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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
* *
* *
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1990-1994 *
* All Rights reserved. *
* *
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "btpriv.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
* *
* Defines *
* *
// Maximum length of a keyword
// This macro returns TRUE if character is default keyword character
#define FIsDefaultKeyCh(ch) ((ch) == 'K' || (ch) == 'k' || (ch) == 'A' || (ch) == 'a')
* *
* Typedefs *
* *
// KeyWord B-TREE record
typedef struct {
WORD cKeys;
DWORD ilOffset;
* *
* Prototypes *
* *
INLINE static void STDCALL FReadPkwd(PKWD pkwd, CTable* ptbl);
INLINE static KEY STDCALL KeyLeastInSubtree(QBTHR qbthr, DWORD bk, int icbLevel);
- Name HceAddPkwiCh
* Purpose
* This function is used to add a keyword letter to the keyword
* information structure.
* Arguments
* PKWI pkwi: Pointer to keyword information structure.
* char chKey: letter to add.
* Returns
* HC error code for error message to be displayed.
RC_TYPE STDCALL HceAddPkwiCh(char chKey)
if (!isalnum(chKey)) {
VReportError(HCERR_INVALID_MULTIKEY, &errHpj, chKey);
return RC_Failure;
chKey = (char) toupper(chKey);
// REVIEW: 15-Feb-1994 [ralphw] why limit this to MAX_KEY_LETTERS?
if (kwi.ckwlMac == MAX_KEY_LETTERS) {
return RC_Failure;
for (int ikwl = 0; ikwl < kwi.ckwlMac; ikwl++) {
if (kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ch == chKey) {
if (FIsDefaultKeyCh(chKey)) {
return RC_Failure;
else {
VReportError(HCERR_DUP_MULTIKEY, &errHpj, chKey);
return RC_Failure;
kwi.rgkwl[kwi.ckwlMac].ch = chKey;
kwi.rgkwl[kwi.ckwlMac++].ptbl = NULL;
return RC_Success; // no error
- Name FAddKeywordsSz
* Purpose
* This function extracts the keywords in the given string, and
* adds each keyword and address into the appropriate file, as
* determined by chKey and pkwi.
* Arguments
* PSTR szKeys: List of keywords separated by semicolons and surrounded
* by whitespace.
* ADDR addr: Address that keywords are defined at.
* PERR perr: Pointer to error information.
* char chKey: Character for keyword table to add keywords to.
* PKWI pkwi: Pointer to keyword information.
* Returns
* TRUE if successful, FALSE if compilation should be aborted.
* +++
* Notes
* This function will modify the string passed in szKeys. It also
* currently uses the global variable fPC to do ansi translation. I expect
* in the future that this function will get szFile, wPage, fPC, and pkwi
* from the phpj structure.
BOOL STDCALL FAddKeywordsSz(PSTR szKeys, IDFCP idfcp, UINT wObjrg, PERR perr,
char chKey)
PSTR pszKey = SzParseList(szKeys);
if (pszKey == NULL) {
VReportError(HCERR_NULL_KEYWORD, &errHpj, NULL);
return TRUE;
chKey = (char) toupper(chKey);
if (FIsDefaultKeyCh(chKey)) {
* For topics that don't have titles: If the keyword is in the first
* FC, it will be caught in VForceTopicFCP(). Otherwise, it must be
* caught here.
if (fHasTopicFCP && !fTitleDefined)
VReportError(HCERR_NO_TITLE, &errHpj);
fKeywordDefined = TRUE;
CTable* ptbl = new CTable();
while (pszKey) {
int cchKey = strlen(pszKey);
ASSERT(cchKey > 0);
if (cchKey > MAX_KEY) {
// Truncate if it would overflow our reporting buffer
if (cchKey > sizeof(szParentString) - 100)
pszKey[sizeof(szParentString) - 100] = '\0';
VReportError(HCERR_KEYWORD_TOO_LARGE, &errHpj, pszKey, MAX_KEY);
else {
if (ptbl->IsCSStringInTable(pszKey)) {
VReportError(HCERR_DUPLICATE_KEYWORD, &errHpj, pszKey);
else if (!ptbl->AddString(pszKey)) {
OOM(); // this won't return
pszKey = SzParseList(NULL);
FDelayExecutionKeyword(ptbl, chKey, idfcp, wObjrg);
return TRUE;
- Name FResolveKeysPkwi
* Purpose
* This function creates all the keyword btrees, based on the
* information collected by AddKeywordsSz into auxiliary files
* refered to in pkwi.
