193 lines
12 KiB
193 lines
12 KiB
#define IDH_9803_3302 110050 // Sharing: "" (Edit)
#define IDH_9802_3210 106876 // Job Scheduling: "" (Edit)
#define IDH_4200_4231 107658 // General: "TracBar1" (msctls_trackbar32)
#define IDH_9800_3003 103449 // General: "&New Driver..." (Button)
#define IDH_9806_4500 130433 // Print Processor: "" (ListBox)
#define IDH_10000_4615 133455 // Forms: "" (Edit)
#define IDH_4200_4232 107676 // General: "No Time &Restriction" (Button)
#define IDH_9806_4501 130450 // Print Processor: "" (ListBox)
#define IDH_10000_4616 133472 // Forms: "&Save Form" (Button)
#define IDH_4200_4210 107280 // General: "" (Edit)
#define IDH_9800_3005 103482 // General: "" (Edit)
#define IDH_10000_4617 133489 // Forms: "&Delete" (Button)
#define IDH_9800_3006 103499 // General: "" (Edit)
#define IDH_9800_3007 103515 // General: "Print &Test Page" (Button)
#define IDH_9801_3100 105055 // Ports: "" (SysListView32)
#define IDH_9800_3008 103532 // General: "&Separator Page..." (Button)
#define IDH_10204_3100 107272 // Ports: "" (SysListView32)
#define IDH_10000_4620 133540 // Forms: "&Metric" (Button)
#define IDH_9900_3400 112250 // Security: "&Permissions" (Button)
#define IDH_9801_3101 105072 // Ports: "Add Por&t..." (Button)
#define IDH_9800_3009 103548 // General: "P&rint Processor..." (Button)
#define IDH_10000_4621 133557 // Forms: "&English" (Button)
#define IDH_9900_3401 112267 // Security: "&Auditing" (Button)
#define IDH_9801_3102 105088 // Ports: "&Delete Port" (Button)
#define IDH_10000_4622 133574 // Forms: "&Create a New Form" (Button)
#define IDH_9900_3402 112284 // Security: "&Ownership" (Button)
#define IDH_9801_3103 105105 // Ports: "&Configure Port..." (Button)
#define IDH_10200_1008 69204 // Advanced: "" (Edit)
#define IDH_9802_3219 107024 // Job Scheduling: "" (msctls_trackbar32)
#define IDH_9802_3220 107041 // Job Scheduling: "&Spool print jobs so program finishes printing faster." (Button)
#define IDH_9801_3105 105138 // Ports: "&Enable bidirectional support." (Button)
#define IDH_10000_4602 133234 // Forms: "" (ListBox)
#define IDH_9804_4303 127073 // Printer Ports: "" (ListBox)
#define IDH_9802_3221 107057 // Job Scheduling: "Print &directly to the printer." (Button)
#define IDH_4200_4219 107442 // General: "" (Static)
#define IDH_10200_1011 69243 // Advanced: "&Beep on errors of remote jobs" (Button)
#define IDH_10000_4603 133251 // Forms: "" (Edit)
#define IDH_9802_3222 107074 // Job Scheduling: "Start printing after &last page is spooled." (Button)
#define IDH_9804_4305 127107 // Printer Ports: "&New..." (Button)
#define IDH_9802_3223 107090 // Job Scheduling: "Start printing &immediately." (Button)
#define IDH_9802_3200 106711 // Job Scheduling: "Al&ways" (Button)
#define IDH_10200_1013 69269 // Advanced: "No&tify when remote jobs are printed" (Button)
#define IDH_10000_4605 133285 // Forms: "" (Edit)
#define IDH_9802_3224 107107 // Job Scheduling: "&Hold mismatched jobs." (Button)
#define IDH_9802_3201 106727 // Job Scheduling: "&From" (Button)
#define IDH_4200_4222 107496 // General: "" (Static)
