTP", [&] { parameters->allow_http_ = true; }); options.add_option('\0', "relative", "use relative file path in local mode", [&] { parameters->use_relative_path_ = true; }); options.add_option('\0', "allow-users", "allow user accounts to use the API", [&] { parameters->allow_users_ = true; }); options.add_option('\0', "allow-users-registration", "allow user accounts to be registered on the API", [&] { parameters->allow_users_registration_ = true; }); options.add_option('\0', "stats-hide-sensible-data", "in the stats hide sensible data like bot token and webhook url", [&] { parameters->stats_hide_sensible_data_ = true; }); options.add_checked_option( '\0', "api-id", "application identifier for Telegram API access, which can be obtained at https://my.telegram.org (defaults to " "the value of the TELEGRAM_API_ID environment variable)", td::OptionParser::parse_integer(parameters->api_id_)); options.add_option('\0', "api-hash", "application identifier hash for Telegram API access, which can be obtained at " "https://my.telegram.org (defaults to the value of the TELEGRAM_API_HASH environment variable)", td::OptionParser::parse_string(parameters->api_hash_)); options.add_checked_option('p', "http-port", PSLICE() << "HTTP listening port (default is " << http_port << ")", td::OptionParser::parse_integer(http_port)); options.add_checked_option('s', "http-stat-port", "HTTP statistics port", td::OptionParser::parse_integer(http_stat_port)); options.add_option('d', "dir", "server working directory", td::OptionParser::parse_string(working_directory)); options.add_option('t', "temp-dir", "directory for storing HTTP server temporary files", td::OptionParser::parse_string(temporary_directory)); options.add_checked_option('\0', "filter", "\"/\". Allow only bots with 'bot_user_id % modulo == remainder'", [&](td::Slice rem_mod) { td::Slice rem; td::Slice mod; std::tie(rem, mod) = td::split(rem_mod, '/'); TRY_RESULT(rem_i, td::to_integer_safe(rem)); TRY_RESULT(mod_i, td::to_integer_safe(mod)); if (rem_i >= mod_i) { return td::Status::Error("Wrong argument specified: ensure that remainder < modulo"); } token_range = {rem_i, mod_i}; return td::Status::OK(); }); options.add_checked_option('\0', "max-webhook-connections", "default value of the maximum webhook connections per bot", td::OptionParser::parse_integer(parameters->default_max_webhook_connections_)); options.add_checked_option('\0', "http-ip-address", "local IP address, HTTP connections to which will be accepted. By default, connections to " "any local IPv4 address are accepted", [&](td::Slice ip_address) { TRY_STATUS(td::IPAddress::get_ip_address(ip_address.str())); http_ip_address = ip_address.str(); return td::Status::OK(); }); options.add_checked_option('\0', "http-stat-ip-address", "local IP address, HTTP statistics connections to which will be accepted. By default, " "statistics connections to any local IPv4 address are accepted", [&](td::Slice ip_address) { TRY_STATUS(td::IPAddress::get_ip_address(ip_address.str())); http_stat_ip_address = ip_address.str(); return td::Status::OK(); }); options.add_option('l', "log", "path to the file where the log will be written", td::OptionParser::parse_string(log_file_path)); options.add_checked_option('v', "verbosity", "log verbosity level", td::OptionParser::parse_integer(default_verbosity_level)); options.add_checked_option('\0', "memory-verbosity", "memory log verbosity level; defaults to 3", td::OptionParser::parse_integer(memory_verbosity_level)); options.add_checked_option( '\0', "log-max-file-size", PSLICE() << "maximum size of the log file in bytes before it will be auto-rotated (default is " << log_max_file_size << ")", td::OptionParser::parse_integer(log_max_file_size)); options.add_option('u', "username", "effective user name to switch to", td::OptionParser::parse_string(username)); options.add_option('g', "groupname", "effective group name to switch to", td::OptionParser::parse_string(groupname)); options.add_checked_option('c', "max-connections", "maximum number of open file descriptors", td::OptionParser::parse_integer(max_connections)); options.add_checked_option('\0', "max-batch-operations", PSLICE() << "maximum number of batch operations (default: " << parameters->max_batch_operations << ")", td::OptionParser::parse_integer(parameters->max_batch_operations)); options.add_checked_option( '\0', "proxy", PSLICE() << "HTTP proxy server for outgoing webhook requests in the format http://host:port", [&](td::Slice address) { if (td::begins_with(address, "http://")) { address.remove_prefix(7); } else