/*** *strdec.c - Move string pointer back one char (SBCS mapping of MBCS function). * * Copyright (c) 1991-1993, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * Move string pointer backward one character (SBCS mapping for MBCS lib). * *Revision History: * 11-19-92 KRS Ported from 16-bit sources. * 06-03-93 KRS Remove pointer checks. * 08-03-93 KRS Fix prototype. * *******************************************************************************/ #ifdef _MBCS #include #include #include #include #include /*** *_strdec - Move SBCS string pointer backward one charcter (MBCS mapping). * *Purpose: * Move the supplied string pointer backwards by one character. * *Entry: * const unsigned char *string = pointer to beginning of string * const unsigned char *current = current char pointer * *Exit: * Returns pointer after moving it. * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ unsigned char * _CRTAPI1 _strdec(string, current) const unsigned char *string; const unsigned char *current; { return (unsigned char *)(--current); } #endif /* _MBCS */