* Arguments
* PKWI pkwi: Pointer to keyword information.
* HFS hfs: Filesystem handle to create keyword files in.
* Returns
* TRUE if successful, FALSE if compilation should be aborted.
const int GRIND_UPDATE = 20;
BOOL STDCALL FResolveKeysPkwi(void)
RECKW reckw;
int ikwl;
PKWD pkwd, pkwdNext, pkwdT;
KWD kwd1, kwd2;
QBTHR qbthr;
HF hfData;
if (kwi.ckwlMac == 0)
return TRUE; // no keywords
if (!hwndParent && hwndGrind)
SetWindowText(hwndGrind, GetStringResource(IDS_RESOLVING_KEYWORDS));
pkwd = &kwd1;
pkwdNext = &kwd2;
int cKeywords = 0;
for (ikwl = 0; ikwl < kwi.ckwlMac; ++ikwl) {
// If no keywords were added, don't do anything
if (kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ptbl == NULL)
cKeywords += kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ptbl->CountStrings();
* Take some wild guesses as to the block size. REVIEW: we could make
* this more accurate if we a) counted the length, and b) for small
* files used the exact size needed. REVIEW: should this also be
* affected by CD-ROM?
if (cKeywords < 100)
else if (cKeywords > 2000)
InitBtreeStruct(&bp, "i24", CB_KEYWORD_BLOCK);
bp.rgchFormat[0] = ktKeywordi;
for (ikwl = 0; ikwl < kwi.ckwlMac; ++ikwl) {
// If no keywords were added, don't do anything
if (kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ptbl == NULL)
* We store keyword macros with an address of -1. This is a flag
* for WinHelp to get the topic title and macro from a different
* system file.
if (ptblMacKeywords && tolower(kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ch) == 'k') {
for (int i = 1; i <= ptblMacKeywords->CountStrings(); i++)
ptblMacKeywords->GetPointer(i) + sizeof(int));
kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ptbl->SetTableSortColumn(sizeof(int) + 1);
// If lcid is zero, standard string comparison will be used
kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ptbl->SetSorting(lcid, kwlcid.fsCompareI,
kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ptbl->SortTablei(); // case-insensitive sort
kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ptbl->SetPosition(); // reset position
if (tolower(kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ch) == 'k')
hlpStats.cKeywords = kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ptbl->CountStrings();
// Create btree file
szKWBtree[1] = (char) kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ch;
qbthr = HbtInitFill(szKWBtree, &bp);
if (!qbthr)
return FALSE;
// Open data file
szKWData[1] = (CHAR) kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ch;
hfData = HfCreateFileHfs(hfsOut, szKWData, FS_READ_WRITE);
reckw.ilOffset = 0;
FReadPkwd(pkwd, kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ptbl);
reckw.cKeys = 1;
cGrind = 0;
while (*pkwd->szKey != '\0') {
LcbWriteHf(hfData, &pkwd->addr, sizeof(ADDR));
FReadPkwd(pkwdNext, kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ptbl);
* While the next keyword is the same as the current one, keep
* accumulating them in reckw. Note that strings are
* case-sensitive.