if (td::begins_with(address, "https://")) { address.remove_prefix(8); } return parameters->webhook_proxy_ip_address_.init_host_port(address.str()); }); options.add_check([&] { if (parameters->api_id_ <= 0 || parameters->api_hash_.empty()) { return td::Status::Error("You must provide valid api-id and api-hash obtained at https://my.telegram.org"); } return td::Status::OK(); }); options.add_check([&] { if (default_verbosity_level < 0) { return td::Status::Error("Wrong verbosity level specified"); } return td::Status::OK(); }); options.add_check([&] { if (memory_verbosity_level < 0) { return td::Status::Error("Wrong memory verbosity level specified"); } return td::Status::OK(); }); auto r_non_options = options.run(argc, argv, 0); if (need_print_usage) { LOG(PLAIN) << options; return 0; } if (r_non_options.is_error()) { LOG(PLAIN) << argv[0] << ": " << r_non_options.error(); LOG(PLAIN) << options; return 1; } class CombineLog : public td::LogInterface { public: void append(td::CSlice slice, int log_level) override { if (first_ && log_level <= first_verbosity_level_) { if (log_level == VERBOSITY_NAME(FATAL) && second_ && VERBOSITY_NAME(FATAL) <= second_verbosity_level_) { second_->append(slice, VERBOSITY_NAME(ERROR)); } first_->append(slice, log_level); } if (second_ && log_level <= second_verbosity_level_) { second_->append(slice, log_level); } } void set_first(LogInterface *first) { first_ = first; } void set_second(LogInterface *second) { second_ = second; } void set_first_verbosity_level(int verbosity_level) { first_verbosity_level_ = verbosity_level; } void set_second_verbosity_level(int verbosity_level) { second_verbosity_level_ = verbosity_level; } int get_first_verbosity_level() const { return first_verbosity_level_; } int get_second_verbosity_level() const { return second_verbosity_level_; } void rotate() override { if (first_) { first_->rotate(); } if (second_) { second_->rotate(); } } td::vector get_file_paths() override { td::vector result; if (first_) { td::append(result, first_->get_file_paths()); } if (second_) { td::append(result, second_->get_file_paths()); } return result; } private: LogInterface *first_ = nullptr; int first_verbosity_level_ = VERBOSITY_NAME(FATAL); LogInterface *second_ = nullptr; int second_verbosity_level_ = VERBOSITY_NAME(FATAL); }; CombineLog log; log.set_first(td::default_log_interface); log.set_second(&memory_log); td::log_interface = &log; td::FileLog file_log; td::TsLog ts_log(&file_log); auto init_status = [&] { if (max_connections != 0) { TRY_STATUS_PREFIX(td::set_resource_limit(td::ResourceLimitType::NoFile, max_connections), "Can't set file descriptor limit: "); } if (!username.empty()) { TRY_STATUS_PREFIX(td::change_user(username, groupname), "Can't change effective user: "); } if (!working_directory.empty()) { TRY_STATUS_PREFIX(td::chdir(working_directory), "Can't set working directory: "); } if (!temporary_directory.empty()) { TRY_STATUS_PREFIX(td::set_temporary_dir(temporary_directory), "Can't set temporary directory: "); } if (!log_file_path.empty()) { TRY_STATUS_PREFIX(file_log.init(log_file_path, log_max_file_size), "Can't open log file: "); log.set_first(&ts_log); } return td::Status::OK(); }(); if (init_status.is_error()) { LOG(PLAIN) << init_status.error(); LOG(PLAIN) << options; return 1; } if (parameters->default_max_webhook_connections_ <= 0) { parameters->default_max_webhook_connections_ = parameters->local_mode_ ? 100 : 40; } ::td::VERBOSITY_NAME(dns_resolver) = VERBOSITY_NAME(WARNING); log.set_second_verbosity_level(memory_verbosity_level); auto set_verbosity_level = [&log, memory_verbosity_level](int new_verbosity_level) { SET_VERBOSITY_LEVEL(td::max(memory_verbosity_level, new_verbosity_level)); log.set_first_verbosity_level(new_verbosity_level); }; set_verbosity_level(default_verbosity_level); // LOG(WARNING) << "Bot API server with commit " << td::GitInfo::commit() << ' ' // << (td::GitInfo::is_dirty() ? "(dirty)" : "") << " started"; LOG(WARNING) << "Bot API server started"; const int threads_n = 5; // +3 for Td, one for slow HTTP connections and one for DNS resolving td::ConcurrentScheduler sched; sched.init(threads_n); td::GetHostByNameActor::Options get_host_by_name_options; get_host_by_name_options.scheduler_id = threads_n; parameters->get_host_by_name_actor_id_ = sched.create_actor_unsafe(0, "GetHostByName", std::move(get_host_by_name_options)) .release(); auto client_manager = sched.create_actor_unsafe(0, "ClientManager", std::move(parameters), token_range).release(); sched .create_actor_unsafe( 