896 lines
29 KiB
896 lines
29 KiB
Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module defines globally used procedure and data structures used
by Hpfs boot.
Gary Kimura [GaryKi] 19-Jul-1991
Revision History:
#ifndef _HPFSBOOT_
#define _HPFSBOOT_
typedef ULONG LBN;
typedef LBN *PLBN;
typedef ULONG VBN;
typedef VBN *PVBN;
// The following structure is a context block used by the exported
// procedures in the Hpfs boot package. The context contains our cached
// part of the boot mcb structure. The max number must not be smaller than
// the maximum number of leafs possible in a pinball allocation sector plus
// one.
typedef struct _HPFS_BOOT_MCB {
// The following fields indicate the number of entries in use by
// the boot mcb. and the boot mcb itself. The boot mcb is
// just a collection of vbn - lbn pairs. The last InUse entry
// Lbn's value is ignored, because it is only used to give the
// length of the previous run.
typedef struct _HPFS_STRUCTURE_CONTEXT {
// The following field contains the fnode lbn of the file
LBN Fnode;
// The following field contains the cached mcb
// Define Hpfs file context structure.
typedef struct _HPFS_FILE_CONTEXT {
// The following field contains the size of the file, in bytes.
ULONG FileSize;
// HPFS file system structures
// There are only three sectors on the disk that have fixed locations. They
// are the boot sector, the super sector, and the spare sector.
#define BOOT_SECTOR_LBN (0)
#define SUPER_SECTOR_LBN (16)
#define SPARE_SECTOR_LBN (17)
typedef struct _SUPER_SECTOR {
// The Super Sector starts with a double signature.
SIGNATURE Signature1; // offset = 0x000 0
SIGNATURE Signature2; // offset = 0x004 4
// The version and functional version describe the version of
// the on-disk file system structures and the oldest version of the
// file system that can understand this disk.
UCHAR Version; // offset = 0x008 8
UCHAR FunctionalVersion; // offset = 0x009 9
USHORT Unused1; // offset = 0x00A 10
// This field denotes the sector containing the FNODE for the root
// directory for the volume.
LBN RootDirectoryFnode; // offset = 0x00C 12
// The follow two fields indicate the number of total sectors on the
// volume (good and bad), and the number of bad sectors on the volume.
ULONG NumberOfSectors; // offset = 0x010 16
ULONG NumberOfBadSectors; // offset = 0x014 20
// This field denotes the sector containing the first level of the
// volumes bitmap table.
LBN BitMapIndirect; // offset = 0x018 24
ULONG Unused2; // offset = 0x01C 28
// This field denotes the sector containing the first bad sector disk
// buffer for the volume.
LBN BadSectorList; // offset = 0x020 32
ULONG Unused3; // offset = 0x024 36
// The following two dates are the time of the last execution of
// chkdsk and disk optimize on the volume.
PINBALL_TIME ChkdskDate; // offset = 0x028 40
PINBALL_TIME DiskOptimizeDate; // offset = 0x02C 44
// The following four fields describe the directory disk buffer pool.
// It is a contiguous run on of sectors on the disk set aside for
// holding directory disk buffers. PoolSize is the total number of
// sectors in the pool. First and Last Sector denote the boundaries
// of the pool, and BitMap denotes the start of a small bitmap used to
// describe the directory disk buffer pool's current allocation. The
// bitmap is 4 contiguous sectors in size, and each bit in the map
// corresponds to 1 Directory Disk Buffer (i.e., 4 Sectors worth)
ULONG DirDiskBufferPoolSize; // offset = 0x030 48
LBN DirDiskBufferPoolFirstSector; // offset = 0x034 52
LBN DirDiskBufferPoolLastSector; // offset = 0x038 56
LBN DirDiskBufferPoolBitMap; // offset = 0x03C 60
// The following field contains the name of the volume
UCHAR VolumeName[32]; // offset = 0x040 64
// The following field denotes the start of the Small ID (SID) table
// which is used to store the Small ID to GUID mappings used on the
// volume. The SID table is 8 contiguous sectors in size.
LBN SidTable; // offset = 0x060 96
UCHAR Unused4[512-100]; // offset = 0x064 100
} SUPER_SECTOR; // sizeof = 0x200 512
// Super Sector signatures
#define SUPER_SECTOR_SIGNATURE1 (0xf995e849)
#define SUPER_SECTOR_SIGNATURE2 (0xfa53e9c5)
// Super Sector versions
typedef struct _SPARE_SECTOR {
// The Spare Sector starts with a double signature.