while (WNlsCmpiSz(pkwd->szKey, pkwdNext->szKey) == 0) {
if (WNlsCmpSz(pkwd->szKey, pkwdNext->szKey) != 0)
pkwd->szKey, pkwdNext->szKey);
LcbWriteHf(hfData, &pkwdNext->addr, sizeof(ADDR));
FReadPkwd(pkwdNext, kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ptbl);
// Add reckw into keyword btree
// REVIEW - can fail
Ensure(RcFillHbt(qbthr, (KEY) pkwd->szKey, (void*) &reckw),
// Move on to next keyword
pkwdT = pkwd;
pkwd = pkwdNext;
pkwdNext = pkwdT;
reckw.ilOffset += reckw.cKeys * sizeof(ADDR);
reckw.cKeys = 1;
if (++cGrind == GRIND_UPDATE) {
cGrind = 0;
Ensure(RcFiniFillHbt(qbthr), RC_Success); // REVIEW - can fail
Ensure(RcCloseHf(hfData), RC_Success); // REVIEW - can fail
// If it is the default character, make the map file
if (kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ch == 'K') {
szKWMap[1] = (char) kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ch;
// REVIEW - can fail
Ensure(RcCreateBTMapHfs(hfsOut, qbthr, szKWMap), RC_Success);
Ensure(RcCloseBtreeHbt(qbthr), RC_Success); // REVIEW - can fail
// *** Keyword Macros *** //
if (ptblMacKeywords) {
InitBtreeStruct(&bp, "Lzz", CB_KEYWORD_BLOCK);
// bp.rgchFormat[0] = ktKeywordi;
qbthr = HbtInitFill("|Rose", &bp);
ptblMacKeywords->SetTableSortColumn(sizeof(int) + 1);
ptblMacKeywords->SortTablei(); // case-insensitive sort
for (int i = 1; i <= ptblMacKeywords->CountStrings(); i++) {
while (i + 1 <= ptblMacKeywords->CountStrings() &&
strcmp(ptblMacKeywords->GetPointer(i) + sizeof(int),
ptblMacKeywords->GetPointer(i + 1) + sizeof(int)) == 0) {
int pos = *(int*) ptblMacKeywords->GetPointer(i);
int cbMacro = strlen(ptblMacroTitles->GetPointer(pos)) + 1;
PSTR psz = (PSTR) lcMalloc(cbMacro +
strlen(ptblMacroTitles->GetPointer(pos + 1)) + 1);
strcpy(psz, ptblMacroTitles->GetPointer(pos));
strcpy(psz + cbMacro, ptblMacroTitles->GetPointer(pos + 1));
HASH hash = HashFromSz(ptblMacKeywords->GetPointer(i) + sizeof(int));
Ensure(RcFillHbt(qbthr, (KEY) &hash, (void*) psz), RC_Success);
Ensure(RcFiniFillHbt(qbthr), RC_Success); // REVIEW - can fail
Ensure(RcCloseBtreeHbt(qbthr), RC_Success); // REVIEW - can fail
return TRUE;
- Name RcWritePkwd
* Purpose
* Arguments
* PKWD pwkd: Pointer to keyword and address to write.
* char chKey: Letter of keyword file to use.
* PKWI pkwi: Keyword information structure.
* Returns
* Generic error code. Will be RC_OutOfMemory or RC_DiskFull.
void STDCALL RcWritePkwd(PKWD pkwd, KT chKey)
int ikwl;
if (kwi.ikwlCur == -1 || kwi.rgkwl[kwi.ikwlCur].ch != chKey) {
// Find current entry
for (ikwl = 0; ikwl < kwi.ckwlMac; ++ikwl)
if (kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ch == chKey)
ASSERT(ikwl != kwi.ckwlMac);
// Create new file name, if necessary
if (kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ptbl == NULL)
kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ptbl = new CTable;
kwi.ptbl = kwi.rgkwl[ikwl].ptbl;
kwi.ikwlCur = ikwl;
kwi.ptbl->AddIntAndString(pkwd->addr, pkwd->szKey);
- Name FReadPkwd
* Purpose
* Reads in a pkwd, as written out by RcWritePkwd above.
* Arguments
* PKWD pkwd: Buffer to keyword to read in.
* CTable* pfile: Pointer to table to read from.
