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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1993 - 1993.
// File: guidmap.cxx
// Contents: IID to proxy/stub CLSID mapping cache
// Classes: CScmGuidMap - shared memory guid map
// Functions:
// History: 07-Apr-94 Rickhi Created
// Notes: this class maintains an IID to CLSID mapping table
// in shared memory.
#include <ole2int.h>
#include <guidmap.hxx>
// Member: CScmGuidMap::FreeSpace
// Synopsis: returns the amount of free space left in the table
// Returns: see Synopsis.
// Algorithm: computes the freespace by multiplying the number of each type
// of entry with the size of that type of entry, summing them,
// and subtracting the total from the map size.
ULONG CScmGuidMap::FreeSpace()
ULONG ulUsed =
(_pGuidMap->ulCntShort + _pGuidMap->ulCntShortOverFlow) *sizeof(DWORDPAIR)+
(_pGuidMap->ulCntLong + _pGuidMap->ulCntLongOverFlow) *sizeof(GUIDPAIR);
return (IIDMAP_SIZE - sizeof(GUIDMAP) - ulUsed);
// Member: CScmGuidMap::SearchShortList
// Synopsis: searches the short list for a matching entry and returns
// a pointer to the found element, or NULL.
// Arguments: [dwFind] - the first dword of the GUID we want to find
// Returns: ptr to matching entry if found, NULL otherwise.
// Algorithm: does a binary search on the part of the short list that
// is sorted. If still not found, it does a linear search
// on the unsorted part of the short list.
DWORDPAIR *CScmGuidMap::SearchShortList(DWORD dwFind)
// we do a binary search in the short list because we know
// they are in numerical order.
LONG lLow = 0;
LONG lHigh = _pGuidMap->ulCntShort;
while (lLow <= lHigh)
LONG lGuess = (lLow + lHigh) / 2;
DWORDPAIR *pCurr = _pShortList + lGuess;
if (pCurr->dw1 == dwFind)
return pCurr;
else if (pCurr->dw1 < dwFind)
lLow = lGuess + 1;
lHigh = lGuess - 1;
// not found, look in the overflow area. This is where new guids
// are added when the registry is updated while the SCM is running
DWORDPAIR *pCurr = _pShortList + _pGuidMap->ulCntShort;
DWORDPAIR *pEnd = pCurr + _pGuidMap->ulCntShortOverFlow;
while (pCurr < pEnd)
if (pCurr->dw1 == dwFind)
return pCurr;
return NULL;
// Member: CScmGuidMap::SearchLongList
// Synopsis: searches the long list for a matching entry and returns
// a pointer to the found element, or NULL.
// Arguments: [rguid] - the GUID we want to find
// Returns: ptr to matching entry if found, NULL otherwise.
// Algorithm: does a binary search on the part of the long list that
// is sorted. If still not found, it does a linear search
// on the unsorted part of the long list.
GUIDPAIR *CScmGuidMap::SearchLongList(REFGUID rguid)
// we do a binary search in the long list because we know
// they are in reversed numerical order.
LONG lLow = 0;
LONG lHigh = _pGuidMap->ulCntLong;
while (lLow <= lHigh)
LONG lGuess = (lLow + lHigh) / 2;
GUIDPAIR *pCurr = _pLongList - lGuess;
int iRes = memcmp(&pCurr->guid1, &rguid, sizeof(GUID));
if (iRes == 0)
return pCurr;
else if (iRes < 0)
lLow = lGuess + 1;
lHigh = lGuess - 1;
// not found, look in the overflow area. This is where new guids
// are added when the registry is updated while the SCM is running
GUIDPAIR *pCurr = _pLongList - _pGuidMap->ulCntLong;
GUIDPAIR *pEnd = pCurr - _pGuidMap->ulCntLongOverFlow;
while (pCurr > pEnd)
if (memcmp(&pCurr->guid1, &rguid, sizeof(GUID)))
return pCurr;
return NULL;
// Member: CScmGuidMap::Find
// Synopsis: Searches the map for a matching guid and copies the
// mapped to value into pGuidOut.
// Arguments: [rguid] - the guid to find.
// [pGuidOut] - place to store the resulting guid
// Returns: ptr to guid if found, NULL otherwise.
// Algorithm: If the guid is an OLE201 style guid, we scan the short
// table first, otherwise we skip to the long table. If it
// is not found in the short table, we scan the long table
// anyway, since the second guid may not be Ole2 style.
GUID *CScmGuidMap::Find(REFGUID rguid, GUID *pGuidOut)
if (_pGuidMap)
if (IsOleStyleGuid(rguid))
// look in the short list. here we store just the first DWORD
// because we know what the other 3 dwords look like.
DWORDPAIR *pEntry = SearchShortList(rguid.Data1);
if (pEntry)
// found it, fill the guid to return
memcpy(pGuidOut, &guidOleTemplate, sizeof(GUID));
pGuidOut->Data1 = pEntry->dw2;
return pGuidOut;
// either the first guid is not OLE201 style, or we did not
// find a match in the short table. Scan the long table.
// have to look in the long list. here we store the entire
// guids because they dont look like Ole Style guids.
GUIDPAIR *pEntry = SearchLongList(rguid);
if (pEntry)
memcpy(pGuidOut, &pEntry->guid2, sizeof(GUID));
return pGuidOut;
return NULL;