SIGNATURE Signature1; // offset = 0x000 0
SIGNATURE Signature2; // offset = 0x004 4
// The flags field describe how "clean" the volume is.
UCHAR Flags; // offset = 0x008 8
UCHAR Unused1[3]; // offset = 0x009 9
// The following three fields describe the hotfix structure for the
// volume. The List field is denotes the disk buffer used to store
// the hotfix table. The InUse describes how many hotfixes are
// currently being used, and MaxSize is the total number of hotfixes
// that can be in use at any one time.
LBN HotFixList; // offset = 0x00C 12
ULONG HotFixInUse; // offset = 0x010 16
ULONG HotFixMaxSize; // offset = 0x014 20
// The following two fields describe the "emergency" pool of spare
// directory disk buffers. Free describes how many spare directory
// disk buffers are currently available for use. MaxSize is the total
// number of spare directory disk buffers available. The actual location
// of the spare directory disk buffers is denoted in the table at the
// end of the spare sector (i.e., field SpareDirDiskBuffer).
ULONG SpareDirDiskBufferAvailable; // offset = 0x018 24
ULONG SpareDirDiskBufferMaxSize; // offset = 0x01C 28
// The following two fields describe the code page information used
// on the volume. The InfoSector field is the sector of the beginning
// Code Page Information Sector, and the InUse field is the total number
// of code pages currently in use on the volume.
LBN CodePageInfoSector; // offset = 0x020 32
ULONG CodePageInUse; // offset = 0x024 36
ULONG Unused2[17]; // offset = 0x028 40
// The following field is an array of LBN's for the spare directory
// disk buffers that are for "emergency" use.
LBN SpareDirDiskBuffer[101]; // offset = 0x06C 108
} SPARE_SECTOR; // sizeof = 0x200 512
// Spare Sector signatures
#define SPARE_SECTOR_SIGNATURE1 (0xf9911849)
#define SPARE_SECTOR_SIGNATURE2 (0xfa5229c5)
// The on-disk allocation structure is defined using B-Trees. For every
// B-Tree block there is an Allocation Header, followed by a list of
// either Allocation Leafs or Allocation Nodes. This structure will either
// appear in an FNODE or in an AllocationSector.
// The allocation header (called Allocation Block in earlier implementations)
// describes a B-tree block.
typedef struct _ALLOCATION_HEADER {
// The following flag describes the state of the B-tree block (e.g.,
// indicates if the block is a leaf or an internal node.
UCHAR Flags; // offset = 0x000 0
UCHAR Unused[3]; // offset = 0x001 1
// The following two fields denote the number of free records in the
// B-Tree block, and the number of records that are currently in use
UCHAR FreeCount; // offset = 0x004 4
UCHAR OccupiedCount; // offset = 0x005 5
// The next field contains the offset (in bytes) from the beginning
// of the allocation header to the first free byte in the B-Tree block
USHORT FirstFreeByte; // offset = 0x006 6
} ALLOCATION_HEADER; // sizeof = 0x008 8
// Allocation header flags
// NODE - if set this indicates that the B-Tree block contains internal
// nodes and not leaf entries.
// BINARY_SEARCH - if set this suggest that a binary search should be used
// to search the B-Tree block.
// FNODE_PARENT - if set this indicates that the sector which is the
// parent of the sector with this header (not this sector), is an
// Immediately following an allocation header are one or more allocation nodes
// of allocation leafs.
typedef struct _ALLOCATION_NODE {
// All children of this allocation node will have values less than
// the following VBN field.
VBN Vbn; // offset = 0x000 0
// This is the LBN of the allocation sector refered to by this node
LBN Lbn; // offset = 0x004 4
} ALLOCATION_NODE; // sizeof = 0x008 8
typedef struct _ALLOCATION_LEAF {
// The following field has the starting VBN for this run
VBN Vbn; // offset = 0x000 0
// This is the length of the run in sectors
ULONG Length; // offset = 0x004 4
// This is the starting LBN of the run
LBN Lbn; // offset = 0x008 8
} ALLOCATION_LEAF; // sizeof = 0x00C 12
// An allocation sector is an on-disk structure that contains allocation
// information. It contains some bookkeeping information, an allocation
// header and then an array of either allocation leafs or allocation nodes.
