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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
$Log: S:\oiwh\include\wunicb.h_v $
* Rev 1.0 08 Apr 1995 04:00:18 JAR
* Initial entry
// wunicb.h
typedef struct
HWND uhWnd; // file handler window handle
unsigned uFunc; // function code
unsigned uFlags; // read/write flags
unsigned uStatus; // errors and such
#ifndef OS2
LPSTR uFname; // file name pointer
char uFname[128]; // file name string
// long uFileid; // file identifier
unsigned uhCall; // caller's window handle
unsigned uDithRes; // Output Resolution for Dither
unsigned uPages; // # of pages in multi-page file
unsigned uPagenum; // page num
unsigned uCtype; // coding type
unsigned uItype; // Image type
unsigned uDtype; // Display type
unsigned uHcut; // horizontal dimension in dots
unsigned uVcut; // vertical dimension in dots
unsigned uHres; // horizontal resolution in dpi
unsigned uVres; // vertical resolution in dpi
unsigned uSres; // source resolution/100 for res convert
unsigned uDres; // dest resolution/100 for res convert
char far *uData; // data pointer
unsigned uDatasize; // buffer size in bytes
unsigned uLine; // buffer line number
unsigned uCount; // buffer line count
unsigned uWidth; // buffer width in bytes
unsigned uHpos; // horizontal position in dots
unsigned uVpos; // vertical position in dots
long uLxtra; // function specific long arg
unsigned uSxtra; // function specific short arg
unsigned uHandId; // file handler id
// Structure used only to receive information via GetInfo
typedef struct
unsigned iRdOpts; // Read Option bits
unsigned iWrOpts; // Write Option bits
unsigned iPages; // max pages per document
BYTE iDefPagCmp; // index of normal compress scheme (0..7)
BYTE iMaxPagCmp; // highest index of compress scheme (0..7)
unsigned iDefPagCod[8]; // normal coding bits for compress scheme
unsigned iLegPagCod[8]; // legal coding bits for compress scheme
unsigned iReqPagCod[8]; // required coding bits for compress scheme
BYTE iCodeType[8]; // "meaning" of the 8 coding indices
// Definitions for iRdOpts & iWrOpts
#define uOp_ResConv 0x01 // Resolution Conversion supported
#define uOp_MultPag 0x02 // Multiple Page file supported
#define uOp_Transp 0x04 // Transparent data transfer supported
#define uOp_EdUpdate 0x08 // Edit/Update of existing page supported
#define uOp_Contone 0x10 // Gray scale supported
#define uOp_Color 0x20 // Color supported
#define uOp_MiniPag 0x40 // Mini Page (reduced resolution) supported
// Definitions for iCodeType
#define uTy_0d 0 // No coding (bit/byte order/color variable)
#define uTy_1d 1 // Some form of CCITT 1d coding
#define uTy_2d 2 // Some form of CCITT 2d coding
#define uTy_Pack 3 // Some form of byte oriented packbits
#define uTy_1dxor 4 // Some form of horiz XOR 1d coding
#define uTy_Gray 5 // Some form of gray scale coding
#define uTy_Color 6 // Some form of color coding
#define uTy_Other 127 // Some unspecified vendor specific coding
// uHandId - File Handler type indices
#define uPIC2 1 // PIC 2.0 file format
#define uWIFF 2 // Wang Image File Form
#define uTIFF 3 // Tag Image File Form
#define uCCIT 4 // CCITT 8/16 byte head
#define uMACP 5 // MacPaint File format
#define uDCPY 6 // DataCopy File format
#define uUNKN 7 // Unknown format
#define uMSFP 8 // MicroSoft Paint
#define uRAST 9 // MIL-R-RASTER (Type I)
#define uPCPB 10 // PC PaintBrush
// uFlags
#define uRead 1
#define uWrite 2
#define uReplace 4
#define uTeen 0x100
// uItype - some sketchy info as to image type, mostly PIC & WIFF
#define uMixed 0x10
#define uGray 0x20 // set in Itype for GetHdr if desire Gray
// uDtype - formerly utterly useless except for PIC, now supports dithered gray
#define uMagMask 0x07
#define uMag8 0
#define uMag4 1
#define uMag2 2
#define uMag1 3
#define uRed2 4
#define uRed4 5
#define uRCMask 0x08 // PIC only
// uDtype bits for GetHdr if desire to dither Gray
#define uPattMask 0xf0
#define uPattDith 0x00 // default is dither
#define uPattHalf 0x10
#define uPattHorz 0x20
#define uPattVert 0x30
#define uPattMaze 0x40
#define uBriteMask 0xf00
#define uBriteLite 0x000 // default is lightened
#define uBriteNorm 0x100
#define uBriteDark 0x200
#define uSpecMask 0xf000
#define uSpecLinear 0x0000 // default is linear
#define uSpecSolar 0x1000
#define uSpecISolar 0x2000
#define uSpecPost1 0x3000
#define uSpecPost2 0x4000
#define uRVH0d 0x00
#define uRVH1d 0x01
#define uRVH2d 0x02
#define uRVHpkb 0x04
#define uRVHdit 0x08
#define uRVHeol 0x0100
#define uRVHpak 0x0200
#define uRVHpre 0x0800
#define uRVHclf 0x1000
#define uRVHxlf 0x2000
#define uTIFsst 0x4000 // TIFF only - single strip write
#define uRVHneg 0x8000
#define uOK 0 // success
#define uNG 1 // failure
#define uUI 2 // don't care
#define uEND 3 // I'm finished, probably successfully
#define uBUSY 0
#define uDONE 1
// Informational Text String Indices for use with UniGetStr & UniPutStr
// Currently a bit of a shuck as only TIFF handler supports them & they
// are exactly the strings defined in the TIFF 5.0 spec.