#define IDH_9802_3225 107123 // Job Scheduling: "P&rint spooled jobs first." (Button)
#define IDH_9802_3202 106744 // Job Scheduling: "" (Edit)
#define IDH_4200_4223 107514 // General: "" (Static)
#define IDH_10200_1015 69295 // Advanced: "&Enable spooler event logging" (Button)
#define IDH_9805_4400 128727 // Separator Page: "&Browse..." (Button)
#define IDH_10000_4607 133319 // Forms: "" (Edit)
#define IDH_9802_3226 107140 // Job Scheduling: "&Keep jobs after they have printed." (Button)
#define IDH_4200_4224 107532 // General: "" (Static)
#define IDH_4200_4201 107118 // General: "Only &From" (Button)
#define IDH_9805_4401 128744 // Separator Page: "" (Edit)
#define IDH_4200_4225 107550 // General: "" (Static)
#define IDH_4200_4202 107136 // General: "" (Edit)
#define IDH_10000_4609 133353 // Forms: "" (Edit)
#define IDH_4200_4226 107568 // General: "" (Static)
#define IDH_10200_1041 70153 // Advanced: "&Below Normal" (Button)
#define IDH_10200_1042 70167 // Advanced: "&Above Normal" (Button)
#define IDH_10000_4611 133387 // Forms: "" (Edit)
#define IDH_10200_1043 70180 // Advanced: "&Normal" (Button)
#define IDH_9803_3300 110016 // Sharing: "N&ot Shared" (Button)
#define IDH_9801_3001 103422 // Ports: "Printer name" (Static)
#define IDH_9800_3001 103416 // General: "Printer name" (Static)
#define IDH_10200_3001 105616 // Advanced: "Server name" (Static)
#define IDH_10000_4613 133421 // Forms: "" (Edit)
#define IDH_9803_3301 110033 // Sharing: "&Shared" (Button)
#define IDH_4200_4230 107640 // General: "" (Edit)
#define IDH_9800_1045 68007 // General: "" (ComboBox)
#define IDH_9803_3002 103450 // Sharing: "" (ListBox)
#define IDH_ENABLE_POOLING 105999 //Ports: "" (Checkbox) ENABLE_POOLING
#define IDH_SPOOL_DATATYPE 130434 // Spool RAW datatype.
const DWORD aHelpIDs[]=
4614, ((DWORD) -1), // Forms: "&Bottom:" (Static)
IDC_SHARED_NAME, IDH_9803_3302, // Sharing: "" (Edit)
IDC_UNTIL_FRAME, IDH_9802_3210, // Job Scheduling: "" (Edit)
IDC_DOC_JOB_PRIORITY_CONTROL, IDH_4200_4231, // General: "TracBar1" (msctls_trackbar32)
IDC_DRIVER_NEW, IDH_9800_3003, // General: "&New Driver..." (Button)
IDC_PRINT_PROCESSOR_LIST, IDH_9806_4500, // Print Processor: "" (ListBox)
4615, IDH_10000_4615, // Forms: "" (Edit)
IDC_DOC_JOB_ALWAYS, IDH_4200_4232, // General: "No Time &Restriction" (Button)
IDC_PRINT_DATATYPE_LIST, IDH_9806_4501, // Print Processor: "" (ListBox)
4616, IDH_10000_4616, // Forms: "&Save Form" (Button)
IDC_DOC_JOB_UNTIL_FRAME, IDH_4200_4210, // General: "" (Edit)
IDC_COMMENT, IDH_9800_3005, // General: "" (Edit)
4617, IDH_10000_4617, // Forms: "&Delete" (Button)
IDC_LOCATION, IDH_9800_3006, // General: "" (Edit)
IDC_PRINT_DATATYPE_TEXT, ((DWORD) -1), // Print Processor: "Default Datatype:" (Static)
IDC_TEST, IDH_9800_3007, // General: "Print &Test Page" (Button)
IDC_PRINT_PROCESSOR_TEXT, ((DWORD) -1), // Print Processor: "Print Processor:" (Static)
IDC_PORTS, IDH_9801_3100, // Ports: "" (SysListView32)
IDC_SEPARATOR, IDH_9800_3008, // General: "&Separator Page..." (Button)
IDC_PORTS, IDH_10204_3100, // Ports: "" (SysListView32)
