#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals import sys # import os import platform from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import collect_submodules from PyInstaller.utils.win32.versioninfo import ( VarStruct, VarFileInfo, StringStruct, StringTable, StringFileInfo, FixedFileInfo, VSVersionInfo, SetVersion, ) import PyInstaller.__main__ arch = platform.architecture()[0][:2] assert arch in ('32', '64') _x86 = '_x86' if arch == '32' else '' # Compatability with older arguments opts = sys.argv[1:] if opts[0:1] in (['32'], ['64']): if arch != opts[0]: raise Exception(f'{opts[0]}bit executable cannot be built on a {arch}bit system') opts = opts[1:] opts = opts or ['--onefile'] print(f'Building {arch}bit version with options {opts}') FILE_DESCRIPTION = 'yt-dlp%s' % (' (32 Bit)' if _x86 else '') # root_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) # print('Changing working directory to %s' % root_dir) # os.chdir(root_dir) exec(compile(open('yt_dlp/version.py').read(), 'yt_dlp/version.py', 'exec')) VERSION = locals()['__version__'] VERSION_LIST = VERSION.split('.') VERSION_LIST = list(map(int, VERSION_LIST)) + [0] * (4 - len(VERSION_LIST)) print('Version: %s%s' % (VERSION, _x86)) print('Remember to update the version using devscipts\\update-version.py') VERSION_FILE = VSVersionInfo( ffi=FixedFileInfo( filevers=VERSION_LIST, prodvers=VERSION_LIST, mask=0x3F, flags=0x0, OS=0x4, fileType=0x1, subtype=0x0, date=(0, 0), ), kids=[ StringFileInfo([ StringTable( '040904B0', [ StringStruct('Comments', 'yt-dlp%s Command Line Interface.' % _x86), StringStruct('CompanyName', 'https://github.com/yt-dlp'), StringStruct('FileDescription', FILE_DESCRIPTION), StringStruct('FileVersion', VERSION), StringStruct('InternalName', 'yt-dlp%s' % _x86), StringStruct( 'LegalCopyright', 'pukkandan.ytdlp@gmail.com | UNLICENSE', ), StringStruct('OriginalFilename', 'yt-dlp%s.exe' % _x86), StringStruct('ProductName', 'yt-dlp%s' % _x86), StringStruct( 'ProductVersion', '%s%s on Python %s' % (VERSION, _x86, platform.python_version())), ])]), VarFileInfo([VarStruct('Translation', [0, 1200])]) ] ) dependancies = ['Cryptodome', 'mutagen'] + collect_submodules('websockets') excluded_modules = ['test', 'ytdlp_plugins', 'youtube-dl', 'youtube-dlc'] PyInstaller.__main__.run([ '--name=yt-dlp%s' % _x86, '--icon=devscripts/logo.ico', *[f'--exclude-module={module}' for module in excluded_modules], *[f'--hidden-import={module}' for module in dependancies], '--upx-exclude=vcruntime140.dll', '--noconfirm', *opts, 'yt_dlp/__main__.py', ]) SetVersion('dist/%syt-dlp%s.exe' % ('yt-dlp/' if '--onedir' in opts else '', _x86), VERSION_FILE)