492 lines
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492 lines
14 KiB
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992.
// File: wdocfile.hxx
// Contents: CWrappedDocFile class header
// Classes: CWrappedDocFile
// History: 06-Jan-92 DrewB Created
#ifndef __WDOCFILE_HXX__
#define __WDOCFILE_HXX__
#include <dfmsp.hxx>
#include <dfbasis.hxx>
#include <pdocfile.hxx>
#include <ulist.hxx>
#include <entry.hxx>
#include <tset.hxx>
#include <freelist.hxx>
#include <tstream.hxx>
class PDocFileIterator;
class CPubDocFile;
class CDFBasis;
// Class: CWrappedDocFile
// Purpose: Wrapped DocFile object for transactioning
// Interface: See below
// History: 06-Jan-92 DrewB Created
class CWrappedDocFile : public PDocFile, public PTSetMember,
public CMallocBased
inline void *operator new(size_t size, IMalloc * const pMalloc);
inline void *operator new(size_t size,
CDFBasis * const pdfb);
inline void ReturnToReserve(CDFBasis * const pdfb);
inline static SCODE Reserve(UINT cItems, CDFBasis * const pdfb);
inline static void Unreserve(UINT cItems, CDFBasis * const pdfb);
CWrappedDocFile(CDfName const *pdfn,
DFLAGS const df,
CDFBasis *pdfb,
CPubDocFile *ppubdf);
SCODE Init(PDocFile *pdfBase);
#ifdef COORD
SCODE InitPub(CPubDocFile *ppubdf);
// PDocFile
virtual void AddRef(void);
inline void DecRef(void);
virtual void Release(void);
virtual SCODE DestroyEntry(CDfName const *dfnName,
BOOL fClean);
virtual SCODE RenameEntry(CDfName const *dfnName,
CDfName const *dfnNewName);
virtual SCODE GetClass(CLSID *pclsid);
virtual SCODE SetClass(REFCLSID clsid);
virtual SCODE GetStateBits(DWORD *pgrfStateBits);
virtual SCODE SetStateBits(DWORD grfStateBits, DWORD grfMask);
virtual SCODE CreateDocFile(CDfName const *pdfnName,
DFLAGS const df,
DFLUID luidSet,
PDocFile **ppdfDocFile);
inline SCODE CreateDocFile(CDfName const *pdfnName,
DFLAGS const df,
DFLUID luidSet,
DWORD const dwType,
PDocFile **ppdfDocFile)
{ return CreateDocFile(pdfnName, df, luidSet, ppdfDocFile); }
virtual SCODE GetDocFile(CDfName const *pdfnName,
DFLAGS const df,
PDocFile **ppdfDocFile);
inline SCODE GetDocFile(CDfName const *pdfnName,
DFLAGS const df,
DWORD const dwType,
PDocFile **ppdfDocFile)
{ return GetDocFile(pdfnName, df, ppdfDocFile); }
inline void ReturnDocFile(CWrappedDocFile *pdf);
virtual SCODE CreateStream(CDfName const *pdfnName,
DFLAGS const df,
DFLUID luidSet,
PSStream **ppsstStream);
inline SCODE CreateStream(CDfName const *pdfnName,
DFLAGS const df,
DFLUID luidSet,
DWORD const dwType,
PSStream **ppsstStream)
{ return CreateStream(pdfnName, df, luidSet, ppsstStream); }
virtual SCODE GetStream(CDfName const *pdfnName,
DFLAGS const df,
PSStream **ppsstStream);
inline SCODE GetStream(CDfName const *pdfnName,
DFLAGS const df,
DWORD const dwType,
PSStream **ppsstStream)
{ return GetStream(pdfnName, df, ppsstStream); }
inline void ReturnStream(CTransactedStream *pstm);
virtual SCODE FindGreaterEntry(CDfName const *pdfnKey,
SIterBuffer *pib,
STATSTGW *pstat);
virtual SCODE StatEntry(CDfName const *pdfn,
SIterBuffer *pib,
STATSTGW *pstat);