// AllocationSector
// +-------------------+
// | bookkeeping |
// +- - - - - - - - - -+
// | Allocation Header |
// +- - - - - - - - - -+
// | Allocation Leafs |
// | or |
// | Allocation Nodes |
// +-------------------+
// where the number of allocation leafs that can be stored in a sector is
// 40 and the number of nodes is 60.
typedef struct _ALLOCATION_SECTOR {
// The allocation sector starts off with a signature field
SIGNATURE Signature; // offset = 0x000 0
// This following two fields contains the LBN of this allocation
// sector itself, and the LBN of the parent of this sector (the
// parent is either an FNODE or another allocation sector)
LBN Lbn; // offset = 0x004 4
LBN ParentLbn; // offset = 0x008 8
// The allocation header for the sector
ALLOCATION_HEADER AllocationHeader; // offset = 0x00C 12
// The remainder of the sector is either an array of allocation leafs
// of allocation nodes
union { // offset = 0x014 20
} Allocation;
UCHAR Unused[12]; // offset = 0x1F4 500
} ALLOCATION_SECTOR; // sizeof = 0x200 512
// The allocation sector signature
// The on-disk FNODE structure is used to describe both files and directories
// It contains some fixed data information, the EA and ACL lookup information,
// allocation information and then a free space for storing some EAs and
// ACLs that fit in the sector
typedef struct _FNODE_SECTOR {
// The sector starts with a signature field
SIGNATURE Signature; // offset = 0x000 0
// The following fields was for history tracking, but in NT Pinball
// doesn't need this information.
ULONG Unused1[2]; // offset = 0x004 4
// The following two fields contain the file name length, and the first
// 15 bytes of the filename, as stored in the dirent that references
// this fnode. For the root directory theses values are all zeros.
UCHAR FileNameLength; // offset = 0x00C 12
UCHAR FileName[15]; // offset = 0x00D 13
// The following field denotes the parent directory's FNODE
LBN ParentFnode; // offset = 0x01C 28
// The following four fields describe the ACL for the file/directory.
// AclDiskAllocationLength holds the number of bytes in the ACL that
// are stored outside of this FNODE. If this value is not zero
// then AclFnodeLength must be equal to zero.
// AclLbn points to the first sector of the data run or the allocation
// sector containing describing the ACL. AclFlags indicates if
// it is a data run or an allocation sector. AclLbn is only used
// if AclDiskAllocationLength is not zero.
// AclFnodeLength holds the number of bytes in the ACL that are
// stored within this FNODE. If value is not zero then
// AclDiskAllocationLength must be equal to zero. The ACL, if stored
// in the FNODE, is located at AclEaFnodeBuffer in this FNODE sector.
// AclFlags if the data is outside the FNODE this flag indicates whether
// ACL is stored in a single data run (AclFlags == 0) or via an
// allocation sector (AclFlags != 0). AclFlags is only used if
// AclDiskAllocationLength is not zero.
ULONG AclDiskAllocationLength; // offset = 0x020 32
LBN AclLbn; // offset = 0x024 36
USHORT AclFnodeLength; // offset = 0x028 40
UCHAR AclFlags; // offset = 0x02A 42
// The following field was used for the number of valid history
// bits but we don't need this field of NT Pinball
UCHAR Unused2; // offset = 0x02B 43
// The following four fields describe the EA for the file/directory.
// EaDiskAllocationLength holds the number of bytes in the EA that
// are stored outside of this FNODE. If this value is not zero
// then EaFnodeLength must be equal to zero.
// EaLbn points to the first sector of the data run or the allocation
// sector containing describing the EA. EaFlags indicates if
// it is a data run or an allocation sector. EaLbn is only used
// if EaDiskAllocationLength is not zero.
// EaFnodeLength holds the number of bytes in the EA that are
// stored within this FNODE. If value is not zero then
// EaDiskAllocationLength must be equal to zero. The EA, if stored
// in the FNODE, is located immediately after the ACL stored in the
// AclEaFnodeBuffer.
// EaFlags if the data is outside the FNODE this flag indicates whether
// EA is stored in a single data run (EaFlags == 0) or via an
// allocation sector (EaFlags != 0). EaFlags is only used if
// EaDiskAllocationLength is not zero.