IDC_PRINT_PROCESSOR_DESC, ((DWORD) -1), // Print Processor: "Selecting a different Print Processor may result in different options being available for Default Datatypes." (Static)
4620, IDH_10000_4620, // Forms: "&Metric" (Button)
IDC_SEC_PERMS, IDH_9900_3400, // Security: "&Permissions" (Button)
IDC_PORT_CREATE, IDH_9801_3101, // Ports: "Add Por&t..." (Button)
IDC_PRINT_PROC, IDH_9800_3009, // General: "P&rint Processor..." (Button)
IDC_PRINTER_ICON, ((DWORD) -1), // Untitled: "" (Static)
IDM_PRINTER_COMMAND_LAST, ((DWORD) -1), // Ports: "" (Static)
IDC_PORT_CREATE, IDH_9801_3101, // Ports: "Add Por&t..." (Button)
4621, IDH_10000_4621, // Forms: "&English" (Button)
IDC_SEC_AUDIT, IDH_9900_3401, // Security: "&Auditing" (Button)
IDC_PORT_DELETE, IDH_9801_3102, // Ports: "&Delete Port" (Button)
IDC_NAME, IDH_9800_3001, // Untitled: "Printer name" (Static)
IDC_PORT_DELETE, IDH_9801_3102, // Ports: "&Delete Port" (Button)
4622, IDH_10000_4622, // Forms: "&Create a New Form" (Button)
IDC_SEC_OWNER, IDH_9900_3402, // Security: "&Ownership" (Button)
IDC_PROPERTIES, IDH_9801_3103, // Ports: "&Configure Port..." (Button)
IDC_PROPERTIES, IDH_9801_3103, // Ports: "&Configure Port..." (Button)
IDC_SERVER_SPOOL_DIRECTORY, IDH_10200_1008, // Advanced: "" (Edit)
IDC_PRIORITY_SLIDER, IDH_9802_3219, // Job Scheduling: "" (msctls_trackbar32)
4601, IDH_10200_3001, // Forms: "Static" (Static)
IDC_SPOOL, IDH_9802_3220, // Job Scheduling: "&Spool print jobs so program finishes printing faster." (Button)
IDC_ENABLE_BIDI, IDH_9801_3105, // Ports: "&Enable bidirectional support." (Button)
IDC_ENABLE_BIDI, IDH_9801_3105, // Ports: "&Enable bidirectional support." (Button)
4602, IDH_10000_4602, // Forms: "" (ListBox)
IDC_ADD_PORT_MONITOR_LIST, IDH_9804_4303, // Printer Ports: "" (ListBox)
IDC_PRINT_DIRECT, IDH_9802_3221, // Job Scheduling: "Print &directly to the printer." (Button)
IDC_DOC_JOB_SIZE, IDH_4200_4219, // General: "" (Static)
IDC_SERVER_REMOTE_JOB_ERRORS, IDH_10200_1011, // Advanced: "&Beep on errors of remote jobs" (Button)
4603, IDH_10000_4603, // Forms: "" (Edit)
IDC_SPOOL_ALL, IDH_9802_3222, // Job Scheduling: "Start printing after &last page is spooled." (Button)
IDC_DOC_JOB_TITLE, IDH_9800_3001, // General: "" (Static)
4604, ((DWORD) -1), // Forms: "&Width:" (Static)
IDC_ADD_PORT_BROWSE, IDH_9804_4305, // Printer Ports: "&New..." (Button)
IDC_ADD_PORT, IDH_9804_4305, // Printer Ports: "&New Port..." (Button)
IDC_SPOOL_PRINT_FASTER, IDH_9802_3223, // Job Scheduling: "Start printing &immediately." (Button)
IDC_ALWAYS, IDH_9802_3200, // Job Scheduling: "Al&ways" (Button)
IDC_SERVER_JOB_NOTIFY, IDH_10200_1013, // Advanced: "No&tify when remote jobs are printed" (Button)
4605, IDH_10000_4605, // Forms: "" (Edit)
IDC_DEVQUERYPRINT, IDH_9802_3224, // Job Scheduling: "&Hold mismatched jobs." (Button)
IDC_START, IDH_9802_3201, // Job Scheduling: "&From" (Button)
IDC_DOC_JOB_AT, IDH_4200_4222, // General: "" (Static)
IDC_PORTS, IDH_9801_3100, // Untitled: "" (SysListView32)
4606, ((DWORD) -1), // Forms: "&Height:" (Static)
IDC_ADD_PORT_TEXT, ((DWORD) -1), // Printer Ports: "&Available Printer Ports:" (Static)
