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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
* extern.h
* Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
* Declarations of external functions for WINMETER application
* History:
* Written by Hadi Partovi (t-hadip) summer 1991
* Re-written and adapted for NT by Fran Borda (v-franb) Nov.1991
* for Newman Consulting
* Took out all WIN-specific and bargraph code. Added 3 new
* linegraphs (Mem/Paging, Process/Threads/Handles, IO), and
* tailored info to that available under NT.
// data.c:
void AllocLGValues(void); // allocates data for a linegraph
void FreeLGValues(BOOL fFreeAll); // frees data space for a linegraph
void InitializeDatabase(void); // Initializes thread/process base
void QueryGlobalData(void); // Queries global data
#ifdef DEBUG
// debug.c
void doAssert(int Condition, LPSTR File, int Line);
void doDumpDataBase(void); // dumps info in database to file
void doDumpLGS(void); // dumps linegraph info to file
void doOpenDumpFile(void); // opens debug dumping file
// graphics.c:
void ClearArea(HDC hdc, int x, int y, int cx, int cy);
// calls PatBlt with BlankBrush
void DoMouseDblClk(DWORD lParam); // checks mouse double click, updates
// thread and process structures
BOOL DoScrollRange(void);// resets scroll bar range, returns true
//if removing/adding scroll bar (to avoid blink)
void DoThreadGraphics(HDC hdc,RECT *pRect);
// displays full thread graphics, with minimal painting
void DrawAxisRight(HDC hdc); // draws calibration at right of axis
void GetBrushesAndPens(void); // sets up graphics brushes and pens
void GetFont(HWND hwnd); // sets up font
void HandleScroll(WPTYPE wParam, DWORD lParam); // handles scrolling
void HandleSize(WPTYPE wParam, DWORD lParam); // handles WM_SIZE messages
void PrepareFont(HDC hdc); // loads font, etc.
// Get rid of SetupDCA for acc
#ifdef _ALPHA_
#undef ResetDC
void ResetDC(HDC hdc); // restores DC for release
void SetMinMaxInfo(WPTYPE wParam, DWORD lParam); // sets window minimum size
void SetupDC(HDC hdc); // sets up DC for graphics
void TossBrushesAndPens(void); // releases brushes and pens from memory
// lgraph.c:
void ClearLineGraph(void); // clears the current linegraph
void DoLineGraphics(HDC hdc, RECT *pRect);
// draws linegraph (update only if NULL)
void HandleLGSize(void); // calculates lg.rcGraph, etc.
void RedrawLineGraph(void); // redraws the current linegraph
void UpdateLGData(void); // updates array of values in linegraph
void UpdateLGS(void); // updates all values in all linegraphs
// memalloc.c:
LPVOID MemAlloc(DWORD dwSize); // alloc mem, error if failure
void MemFree(LPVOID ptr); // frees memory
LPVOID MemReAlloc(LPVOID p, DWORD dwSize); // realloc by freeing, allocing
// profile.c
void LoadDisplayState(void); // load initial state [DisplayState]
void LoadLGDispSettings(void); // load LG disp flag settings from .INI
void LoadLineGraphSettings(void); // load linegraph settings from .INI
void LoadRefreshSettings(void); // load settings from .INI [Refresh]
void LoadWindowSettings(void); // load window settings from .INI
void ResetDisplayState(void); // reset state [DisplayState]
void ResetLGDispSettings(void); // reset LG dispay flag defaults
void ResetLineGraphSettings(void); // reset linegraph defaults
void ResetRefreshSettings(void); // reset defaults for [Refresh]
void ResetWindowSettings(void); // reset window defaults
void SaveDisplayState(void); // save state [DisplayState]
void SaveLGDispSettings(void); // save LG display flag settings to .INI
void SaveLineGraphSettings(void); // save linegraph settings to .INI
void SaveRefreshSettings(void); // save settings to .INI [Refresh]
void SaveWindowSettings(void); // save window settings to .INI
// winmeter.c
void ErrorExit(PSTR pszError); // ends program after displaying message
char *MyLoadString(WORD wID); // loads string from stringtable