/*** *tojisjms.c: Converts JIS to JMS code, and JMS to JIS code. * * Copyright (c) 1988-1993, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * Convert JIS code into Microsoft Kanji code, and vice versa. * *Revision History: * 11-19-92 KRS Ported from 16-bit sources. * 05-28-93 KRS Ikura #27: Validate output is legal JIS. * 08-20-93 CFW Change short params to int for 32-bit tree. * *******************************************************************************/ #ifdef _MBCS #ifdef _KANJI #include #include #include #include /*** *unsigned int _mbcjistojms(c) - Converts JIS code to Microsoft Kanji Code. * *Purpose: * Convert JIS code to Microsoft Kanji code. * *Entry: * unsigned int c - JIS code to be converted. First byte is the upper * 8 bits, and second is the lower 8 bits. * *Exit: * Returns related Microsoft Kanji Code. First byte is the upper 8 bits * and second byte is the lower 8 bits. * *Exceptions: * If c is out of range, _mbcjistojms returns zero. * *******************************************************************************/ unsigned int _CRTAPI1 _mbcjistojms( unsigned int c ) { unsigned int h, l; h = (c >> 8) & 0xff; l = c & 0xff; if (h < 0x21 || h > 0x7e || l < 0x21 || l > 0x7e) return 0; if (h & 0x01) { /* first byte is odd */ if (l <= 0x5f) l += 0x1f; else l += 0x20; } else l += 0x7e; h = ((h - 0x21) >> 1) + 0x81; if (h > 0x9f) h += 0x40; return (h << 8) | l; } /*** *unsigned int _mbcjmstojis(c) - Converts Microsoft Kanji code into JIS code. * *Purpose: * To convert Microsoft Kanji code into JIS code. * *Entry: * unsigned int c - Microsoft Kanji code to be converted. First byte is * the upper 8 bits, and the second is the lower 8 bits. * *Exit: * Returns related JIS Code. First byte is the upper 8 bits and the second * byte is the lower 8 bits. If c is out of range, return zero. * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ unsigned int _CRTAPI1 _mbcjmstojis(c) unsigned int c; { unsigned int h, l; h = (c >> 8) & 0xff; l = c & 0xff; /* make sure input is valid shift-JIS */ if ((!(_ISLEADBYTE(h))) || (!(_ISTRAILBYTE(l)))) return 0; h -= (h >= 0xa0) ? 0xc1 : 0x81; if(l >= 0x9f) { c = (h << 9) + 0x2200; c |= l - 0x7e; } else { c = (h << 9) + 0x2100; c |= l - ((l <= 0x7e) ? 0x1f : 0x20); } /* not all shift-JIS maps to JIS, so make sure output is valid */ if ( (c>0x7E7E) || (c<0x2121) || ((c&0xFF)>0x7E) || ((c&0xFF)<0x21) ) return 0; return c; } #endif /* _KANJI */ #endif /* _MBCS */