0, "HttpServer", http_ip_address, http_port, [client_manager, shared_data] { return td::ActorOwn( td::create_actor("HttpConnection", client_manager, shared_data)); }) .release(); if (http_stat_port != 0) { sched .create_actor_unsafe( 0, "HttpStatsServer", http_stat_ip_address, http_stat_port, [client_manager] { return td::ActorOwn( td::create_actor("HttpStatConnection", client_manager)); }) .release(); } sched.start(); double next_cron_time = start_time; double last_dump_time = start_time - 1000.0; double last_tqueue_gc_time = start_time - 1000.0; td::int64 tqueue_deleted_events = 0; td::int64 last_tqueue_deleted_events = 0; bool close_flag = false; std::atomic_bool can_quit{false}; ServerCpuStat::instance(); // create ServerCpuStat instance while (true) { sched.run_main(next_cron_time - td::Time::now()); if (!need_rotate_log.test_and_set()) { td::log_interface->rotate(); } if (!need_quit.test_and_set()) { if (close_flag) { LOG(WARNING) << "Receive stop signal again. Exit immediately..."; std::_Exit(0); } LOG(WARNING) << "Stopping engine by a signal"; close_flag = true; auto guard = sched.get_main_guard(); send_closure(client_manager, &ClientManager::close, td::PromiseCreator::lambda([&can_quit](td::Unit) { can_quit.store(true); td::Scheduler::instance()->yield(); })); } if (can_quit.exchange(false)) { break; } if (!need_change_verbosity_level.test_and_set()) { if (log.get_first_verbosity_level() == default_verbosity_level) { // increase default log verbosity level set_verbosity_level(100); } else { // return back verbosity level set_verbosity_level(default_verbosity_level); } } auto next_verbosity_level = shared_data->next_verbosity_level_.exchange(-1); if (next_verbosity_level != -1) { set_verbosity_level(next_verbosity_level); } if (!need_dump_log.test_and_set()) { print_log(); } double now = td::Time::now(); if (now >= next_cron_time) { if (now >= next_cron_time + 1.0) { next_cron_time = now; } next_cron_time += 1.0; ServerCpuStat::update(now); } if (now > last_tqueue_gc_time + 60.0) { auto unix_time = shared_data->get_unix_time(now); LOG(INFO) << "Run TQueue GC at " << unix_time; last_tqueue_gc_time = now; auto guard = sched.get_main_guard(); auto deleted_events = shared_data->tqueue_->run_gc(unix_time); LOG(INFO) << "TQueue GC deleted " << deleted_events << " events"; tqueue_deleted_events += deleted_events; if (tqueue_deleted_events > last_tqueue_deleted_events + 10000) { LOG(WARNING) << "TQueue GC already deleted " << tqueue_deleted_events << " events since the start"; last_tqueue_deleted_events = tqueue_deleted_events; } } if (now > last_dump_time + 300.0) { last_dump_time = now; if (is_memprof_on()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Memory dump:"; td::vector v; dump_alloc([&](const AllocInfo &info) { v.push_back(info); }); std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), [](const AllocInfo &a, const AllocInfo &b) { return a.size > b.size; }); size_t total_size = 0; size_t other_size = 0; int count = 0; for (auto &info : v) { if (count++ < 50) { LOG(WARNING) << td::format::as_size(info.size) << td::format::as_array(info.backtrace); } else { other_size += info.size; } total_size += info.size; } LOG(WARNING) << td::tag("other", td::format::as_size(other_size)); LOG(WARNING) << td::tag("total", td::format::as_size(total_size)); LOG(WARNING) << td::tag("total traces", get_ht_size()); LOG(WARNING) << td::tag("fast_backtrace_success_rate", get_fast_backtrace_success_rate()); } LOG(WARNING) << td::tag("buffer_mem", td::format::as_size(td::BufferAllocator::get_buffer_mem())); LOG(WARNING) << td::tag("buffer_slice_size", td::format::as_size(td::BufferAllocator::get_buffer_slice_size())); auto query_count = shared_data->query_count_.load(); LOG(WARNING) << td::tag("pending queries", query_count); td::uint64 i = 0; bool was_gap = false; for (auto end = &shared_data->query_list_, cur = end->prev; cur != end; cur = cur->prev, i++) { if (i < 20 || i > query_count - 20 || i % (query_count / 50 + 1) == 0) { if (was_gap) { LOG(WARNING) << "..."; was_gap = false; } LOG(WARNING) << static_cast(*cur); } else { was_gap = true; } } td::dump_pending_network_queries(*net_query_stats); } } LOG(WARNING) << "--------------------FINISH ENGINE--------------------"; CHECK(net_query_stats.use_count() == 1); net_query_stats = nullptr; sched.finish(); SET_VERBOSITY_LEVEL(VERBOSITY_NAME(FATAL)); td::log_interface = td::default_log_interface; return 0; } } // namespace telegram_bot_api int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return telegram_bot_api::main(argc, argv); }