IDC_PRINT_SPOOLED_FIRST, IDH_9802_3225, // Job Scheduling: "P&rint spooled jobs first." (Button)
IDC_START_FRAME, IDH_9802_3202, // Job Scheduling: "" (Edit)
IDC_DOC_JOB_PROCCESSOR, IDH_4200_4223, // General: "" (Static)
IDC_PORT_CREATE, IDH_9801_3101, // Untitled: "Add Por&t..." (Button)
IDC_SERVER_EVENT_LOGGING_ERROR, IDH_10200_1015, // Advanced: "&Enable spooler event logging" (Button)
IDC_SEPARATOR_PAGE_BROWSE, IDH_9805_4400, // Separator Page: "&Browse..." (Button)
4607, IDH_10000_4607, // Forms: "" (Edit)
IDC_KEEP_PRINTED_JOBS, IDH_9802_3226, // Job Scheduling: "&Keep jobs after they have printed." (Button)
IDC_DOC_JOB_DATATYPE, IDH_4200_4224, // General: "" (Static)
IDC_DOC_JOB_START, IDH_4200_4201, // General: "Only &From" (Button)
IDC_PORT_DELETE, IDH_9801_3102, // Untitled: "&Delete Port" (Button)
IDC_SEPARATOR_PAGE_EDIT, IDH_9805_4401, // Separator Page: "" (Edit)
4608, ((DWORD) -1), // Forms: "&Left:" (Static)
IDC_DOC_JOB_PAGES, IDH_4200_4225, // General: "" (Static)
IDC_DOC_JOB_START_FRAME, IDH_4200_4202, // General: "" (Edit)
IDC_PROPERTIES, IDH_9801_3103, // Untitled: "&Configure Port..." (Button)
4609, IDH_10000_4609, // Forms: "" (Edit)
IDC_DOC_JOB_OWNER, IDH_4200_4226, // General: "" (Static)
IDC_SERVER_PRIORITY_LOW, IDH_10200_1041, // Advanced: "&Below Normal" (Button)
IDC_SEPARATOR_PAGE_TEXT, ((DWORD) -1), // Separator Page: "Separator Page:" (Static)
4610, ((DWORD) -1), // Forms: "&Right:" (Static)
IDC_ENABLE_BIDI, IDH_9801_3105, // Untitled: "&Enable bidirectional support." (Button)
IDC_SERVER_PRIORITY_HIGH, IDH_10200_1042, // Advanced: "&Above Normal" (Button)
IDC_SEPARATOR_PAGE_DESC, ((DWORD) -1), // Separator Page: "Separator pages are used at the beginning of each document to make it easy to find a document among others at the printer." (Static)
4611, IDH_10000_4611, // Forms: "" (Edit)
IDC_PRINTER_ICON, ((DWORD) -1), // Sharing: "" (Static)
IDC_PRINTER_ICON, ((DWORD) -1), // General: "" (Static)
IDC_PRINTER_ICON, ((DWORD) -1), // General: "" (Static)
IDC_SERVER_PRIORITY_NORMAL, IDH_10200_1043, // Advanced: "&Normal" (Button)
4612, ((DWORD) -1), // Forms: "&Top:" (Static)
IDC_SHARED_OFF, IDH_9803_3300, // Sharing: "N&ot Shared" (Button)
IDC_NAME, IDH_9801_3001, // Sharing: "Printer name" (Static)
IDC_NAME, IDH_9801_3001, // Ports: "Printer name" (Static)
IDC_NAME, IDH_9800_3001, // General: "Printer name" (Static)
1044, ((DWORD) -1), // Forms: "Forms on:" (Static)
IDC_NAME, IDH_9801_3001, // General: "Printer name" (Static)
IDC_NAME, IDH_10200_3001, // Ports: "Server name" (Static)
IDC_NAME, IDH_10200_3001, // Advanced: "Server name" (Static)
4613, IDH_10000_4613, // Forms: "" (Edit)
IDC_SHARED, IDH_9803_3301, // Sharing: "&Shared" (Button)
IDC_DOC_JOB_NOTIFY, IDH_4200_4230, // General: "" (Edit)
IDC_DRIVER_NAME, IDH_9800_1045, // General: "" (ComboBox)
IDC_DRIVER, IDH_9803_3002, // Sharing: "" (ListBox)
IDC_SERVER_EVENT_LOGGING_INFO, 69297, // Advanced: "&Enable spooler event logging" (Button)
IDC_SERVER_EVENT_LOGGING_WARN, 69296, // Advanced: "&Enable spooler event logging" (Button)
IDC_POOLED_PRINTING, IDH_ENABLE_POOLING, // Ports: Enable printer pooling
0, 0