ULONG EaDiskAllocationLength; // offset = 0x02C 44
LBN EaLbn; // offset = 0x030 48
USHORT EaFnodeLength; // offset = 0x034 52
UCHAR EaFlags; // offset = 0x036 54
// The following byte contains the FNODE flags
UCHAR Flags; // offset = 0x037 55
// The following two fields describe the top level allocation for
// this file/directory
ALLOCATION_HEADER AllocationHeader; // offset = 0x038 56
union { // offset = 0x040 64
} Allocation;
// The following field contains the valid length of the file. The size
// of the file is stored in the dirent. The difference between these two
// values is that the file size is the actual size allocated and visible
// to the user. The Valid length is the number of bytes that have
// had their data zeroed out or modified. (i.e., if a read request
// is greater than valid length but less than file size then the file
// system must first zero out the data in the file up to and including
// data being read.
ULONG ValidDataLength; // offset = 0x0A0 160
// The following field contains the number of EAs in this file that have
// the need ea attribute set.
ULONG NeedEaCount; // offset = 0x0A4 164
UCHAR Unused3[16]; // offset = 0x0A8 168
// The following field contains the offset, in bytes, from the start of
// FNODE to the first ACE stored in the FNODE
USHORT AclBase; // offset = 0x0B8 184
UCHAR Unused4[10]; // offset = 0x0BA 186
// The following buffer is used to store acl/ea in the FNODE
UCHAR AclEaFnodeBuffer[316]; // offset = 0x0C4 196
} FNODE_SECTOR; // sizeof = 0x200 512
// The FNODE Sector signature
#define FNODE_SECTOR_SIGNATURE (0xf7e40aae)
// The on-disk directory disk buffer is used to contain directory entries.
// It contains a fixed header followed by a collection of one or more
// dirents. Dirents are variable so size we cannot use a simply C struct
// declartion for the entire disk buffer.
typedef struct _DIRECTORY_DISK_BUFFER {
// The disk buffer starts with a signature field
SIGNATURE Signature; // offset = 0x000 0
// The following field is the offset to the first free byte in this
// disk buffer
ULONG FirstFree; // offset = 0x004 4
// The following field is a change count that is kept around for
// bookkeeping purposes. It is incremented whenever we move any
// of the entries in this disk buffer. This means for any file if we
// remember its offset and its change count we will be able to quickly
// locate the dirent again without needing to search from the top
// of the directory again. (i.e., only if the remembered change count
// and the current change count match). For this to work the file system
// in memory will need to keep track of whenever it removes a Directory
// Disk Buffer from a directory, and have each saved dirent location
// keep this Directory change count, the Directory Disk Buffer Change
// Count, LBN and Offset.
// In addition we overload the bit in this value to indicate if this
// is the topmost directory disk buffer for the directory (low order bit
// = 1) or if it is a lower lever buffer (low order bit = 0).
ULONG ChangeCount; // offset = 0x008 8
// The following field contains the LBN of either the parent
// directory disk buffer containing this disk buffer or the FNODE.
// It is the FNODE if this is a topmost disk buffer and a parent
// directory disk buffer otherwise.
LBN Parent; // offset = 0x00C 12
// The following field is the LBN of the sector containing the
// start of this disk buffer
LBN Sector; // offset = 0x010 16
// This following buffer contains the dirents stored in this disk buffer
UCHAR Dirents[2028]; // offset = 0x014 20
} DIRECTORY_DISK_BUFFER; // sizeof = 0x800 2048
// Size of Directory Disk Buffer in sectors.
// Directory Disk Buffer Signature
typedef struct _PBDIRENT {
USHORT DirentSize; // offset = 0x000 0
UCHAR Flags; // offset = 0x002 2
UCHAR FatFlags; // offset = 0x003 3
LBN Fnode; // offset = 0x004 4
PINBALL_TIME LastModificationTime; // offset = 0x008 8
ULONG FileSize; // offset = 0x00C 12
PINBALL_TIME LastAccessTime; // offset = 0x010 16
PINBALL_TIME FnodeCreationTime; // offset = 0x014 20
ULONG EaLength; // offset = 0x018 24
UCHAR ResidentAceCount; // offset = 0x01C 28
UCHAR CodePageIndex; // offset = 0x01D 29
UCHAR FileNameLength; // offset = 0x01E 30
UCHAR FileName[1]; // offset = 0x01F 31
} PBDIRENT; // sizeof = 0x020 32
// Define sizes of .. and End PBDIRENT.
