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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
/*** diamond.msg - DIAMOND.EXE displayable strings
* Microsoft Confidential
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1993-1994
* All Rights Reserved.
* History:
* 10-Aug-1993 bens Initial version
* 11-Aug-1993 bens Added more directives and variables
* 12-Aug-1993 bens Moved strings to individual .MSG files
* 20-Aug-1993 bens Added more variables and commands
* 21-Aug-1993 bens Added command line error messages
* 10-Feb-1994 bens Added more error messages, inc'd version
* 14-Feb-1994 bens Error messages for FCI errors
* 15-Feb-1994 bens Error messages for compressing a single file
* 16-Feb-1994 bens Error message for not a file
* 17-Feb-1994 bens Error messages
* 21-Feb-1994 bens Split off fileutil.*, better stdout formatting
* 24-Feb-1994 bens Generate that nice INF file
* 01-Mar-1994 bens Nicer INF file, RPT file added
* 17-Mar-1994 bens RESERVE support added
* 22-Mar-1994 bens Refresh with more robust FCI
* 30-Mar-1994 bens Implement .New command
* 01-Apr-1994 bens Fix disk overflow accounting bug
* 18-Apr-1994 bens Pick up bug fix for incompressible data
* 18-Apr-1994 bens Add /L switch
* 04-May-1994 bens Add customizable INF stuff
* 18-May-1994 bens More customizable INF
* 27-May-1994 bens Ver, Lang, Quantum support
* 12-Aug-1994 bens Fix disk space accounting when .New Disk occurs
* when Cabinet=ON.
* 14-Dec-1994 bens *csum* implemented.
* 28-Mar-1995 jeffwe Add ChecksumWidth
//** Command Line Switches
#ifdef BIT16
#define pszDIAMOND_VERSION "(16) 1.00.0540 (02/01/96)" // For %1 in pszBANNER
#define pszDIAMOND_VERSION "(32) 1.00.0540 (02/01/96)" // For %1 in pszBANNER
#define pszBANNER \
"Microsoft (R) Diamond Disk Layout Tool - Version %1\n" \
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1993-1996. All rights reserved.\n"
#define pszCMD_LINE_HELP \
"DIAMOND [/V[n]] [/D var=value ...] [/L dir] source [destination]\n" \
"DIAMOND [/V[n]] [/D var=value ...] /F directive_file [...]\n" \
"\n" \
" source File to compress.\n" \
" destination File name to give compressed file. If omitted, the\n" \
" last character of the source file name is replaced\n" \
" with an underscore (_) and used as the destination.\n" \
" /F directives A file with Diamond directives (may be repeated).\n" \
" /D var=value Defines variable with specified value.\n" \
" /L dir Location to place destination (default is current directory).\n" \
" /V[n] Verbosity level (1..3).\n"
#ifdef ASSERT
#define pszCMD_LINE_HELP_DBG \
" /M ASSERT: Do FULL memory heap checking (slow!).\n"
#define chSWITCH1 '/'
#define chSWITCH2 '-'
#define chSWITCH_HELP '?'
