537 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file provides access to the machine's register set.
Wesley Witt (wesw) 1-May-1993 (ported from ntsd)
Jim Bezanson 5-6-1994 (ported to PPC)
User Mode
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "drwatson.h"
#include "proto.h"
#include "ppcinst.h"
#include "regs.h"
PUCHAR UserRegs[10] = {0};
ULONG GetRegName (void);
ULONG GetRegString (PUCHAR pszString);
PUCHAR RegNameFromIndex (ULONG index);
static ULONG ProcessorType = 0;
ULONG cbBrkptLength = 4L;
ULONG trapInstr = 0x0FE00016; // break 0x16 for brkpts
// The following defines are used to acquire the initial context for
// for a thread when stack tracing a thread other than the current thread.
// It is based on the fact that the thread relinquished control in
// ContextSwap (..\ntos\ke\ppc\ctxswap.s)
#define STK_MIN_FRAME 14*sizeof(ULONG)
#define CTXSWAP_GPR1 0
char szEaPReg[] = "$ea";
char szExpPReg[] = "$exp";
char szRaPReg[] = "$ra";
char szPPReg[] = "$p";
char szU0Preg[] = "$u0";
char szU1Preg[] = "$u1";
char szU2Preg[] = "$u2";
char szU3Preg[] = "$u3";
char szU4Preg[] = "$u4";
char szU5Preg[] = "$u5";
char szU6Preg[] = "$u6";
char szU7Preg[] = "$u7";
char szU8Preg[] = "$u8";
char szU9Preg[] = "$u9";
UCHAR szF0[] = " f0";
UCHAR szF1[] = " f1";
UCHAR szF2[] = " f2";
UCHAR szF3[] = " f3";
UCHAR szF4[] = " f4";
UCHAR szF5[] = " f5";
UCHAR szF6[] = " f6";
UCHAR szF7[] = " f7";
UCHAR szF8[] = " f8";
UCHAR szF9[] = " f9";
UCHAR szF10[] = "f10";
UCHAR szF11[] = "f11";
UCHAR szF12[] = "f12";
UCHAR szF13[] = "f13";
UCHAR szF14[] = "f14";
UCHAR szF15[] = "f15";
UCHAR szF16[] = "f16";
UCHAR szF17[] = "f17";
UCHAR szF18[] = "f18";
UCHAR szF19[] = "f19";
UCHAR szF20[] = "f20";
UCHAR szF21[] = "f21";
UCHAR szF22[] = "f22";
UCHAR szF23[] = "f23";
UCHAR szF24[] = "f24";
UCHAR szF25[] = "f25";
UCHAR szF26[] = "f26";
UCHAR szF27[] = "f27";
UCHAR szF28[] = "f28";
UCHAR szF29[] = "f29";
UCHAR szF30[] = "f30";
UCHAR szF31[] = "f31";
UCHAR szR0[] = " r0";
UCHAR szR1[] = " r1";
UCHAR szR2[] = " r2";
UCHAR szR3[] = " r3";
UCHAR szR4[] = " r4";
UCHAR szR5[] = " r5";
UCHAR szR6[] = " r6";
UCHAR szR7[] = " r7";
UCHAR szR8[] = " r8";
UCHAR szR9[] = " r9";
UCHAR szR10[] = "r10";
UCHAR szR11[] = "r11";
UCHAR szR12[] = "r12";
UCHAR szR13[] = "r13";
UCHAR szR14[] = "r14";
UCHAR szR15[] = "r15";
UCHAR szR16[] = "r16";
UCHAR szR17[] = "r17";
UCHAR szR18[] = "r18";
UCHAR szR19[] = "r19";
UCHAR szR20[] = "r20";
UCHAR szR21[] = "r21";
UCHAR szR22[] = "r22";
UCHAR szR23[] = "r23";
UCHAR szR24[] = "r24";
UCHAR szR25[] = "r25";
UCHAR szR26[] = "r26";
UCHAR szR27[] = "r27";
UCHAR szR28[] = "r28";
UCHAR szR29[] = "r29";
UCHAR szR30[] = "r30";
UCHAR szR31[] = "r31";
UCHAR szSR0[] = "sr0";
UCHAR szSR1[] = "sr1";
UCHAR szSR2[] = "sr2";
UCHAR szSR3[] = "sr3";
UCHAR szSR4[] = "sr4";
UCHAR szSR5[] = "sr5";
UCHAR szSR6[] = "sr6";
UCHAR szSR7[] = "sr7";
UCHAR szSR8[] = "sr8";
UCHAR szSR9[] = "sr9";
UCHAR szSR10[] = "sr10";
UCHAR szSR11[] = "sr11";
UCHAR szSR12[] = "sr12";
UCHAR szSR13[] = "sr13";
UCHAR szSR14[] = "sr14";
UCHAR szSR15[] = "sr15";
UCHAR szMsr[] = "msr";
UCHAR szFpScr[] = "fpscr";