* Returns
INLINE static void STDCALL FReadPkwd(PKWD pkwd, CTable* ptbl)
int pos = ptbl->GetPosition();
if (!ptbl->GetInt((int*) &pkwd->addr))
pkwd->szKey = txtZeroLength;
pkwd->szKey = ptbl->GetPointer(pos) + sizeof(int);
RC_TYPE STDCALL RcFillHbt(QBTHR qbthr, KEY key, void* qvRec)
PCACHE pcache = (PCACHE) qbthr->pCache;
int cbRec = CbSizeRec(qvRec, qbthr);
int cbKey = CbSizeKey(key, qbthr, FALSE);
if (cbRec + cbKey > pcache->db.cbSlack) {
// key and rec don't fit in this block: write it out
SetBkNext(pcache, BkAlloc(qbthr));
RC_TYPE rc = RcWriteBlock(pcache, qbthr);
if (rc != RC_Success) {
return rcBtreeError;
// recycle the block
SetBkPrev(pcache, pcache->bk);
pcache->bk = BkNext(pcache);
pcache->bFlags = CACHE_DIRTY | CACHE_VALID;
pcache->db.cbSlack = qbthr->bth.cbBlock - sizeof(DISK_BLOCK) + 1
- 2 * sizeof(BK);
pcache->db.cKeys = 0;
// add key and rec to the current block;
PBYTE pb = ((PBYTE) &pcache->db) + qbthr->bth.cbBlock - pcache->db.cbSlack;
memmove(pb, (void*) key, cbKey);
memmove(pb + cbKey, qvRec, cbRec);
pcache->db.cbSlack -= (cbKey + cbRec);
return rcBtreeError = RC_Success;
DWORD bkThisMin, bkThisMost, bkThisCur;
DWORD bkTopMin, bkTopMost;
PCACHE pcacheThis, pcacheTop;
int cbKey;
KEY key;
PBYTE qbDst;
pcacheThis = QCacheBlock(qbthr, 0);
SetBkNext(pcacheThis, bkNil);
bkThisMin = qbthr->bth.bkFirst;
bkThisMost = pcacheThis->bk;
qbthr->bth.bkLast = (BK) pcacheThis->bk;
if (bkThisMin == bkThisMost) { // only one leaf
qbthr->bth.bkRoot = (BK) bkThisMin;
goto normal_return;
if (RC_Success != RcGrowCache(qbthr))
goto error_return;
pcacheTop = QCacheBlock(qbthr, 0);
pcacheTop->bk = bkTopMin = bkTopMost = BkAlloc(qbthr);
pcacheTop->bFlags = CACHE_DIRTY | CACHE_VALID;
pcacheTop->db.cbSlack = qbthr->bth.cbBlock - sizeof(DISK_BLOCK) + 1
- sizeof(BK);
pcacheTop->db.cKeys = 0;
// Get first key from each leaf node and build a layer of internal nodes.
// add bk of first leaf to the node
qbDst = pcacheTop->db.rgbBlock;
*(BK *) qbDst = (BK) bkThisMin;
qbDst += sizeof(BK);
for (bkThisCur = bkThisMin + 1; bkThisCur <= bkThisMost; ++bkThisCur) {
pcacheThis = QFromBk(bkThisCur, 1, qbthr);
key = (KEY) (pcacheThis->db.rgbBlock + 2 * sizeof(BK));
cbKey = CbSizeKey(key, qbthr, FALSE);
if (cbKey + (int) sizeof(BK) > pcacheTop->db.cbSlack) {
// key and bk don't fit in this block: write it out
rc = RcWriteBlock(pcacheTop, qbthr);
// recycle the block
pcacheTop->bk = bkTopMost = BkAlloc(qbthr);
pcacheTop->db.cbSlack = qbthr->bth.cbBlock - sizeof(DISK_BLOCK) + 1
- sizeof(BK); // (bk added below)
pcacheTop->db.cKeys = 0;
qbDst = pcacheTop->db.rgbBlock;
else {
pcacheTop->db.cbSlack -= cbKey + sizeof(BK);
memmove(qbDst, (PBYTE) key, cbKey);
qbDst += cbKey;
*(BK *) qbDst = (BK) bkThisCur;
qbDst += sizeof(BK);
// Keep adding layers of internal nodes until we have a root.