#define chSWITCH_ANDY 'A'
#define chSWITCH_DEFINE 'D'
#define chSWITCH_FILE 'F'
#ifdef ASSERT
#define chSWITCH_VERBOSE 'V'
//** Status messages
#define pszDIA_PASS_1_HEADER1 "PASS 1: Checking directive file(s)"
#define pszDIA_PASS_1_HEADER2 "----------------------------------"
#define pszDIA_PASS_2_HEADER1 "PASS 2: Processing directive file(s)"
#define pszDIA_PASS_2_HEADER2 "------------------------------------"
#define pszDIA_PARSING_DIRECTIVES "Parsing directives"
#define pszDIA_PARSING_PROGRESS "Parsing directives (%1: %2 lines)"
#define pszDIA_EXECUTING_DIRECTIVES "Executing directives"
#define pszDIA_PERCENT_COMPLETE_SOME "%1%% - %2 (%3 of %4)"
#define pszDIA_STATS_BEFORE "%1 bytes in %2 files"
#define pszDIA_RPT_HEADER "Diamond Report: %1"
#define pszDIA_STATS_AFTER1 "Total files: %1"
#define pszDIA_STATS_AFTER2 "Bytes before: %1"
#define pszDIA_STATS_AFTER3 "Bytes after: %1"
#define pszDIA_STATS_AFTER4 "After/Before: %1%% compression"
#define pszDIA_STATS_AFTER5 "Time: %1 seconds (%2 hr %3 min %4 sec)"
#define pszDIA_STATS_AFTER6 "Throughput: %1 Kb/second"
#define pszDIA_FILE_COPY "CopyCommand: %1 to %2"
#define pszDIA_FILE_IN_CAB "** %1 placed in cabinet %2(%3) on disk %4"
#define pszDIA_FILE_IN_CAB_CONT "** %1 placed in cabinet %2(%3) on disk %4 - CONTINUATION"
#define pszDIA_PERCENT_COMPLETE_DETAILS "%1%% - raw=%2 compressed=%3"
#define pszDIA_VAR_DUMP1 "Diamond Variables (in order of their definition)"
#define pszDIA_VAR_DUMP2 "------------------------------------------------"
#define pszDIA_VAR_PERMANENT "Standard"
#define pszDIA_VAR_DEFINED "Defined"
//** Component strings (used in error messages)
#define pszDIA_CABINET "cabinet file name"
#define pszDIA_DISK_DIR "disk directory name"
#define pszDIA_DISK_LABEL "disk label name"
#define pszDIA_FILE "file"
#define pszDIA_FILE_INFO "file info"
#define pszDIA_LINE_INFO "INF file line"
#define pszDIA_INF_FILE "INF file"
#define pszDIA_RPT_FILE "RPT file"
#define pszDIA_FILE_PARM "file parameter"
//** Error messages
#define pszDIAERR_BAD_SWITCH "Invalid switch: %1"
#define pszDIAERR_BAD_PARAMETER "Invalid parameter: %1"
#define pszDIAERR_SWITCH_NOT_EXPECTED "Switch not expected: %1"
#define pszDIAERR_TWO_MANY_PARMS "Too many parameters: %1"
#define pszDIAERR_MISSING_VAR_DEFINE "Variable defintion missing"
#define pszDIAERR_MISSING_FILE_NAME "Directive file name missing"
#define pszDIAERR_MISSING_LOCATION "Location missing"
#define pszDIAERR_LOCATION_TOO_LONG "Location too long: %1"
#define pszDIAERR_ERRORS_IN_PASS_1 "Diamond aborted: %1 errors encountered"
#define pszDIAERR_MAX_ERRORS "Diamond aborted: MaxErrors (%1) exceeded"
#define pszDIAERR_ERRORS_IN_PASS_2 "Diamond aborted."
#define pszDIAERR_PATH_TOO_LONG "File name too long: %1"
#define pszDIAERR_NO_SESSION "Could not allocate SESSION"
#define pszDIAERR_MULTIPLE_CABINETS "INTERR: GetNextCab called for %1"
#define pszDIAERR_VALUE_TOO_LONG "%1 exceeds maximum length (%2): %3"
// These values are substituted for %1 in the above message.