UCHAR szCr[] = "cr";
UCHAR szCR0[] = "cr0";
UCHAR szCR1[] = "cr1";
UCHAR szCR2[] = "cr2";
UCHAR szCR3[] = "cr3";
UCHAR szCR4[] = "cr4";
UCHAR szCR5[] = "cr5";
UCHAR szCR6[] = "cr6";
UCHAR szCR7[] = "cr7";
UCHAR szMQ[] = "mq";
UCHAR szXER[] = "xer";
UCHAR szRTCU[] = "rtcu";
UCHAR szRTCL[] = "rtcl";
UCHAR szDEC[] = "dec";
UCHAR szLR[] = "lr";
UCHAR szCTR[] = "ctr";
UCHAR szDSISR[]= "dsisr";
UCHAR szDAR[] = "dar";
UCHAR szSDR1[] = "sdr1";
UCHAR szREGIP[] = "iar";
UCHAR szSRR1[] = "srr1";
UCHAR szSPRG0[]= "sprg0";
UCHAR szSPRG1[]= "sprg1";
UCHAR szSPRG2[]= "sprg2";
UCHAR szSPRG3[]= "sprg3";
UCHAR szEAR[] = "ear";
UCHAR szPVR[] = "pvr";
UCHAR szIBAT0[] = "ibat0u";
UCHAR szIBAT1[] = "ibat0l";
UCHAR szIBAT2[] = "ibat1u";
UCHAR szIBAT3[] = "ibat1l";
UCHAR szIBAT4[] = "ibat2u";
UCHAR szIBAT5[] = "ibat2l";
UCHAR szIBAT6[] = "ibat3u";
UCHAR szIBAT7[] = "ibat3l";
UCHAR szHID0[] = "hid0";
UCHAR szHID1[] = "hid1";
UCHAR szHID2[] = "hid2";
UCHAR szHID5[] = "hid5";
UCHAR szDBAT0[] = "dbat0u";
UCHAR szDBAT1[] = "dbat0l";
UCHAR szDBAT2[] = "dbat1u";
UCHAR szDBAT3[] = "dbat1l";
UCHAR szDBAT4[] = "dbat2u";
UCHAR szDBAT5[] = "dbat2l";
UCHAR szDBAT6[] = "dbat3u";
UCHAR szDBAT7[] = "dbat3l";
// 603 specific Special Purpose Registers (used for unassemble only)
UCHAR szDMISS[] = "dmiss";
UCHAR szDCMP[] = "dcmp";
UCHAR szHASH1[] = "hash1";
UCHAR szHASH2[] = "hash2";
UCHAR szIMISS[] = "imiss";
UCHAR szICMP[] = "icmp";
UCHAR szRPA[] = "rpa";
UCHAR szIABR[] = "iabr";
UCHAR szNULL[] = "";
PUCHAR pszReg[] = {
szF0, szNULL, szF1, szNULL, szF2, szNULL, szF3, szNULL,
szF4, szNULL, szF5, szNULL, szF6, szNULL, szF7, szNULL,
szF8, szNULL, szF9, szNULL, szF10, szNULL, szF11, szNULL,
szF12, szNULL, szF13, szNULL, szF14, szNULL, szF15, szNULL,
szF16, szNULL, szF17, szNULL, szF18, szNULL, szF19, szNULL,
szF20, szNULL, szF21, szNULL, szF22, szNULL, szF23, szNULL,
szF24, szNULL, szF25, szNULL, szF26, szNULL, szF27, szNULL,
szF28, szNULL, szF29, szNULL, szF30, szNULL, szF31, szNULL,
szFpScr, szNULL,
szR0, szR1, szR2, szR3, szR4, szR5, szR6, szR7,
szR8, szR9, szR10, szR11, szR12, szR13, szR14, szR15,
szR16, szR17, szR18, szR19, szR20, szR21, szR22, szR23,
szR24, szR25, szR26, szR27, szR28, szR29, szR30, szR31,
szCr, szXER, szMsr, szREGIP, szLR, szCTR,
szDSISR, szDAR, szSDR1,
szSRR1, szSPRG0, szSPRG1, szSPRG2, szSPRG3,
szIBAT0, szIBAT1, szIBAT2, szIBAT3, szIBAT4, szIBAT5, szIBAT6, szIBAT7,
szDBAT0, szDBAT1, szDBAT2, szDBAT3, szDBAT4, szDBAT5, szDBAT6, szDBAT7,
szHID0, szHID1, szHID2, szHID5,
szDMISS, szDCMP, szHASH1, szHASH2, szIMISS, szICMP, szRPA, szIABR,
szMQ, szEAR, szPVR, szRTCU, szRTCL, szRTCU, szRTCL, szDEC, szDEC,
szCR0, szCR1, szCR2, szCR3, szCR4, szCR5, szCR6, szCR7,
szSR0, szSR1, szSR2, szSR3, szSR4, szSR5, szSR6, szSR7,
szSR8, szSR9, szSR10, szSR11, szSR12, szSR13, szSR14, szSR15,
szEaPReg, szExpPReg, szRaPReg, szPPReg,
szU0Preg, szU1Preg, szU2Preg, szU3Preg, szU4Preg,
szU5Preg, szU6Preg, szU7Preg, szU8Preg, szU9Preg
#define REGNAMESIZE sizeof(pszReg) / sizeof(PUCHAR)
// NOTE: Order of the following must be in sync with the enumeration used
// to match the context record.
