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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
// Copyright 1994 MOTOROLA, INC. All Rights Reserved. This file
// contains copyrighted material. Use of this file is restricted
// by the provisions of a Motorola Software License Agreement.
// Copyright 1993 International Buisness Machines Corporation.
// All Rights Reserved.
// This file contains copyrighted material. Use of this file is
// restricted by the provisions of a Motorola/IBM Joint Software
// License Agreement.
// File Name:
// Functions:
// KeStallExecutionProcessor
// HalpCalibrateStall
// History:
// 21-Sep-1993 Steve Johns
// Original Version
// 24-Dec-1993 Peter Johnston
// Adapted to 601 HAL in an attempt to avoid having different
// versions if at all possible. Original was designed for both
// 601 and 603 but had some 601 difficulties.
// 17-Jan-1994 Steve Johns
// Changed to treat 601 vs PowerPC time base differences more
// transparently.
// 11-Sep-1995 Steve Johns
// Removed 601 specific ocde
// Removed 603 workaround, since we don't support < 603 v3.2
#include "halppc.h"
#define ERRATA603 FALSE
#define CMOS_INDEX 0x70
#define CMOS_DATA 0x71
#define RTC_SECOND 0x80
.extern HalpPerformanceFrequency
.extern HalpIoControlBase
.extern ..HalpDivide
// Register Definitions
.set Microsecs, r.3
.set TimerLo , r.6
.set TimerHi , r.7
.set EndTimerLo, r.3
.set EndTimerHi, r.4
.set Temp , r.8
.set Temp2 , r.9
.set IO_Base , r.10
// Synopsis:
// VOID KeStallExecutionProcessor(
// ULONG Microseconds)
// Purpose:
// This function stalls the execution at least the specified number
// of microseconds, but not substantially longer.
// Returns:
// Nothing.
// Global Variables Referenced:
// HalpPerformanceFrequency
mflr r.0 // Save Link Register
cmpli 0,0,Microsecs,0 // if (Microseconds == 0)
beqlr- // return;
// Read START time
bl ..HalpReadTB // ReadPerformanceCounter();
// Get PerformanceCounter frequency
lwz Temp,[toc]HalpPerformanceFrequency(r.toc)
lwz Temp,0(Temp)
// Compute: (Microseconds * PerformanceFrequency) / 1,000,000
mulhwu. EndTimerHi,Microsecs,Temp
mullw EndTimerLo,Microsecs,Temp
LWI (r.5, 1000000)
bl ..HalpDivide
// Account for software overhead
.set Overhead, 30
cmpwi r.3, Overhead
ble SkipOverhead
addi r.3, r.3, -Overhead // Reduce delay
// Add delay to start time
addc EndTimerLo, TimerLo, r.3
addze EndTimerHi, TimerHi
// while (ReadPerformanceCounter() < EndTimer);
bl ..HalpReadTB // Read Time Base
cmpl 0,0,TimerHi,EndTimerHi // Is TimerHi >= EndTimerHi ?
blt- StallLoop // No
bgt+ StallExit // Yes
cmpl 0,0,TimerLo,EndTimerLo // Is TimerLo >= EndTimerLo ?
blt StallLoop // Branch if not
mtlr r.0 // Restore Link Register
// This routine is the ReadPerformanceCounter routine for PowerPC
// architectures (not the 601).
mftbu TimerHi // Read the TB registers coherently
mftb TimerLo
#if ERRATA603
mftb TimerLo
mftb TimerLo
mftb TimerLo
mftbu Temp
cmpl 0,0,Temp,TimerHi
bne- ..HalpReadTB
// Returns the number of performance counter ticks/second.
// The DECREMENTER is clocked at the same rate as the PowerPC Time Base (TB)
// and the POWER RTC. The POWER RTC is supposed to be clocked at 7.8125 MHz,
// but on early prototypes of the Sandalfoot platform, this is not true).