#define pszDIAERR_CANT_CREATE_RPT "Cannot create report file: %1"
#define pszDIAERR_OPEN_FAILED "Could not open file: %1"
#define pszDIAERR_SINGLE_COMPRESS "NOT IMPLEMENTED YET: compressing single files: %1"
#define pszDIAERR_BAD_NEW_CMD "Directive '%1 %2' not valid outside of a cabinet"
#define pszDIAERR_BAD_CMD_IN_INF_SECT "Directive '%1' not valid in INF section"
#define pszDIAERR_DISK_CLUSTER_SIZE "MaxDiskSize(%1) is not a multiple of ClusterSize(%2)"
#define pszDIAERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY "Out of memory %1"
#define pszDIAOOM_TRACKING_FILES "tracking files"
#define pszDIAOOM_TRACKING_LINES "tracking INF file lines"
#define pszDIA_BAD_INF_MODE "Cannot change INF generation setting"
#define pszDIAERR_MUST_BE_UNIQUE "UniqueFiles must be ON for relational INF generation"
#define pszDIAERR_MUST_BE_UNIQUE2 "/unique=OFF not allowed for relational INF generation"
#define pszDIAERR_INF_IN_LAYOUT "Illegal to write to INF file area in layout section"
#define pszDIAERR_REF_FILE_NOT_FOUND "No such file in layout section: %1"
#define pszDIAERR_FILE_NOT_REFD "File in layout section not referenced in INF section: %1"
#define pszDIAERR_NOT_UNIQUE "Duplicate file name: %1 already defined at %2(%3)"
#define pszDIAERR_REDEFINE "Cannot %1 a variable twice : %2"
#define pszDIAERR_DEFINE_PERM "Cannot %1 a standard variable: %2"
#define pszDIAERR_UNDEFINED_VAR "%1 %2 and variable not defined: %3"
#define pszDIAERR_NO_MEMORY_CRC "Out of memory doing CRC on file: %1"
#define pszDIAERR_READ_FAIL_CRC "Read failure doing CRC on file: %1"
//** FCI error messages
#define szFCI_CREATE "FCICreate"
#define szFCI_ADD_FILE "FCIAddFile"
#define szFCI_FLUSH_FOLDER "FCIFlushFolder"
#define szFCI_FLUSH_CABINET "FCIFlushCabinet"
#define szFCI_DESTROY "FCIDestroy"
#define pszFCIERR_ALLOC_FAIL "(%1)Out of memory"
#define pszFCIERR_BAD_COMPR_TYPE "(%1)Unknown compression type"
#define pszFCIERR_MCI_FAIL "(%1)Failure compressing data from file %2"
#define pszFCIERR_USER_ABORT "(%1)User aborted"
#define pszFCIERR_OPEN_SRC "(%1)Failure opening source file %2: %3"
#define pszFCIERR_READ_SRC "(%1)Failure reading source file %2: %3"
#define pszFCIERR_TEMP_FILE "(%1)Failure on temporary file: %2"
#define pszFCIERR_CAB_FILE "(%1)Failure creating or writing cabinet file: %2"
#define pszFCIERR_M6_HACK_INCOMPRESSIBLE "(%1)Incompressible data (/A specified): %2"
#define pszFCIERR_UNKNOWN_ERROR "(%1)Unknown error(%2)"
//** C Run-Time Library error messages
#define pszCRTERRNO_ECHILD "no child processes"
#define pszCRTERRNO_EAGAIN "create process failed"
#define pszCRTERRNO_E2BIG "arg list too long/out of environment space"
#define pszCRTERRNO_EACCES "permission denied"
#define pszCRTERRNO_EBADF "bad file handle/incompatible I/O operation"
#define pszCRTERRNO_EDEADLOCK "deadlock would occur?"
#define pszCRTERRNO_EDOM "bad argument to math function"
#define pszCRTERRNO_EEXIST "file already exists"
#define pszCRTERRNO_EINVAL "invalid argument"
#define pszCRTERRNO_EMFILE "out of file handles"
#define pszCRTERRNO_ENOENT "file/path does not exist"
#define pszCRTERRNO_ENOEXEC "invalid executable format"
#define pszCRTERRNO_ENOMEM "out of memory"
#define pszCRTERRNO_ENOSPC "out of disk space"
#define pszCRTERRNO_ERANGE "math argument out of range"
#define pszCRTERRNO_EXDEV "cannot move file across devices"
#define pszCRTERRNO_UNKNOWN "<unknown C run-time error>"