ULONG SubRegSPR[] = {
0x020, // 00001 xxxxx XER
0x0, // Place holder for MSR (Not an SPR)
0x340, // 11010 00000 SRR0 = RegIP
0x100, // 01000 xxxxx LR
0x120, // 01001 xxxxx CTR
0x240, // 10010 00000 DSISR
0x260, // 10011 00000 DAR,
0x320, // 11001 00000 SDR1
0x360, // 11011 00000 SRR1
0x208, // 10000 01000 SPRG0
0x228, // 10001 01000 SPRG1
0x248, // 10010 01000 SPRG2
0x268, // 10011 01000 SPRG3
0x210, // 10000 10000 IBAT0
0x230, // 10001 10000 IBAT1
0x250, // 10010 10000 IBAT2
0x270, // 10011 10000 IBAT3
0x290, // 10100 10000 IBAT4
0x2B0, // 10101 10000 IBAT5
0x2D0, // 10110 10000 IBAT6
0x2F0, // 10111 10000 IBAT7
0x310, // 11000 10000 DBAT0
0x330, // 11001 10000 DBAT1
0x350, // 11010 10000 DBAT2
0x370, // 11011 10000 DBAT3
0x390, // 11100 10000 DBAT4
0x3B0, // 11101 10000 DBAT5
0x3D0, // 11110 10000 DBAT6
0x3F0, // 11111 10000 DBAT7
0x21F, // 10000 11111 HID0
0x23F, // 10001 11111 HID1
0x25F, // 10010 11111 HID2
0x2BF, // 10101 11111 HID5
0x21E, // 10000 11110 DMISS
0x23E, // 10001 11110 DCMP
0x25E, // 10010 11110 HASH1
0x27E, // 10011 11110 HASH2
0x29E, // 10100 11110 IMISS
0x2BE, // 10101 11110 ICMP
0x2DE, // 10110 11110 RPA
0x25F, // 10010 11111 IABR
0x0, // 00000 xxxxx MQ
0x368, // 11011 01000 EAR
0x3E8, // 11111 01000 PVR
0x080, // 00100 xxxxx RTCU from
0x0A0, // 00101 xxxxx RTCL from
0x280, // 10100 00000 RTCU to
0x2A0, // 10101 00000 RTCL to
0x0C0, // 00110 xxxxx DEC from
0x2C0 // 10110 00000 DEC, to
#define SUBREGSPRSIZE sizeof(SubRegSPR) / sizeof(ULONG)
// structure used to define register flag fields
struct SubReg {
ULONG regindex;
ULONG shift;
ULONG mask;
// Believe these were typos in our architecture document.
struct SubReg subregname[] = {
// Floating Point Status Register
{ SPRFPSCR, 31, 1 }, // FPSCRFX
{ SPRFPSCR, 30, 1 }, // FPSCRFEX
{ SPRFPSCR, 29, 1 }, // FPSCRVX
{ SPRFPSCR, 28, 1 }, // FPSCROX
{ SPRFPSCR, 27, 1 }, // FPSCRUX
{ SPRFPSCR, 26, 1 }, // FPSCRZX
{ SPRFPSCR, 25, 1 }, // FPSCRXX
{ SPRFPSCR, 23, 1 }, // FPSCRISI
{ SPRFPSCR, 22, 1 }, // FPSCRIDI
{ SPRFPSCR, 21, 1 }, // FPSCRZDZ
{ SPRFPSCR, 20, 1 }, // FPSCRIMZ
{ SPRFPSCR, 19, 1 }, // FPSCRVC
{ SPRFPSCR, 18, 1 }, // FPSCRFR
{ SPRFPSCR, 17, 1 }, // FPSCRFI
{ SPRFPSCR, 12, 0x1f}, // FPSCRPRF
{ SPRFPSCR, 10, 1 }, // FPSCRSFT
{ SPRFPSCR, 7, 1 }, // FPSCRVE
{ SPRFPSCR, 6, 1 }, // FPSCROE
{ SPRFPSCR, 5, 1 }, // FPSCRUE
{ SPRFPSCR, 4, 1 }, // FPSCRZE
{ SPRFPSCR, 3, 1 }, // FPSCRXE
{ SPRFPSCR, 2, 1 }, // FPSCRRN
// Machine Status Register
{ SPRMSR, 15, 1 }, // MSREE
{ SPRMSR, 14, 1 }, // MSRPR
{ SPRMSR, 13, 1 }, // MSRFP
{ SPRMSR, 12, 1 }, // MSRME
{ SPRMSR, 11, 1 }, // MSRFE0
{ SPRMSR, 10, 1 }, // MSRSE
{ SPRMSR, 8, 1 }, // MSRFE1
{ SPRMSR, 6, 1 }, // MSREP
{ SPRMSR, 5, 1 }, // MSRIT
{ SPRMSR, 4, 1 }, // MSRDT
// Integer Exception Register
{ SPRXER, 31, 1 }, // XERSO
{ SPRXER, 30, 1 }, // XEROV
{ SPRXER, 29, 1 } // XERCA
UCHAR szUserBreak[] = "User";
UCHAR szKernelBreak[] = "Kernel";
UCHAR szBranchBreak[] = "BranchTaken";
UCHAR szNoBranchBreak[] = "NoBranchTaken";