#define SIZEOF_DIR_DOTDOT (sizeof(PBDIRENT) + sizeof(LONG))
#define SIZEOF_DIR_END (sizeof(PBDIRENT))
#define SIZEOF_DIR_MAXPBDIRENT (sizeof(PBDIRENT) + 256 + \
(3*sizeof(PINBALL_ACE)) + sizeof(LBN))
#define DIRENT_FIRST_ENTRY (0x0001)
#define DIRENT_ACL (0x0002)
#define DIRENT_BTREE_POINTER (0x0004)
#define DIRENT_END (0x0008)
#define DIRENT_EXPLICIT_ACL (0x0040)
#define DIRENT_NEED_EA (0x0080)
#define DIRENT_NEW_NAMING_RULES (0x4000)
// The following macros are used to help locate dirents within a Directory
// Disk Buffer. GetFirstDirent returns a pointer to the first dirent entry
// in the directory disk buffer. GetNextDirent returns a pointer to the
// next dirent entry in a directory disk buffer, without checking for the
// end of the Directory Disk Buffer.
// GetFirstDirent (
// );
// GetNextDirent (
// IN PDIRENT Dirent
// );
#define GetFirstDirent(DIR) ( \
(PDIRENT)&(DIR)->Dirents[0] \
// This macro blindly returns a pointer to the next Dirent, without checking
// for the end of the Directory Disk Buffer, i.e., callers must always check
// for the End record in the Directory Disk Buffer. If GetNextDirent is
// called with the End record as input, it will return the next free byte
// in the buffer.
#define GetNextDirent(ENT) ( \
(PDIRENT)((PUCHAR)(ENT)+(ENT)->DirentSize) \
// The following macros are used to help retrieve the variable fields
// within a dirent. GetAceInDirent returns a pointer to the ACE within
// the dirent corresponding to the supplied index, or NULL if there isn't
// a corresponding ACE. GetBtreePointerInDirent returns the LBN field of
// the down B-tree pointer stored in the dirent, or it returns a value of
// zero if there isn't a down pointer. SetBtreePointerInDirent sets the
// LBN downpointer field.
// GetAceInDirent (
// IN PDIRENT Dirent,
// IN ULONG Index // (0, 1, or 2)
// );
// LBN
// GetBtreePointerInDirent (
// IN PDIRENT Dirent
// );
// SetBtreePointerInDirent (
// IN LBN Blbn
// );
// To return a pointer to an ACE in a dirent we need to check to see if the
// index is within the resident ace count. The first ace is the address of
// the first longword after the filename, the second ace is the second long
// word.
#define GetAceInDirent(ENT,I) ( \
((I) >= 0 && (I) < (ENT)->ResidentAceCount ? \
(LONG)LongAlign((ENT)->FileName[(ENT)->FileNameLength]) + \
(I)*sizeof(PINBALL_ACE) \
) \
: \
) \
// To return the Btree pointer we need to first check to see if there
// is Btree pointer field, otherwise we return NULL. The field, if present,
// is located 4 bytes back from the end of the dirent.
#define GetBtreePointerInDirent(ENT) ( \
*(PLBN)(((PUCHAR)(ENT)) + (ENT)->DirentSize - sizeof(LBN)) \
: \
0 \
) \
// To set the Btree pointer we assume there is a Btree pointer field.
// The field is located 4 bytes back from the end of the dirent.
#define SetBtreePointerInDirent(ENT,BLBN) ( \
*(PLBN)(((PUCHAR)(ENT)) + (ENT)->DirentSize - sizeof(LBN)) = (BLBN) \
// Define file I/O prototypes.
HpfsClose (
HpfsOpen (
IN PCHAR OpenPath,
HpfsRead (
IN ULONG Length,
HpfsSeek (
HpfsWrite (
IN PVOID Buffer,
IN ULONG Length,
HpfsGetFileInformation (
HpfsSetFileInformation (
IN ULONG AttributeFlags,
IN ULONG AttributeMask
#endif // _HPFSBOOT_