// ptr to string in uData, size(including 0) in uDatasize, & index in uFlags
// UniPutStr should be called BEFORE UniPutHdr
// UniGetStr should be called AFTER UniGetHdr
#define uDocumentName 0
#define uImageDesc 1
#define uMake 2
#define uModel 3
#define uPageName 4
#define uSoftWare 5
#define uDateTime 6
#define uArtist 7
#define uHostComputer 8
#define uMAXSTRING 8
// Access MIL-R-RASTER text strings
#define uDstDocId uDocumentName
#define uSrcDocId uPageName
#define uNotes uImageDesc
#define uf_Info 0
#define uf_Open 1
#define uf_Close 2
#define uf_Create 3
#define uf_PutHdr 5
#define uf_GetHdr 6
#define uf_GetPgs 8
#define uf_MovPag 12
#define uf_AddPag 13
#define uf_RemPag 14
#define uf_PutImg 15
#define uf_GetImg 16
#define uf_PutStr 17
#define uf_GetStr 18
#define uf_Alloc 19
#define uf_PutCmp 20
#define uf_GetCmp 21
// >>>> For MSDOS, application must #define AppCall(x) fdcall(x)
#ifdef MSD
extern int dcall(unsigned, UNICB *);
/* PortTool v2.2 4/8/1995 6:32 */
/* Found : LOWORD */
/* Issue : Check if LOWORD target is 16- or 32-bit */
#define AppCall(x) ( dcall( ((x)->uhWnd)->hLoadSeg, (UNICB *)LOWORD(x) ) )
#ifdef OS2
pascal AppCall ( LPUNICB unicb );
#ifndef AppCall
int AppCall();
#define UniInfo(x) ( (x)->uFunc = uf_Info, AppCall(x) )
#define UniOpen(x) ( (x)->uFunc = uf_Open, AppCall(x) )
#define UniClose(x) ( (x)->uFunc = uf_Close, AppCall(x) )
#define UniCreate(x) ( (x)->uFunc = uf_Create, AppCall(x) )
#define UniReCreate(x) ( (x)->uFunc=uf_Open,(x)->uFlags=uWrite,AppCall(x) )
#define UniPutHdr(x) ( (x)->uFunc = uf_PutHdr, AppCall(x) )
#define UniGetHdr(x) ( (x)->uFunc = uf_GetHdr, AppCall(x) )
#define UniGetPgCnt(x) ( (x)->uFunc = uf_GetPgs, AppCall(x) )
#define UniMovePage(x) ( (x)->uFunc = uf_MovPag, AppCall(x) )
#define UniAddPage(x) ( (x)->uFunc = uf_AddPag, AppCall(x) )
#define UniRemPage(x) ( (x)->uFunc = uf_RemPag, AppCall(x) )
#define UniPutImg(x) ( (x)->uFunc = uf_PutImg, AppCall(x) )
#define UniGetImg(x) ( (x)->uFunc = uf_GetImg, AppCall(x) )
#define UniPutStr(x) ( (x)->uFunc = uf_PutStr, AppCall(x) )
#define UniGetStr(x) ( (x)->uFunc = uf_GetStr, AppCall(x) )
#define UniAlloc(x) ( (x)->uFunc = uf_Alloc, AppCall(x) )
#define UniPutCmp(x) ( (x)->uFunc = uf_PutCmp, AppCall(x) )
#define UniGetCmp(x) ( (x)->uFunc = uf_GetCmp, AppCall(x) )
#ifndef FP_SEG
#define FP_SEG(fp) (*((unsigned far *)&(fp) + 1))
#ifndef FP_OFF
#define FP_OFF(fp) (*((unsigned far *)&(fp)))
// inter process communication definitions
#define UNIENTRY int cdecl
#ifndef MSD
#define WM_NOTIFY_INPUT 0x0500
#define WM_NOTIFY_OUTPUT 0x0501
#define WM_UNICB 0x0600
#define WM_UNIOPTS 0x0601
#define WM_UNIINFO 0x0602
#define WM_UNIPARS 0x0603
#define WM_UNIVERS 0x0604
#ifndef OS2
#ifndef MSD
// the undocumented windows program exec call
void FAR PASCAL FreeModule(HANDLE);
typedef struct {
WORD EnvSeg; // segment of environment or NULL
LPSTR ParmStr; // param string in DOS format