UCHAR szStepBreak[] = "Step";
UCHAR szDivOvflBreak[] = "DivideOverFlow";
UCHAR szDivZeroBreak[] = "DivedeByZero";
UCHAR szRangeCheckBreak[] = "RangeCheck";
UCHAR szStackOvflBreak[] = "StackOverFlow";
UCHAR szMulOvflBreak[] = "MultiplyOverFlow";
UCHAR szPrintBreak[] = "DebugPrint";
UCHAR szPromptBreak[] = "DebugPrompt";
UCHAR szStopBreak[] = "DebugStop";
UCHAR szLoadSymBreak[] = "LoadSymbol";
UCHAR szUnloadSymBreak[] = "UnloadSymbol";
PUCHAR pszBreakOp[] = {
szUserBreak, szKernelBreak, szBranchBreak, szNoBranchBreak,
szStepBreak, szDivOvflBreak, szDivZeroBreak, szRangeCheckBreak,
szStackOvflBreak, szMulOvflBreak, szPrintBreak, szPromptBreak,
szStopBreak, szLoadSymBreak, szUnloadSymBreak
#define BREAKSIZE sizeof(pszBreakOp) / sizeof(PUCHAR)
/*** UserRegTest - test if index is a user-defined register
* Purpose:
* Test if register is user-defined for upper routines.
* Input:
* index - index of register
* Returns:
* TRUE if user-defined register, else FALSE
BOOLEAN UserRegTest (ULONG index)
return (BOOLEAN)(index >= PREGU0 && index <= PREGU9);
/*** GetRegFlagValue - get register or flag value
* Purpose:
* Return the value of the specified register or flag.
* This routine calls GetRegValue to get the register
* value and shifts and masks appropriately to extract a
* flag value.
* Input:
* regnum - register or flag specification
* Returns:
* Value of register or flag.
if (regnum < FLAGBASE || regnum >= PREGBASE)
value = GetRegValue(dp,regnum);
else {
regnum -= FLAGBASE;
value = GetRegValue(dp,subregname[regnum].regindex);
value = (value >> subregname[regnum].shift) & subregname[regnum].mask;
return value;
/*** GetRegValue - get register value
* Purpose:
* Returns the value of the register from the processor
* context structure.
* Input:
* regnum - register specification
* Returns:
* value of the register from the context structure
return *(((PULONG)&dp->tctx->context.Fpr0) + regnum);
ULONG GetRegString (PUCHAR pszString)
ULONG count;
for (count = 0; count < SPRDSISR; count++)
if (!strcmp(pszString, pszReg[count]))
return count;
for (count = PREGEA ; count < FPSCRFX; count++)
if (!strcmp(pszString, pszReg[count]))
return count;
return -1;
void GetRegPCValue (PDEBUGPACKET dp, PDWORDLONG Address)
*Address = GetRegValue(dp,REGIP);
/*** OutputAllRegs - output all registers and present instruction
* Purpose:
* Function of "r" command.
* To output the current register state of the processor.
* All integer registers are output as well as processor status
* registers. Important flag fields are also output separately.
* OutDisCurrent is called to output the current instruction(s).
* Input:
* None.
* Output:
* None.
void OutputAllRegs(PDEBUGPACKET dp, BOOL Show64)
int regindex;
for (regindex = 0; regindex < REGDUMPEND; regindex++) {
lprintfs("%s=%08lx", pszReg[regindex + REGBASE],
GetRegValue(dp,regindex + REGBASE));
if (((regindex+1) % 6) == 0)
lprintfs(" ");
RegNameFromIndex (ULONG index)
return pszReg[index];