virtual SCODE BeginCommitFromChild(CUpdateList &ulChanged,
DWORD const dwFlags,
CWrappedDocFile *pdfChild);
virtual void EndCommitFromChild(DFLAGS const df,
CWrappedDocFile *pdfChild);
virtual SCODE IsEntry(CDfName const *dfnName,
SEntryBuffer *peb);
virtual SCODE DeleteContents(void);
// PTSetMember
virtual SCODE BeginCommit(DWORD const dwFlags);
virtual void EndCommit(DFLAGS const df);
virtual void Revert(void);
virtual void GetCommitInfo(ULONG *pulRet1, ULONG *pulRet2);
// PTimeEntry
virtual SCODE GetTime(WHICHTIME wt, TIME_T *ptm);
virtual SCODE SetTime(WHICHTIME wt, TIME_T tm);
virtual SCODE GetAllTimes(TIME_T *patm, TIME_T *pmtm, TIME_T *pctm);
virtual SCODE SetAllTimes(TIME_T atm, TIME_T mtm, TIME_T ctm);
inline CWrappedDocFile *GetReservedDocfile(CDfName const *pdfn,
DFLAGS const df,
CPubDocFile *ppubdf);
inline CTransactedStream *GetReservedStream(CDfName const *pdfn,
// Internal
SCODE SetBase(PDocFile *pdf);
inline PDocFile *GetBase(void);
inline CFreeList *GetDocfileFreelist(void);
inline CFreeList *GetStreamFreelist(void);
inline void SetClean(void);
inline void SetDirty(UINT fDirty);
inline UINT GetDirty(void) const;
inline CUpdateList *GetUpdateList(void);
SCODE SetInitialState(PDocFile *pdfBase);
void RevertUpdate(CUpdate *pud);
DFLAGS _df; // Transactioning flags
CBasedDocFilePtr _pdfParent, _pdfBase;
CUpdateList _ulChanged;
CUpdateList _ulChangedHolder;
CUpdateList _ulChangedOld;
CTSSet _tssDeletedHolder;
BOOL _fBeginCommit;
LONG _cReferences;
CTransactedTimeEntry _tten;
CBasedPubDocFilePtr _ppubdf;
UINT _fDirty;
CLSID _clsid;
DWORD _grfStateBits;
CBasedDFBasisPtr const _pdfb;
// Member: CWrappedDocFile::operator new, public
// Synopsis: Unreserved object allocator
// Arguments: [size] -- byte count to allocate
// [pMalloc] -- allocator
// History: 25-May-93 AlexT Created
inline void *CWrappedDocFile::operator new(size_t size,
IMalloc * const pMalloc)
return(CMallocBased::operator new(size, pMalloc));
// Member: CWrappedDocFile::operator new, public
// Synopsis: Reserved object allocator
// Arguments: [size] -- byte count to allocate
// [pdfb] -- basis
// History: 25-May-93 AlexT Created
inline void *CWrappedDocFile::operator new(size_t size, CDFBasis * const pdfb)
olAssert(size == sizeof(CWrappedDocFile));
return pdfb->GetFreeList(CDFB_WRAPPEDDOCFILE)->GetReserved();
// Member: CWrappedDocFile::ReturnToReserve, public
// Synopsis: Reserved object return
// Arguments: [pdfb] -- basis
// History: 25-May-93 AlexT Created
inline void CWrappedDocFile::ReturnToReserve(CDFBasis * const pdfb)
// Member: CWrappedDocFile::Reserve, public
// Synopsis: Reserve instances
// Arguments: [cItems] -- count of items
// [pdfb] -- basis
// History: 25-May-93 AlexT Created
inline SCODE CWrappedDocFile::Reserve(UINT cItems, CDFBasis * const pdfb)
return pdfb->Reserve(cItems, CDFB_WRAPPEDDOCFILE);
// Member: CWrappedDocFile::Unreserve, public
// Synopsis: Unreserve instances
// Arguments: [cItems] -- count of items
// [pdfb] -- basis
// History: 25-May-93 AlexT Created
inline void CWrappedDocFile::Unreserve(UINT cItems, CDFBasis * const pdfb)