// In either case, to keep the calibration routine simple and generic, we
// will determine the DECREMENTER clock rate by counting ticks for exactly
// 1 second (as measured against the CMOS RealTimeClock). We then use that
// value in the KeStallExecutionProcessor() and KeQueryPerformanceCounter()
// Get base address of ISA I/O space so we can talk to the CMOS RTC
lwz IO_Base,[toc]HalpIoControlBase(r.toc)
lwz IO_Base,0(IO_Base)
li r.3,RTC_SECOND // Read seconds from CMOS RTC
stb r.3,CMOS_INDEX(IO_Base) // Write CMOS index
lbz r.4,CMOS_DATA(IO_Base) // Read CMOS data
li r.3,RTC_SECOND // Read seconds from CMOS RTC
stb r.3,CMOS_INDEX(IO_Base) // Write CMOS index
lbz r.3,CMOS_DATA(IO_Base) // Read CMOS data
cmpl 0,0,r.3,r.4 // Loop until it changes
beq+ WaitForTick1
li r.4,-1 // Start the decrementer at max. count
mtdec r.4
#if ERRATA603
li r.4,RTC_SECOND // Read seconds from CMOS RTC
stb r.4,CMOS_INDEX(IO_Base) // Write CMOS index
lbz r.4,CMOS_DATA(IO_Base) // Read CMOS data
cmpl 0,0,r.3,r.4
beq+ WaitForTick2
mfdec r.3 // Read the decrementer
neg r.3,r.3 // Compute delta ticks
#define NVRAM_INDEX_LO 0x74
#define NVRAM_INDEX_HI 0x75
#define NVRAM_DATA 0x77
#define RTC_OFFSET 0x1ff8
#define RTC_CONTROL 0x0
#define RTC_SECONDS 0x1
#define WRITE 0x80
#define READ 0x40
sync; \
sync; \
#define READ_RTC_REG(reg, reg_num_lo, reg_num_hi) \
stb reg_num_lo,NVRAM_INDEX_LO(r10); \
stb reg_num_hi,NVRAM_INDEX_HI(r10); \
lbz reg,NVRAM_DATA(r10)
#define WRITE_RTC_REG(reg, reg_num_lo, reg_num_hi) \
stb reg_num_lo,NVRAM_INDEX_LO(r10); \
stb reg_num_hi,NVRAM_INDEX_HI(r10); \
stb reg,NVRAM_DATA(r10); \
// Here are the steps to getting the Seconds register out of the CMOS RTC
// A. Stop the RTC
// 1. Read control reg
// 2. Set READ bit
// 3. write control reg
// B. Read Seconds
// C. Restart the RTC
// 1. Read control reg
// 2. Clear READ bit
// 3. write control reg
#define GET_SECONDS(reg) \
READ_RTC_REG(r9, r7, r8); \
ori r9,r9,READ; \
WRITE_RTC_REG(r9, r7, r8); \
READ_RTC_REG(reg, r5, r6); \
READ_RTC_REG(r9, r7, r8); \
andi. r9,r9,~READ; \
WRITE_RTC_REG(r9, r7, r8)
// Get base address of ISA I/O space
// so we can talk to the CMOS RTC
lwz r10,[toc]HalpIoControlBase(r.toc)
lwz r10,0(r10)
// Set up some offsets into the Real
// Time Clock...
li r5,RTC_OFFSET+RTC_SECONDS // r5 <- Seconds register offset
rlwinm r6,r5,32-8,24,31 // r6 <- Shift > 8 and mask 0xff
li r7,RTC_OFFSET+RTC_CONTROL // r7 <- Control register Offset
rlwinm r8,r7,32-8,24,31 // r8 <- Shift > 8 and mask 0xff
READ_RTC_REG(r3, r7, r8) // Read Control register
andi. r3,r3,WRITE // Is it being written to?
bne WaitForRTC.Ps // If so, loop again
GET_SECONDS(r3) // Get RTC seconds register
READ_RTC_REG(r4, r7, r8) // Read Control register
andi. r4,r4,WRITE // Is it being written to?
bne WaitForTick0.Ps // If so, loop again
GET_SECONDS(r4) // Get RTC seconds register
cmpw r4,r3 // Loop until it changes
beq WaitForTick0.Ps
READ_RTC_REG(r3, r7, r8) // Read Control register
andi. r3,r3,WRITE // Is it being written to?
bne WaitForTick1.Ps // If so, loop again
GET_SECONDS(r3) // Get RTC seconds register
cmpw r3,r4 // Loop until it changes
beq WaitForTick1.Ps
li r4,-1 // Start the decrementer at max. count
mtdec r4
#if ERRATA603
READ_RTC_REG(r4, r7, r8) // Read Control register
andi. r4,r4,WRITE // Is it being written to?
bne WaitForTick2.Ps // If so, loop again
GET_SECONDS(r4) // Get RTC seconds register
cmpw r4,r3 // Loop until it changes
beq WaitForTick2.Ps
mfdec r.3 // Read the decrementer
neg r.3,r.3 // Compute delta ticks