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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
// Copyright (c) 1993 IBM Corporation
// Copyright (c) 1994 MOTOROLA, INC. All Rights Reserved. This file
// contains copyrighted material. Use of this file is restricted
// by the provisions of a Motorola Software License Agreement.
// Module Name:
// pxmisc.s
// Abstract:
// This module implements miscellaneous routines on the PowerPC.
// Author:
// Steve Johns (sjohns@pets.sps.mot.com) August 1994
// Environment:
// Kernel mode only.
#include "kxppc.h"
.set HID0, 1008 // SPR # for HID0
mfspr r.3, HID0
mtspr HID0, r.3
// ULONG HalpDivide (
// IN ULONG Divisor)
// Routine Description:
// This function divides an unsigned large integer by an unsigned long
// and returns the resultant quotient.
// N.B. It is assumed that no overflow will occur.
// Arguments:
// Dividend (r.3, r.4) - Supplies the dividend value.
// (High-order bits in r.4, low-order bits in r.3)
// Divisor (r.5) - Supplies the divisor value.
// Return Value:
// The ULONG quotient is returned as the function value.
.set Quotient, r.3
.set DividendLo, r.3
.set DividendHi, r.4
.set Divisor, r.5
.set Q1, r.11
.set N, r.12
.set Q0, N // Use of N & Q0 don't overlap
cmplw DividendHi,Divisor
bge overflow // catch overflow or division by 0
cmplwi DividendHi,0 // test high part for 0
bne Divide64Bits
// High 32 bits of Dividend == 0, so use 32 bit division.
divwu Quotient,DividendLo,Divisor // Quotient = Dividend/Divisor
// Normalize: Shift divisor and dividend left to get rid of leading zeroes
// in the divisor. Since DividendHi < Divisor, only zeroes are shifted out
// of the dividend.
cntlzw N,Divisor // number of bits to shift (N)
slw Divisor,Divisor,N // shift divisor
slw DividendHi,DividendHi,N // shift upper part of dividend
mr r.8, DividendLo // Save unshifted DividendLo
slw DividendLo,DividendLo,N // shift lower part of dividend
subfic N,N,32 // 32-N
srw N,r.8,N // leftmost N bits of DividendLo, slid right
or DividendHi,DividendHi,N // and inserted into low end of DividendHi
// Estimate high-order halfword of quotient. If the dividend is
// A0 A1 A2 A3 and the divisor is B0 B1 (where each Ai or Bi is a halfword),
// then the estimate is A0 A1 0000 divided by B0 0000, or A0 A1 divided by B0.
// (DividendHi holds A0 A1, DividendLo holds A2 A3, and Divisor holds B0 B1.)
// The estimate may be too high because it does not account for B1; in rare
// cases, the estimate will not even fit in a halfword. High estimates are
// corrected for later.
srwi r.8,Divisor,16 // r.8 <- B0
divwu Q0,DividendHi,r.8 // Q0 <- floor([A0 A1]/B0)
// Subtract partial quotient times divisor from dividend: If Q0 is the quotient
// computed above, this means that Q0 0000 times B0 B1 is subtracted from
// A0 A1 A2 A3. We compute Q0 times B0 B1 and then shift the two-word
// product left 16 bits.
mullw r.9,Q0,Divisor // low word of Q0 times B0 B1
mulhwu r.10,Q0,Divisor // high word of Q0 times B0 B1
slwi r.10,r.10,16 // shift high word left 16 bits
inslwi r.10,r.9,16,16 // move 16 bits from left of low word
// to right of high word
slwi r.9,r.9,16 // shift low word left 16 bits
subfc DividendLo,r.9,DividendLo // low word of difference
subfe DividendHi,r.10,DividendHi // high word of difference
// If the estimate for Q0 was too high, the difference will be negative.
// While A0 A1 A2 A3 is negative, repeatedly add B0 B1 0000 to A0 A1 A2 A3
// and decrement Q0 by one to correct for the overestimate.
cmpwi DividendHi,0 // A0 A1 A2 A3 is negative iff A0 A1 is
bge Q0_okay // no correction needed
inslwi r.10,Divisor,16,16 // high word of B0 B1 0000 (= 0000 B0)
slwi r.9,Divisor,16 // low word of B0 B1 0000 (= B1 0000)
addc DividendLo,DividendLo,r.9 // add B0 B1 0000 to A0 A1 A2 A3 (low)
adde DividendHi,DividendHi,r.10 // add B0 B1 0000 to A0 A1 A2 A3 (high)
cmpwi DividendHi,0 // Is A0 A1 A2 A3 now nonnegative?
addi Q0,Q0,-1 // decrement Q0
blt adjust_Q0 // if A0 A1 A2 A3 still negative, repeat
// Estimate low-order halfword of quotient. A0 is necessarily 0000 at this
// point, so if the remaining part of the dividend is A0 A1 A2 A3 then the
// estimate is A1 A2 0000 divided by B0 0000, or A1 A2 divided by B0.
// (DividendHi holds A0 A1, DividendLo holds A2 A3, and r.8 holds B0.)
slwi r.9,DividendHi,16 // r.9 <- A1 0000
inslwi r.9,DividendLo,16,16 // r.9 <- A1 A2
divwu Q1,r.9,r.8 // Q1 <- floor([A1 A2]/B0)
// Subtract partial quotient times divisor from remaining part of dividend:
// If Q1 is the quotient computed above, this means
// that Q1 times B0 B1 is subtracted from A0 A1 A2 A3. We compute
mullw r.9,Q1,Divisor // low word of Q1 times B0 B1
mulhwu r.10,Q1,Divisor // high word of Q1 times B0 B1
subfc DividendLo,r.9,DividendLo // low word of difference
subfe DividendHi,r.10,DividendHi // high word of difference
// If the estimate for Q1 was too high, the difference will be negative.
// While A0 A1 A2 A3 is negative, repeatedly add B0 B1 to A0 A1 A2 A3
// and decrement Q1 by one to correct for the overestimate.
cmpwi DividendHi,0 // A0 A1 A2 A3 is negative iff A0 A1 is
bge Q1_okay // no correction needed
addc DividendLo,DividendLo,Divisor // add B0 B1 to A0 A1 A2 A3 (low)
addze DividendHi,DividendHi // add B0 B1 to A0 A1 A2 A3 (high)
cmpwi DividendHi,0 // Is A0 A1 A2 A3 now nonnegative?
addi Q1,Q1,-1 // decrement Q1
blt adjust_Q1 // if A0 A1 A2 A3 still negative, repeat
slwi Quotient,Q0,16 // Quotient <- Q0 A1
or Quotient,Quotient,Q1
// The error cases:
li Quotient, 0 // return(0);