while (bkTopMost > bkTopMin) {
bkThisMin = bkTopMin;
bkThisMost = bkTopMost;
bkTopMin = bkTopMost = (BK) BkAlloc(qbthr);
rc = RcGrowCache(qbthr);
if (rc != RC_Success)
goto error_return;
pcacheTop = QCacheBlock(qbthr, 0);
pcacheTop->bk = bkTopMin;
pcacheTop->bFlags = CACHE_DIRTY | CACHE_VALID;
pcacheTop->db.cbSlack = qbthr->bth.cbBlock - sizeof(DISK_BLOCK) + 1
- sizeof(BK);
pcacheTop->db.cKeys = 0;
// add bk of first node of this level to current node of top level;
qbDst = pcacheTop->db.rgbBlock;
*(BK *) qbDst = (BK) bkThisMin;
qbDst += sizeof(BK);
// for ( each internal node in this level after first )
for (bkThisCur = bkThisMin + 1; bkThisCur <= bkThisMost; ++bkThisCur) {
key = KeyLeastInSubtree(qbthr, bkThisCur, 1);
cbKey = CbSizeKey(key, qbthr, FALSE);
if (cbKey + (int) sizeof(BK) > pcacheTop->db.cbSlack) {
// key and bk don't fit in this block: write it out
rc = RcWriteBlock(pcacheTop, qbthr);
// recycle the block
pcacheTop->bk = bkTopMost = (BK) BkAlloc(qbthr);
pcacheTop->db.cbSlack = qbthr->bth.cbBlock - sizeof(DISK_BLOCK) + 1
- sizeof(BK); // (bk added below)
pcacheTop->db.cKeys = 0;
qbDst = pcacheTop->db.rgbBlock;
else {
pcacheTop->db.cbSlack -= cbKey + sizeof(BK);
memmove(qbDst, (PBYTE) key, cbKey);
qbDst += cbKey;
*(BK *) qbDst = (BK) bkThisCur;
qbDst += sizeof(BK);
ASSERT(bkTopMin == bkTopMost);
qbthr->bth.bkRoot = (BK) bkTopMin;
qbthr->bth.bkEOF = (BK) bkTopMin + 1;
return rcBtreeError;
rc = rcBtreeError;
return rcBtreeError = rc;
- Function: RcGrowCache( qbthr )
* Purpose: Grow the cache by one level.
* args IN: qbthr->ghCache - unlocked
* globals IN: rcBtreeError
* returns: rc
* args OUT: qbthr->bth.cLevels - incremented
* qbthr->bth.ghCache - locked
* qbthr->bth.pCache - points to locked ghCache
* globals OUT: rcBtreeError - set to RC_OutOfMemory on error
* Note: Root is at level 0, leaves at level qbthr->bth.cLevels - 1.
int cbcb = CbCacheBlock(qbthr);
PBYTE pb = (PBYTE) lcCalloc(cbcb * qbthr->bth.cLevels);
memcpy(pb + cbcb, qbthr->pCache, cbcb * (qbthr->bth.cLevels - 1));
qbthr->pCache = pb;
return rcBtreeError = RC_Success;
- Function: KeyLeastInSubtree( qbthr, bk, icbLevel )
* Purpose: Return the least key in the subtree speced by bk and
* icbLevel.
* args IN: qbthr -
* bk - bk at root of subtree
* icbLevel - level of subtree root
* returns: key - the smallest key in the subtree
* args OUT: qbthr->ghCache, ->pCache - contents of cache may change
* globals OUT: rcBtreeError?
INLINE static KEY STDCALL KeyLeastInSubtree(QBTHR qbthr, DWORD bk,
int icbLevel)
PCACHE pcache;
int icbMost = qbthr->bth.cLevels - 1;
while (icbLevel < icbMost) {
pcache = QFromBk(bk, icbLevel, qbthr);
bk = *(BK *) pcache->db.rgbBlock;
pcache = QFromBk(bk, icbLevel, qbthr);
return (KEY) pcache->db.rgbBlock + 2 * sizeof(BK);