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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation
Module Name:
This module is the program that takes binary firmware image
(created by fwimagen.exe) and creates a packed firmware
update file for the JNUPDATE.EXE program.
The format of the update file is:
| A zero-terminated string that identifies this |
| file. Must be < = 400 characters in length |
| and should print out in < = 10 screen rows. |
| Jnupdate gives this string to a printf. |
| A single byte indicating which block to start |
| updating. (0 -- F) |
| Binary data for the FlashFile ROM, starting |
| at the starting block, padded with 0's to an |
| even multiple of 64KB, with a production |
| ROL-and-ADD checksum in the last byte. |
| (The checksum will be ignored by a J0/AX02 |
| SROM.) |
| A longword additive-zero checksum |
1. The ASCIZ identifying string will be printed out on the users's
screen to identify the update. It is given to a printf. This should
contain the name of the update, manufacturing date, copyright notice, etc.
2. This program has the capability to package the binary data for the
Carey McMaster J0/AX02 SROM, which requires a special header at the beginning
of the firmware image.
3. There are three checksums:
a) A rotate-and-add byte checksum is written out as the last byte in
the binary data section. The Ayr SROM and POST requires this.
b) If we are making a J0/AX02 file, a checksum is included in the
firmware image header.
c) The entire file is covered by an additive-zero checksum.
argv[1] The ASCIZ identification string.
argv[2] The starting block number, in the range 0 -- F.
argv[3] The filespec of the firmware binary image. This
is the output of the fwimagen.exe program.
argv[4] The filespec of the output file. Convention:
jensfw.bin is a production update file.
jensfwj0.bin is a McMaster update file.
argv[5] If present, we product a binary file that is
compatible with the Carey McMaster J0 SROM.
(The value of this argument is not checked).
The output file receives the packed firmware upgrade data.
John DeRosa 21-October-1992
Revision History:
#include <stdio.h>
// Typedefs, and define truth
typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
typedef char CHAR;
typedef long LONG;
typedef unsigned long ULONG;
typedef int BOOLEAN;
typedef void VOID;
typedef int INT;
typedef char* PCHAR;
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
// This is more convenient as a static variable.
FILE *FirmwareOutFile;
RotateLeft (
This returns the Data parameter barrel rotated left by 1.
return (((Data & 0x7f) << 1) + ((Data & 0x80) >> 7));
WriteAByte (
Writes a byte to the output file, and exits if error.
if (((fwrite(&OutData, 1, 1, FirmwareOutFile)) != 1) ||
ferror(FirmwareOutFile)) {
fprintf(stderr, "?ERROR on output file.\n");
main (
INT argc,
PCHAR argv[]
FILE *FirmwareInFile;
PCHAR Terminator;
UCHAR InputData;
UCHAR TempChar;
ULONG TempULong;
UCHAR ROMChecksum;
ULONG Checksum = 0;
LONG FileChecksum;
LONG Index;
printf("fsb experimental pack v1.1x\n");
// Check for bad command line
if ((argc != 5) && (argc != 6)) {
printf("Usage: %s string decimal-starting-block infile outfile [J0SROM-flag]\n", argv[0] );
printf(" Use jensfw.bin for production output file.\n");
printf(" Use jensfwj0.bin for McMaster output file.\n");
// What kind of binary file are we to product?
if (argc == 6) {
J0SROM = TRUE; // make a McM J0SROM file...
// Open the firmware input binary file
printf("Opening %s for reading.\n", argv[3]);
if ((FirmwareInFile = fopen(argv[3], "rb")) == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s\n", argv[3]);
// Open the output file
printf("Opening %s for writing.\n", argv[4]);
if ((FirmwareOutFile = fopen(argv[4], "wb")) == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s\n", argv[4]);
printf("Writing the identification string.\n");
Index = 0;
do {
TempChar = *(argv[1]+Index);
Checksum += TempChar;
} while(*(argv[1]+Index-1) != 0); // Output string will be 0-terminated
printf("Writing the starting block number of %s.\n", argv[2]);
TempULong = strtoul(argv[2], &Terminator, 10);
TempChar = TempULong;
Checksum += TempChar;
printf("Writing the firmware data...\n");
Index = 0;
// If this is a J0SROM -type file, we have to write the 16-byte header
// first. As this contains a checksum, we will read the input file
// and then reset it back to the beginning.
if (J0SROM) {
UCHAR InputData;
ULONG J0Checksum = 0;
ULONG Length = 0;
UCHAR J0Signatures[8] = {0xc3, 0xc3, 0x5a, 0x5a,
0x3c, 0x3c, 0xa5, 0xa5};
printf("Writing the J0SROM header...\n");
Index += 16;
do {
fread(&InputData, 1, 1, FirmwareInFile);
if (ferror(FirmwareInFile)) {
fprintf(stderr, "?ERROR on input file.\n");
if (feof(FirmwareInFile) == 0) {
J0Checksum += InputData;
} while(feof(FirmwareInFile) == 0);
// J0Checksum = the J0SROM-required checksum.
// Length = the number of bytes in the input file. Although
// we will pad the binary data in the output file to
// a multiple of 64KB, the padding is of course unused
// data, and so Length is what we will write to the
// header.
// Reset the input file to the beginning
if (fseek(FirmwareInFile, 0, SEEK_SET)) {
fprintf(stderr, "?ERROR resetting binary file to the beginning.\n");
// Write the J0SROM Checksum.
for (TempX = 0; TempX < 4; TempX++) {
InputData = J0Checksum & 0xff;
Checksum += InputData;
J0Checksum = J0Checksum >> 8;
// Write the first and second signatures.
for (TempX = 0; TempX < 8; TempX++) {
InputData = J0Signatures[TempX];
Checksum += InputData;
// Write the size of the firmware.
for (TempX = 0; TempX < 4; TempX++) {
InputData = Length & 0xff;
Checksum += InputData;
Length = Length >> 8;
} // if (J0SROM)
printf("Transferring input file to output file...\n");
ROMChecksum = 0;
do {
fread(&InputData, 1, 1, FirmwareInFile);
if (ferror(FirmwareInFile)) {
printf("?ERROR on input file, %d. bytes written.\n", Index);
if (feof(FirmwareInFile) == 0) {
// For the additive-zero checksum covering this file.
Checksum += InputData;
// For a production checksum in the ROM. Barrel-rotate and add.
ROMChecksum = RotateLeft(ROMChecksum) + InputData;
} while(feof(FirmwareInFile) == 0);
// Index now contains the number of firmware binary data bytes that were
// written to the output file.
printf ("%d. firmware bytes written.\n", Index);
printf("Padding the binary data to an even multiple of 5 * 64kb.\n");
// Bump Index to account for our having to write the production
// checksum.
TempULong = 0;
while ((Index % 0x50000) != 0) {
// "Add zero" to the the ROL running checksum.
ROMChecksum = RotateLeft(ROMChecksum);
// Now write the production checksum.
Checksum += ROMChecksum;
FileChecksum = 0 - Checksum;
printf ("Writing the checksum. Sum of all bytes = 0x%x, FileChecksum = 0x%x\n",
Checksum, FileChecksum);
if ((fwrite(&FileChecksum, sizeof(FileChecksum), 1, FirmwareOutFile)) != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "?ERROR writing to output file.\n");
if (fclose(FirmwareOutFile) == EOF) {
fprintf(stderr, "?ERROR closing output file.\n");