pdfb->Unreserve(cItems, CDFB_WRAPPEDDOCFILE);
// Member: CWrappedDocFile::GetBase, public
// Synopsis: Returns base; used for debug checks
// History: 15-Sep-92 AlexT Created
inline PDocFile *CWrappedDocFile::GetBase(void)
return BP_TO_P(PDocFile *, _pdfBase);
// Member: CWrappedDocFile::GetReservedDocfile, public
// Synopsis: Returns a previously reserved object
// History: 09-Nov-92 DrewB Created
inline CWrappedDocFile *CWrappedDocFile::GetReservedDocfile(
CDfName const *pdfn,
DFLAGS const df,
CPubDocFile *ppubdf)
return new(_pdfb)
CWrappedDocFile(pdfn, dl, df,
_pdfb, ppubdf);
// Member: CWrappedDocFile::GetReservedStream, public
// Synopsis: Returns a previously reserved object
// History: 09-Nov-92 DrewB Created
inline CTransactedStream *CWrappedDocFile::GetReservedStream(
CDfName const *pdfn,
CDFBasis * pdfb = BP_TO_P(CDFBasis *, _pdfb);
return new(pdfb)
CTransactedStream(pdfn, dl, df,
// Member: CWrappedDocFile::SetClean, public
// Synopsis: Resets dirty flags
// History: 10-Nov-92 DrewB Created
inline void CWrappedDocFile::SetClean(void)
_fDirty = 0;
// Member: CWrappedDocFile::SetDirty, public
// Synopsis: Sets dirty flags
// History: 10-Nov-92 DrewB Created
inline void CWrappedDocFile::SetDirty(UINT fDirty)
_fDirty |= fDirty;
// Member: CWrappedDocFile::GetDirty, public
// Synopsis: Returns the dirty flags
// History: 25-Nov-92 DrewB Created
inline UINT CWrappedDocFile::GetDirty(void) const
return _fDirty;
// Member: CWrappedDocFile::DecRef, public
// Synopsis: Decrements the ref count
// History: 23-Nov-92 DrewB Created
inline void CWrappedDocFile::DecRef(void)
// Member: CWrappedDocFile::GetUpdateList, public
// Synopsis: Returns a pointer to the current update list
// History: 12-Apr-93 DrewB Created
CUpdateList *CWrappedDocFile::GetUpdateList(void)
return &_ulChanged;
// Member: CWrappedDocFile::ReturnDocFile, public
// Synopsis: Removes a docfile from the XS and returns it to the freelist
// Arguments: [pdf] - Docfile
// History: 23-Nov-92 DrewB Created
#pragma code_seg(SEG_CWrappedDocFile_ReturnDocFile)
inline void CWrappedDocFile::ReturnDocFile(CWrappedDocFile *pdf)
olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CWrappedDocFile::ReturnDocFile:%p(%p)\n",
this, pdf));
// Force ref count to zero without freeing memory
pdf->ReturnToReserve(BP_TO_P(CDFBasis *, _pdfb));
olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CWrappedDocFile::ReturnDocFile\n"));
#pragma code_seg()
// Member: CWrappedDocFile::ReturnStream, public
// Synopsis: Removes a stream from the XS and returns it to the freelist
// Arguments: [pstm] - Stream
// History: 23-Nov-92 DrewB Created
#pragma code_seg(SEG_CWrappedDocFile_ReturnStream)
inline void CWrappedDocFile::ReturnStream(CTransactedStream *pstm)
olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CWrappedDocFile::ReturnStream:%p(%p)\n",
this, pstm));
// Force ref count to zero without freeing memory
pstm->ReturnToReserve(BP_TO_P(CDFBasis *, _pdfb));
olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CWrappedDocFile::ReturnStream\n"));
#pragma code_seg()